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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 93 Two camps

The reporters holding cameras and the citizens sitting in front of the TV couldn’t bear to close their eyes, shouting loudly in their hearts: Who will stop this? !

Dozens of police officers, as well as special forces who came for reinforcements, were about to be slaughtered by mutants without any resistance. However, no one could stop it. As a superhero, Spider-Man was saving the people trapped in Watsonton. The innocent citizens in the building, and judging from the powerful abilities displayed by the other party, even if Spider-Man arrives, he may not be a match for this evil mutant called “Magneto”.

After a few seconds of silence, the expected bloody scene did not happen. The metal bullets that were fired were blocked, as if they were frozen in the air, unable to make any progress!

Magneto noticed an invisible resistance blocking the bullets. He instantly thought of an old friend he hadn’t seen for many years. As soon as a warning sign arose in his heart, a strong arm strangled his neck.

The saber-toothed tiger Victor, who was not very bright, grabbed the brotherhood leader’s neck. With just a little force, he could break the old man’s head. No matter how powerful Magneto is, in the final analysis, he is only a mortal body. He has lost his innate ability to manipulate magnetic fields and control metals. A bullet or even a dagger can take his life.

When Mystique saw this, she immediately reacted, but before she could take action, Toad Todd stared at her and said, “You’d better stay quiet, Raven.”

“Eric, you have done enough today, let them go.” Victor, the saber-toothed tiger, had empty eyes, as if his body had been taken over by another person.

The situation was immediately reversed. Magneto, whose life was threatened, stood on the steel cross, glanced around, and shouted: “Charles, I know you are here, why don’t you stand up and meet me?”

In a black car at the intersection of the street, the bald old man had complicated eyes. He and Eric used to be good partners who fought side by side and trusted each other. In an era shrouded in the shadow of the Cold War, they together led the mutants who were in a period of confusion. man, against an evil scientist intent on destroying the world.

It’s just that Eric couldn’t let go of the hatred in his heart. He killed Sebastian Shaw, but at the same time he inherited his radical ideas in disguise. He felt that human beings were not trustworthy enough, so he was determined to establish a free country for mutants.

“If you want to save them, you have to kill me first.” Magneto showed no fear in his eyes. He held his head high and said, “Charles, haven’t you given up on your innocent ideals yet? What’s the point of rescuing these humans? They will Pass the registration bill, put a mark on your forehead, and then monitor it as an alien or monster. As long as you dare to show your claws to them, hum – there will be an endless prison life waiting for you!”

Charles was silent as he sat in the car. His old friend Eric was brutally persecuted by a Japanese military officer in his childhood, and later became Sebastian Shaw’s experimental subject. His dark and painful experience made him He has always hated humans extremely.

“It won’t be like that. We can wait for peace to come.” The words of admonishment came from the mouth of the saber-toothed tiger Victor.

Magneto showed a sneer. He and Charles had been at odds with each other for decades in this endless debate. In the end, no one could convince the other and could only break up.

“Okay, let’s try it!”

The sound of bullets being loaded was heard one after another, and the firearms floating in the air seemed to be controlled by invisible hands. With a “bang”, the sound of gunshots echoed in the streets. A metal bullet stopped on the forehead of Police Chief George, just a little bit It can penetrate his head.

The bald old man frowned and asked Qin to use his abilities to stop the metal bullet that was supposed to penetrate his head. The two forces faced each other like an invisible wrestling match.

“How many people can you save? It’s impossible to block all the bullets!” Magneto’s face was stern. He was never willing to compromise with anyone. “Besides, they won’t thank you. Humans will only use you as a weapon against me, Charles. , why do you always do things that don’t get rewarded?!”

The huge force pushed the bullet, like a small sharp cone trying to drill into George’s forehead. The new police chief let out a cry of pain. Charles hesitated, and finally closed his eyes helplessly, his mind being manipulated. Victor, the saber-toothed tiger, and Todd, the toad, suddenly seemed to wake up from a dream, their eyes full of confusion, completely forgetting what had just happened.

“You are still too soft-hearted, this is your weakness!” Magneto smiled disdainfully, waving his arms, and the metal guns floating in the air disintegrated automatically in an instant, turning into a pile of parts and falling to the ground.

Magneto, who performed a perfect curtain call, controlled the magnetic field to drive the extremely heavy steel cross, and flew the Brotherhood and the others out of Manhattan. Marcus Watson, who had lost too much blood, was like a tattered bag. , fell to the hard ground with a plop, and the eyes that once had infinite ambition have long become dim.

A look of pain appeared on the professor’s face. If he could be ruthless and control the saber-toothed tiger Victor to break Eric’s neck, then all the disputes among the mutants would gradually be eliminated, just like if he was willing to stand by his old friend Over there, against human rule, mutants can easily gain a place in this world – but both sides will have to pay a heavy price.

Looking at the professor who was struggling in her heart, Qin slowly lowered her head, a frightening light flashed in her amber eyes. She started the car and left this chaotic and noisy neighborhood.


Sean, who had been secretly following the whole process through Skynet, closed his laptop and couldn’t help but sigh in his heart at the different styles of the two mutant leaders. Magneto was majestic and domineering, while Professor Charles was gentle, kind, and soft-hearted. The two sides have been fighting each other for decades, and they can be described as a model of loving and killing each other.

Fortunately, the two leaders have different positions, otherwise the human government may not be able to maintain the current stable situation. The most powerful mind controller in the world can easily control human beings’ mental thinking and turn them into puppets that obey orders.

Sean sighed softly. This was also the reason why he didn’t want to come into contact with mutants for the time being. The obscure and invisible power of the mind was really hard to guard against. He couldn’t pin his own safety on the moral standards of Professor Charles.

Borrowing the sharp knife of mutants, Watson was eliminated neatly. I wonder if Erica had successfully obtained it from Pelican Island. When Magneto raided Watson Building, he asked the new leader of the Hand to lead The elite troops attacked the Watson Laboratory in San Francisco. The mutant genes and data secretly hidden by Marcus were a rare and valuable asset.

What’s more, there is an excellent weapon against mutants, an antidote that can temporarily “cure” mutant genes, the little boy Jimmy.

Whether it’s Magneto or the Professor, anyone who blocks his path will become an opposing enemy. Before you want to hunt wild animals, you must first prepare bear traps and shotguns, then set traps and wait for the right time.

“Be prepared!” Sean stretched out. After dealing with Watson, he could enter a period of stable development.


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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