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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 90 The Lord of Steel

Time goes back ten minutes.

At 6:30 in the afternoon, during the rush hour after get off work, the traffic in this international metropolis is constantly passing through. The streets are filled with the sound of sharp horns, and the cars are like water droplets flowing into the river, driving on the congested highway.

Peter was riding his newly purchased electric bike, holding a bouquet of delicate roses in his hand, and stopped at an intersection waiting for a red light. The young Spider-Man seemed to be in good times lately. Since the last time he took a photo of Senator Kelly, he He also obtained key evidence of Watsonton’s illegal human experiments from his old classmate Sean, which enabled the Daily Bugle to always publish eye-catching and explosive reports. Even the mean and stingy boss James rarely expressed praise.

He also said that if Peter could continue, he would soon become a regular employee of the Daily Bugle. It happened that this gossip tabloid still lacked a chief photographer.

Peter, who was in a difficult financial situation, felt like he had been given a shot in the arm when he heard this promise. He encouraged himself every day, hoping to get that formal position and no longer rely on a meager salary to pay rent and live.

Lowering his head and smelling the fragrant scent of the roses, Peter couldn’t help but smile with satisfaction. This was a surprise for Mary Jane. Today she would perform on stage for the first time in her life in a small theater.

Peter, who is not good at creating a romantic atmosphere, deliberately booked a Michelin three-star French restaurant in advance at Gwen’s reminder and prepared to have a wonderful candlelight dinner in order to win the joy and cheers of the goddess in his dreams.

Full of longing, Peter found his beloved little sheep suddenly shaking, as if being pulled by an invisible force, breaking away from his control, floating and flying out of thin air.

“What’s going on…wait! My new car!”

Before Peter could finish speaking, he heard shouts one after another, like the waves rolling. The brand new little sheep he just bought seemed to be controlled by an invisible big hand, automatically disintegrating in the air and turning into countless pieces of metal. Debris floated upward.

It was not just Peter who encountered this strange thing, but all the vehicles parked at the intersection were like this. The young Spider-Man watched with his own eyes a car next to him. In just a few seconds, the body of the car disintegrated into pieces. Wrapped in the floating chassis and engine, they flew into the sky together, leaving only the car owner holding the steering wheel and looking blankly at the car leaving the ground.

Peter had no time to take care of his beloved little sheep who had been brutally dismembered. He looked up at the metal wave in the sky, which was like a raging storm, flying in a certain direction. A looming figure stood in the air, and there were metal steps in front of him. The opponent’s feet were generated out of thin air, and the opponent appeared in such a sensational way!

“Mutants?” Peter thought to himself as he subconsciously raised the camera.

The streets were like boiling oil cauldrons. People abandoned their cars and fled, screaming incessantly. Panic spread like a wave. Peter glanced at the delicate rose in his hand and couldn’t help but sigh in frustration. It seemed that he was going to miss the date again this time. Thinking of Mary Jane questioning him angrily, he had a headache.

The metal tornado was whirling and whistling in the sky. Magneto was wearing a helmet and his purple robes were flying. His majestic face showed a chilling chill. He was walking on the metal stairs in the air, like an arrogant king. The mighty metal frenzy is like its own subjects, obeying the call.

Magneto opened his hands, as if waving an invisible baton, and the cars in the entire block flew into the sky like a long queue. Even the street lights and trash cans on the street were not spared. Almost all objects with metal properties were affected. The control and pull of this force disintegrated and scattered, and merged into the tornado storm that blocked the sky and the sun.

Looking down at the tiny figures running around in panic, Magneto couldn’t help but smile coldly in his heart. This world belongs to the pioneers who are at the forefront of evolution. Ordinary people with no power can only rely on the might of the strong. Shivering and pathetically asking for help.

Looking at the Watson Building standing in the center of the city, Magneto looked solemn. He originally planned to attack Liberty Island and transform the dignitaries from various countries who came to attend the high-end heads of state summit into mutants in one fell swoop, hoping to change the world structure and let his compatriots Have a new and free future.

But Watsonon’s secret use of mutants for human experiments completely angered the mutant leader. Those bloody and cruel photos made him recall the dark past buried deep in his heart, and he was locked up in a cold and damp concentration camp. , people continue to die every day, and painful memories that have faded into old photos suddenly emerge clearly.

Later, Mystique Raven also suggested that if you want to declare the power of mutants to the world, you might as well go to Watsonton and attack the political leaders of various countries on Liberty Island. This will only make the situation of your compatriots worse, and even provoke the human world. Once a full-scale war is launched, the situation will never be restored.

After careful consideration, Magneto finally accepted the proposal. Although the mutants had outstanding talents, they split into two camps, like a piece of loose sand, unable to directly confront the deeply rooted and powerful human government.

At this point, even as proud as Magneto, he has to admit that it is really difficult for mutants to overthrow the rule of mankind with their own strength, unless his old friend Charles is willing to stand on his side and no longer hold the Ridiculously stubborn idea of ​​peace.

While his thoughts were racing, the mutant leader raised his hand, and the floor-to-ceiling windows at the top of the Watsonton Building shattered. Glass fragments fell like raindrops. Magneto stepped on the metal stairs and walked straight into the building’s owner, Marcus. Watsonton’s office.

The usually dignified Captain Watson tried his best to maintain his demeanor, but the intense panic in his eyes betrayed his mood at this time.

“You were the one who used my compatriots to carry out those inhuman and bloody experiments?”

Magneto’s voice was high and his eyes were sharp. He looked at Marcus Watson who was full of fear. He couldn’t help but think of the Nazi officers in the concentration camp. The dark past and painful memories surged like a tide, breaking through the memories in his mind. gate.

“It is precisely because of people like you that I will lead the Brotherhood on a completely different path from Charles.”

Magneto moved his fingers slightly, and the floating metal turned into a strong noose, wrapping it around Marcus’ neck. Watsonton’s helmsman kept struggling and retreating, but to no avail.

“From today on, the world will no longer ignore the voices of mutants. Everyone will know that we are not weak and powerless lambs. If humans want war, mutants will definitely rise up to resist!”

Magneto shouted sternly. He strode out of Watsonton and stood in the void. The floating and surging metal frenzy was controlled by the invisible hand, as if candles melted by the high temperature, condensed into a huge steel The cross smashed deeply into the ground with a loud bang, causing fine cracks to appear on the concrete pavement.

Magneto, who had created a big scene, stood on the top of the cross, waving his arms. Marcus, who was tied up with a metal noose, shouted for help. Unfortunately, the police who arrived did not dare to act rashly, but pointed their guns at the majestic figure. silhouette.


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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