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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 86 Ambition

After Harry left with joy, Sean leaned on the chair and looked up at the empty space. He remembered a theory he had heard in his previous life. After most people reached a certain level, there would be no room for upward promotion. Getting smaller and smaller, unable to break the ceiling above our heads, we can only stagnate.

In such a dangerous and wonderful world, personal power is of course crucial. It can protect you from being hurt and bullied, and maintain your dignity and bottom line. But power alone is not enough – Sean has been trying After sketching out the general outline of the world and gaining power, he once tried to do whatever he wanted, treating it all as a game and enjoying the fun as much as he wanted.

But he soon gave up on this idea. Even with the undeveloped power of the Sentinel in his body and the system that had no sense of existence, he seemed unable to do whatever he wanted – who knew except for those movie characters? , will an unreasonable comic character, the God Group, suddenly pop up? Life court? Or even some unimaginable higher being who is omniscient and omnipotent?

Rather than showing off casually and then slamming into the ceiling, it is better to slowly accumulate strength until you break through the invisible barriers that limit yourself. Sean smiled softly. He remembered that in a certain tactical competitive game in his previous life, those who survived to the end were the insidious guys who managed not to take the lead.

“Does the public opinion offensive on the Internet need to continue to expand?” An indifferent voice sounded in the office. Sean was not surprised. Skynet’s trumpet Red Queen kept monitoring Umbrella at all times, while it itself was overlooking this planet.

“Stop it for the time being. After all, if you go too far by inviting navy troops, it will be easily seen by others.” He shook his head.

Watsonton’s scandal would spread so quickly, of course, thanks to the power of Skynet, which almost destroyed all mankind in another world. This artificial intelligence is like an omnipotent god on the Internet, with countless incarnations. Vest, it’s not easy to be a righteous keyboard warrior who criticizes unscrupulous companies.

“A blow of this level can only cause a little trouble for Watsonton. Even if the judicial department intervenes in the investigation, the final outcome will only be to introduce a few scapegoats, and then nothing will happen.”

Sean closed his eyes slightly, and his mental power was like an invisible thread, slowly extending towards the void. After the unlocking level reached 25%, in addition to physical transformation, he seemed to have developed psychic abilities.

If things continue to develop, maybe it won’t be long before Sean can face the most powerful mind controller in the world calmly.

So far, the only dangerous people who can make him feel threatened are Dr. Bruce Banner, who will be exposed to gamma ray radiation and transform into the Hulk in the future, and Professor X, who is always swimming in the ocean of the soul and can enter the human mind at any time.

The former has almost unlimited terrifying power, while the latter can easily control anyone’s mind. Unless, like Magneto, he always wears a special helmet that can block mental influences, anyone who confronts him head-on has no chance of winning.

Of course, the mutant executioner William Stryker once used conspiracy and tricks to make the world’s most powerful mind controller almost kill all his compatriots.

But it is not easy to avoid the prying eyes of a mind controller. Sean sighed softly. It seemed that he could only use the verbal attack tactic, which is a must-have secret skill for the protagonist.

“There will be bread, there will be milk, there will be everything.” He murmured softly.


Seafront villa, Stark mansion.

“I’ve been calling you, didn’t you hear the intercom?” The tall female secretary carried coffee to the underground laboratory, where Tony, who had returned from the front line in Afghanistan, had been staying.

To be honest, this huge change almost made Pepper doubt whether it was his boss who came back. Although Tony would have days where he could stay in the laboratory and invent and create with peace of mind, but those days usually didn’t last too long. , and during this period, he actually didn’t bring those messy women back to spend the night.

This kind of contrasting behavior is really not in line with Tony Stark’s usual personal style. Cold machines and gentle and charming women will always be this mustached man’s favorite.

“Um…what’s the matter?” Tony asked casually. He was busy adjusting the machine on his arm, which looked like an energy cannon.

“Obaday is waiting for you upstairs, I think you should go see him.” Pepper put down the coffee in his hand and suggested softly.

You must know that the situation of Stark Industries is not optimistic. Tony’s remarks about closing the weapons manufacturing factory directly caused the stock price to plummet like an avalanche. If possible, the people on the board of directors should really want to kill this willful flower. Young Master.

“Didn’t you say you won’t make weapons anymore?” Pepper watched as his boss raised his arm, the energy cannon in his palm flashing white light.

“It’s just a flight stabilizer, it won’t cause much harm.” Tony curled his lips and tapped the button to start the energy. With a “bang”, the huge recoil directly threw Stark against the wall.

Looking at the secretary who seemed to be frightened, Tony smiled reluctantly and said, “It was an accident.”

After directing his smart butler Jarvis to tidy up the messy underground laboratory, Tony walked upstairs with a relaxed pace. He had never been so comfortable as he was now. He closed the Stark Industries weapons manufacturing factory and no longer continued along the same path. Continue to follow the path of his father.

He has always been himself, the unique Stark!

Tony saw Obaday with pleasure. The top executive was sitting in front of a Steinway piano, his fingers gently playing soothing melodies.

Compared to Tony Stark, who likes to pick up girls and make inventions, Obaday is more like the helmsman of a giant company. He has amiable social skills, loves classical music and fine cigars, and has extremely strict behavioral standards. In line with the image of the rich in upper class society.

“How is the company?” Tony asked aloud. “Well, I can tell by the look on your face that this is a bad situation.”

“The board of directors feels that your post-traumatic stress disorder is very serious and is going to issue an injunction. In other words, they are going to kick you out.” After Obadie played a short piece of “Piano Concerto in C Major”, he sat down to Tony around.

“Just because the stock plummeted 40 points? Didn’t we expect it a long time ago?” Tony slammed the sofa and said loudly.

“It dropped 56.5 points.” Pepper reminded at the side. “Someone is secretly shorting Stark Industries stock.”

“That’s not important, the controlling rights are in our hands!” Tony asked emotionally.

He took over Stark Industries from his father who died accidentally. This is the only thing left to him by his family. Tony will never allow anyone to take it away!

“Tony, the board of directors also has rights. They are looking for excuses to get you out, saying that you and your latest research direction are not in line with the best interests of the company.”

Obaday looked helpless, as if he was also having a headache over this. In fact, the reason why the board of directors made this decision was all secretly instigated by the bald CEO.

Tony, who forced himself to defend himself, suddenly felt upset and angry. He did not close the weapons manufacturing factory without reason. New energy is the future direction of Stark Industries, and the market is broader than the arms business.

“I’m trying to think of ways to help you save the situation, but you have to give me a suitable reason to find a few engineers to analyze this thing…” Obaday stared at the luminous body on Tony’s chest, greed flashing in his eyes.

“Don’t even think about it!” As if being touched, Tony stood up and left angrily.

The Ark Reactor gave him a new fire of life. No one could touch it, even if he was as close as Obadiah. If he made this request rashly, Tony would mercilessly reject it.

Looking at Tony who was quickly leaving, the bald CEO’s face stiffened for a moment, and then his smile returned to his face, as if nothing happened.

ps: I can’t stand it anymore, I feel like my body has been hollowed out ̄へ ̄


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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