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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 91 Declaration

Magneto stood on a steel cross inserted into the earth. Marcus Watson was suspended in the air by a metal noose, his legs kicking constantly, trying to break free from the tight shackles.

Feeling the gazes of everyone below, Marcus, who was hanging in mid-air, felt particularly humiliated. He was born in a famous family since childhood and received an elite education from the upper class. At the age of thirty, he officially took charge of the family business and became a success at the top of the country’s pyramid. one of those.

Compared to other peers who were still struggling at the starting line, Marcus had already stood at the finish line earlier, looking down at them from a higher position. The people he interacted with and talked to were either promising political figures or chaebol groups. Being at the helm of the company and living in a high position for a long time has allowed this old man, who is nearly fifty years old, to develop a strong demeanor and a dignified manner.

But the calm demeanor of the person in power has now been destroyed by the damn mutant. Like a thief in the Middle Ages, he was hung on a heavy and huge steel cross, as if waiting for the judge to judge the crime at any time.

With his purple robe flying in the wind, Magneto looked down at the heavily surrounded police cars and the special forces who arrived after receiving the rescue signal. His eyes were not afraid at all, but full of contempt.

“Useless humans and weapons.” He snorted.

Raising his hand slightly, all the firearms in the policeman’s hand flew out, then turned around and pointed at the former holder. Looking at the black muzzle of the gun, everyone was frightened and did not dare to act rashly for fear of accidentally making a move. , the bullet will rush out of the gun chamber and take away his life.

“Did you see it? The reason why you reject us and hate us is just because mutants are better than humans – you are afraid of being taken away from the supreme power to dominate this planet! Look at these people, when they When they hold a gun, they think they have a sense of security, but when they find that the gun has lost its original function, they start to panic and be afraid.”

Through the micro-speaker on the collar, Magneto’s voice resounded throughout the world, like a loud and thick horn sound, shaking everyone’s will.

“The law of nature is natural selection and survival of the fittest! This world will always belong to those pioneers who are at the forefront of evolution. This planet was first occupied by primitive bacteria, then covered by lower plants, and later Relatively advanced coniferous plants, then seed plants, from marine life to land, then to the long-extinct dinosaurs, and finally to humans who evolved from ancient apes…”

Magneto changed his past proud and domineering image, and instead delivered an impassioned speech like a scholar – he had long been looking forward to a sensational official appearance, which would make mutants hiding in human society flock to the Brotherhood. In my arms, this manuscript written in advance is enough to win more support from my compatriots.

After years of struggle and confrontation with his friend Charles, he finally figured out that only by taking the lead in unifying the mutants who had split into different camps could it be possible to overthrow human rule and build a beautiful home of his own.

“The reason why humans are able to dominate this beautiful planet is precisely because they can always adapt to harsh environments and complete their own evolution through learning and change! As the times progress, nuclear dust spreads all over the planet, and a new race Born among humans, you call them ‘mutants’ – an excellent race that possesses innate abilities because of genetic mutations!”

Many news media rushed to faithfully record this scene and broadcast it to thousands of TV sets in the form of a live broadcast. Magneto was even more proud after seeing it. This was exactly his purpose. The mutants had already gone into hiding. Tibet has been suffering for too long. It is time for a strong leader to rise up and lead his compatriots towards a better future.

Charles only wants to be a bright beacon guiding mutants in the direction, but the suffering compatriots need a firm-willed and fearless iron-blooded leader to lead the mutants on the thorny road to freedom. He is not like someone who comes from a wealthy family. He is a good friend, and his heart always favors the side of humans. When dealing with humans who are hostile to mutants, Magneto will never be merciful!

“Compatriots, from today on, you no longer need to hide here and there and endure the strange eyes of others. Mutants are not freaks or deformities. We are better evolvers. Abandon your inner hesitation and hesitation and return to the world. Come join the ranks of your compatriots! There will be no oasis of freedom and justice in this world. Those humans will only send you to the operating table, dissect your body with a cold scalpel, or lock you in an iron cage and treat you as a spectator. and playthings for entertainment!”

“A better future will not come out of thin air. If we want to carve out the stone of hope from the mountain of despair, if we want the valley to rise, the mountain to fall, and the bumpy and tortuous road to become a smooth road… all of these need to be fought for by ourselves, and we must strive for it ourselves. The talents and abilities that come from here will be revealed, let humans understand how powerful mutants are, and let them know that every time they capture a mutant, they will pay a heavy price thousands of times!”

Magneto’s declaration spread throughout North America through invisible radio waves. Far away in Xavier Academy for Gifted Youth in Westchester, a bald old man sitting in a wheelchair stared at the high-spirited figure on the TV and couldn’t help but wonder. Somewhat regretfully, since the end of the Cuban Missile Crisis, he and Eric have gone to opposite camps.

Obviously both of them are fighting for the future of their compatriots, but because of their different ideas, they have become rivals. The brotherhood led by Magneto has attracted many radicals who have extreme ideas or have been persecuted, while the academy led by the professor wants to help fellow mutants who are suffering.

The two sides hold different positions, and conflicts and disputes often occur. As the leader of the moderate faction, the professor has been carefully maintaining the fragile peace between mutants and humans. Eric’s goal is to establish a mutant nation, and he It is a utopia in which two races coexist harmoniously.

“Professor…” A graceful red-haired girl came over. Her name was Qin Gray, and she was one of the students of the bald old man.

“Let’s go to Manhattan.”

The old man in the wheelchair sighed. He could not let Eric continue. The situation of mutants has always been difficult. If the human government reacts excessively at this time, it may lead to worse consequences.

Moreover, Eric’s inflammatory declaration will inevitably attract a group of mutants to join the Brotherhood. After growing in power, Magneto will probably intensify his efforts to develop the team. At that time, he will become the only obstacle to his friends’ unification of the mutants. .

Pushing the wheelchair forward, the fierce declaration on the TV screen continued——

“… There is no tolerance and no peace in this world, and it is the same everywhere! Those in power wantonly harm vulnerable ethnic groups, and mutants can no longer remain silent! Today, I will execute God’s righteous judgment!”

Magneto turned his head and looked at Mystique and his group coming out of the Watson Building. He waved his arms heavily, as if receiving some kind of induction. Inside the skyscraper standing in the center of Manhattan, there was a loud noise and a surge. Waves of air rushed out along with smoke and dust, and the glass windows of the entire building shattered.

Amidst the astonishing explosions, the solid building shook like a mountain toppling. Countless bricks and rubble fell like a torrential rain, and a plume of thick smoke rose into the sky.


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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