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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 88 Prelude

Baxter Building, rooftop.

Under the white parasol, three figures were sitting talking freely, taking a sip of ice-cold drinks. Sean smiled brightly and said, “I read many of your papers in college. At that time, you were already a genius at Columbia University. , has received multiple doctorates, and everyone is saying that Reed Richards is a well-deserved absolute genius!”

The young man sitting opposite him was quite shy, and there was a sense of restraint in his actions. Only his bright eyes shone with the light of wisdom. In Mindi’s words, he was a textbook elegant scholar. image.

“Thank you for the compliment, Sean.” The young man known as Reed smiled and said softly: “I am far from as good as you said. Science is a towering mountain that can never be climbed to the top, Ge Bai. Ni said that man’s bounden duty is to have the courage to explore the truth. I like to delve into and decipher those unknown things, unravel their mysterious veils, and find answers from them…”

“Ahem… Sean, to be honest, I really didn’t know we lived in the same building.” The burly Ben interrupted his friend’s tirade.

At the same time, he winked at Reid. This was not an academic debate. Who would like to listen to boring and profound theories? !

The future Mr. Fantastic stopped the topic awkwardly, but found that Sean did not show boredom on his face. Instead, he spoke the philosophical words of another great scientist: “In the ocean of truth, let all things that have not been discovered lie in my Before your eyes, let me explore.”

“The path of scientific exploration is boring for those who stand outside the door, but full of interest and joy for those who walk inside.”

Sean waved his hands, showing a gentle attitude that made people feel like spring breeze, “I am not the kind of financier or speculator that Dr. Richards thinks. I only have interests in my eyes. Only research projects that can create profits are valuable. The development of science should It is to promote progress and change in human society.”

Reed was stunned for a moment, and then felt a little excited. He had recently approached many group companies for funding for his research projects, but almost all of them received a cold reception. Those capitalists who expected to see profit prospects thought he was fanciful. They all ridiculed it and claimed that it was definitely a failed investment.

Compared with the attitudes of those people, Sean, who represented Osborne Industries and Umbrella, undoubtedly showed a very good attitude. The respect that was revealed inadvertently made Reed, who had hit the wall many times, feel very comfortable.

“The agent told me before that Dr. Richards also lives here. I was thinking about visiting him in person sometime, but I didn’t expect you guys to come to my door.”

Sean said lightly that Umbrella had previously sent an invitation to this intelligent and talented scientist, but at the time Reed seemed to be addicted to a failed relationship and had no intention of continuing his research, so he declined politely.

In the original timeline, after hitting a wall many times, Reed had no choice but to find his former classmate and rival, Victor Doom, with a frustrated mood. With the other’s funding, he rented a space agency ship. spaceship, but due to an error in calculating the speed of the cosmic storm, Reed and his team were instantly engulfed by violent cosmic rays. The strong radiation changed their body structure and genetic chain, causing them to undergo strange changes.

This is the origin of the famous superhero group, the Fantastic Four.

“Sorry, although I received an invitation from Umbrella before, I can’t give up the project I have been researching for many years. You have outstanding achievements in the field of biology, but my research directions are engineering, mathematics and physics, so after thinking about it again, I still declined Dr. Connors’s kind invitation.”

In fact, seeing Sean’s good attitude, the future Mr. Fantastic regretted it very much. After rejecting Umbrella’s invitation, he was almost on the verge of bankruptcy. The Aerospace Administration did not trust this genius’s experimental project and was unwilling to do anything for it. He provided funds, and Reed, who had no choice but to accept Victor’s harsh conditions, was forced to accept Victor’s harsh conditions.

For this reason, Reed has to pay 75% of the profits of this project, including applications and patent rights, while Victor invests one billion in capital and leases a spacecraft.

“So this time, why did you and Ben find me?” Sean got to the point. He didn’t believe that these two people would find him for no reason. “As far as I know, the Doom Group has announced its cooperation with you. In six weeks, you will conduct the first test in outer space to collect data on cosmic rays.”

Reed coughed a few times and seemed a little embarrassed. As a genius who had already surpassed the academic master and was promoted to the level of academic god, he was actually relatively weak in social aspects.

“…There were five people involved in this trial, Ben and I, Susan Storm, who directed the genetic research, and her brother Johnny, and Victor Doom – our investment people.”

Reed paused for a moment, observing Sean’s expression. After seeing that the other party showed no impatience, he continued: “But during the experiment of collecting data, we also need a biologist who is good enough to map genes for us. Map…”

Sean was quite surprised, maybe because he had never played the role of a scientist before, so Sean was really surprised that Reed invited him to participate in this trip to outer space.

“Don’t worry, this experiment is very safe and there will definitely not be any danger!” Seeing Sean didn’t answer, Reed thought the other person was worried about safety issues and immediately assured him.

Looking at Reed who set the flag, Sean was speechless. As a time traveler who is familiar with the plot, he certainly knew that this trip to outer space was destined to be a failed experiment, and it also created the Fantastic Four and Destruction. PhD.

“Sean, as you said before, the development of science is to promote human progress and change the existing world! Before the starting point of the birth of time, a huge explosion occurred in a dense and hot singularity. After continuous expansion, The universe was formed. According to my research, the early evolution of life on earth was most likely due to the high-energy cosmic rays generated by the solar wind! Within six weeks, another cloud with the same elements will pass through the orbit of the earth… …The secrets of the evolution of life and the process of genetic evolution are all buried in it!”

“By observing cosmic storms, we can obtain unprecedented data, and then decipher the mysteries of human genetic genes… If we succeed, we will change the world!”

Reed’s mood gradually became aroused, and Ben beside him couldn’t help rolling his eyes. Once academic research or scientific problems were involved, this friend would burst out with far more enthusiasm than usual.

If it weren’t for this character who was obsessed with research and could not extricate herself, how could Susan leave with a disappointed mood and turn to Victor’s arms.

“I’m honored to be able to witness such a miracle.” Sean stretched out his hand. He looked at the dazzling sun in the sky and seemed to have another plan in mind.

“Thank you, Sean.” Reid was stunned for a moment, and then he reacted and couldn’t help showing a surprised expression.

He didn’t expect that the other party would agree so easily. Going to outer space is not a relaxing and beautiful trip. It is very dangerous. Reed has long been mentally prepared to be rejected.

“I told you a long time ago that Sean will agree to help.” Ben laughed, opened a bottle of beer and took a swig.

The young man who quickly won the favor of the two people smiled faintly and looked towards the island in Manhattan. There was a burst of thick smoke rising into the sky conspicuously.

ps: Oops, the author fell down and needs a lot of collections and recommendation votes to get up ̄▽ ̄


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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