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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 9 Strange Father and Daughter

A remote, deserted suburban factory.

Two figures, one large and one small, stood in an open field, some distance apart from each other. A middle-aged man wearing a brown jacket and glasses, holding a pistol in his hand, was talking to a blond boy not far away. What was Loli talking about——

“Dad, I’m a little scared.”

“Don’t be afraid, Mindy, baby, you have grown up, there is nothing to be afraid of.”

The breeze blew the middle-aged man’s thin hair. He held a pistol and comforted the little Lolita in a gentle tone, as if what happened next was trivial and not worth fearing at all.

“Will it hurt?” asked the cute loli named Mindy.

“Kid, it’s only a second. The speed of a pistol bullet exceeds 800 meters per second… So, of course you will be knocked down in such a short distance, but it will not be as painful as a punch to the chest! “

The middle-aged man said calmly, then loaded the magazine, raised his pistol, and pointed it at the little blond girl standing thirty meters away.

“I hate getting punched in the chest…” Mindy muttered, her little face scrunched up.

“You’re going to be okay, baby.”

As soon as he finished speaking, a gunshot rang out, and the faint smoke dissipated. The little Loli standing not far away fell down, and a ball of fine fluff burst out of her pink down jacket, which was blown away by the wind like snowflakes.


After about a few seconds, the little Loli recovered from the violent impact on her chest, opened her pink down jacket, and dug out a metal bullet from the body armor inside.

“How’s it going? Not bad, isn’t it fun? Now you know what it feels like. If a drug addict pulls a pistol at you, you won’t be scared anymore.”

The middle-aged man walked up to his daughter and warned the little girl like a teacher. He didn’t feel at all how dangerous and perverted his education method was.

This middle-aged man who looks like an ordinary person is called Damon McCready. He was once a rising star in the police department and had a bright future. Because he was eyeing the West Coast drug lord Frank D’Amico, he… Instead, he was falsely accused of being a gangster who colluded with drug dealers, and was sent to prison. But this was the beginning of the tragedy. This wronged policeman and his pregnant wife were unable to face life while in prison. Due to the pressure, he took medicine and committed suicide. Fortunately, the child in his belly was successfully born.

This is the tragic story that happened to a middle-aged man. He changed from a respected policeman to a tainted prisoner. So after five years, he was released from prison and was determined to avenge his enemies. He used almost crazy methods to get revenge on his enemies. To train his daughter, he turned an originally cute and innocent little blond lolita into a murderous weapon that is agile and proficient in firearms. The ultimate goal is to overturn Frank D’Amico’s drug den and avenge his dead wife. !

“Those junkies don’t scare me,” Mindy said dissatisfied.

“This is my good daughter, stand up, do it twice more, and then go home.” The middle-aged man pulled up the little Loli who fell on the ground.

“Are you coming?” Mindy’s eyes widened, and then she asked: “Okay, I’m going to go to the bowling alley on the way back, and I’ll also have a chocolate sundae!”

The middle-aged man smiled and agreed to all his daughter’s requests. Recently, a guy seemed to be targeting Frank D’Amico, and he always acted before him, so the former policeman decided to speed up the action and kill the victim as soon as possible. The West Coast drug lord who ruined his family is sent to hell!


Bowling alley.

“Harry, why do you want to travel to the West Coast?”

Peter, who was carrying a bowling ball, looked puzzled. He didn’t know why his friend had the sudden idea to take a self-driving trip from New York on the east coast. He also took Mary Jane and Sean with him to form a small tour group. group.

“I just have the idea of ​​​​traveling, Peter. We have finally graduated from high school and are about to enter college life. This needs to be celebrated… As for why it is the West Coast, this is Sean’s suggestion.”

Harry enthusiastically threw a bowling ball and knocked down a bunch of white pins. Sean who was sitting in his seat smiled and said nothing. Of course he knew that Young Master Osborne was not interested in drinking. He obviously wanted to take it with him. His new girlfriend Mary Jane is on a happy trip, and he and Peter are just taking her along.

As for coming to the west coast, this is indeed his suggestion. The cake must be eaten one bite at a time, and the enemies must be dealt with one by one. Since he said he would personally visit Mr. Frank D’Amico, he will naturally not break his promise.

Thinking that his high school career was over and he would enter a new college life, Sean felt a little excited. This meant that he would be more free in the future, and he would have more suitable excuses and cover for his subsequent achievements. After all, There is no shortage of so-called geniuses in this country. For example, Tony Stark, the playboy and billionaire reported in the media all the time, is said to be a talented scientist who has emerged in college.

“Sean, why don’t you come and play two games?”

Harry greeted his friend who was sitting on the chair. He originally thought that Sean was a lonely weirdo. Unexpectedly, after getting to know him, he found that he was very interesting. Compared with Peter who only immersed himself in reading and was silent, Sean was more humorous. He was funny and seemed to know what he was thinking, and he could always hit the mark with his words. This made Harry, who had not had many friends since childhood, feel very comfortable.

“You play.”

Sean waved his hand and refused. His attention was attracted by a father and daughter next door. A little lolita eating a chocolate sundae, and a middle-aged man eating French fries and a burger. They looked very ordinary, but they The conversation between them made Sean who overheard it very interested.

“Have you ever thought about a birthday present?” the middle-aged man who looked like his father asked.

“Can I get a puppy? A cute fluffy puppy, and a Boraz doll that looks like a movie star.” The little loli stirred the sundae ice cream and smiled happily after seeing her father’s ugly expression: “I I’m kidding you, Dad, I actually want a handmade Model 42 butterfly knife.”

“Baby, you always like to play pranks… I will give you two Filipino butterfly knives as a birthday present.”

What a strange father and daughter. What father would give his daughter a dangerous item like a butterfly knife as a birthday gift? Moreover, the little blond loli who looked to be only seven or eight years old actually had an expression of liking on her face, which was incredible.

After walking out of the bowling alley, looking at Harry and Mary Jane walking in front, chatting and laughing, and Peter, who had no presence, Sean let out a long breath. It was going to be a busy night.


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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