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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 89 Invasion

The afterglow of the setting sun shines on midtown Manhattan. The traffic winds like a long queue on the streets extending in all directions, and the crowded crowds are as small as ant colonies. If you are lucky enough to stop on the east-west streets, you can enjoy the famous “hanging sun” – —The rare beauty of the sun hanging over the tall buildings on both sides at sunset.

Marcus stood in front of the transparent floor-to-ceiling windows. Watson Tower was like a steel giant standing between heaven and earth, and he was the helmsman at the top, overlooking all living things in the world.

Recently, the owner of the group who controls huge wealth and hidden power has been having a lot of headaches. As a monopoly giant in the medical industry, Watsonton Company is also in a bad situation. An opponent hidden in the dark has given this monopoly giant a fatal blow. Those laboratories are scattered on the Internet and spread at a rapid speed. The information has become conclusive evidence that Watsonton secretly conducted illegal human experiments.

Due to the continuous fermentation of social public opinion and the fueling of human rights organizations, Watsonton Company was suddenly pushed to the forefront and faced the embarrassing situation of riding a tiger. It cannot be directly denied. After all, various graphic materials have been circulated, and there is no way to Block the news, but if you admit it, you will immediately accept legal sanctions and everyone’s verbal criticism.

After the formal intervention of the judicial department, Marcus had no choice but to abandon his car and save Shuai. He handed over the scientific research director and other insignificant people in the laboratory, claiming that Watson had nothing to do with these human experiments and illegal detention. As far as we know, everything was done privately by scientific research directors who were hostile to mutants – whether the citizens believed this reason or not, at least the judicial officers who conducted the investigation believed it.

In this way, a huge crisis that was enough to defeat Watsonton was resolved and eliminated under Marcus’s operation. Although he paid a lot of money, contacted various forces, and made promises of huge benefits, no matter what, the ship Watson still survived in the rough waves.

“Who is behind this?” Marcus’ eyes were sinister, like an enraged hungry wolf, with a heart-stopping ferocious light.

He mobilized his strength to investigate, but the opponent’s hands and feet were clean and left no traces that could be traced. Even if the hacker team traced the anonymous information on the network, they found nothing, just like a non-existent ghost above Watson’s head. Wander.

This allowed Marcus to dispel his doubts about Osborne Industries and Umbrella. Those two immature little guys were far from achieving this level.

Looking at the crowd holding various signs and protesting loudly downstairs, Marcus couldn’t help but smile contemptuously. A person as small as an ant still wants to make his own voice. Who cares about the accusations and criticisms of humble people?

When the limelight passes, everyone will naturally forget about Watsonton’s scandal. At that time, they will launch several free donation activities to public hospitals, or donate funds and equipment to nursing homes or disease control centers for free. At that time, Everyone praises Watson for his good deeds.

As for the bloody crimes he had committed, they were just stupid actions by a scientific research director who was driven by profit and blinded by hatred, and had nothing to do with Watson Company.

The only pity is that we can only postpone the plan to suppress Osborne Industries and Umbrella, and sit back and watch them slowly occupy the market and start to grow and develop.

Marcus couldn’t help but shook his head and sighed. He had originally prepared a series of thunderous methods, but unfortunately, Senator Kelly turned out to be a mutant for some unknown reason, and the information and data within the laboratory were also stolen at the same time. On the Internet, it caused a frenzy of public opinion. The two events happened so coincidentally that it almost felt like a script that had been planned long ago.

“As long as the giant Watsonon does not fall, no matter how hard Osborne and Umbrella struggle, they will not be able to escape being cannibalized by the predators at the top of the industry!”

Through the glass window, he vaguely saw the huge billboard, which was broadcasting industry news about Osborne Industries and Umbrella. The shy black-haired young man appeared in it, with a gentle and friendly smile on Marcus’ face. It seems to be both hypocritical and disgusting, even more disgusting than Tony Stark’s arrogant face.

“I don’t believe you can always be so complacent. This time it’s just good luck. Someone is targeting Watson. Soon I will mobilize resources and crush you and your shabby laboratory completely!”

Marcus said angrily that ever since he set his sights on this emerging scientific research institution, he seemed to have had bad luck. He originally teamed up with Senator Kelly to take down Osborne Industries in one fell swoop, but at this time, the other party was exposed. The identity and status of mutants have plummeted, and various conspiracy theories are rampant. As for Stryker, he finally obtained the genetic data of the mutants, but as a result, the experimental data was stolen, and Watson almost fell into despair.

It was as if there was some divine will in the dark, which made Marcus wonder if that young boy was the mistress of Lady Luck. Otherwise, why would he encounter a heavy blow every time he wanted to take action.

“Chairman, Colonel William Stryker’s phone number…” The secretary stood outside and knocked on the door.

Thinking of the complaints and questions that were about to come, Marcus felt a little headache. In order to divert attention, he pushed the scientific research director out to be a scapegoat. At the same time, several mutants obtained from Stryker were also confiscated and taken away by the judicial department. Human living bodies, as well as some data from anatomical studies. Obviously, the colonel called at this time with the purpose of raising an army to investigate.

After hesitating for a moment, the old man in charge of Watsonton answered the call. It was not the right time to break up with Stryker. If he wanted to continue the research on mutant inhibitory drugs, he still needed the cooperation and help of the other party.

“Hello, Mr. Colonel… Please believe in Watsonton’s guarantee that all this will never be involved in your head. I handled the matter very cleanly… Of course, partners should trust each other. Regarding Kelly’s participation, I am deeply sorry for the unfortunate experience of the Congressman… Don’t worry, Colonel Stryker, you will receive Watsonton’s sincerity soon…”

Marcus held back his impatience and spoke to Stryker on the phone with a smile. This cold and solemn colonel only wanted to benefit from Watson, but he was stingy about his own efforts.

If it hadn’t been for the development of mutant inhibitory drugs and the temporary need for Stryker’s help, Marcus would have turned against him and taken all the results of the other party by force. He was just an army colonel, not a big shot.

During the conversation, Marcus inadvertently looked out the window. The afterglow of the sunset had faded, the warm light sank into the horizon, and the gauze of night quietly draped over the city.

However, this ordinary scene is filled with a disharmonious figure——

An old man wearing a helmet and purple robe stood in the void, with his hands spread out, as if controlling the movement of the earth. As if everything had lost gravity, cars floated in the air, forming a spectacular long steel queue.

The old man, who was as proud as a king, walked towards Watson step by step on the steps made of steel and metal.

The phone in his hand suddenly dropped, Marcus opened his mouth wide, his eyes were full of horror, and a cold feeling swept through his body.


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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