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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 92 Trial

Like a steel giant standing tall in the Watson Building in Manhattan, it seemed as if the mountain collapsed and collapsed. Large pieces of reinforced concrete fell with billowing smoke and dust, and hit the cars parked below heavily. The metal roof of the car was immediately crushed into waste. iron.

Intense flames erupted from the inside of the building, and people fled from the building one after another, like a panicked ant colony. The innocent people trapped in the floors by the spreading fire screamed for help desperately, trying to get help from others.

The combustible materials in the building were detonated, and there were several loud bangs in succession. Bricks, sand, gravel and glass fragments rained down from the sky like raindrops. People cried and screamed. It was like the end of the world was coming. The scene was extremely chaotic for a while.

When everyone was in despair, a flexible figure wearing a red tights quickly walked between more and more falling objects, spitting out tough spider silk, using his extraordinary ability to save those trapped. of innocent people.


Many people recognize this as a good neighbor in New York who often fights criminals in Queens. However, with the recent return of Tony Stark and the escalation of public opinion on the mutant incident, New Yorkers have almost forgotten it. This warm-hearted masked hero.

Spider-Man nimbly climbs and jumps between tall buildings, just like Tarzan, using his agile movements to save innocent people one after another.

“Help me!” a Watsonton employee shouted while standing on the edge of the collapsed building. Before he could escape, he was trapped in the floor that would collapse at any time.

Hearing the cry for help, Spider-Man naturally would not turn a blind eye. He sprayed out strong spider silk from his hand and swung it in the air. He stretched out his hand to grab the other person. Unexpectedly, the man suddenly felt weightless, and the floor beneath his feet cracked. Open it, and instantly the whole body falls down.

Spider-Man quickly shot out a thread of spider silk, which stuck to the opponent’s body. At the same time, he punched away several pieces of falling steel and concrete, and rescued the shocked Watsonton employees. The strong fire was still spreading wantonly, like a devil dancing arrogantly, taking away fresh lives. Seeing several figures swallowed by the flames, the helpless Peter felt a little guilty and sad.

He couldn’t save everyone, so he could only watch the other person lose his life. Spider-Man, who was hanging in the air, felt an irresistible feeling of powerlessness in his heart. He seemed to have returned to the night when Uncle Ben was shot. No matter how hard he ran, he couldn’t stop the bullet from being shot and taking away the few loved ones in this world.


Glancing at Spider-Man, who was acting as a superhero to save the masses, Magneto withdrew his gaze indifferently. He was not a mutant, and he had no interest in paying attention to people with superpowers other than his compatriots.

The members of the Brotherhood climbed up the metal stairs to the steel cross and stood behind Magneto. This was the first time since the Cuban Missile Crisis that mutants had made such a grand appearance in front of the world. There was a burst of shutter sound, and the flash kept switching. The news reporter excitedly took pictures of suitable materials for tomorrow’s headline page.

“This world is cruel. Only the strong are qualified to survive. Human beings are losers on the road of evolution. Mutants are the future!”

Along with Magneto’s declaration, Marcus Watson, who was suspended in the air, was fixed on a steel cross standing on the ground. The capitalist, who vaguely felt that his life was threatened, shouted for help to the police and special forces below, but unfortunately there was no rescue. People can provide him with some help, and the guns floating in the air are aimed at the heads of these people.

As long as the mutant standing above twitches his finger and gently fiddles with the magnetic thread, everyone present will have their heads exploded immediately. The scene of dozens of people having their heads exploded at the same time must be quite spectacular.

“No one will come to save you. They are afraid of me, just like they usually fear your money and power.” Magneto said calmly.

He moved his fingers slightly, and many sharp spikes suddenly sprouted from the steel cross. The cold metal tore through the skin and flesh. The severe pain made Marcus howl miserably. How could the pampered Watsonton helmsman have ever suffered anything like this? Inhuman torture!

“This is a righteous judgment. This is how you treat my compatriots. You tie them to the operating table, use a scalpel to dissect their bodies, or take blood and sections, make living specimens, and perform various Cruel experiment…Your behavior reminds me of bad memories from the past, and those *** officers also treated me this way…”

Hearing the cold words full of murderous intent, Marcus defended with a trembling voice: “No… you misunderstood, I just want to help you! Eliminate the stubborn curse in your body and let you return to a normal life… …”

“Ha!” Magneto sneered and said contemptuously: “Mutants don’t need anyone to cure them. We are a better evolved race, far better than the advanced existences of humans!”

He opened his hand, and the sharp spikes shining with cold light were like long nails piercing Marcus’s body. Blood flowed down along the steel cross, the scarlet color mixed with the coldness of the metal, adding to the The shape of the upper body is like the crucifixion of Jesus, revealing a kind of religious cruel beauty.

As Marcus screamed in agony and became weaker, Magneto completed this so-called just trial. The faces of the police who were supposed to protect the safety of citizens turned red, and the blood of anger rushed to their brains.

“Damn mutants! What kind of skill does it count to hurt an old man who has no ability to resist?”

The new commissioner of the New York Police Department, George Stacey, stood up first. He grabbed the gun floating in the air and pointed it at Magneto who stood on the steel cross.

The mutants’ arrogant and brutal methods stimulated the police and special forces who arrived. Previously, they were so frightened by the opponent’s powerful capabilities that they did not dare to act rashly for fear of being shot in the head.

But now that someone is taking the lead, they no longer hold the mentality of fear and fear. They look at the news media that are surrounding them. If they don’t do something, I am afraid that tomorrow all the newspapers will accuse the New York Police Department of being incompetent and cowardly.

“When you massacred my compatriots, why didn’t you think that they were also innocent victims?!”

Magneto smiled contemptuously, and suddenly relaxed his control over the firearms, allowing the police to take back their guns. The performance was coming to an end, and it was time for a successful curtain call.

The police who got the firearms seemed to feel a little more secure. They looked at the arrogant mutants standing on high places. Those damn guys were like looking down at tiny ants with a dismissive attitude, as if they were surrounded by countless people in this area. Ten police cars and special forces reinforcements are not worth mentioning at all.

A policeman, blinded by rage, pulled the trigger with trembling fingers. As the first gunshot erupted, other people who were frightened also opened fire, and metal bullets rained down on the steel cross. The mutants on top shot away.

Magneto smiled proudly, as if he had expected it. He stretched out his hand slightly and released an invisible force. Hundreds of bullets were frozen in the air, as if they were blocked by a transparent wall.

“Those who take the lead in using violence will be punished with violence!”

The mutant leader snorted, and the metal bullets that could easily take away people’s lives, like docile sheep, obeyed Magneto’s orders and turned around, aiming at the astonished policemen.

“Today will be the beginning of a new future for mutants!”

Magneto shouted slogans, waved his arms heavily, and the firearms once again broke away from the police’s hands, and then the bullets whizzed away towards their former owners like a rapid rain of bullets.


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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