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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 94 Special Department

Coulson stepped into the branch established in New York. The huge eagle emblem reflected silver light. He looked at the lengthy name under the logo and wondered if he should suggest to the director to change it to a shorter and easier-to-remember title. , the name of the Homeland Strategic Defense Attack and Logistics Support Agency is really a bit convoluted.

“Hi, long time no see, John.” Colson greeted a middle-aged man with a smile.

“What a rare visitor, Phil. It seems that the mutant thing really caused a big fuss yesterday, otherwise Director Fury wouldn’t have sent you here.” Senior agent John Garrett said with a hearty smile.

This middle-aged man, who is strong and looks like a Western cowboy, is a top level eight agent. He joined the special agency established with the approval of the World Security Council at the same time as Coulson, and now serves as a manager of the New York branch.

“Yes, Magneto, who is on the most dangerous list, made his debut in a too grand way. Moreover, during the high-end heads of state summit, a big shot died. The White House was extremely angry…”

Colson smiled bitterly. The vacation he finally got was ruined. He originally planned to go to Provence for a vacation with his girlfriend, but now he can only postpone it for a while.

“We are already tracing the whereabouts of Eric Lancer. This leader of mutants has always been the target of our vigilance. However, they are too powerful and it is difficult for ordinary low-level agents to monitor them. As for Weiss, The Mutant Academy in Techester is even more difficult to control. All the agents conducting surveillance seem to have had their memories artificially deleted and cannot remember anything.”

Garrett shook his head helplessly. These extremely threatening mutant groups were not something ordinary people could contend with. They were born with powerful abilities, and unless they were specially trained senior agents, they would be difficult to deal with.

“Has the director’s plan been approved?” the middle-aged man, who looked like a rough man, asked casually.

As one of the senior personnel, Garrett knew that the black director had a highly dangerous plan that specifically targeted more and more superpowers, but it was difficult to get approval from the World Security Council, so it was shelved for a long time.

Coulson took a deep look at his old friend and said calmly: “This is not an issue that I should be concerned about. I hope that the group of mutants can calm down and at least allow me to have a peaceful holiday.”

He followed Garrett to the archives room where the information was stored. On the rows of shelves were intelligence information sent by various low-level agents. They were then classified according to different levels. Confidential information above level B would be sent to When you go to the headquarters, not even the backup will be left here.

Colson came to the New York branch this time just to retrieve some old files. These low-level documents were not recorded in the database, but were stored in paper form.

“This is all the files of Erela Lancel. This guy has repeatedly confronted the federal government, planned attacks, rescued imprisoned mutants, formed a brotherhood, and treated humans cruelly… Director Fury once specifically targeted He has formulated a capture plan, but the opponent’s ability is too strong, and even with the use of polymer weapons manufactured by Stark Industries, it will be difficult to capture him alive.”

Garrett pulled out a few documents and said, “And there are other mutants around Magneto. It is extremely difficult to carry out beheading operations or secret assassinations.”

Coulson nodded in agreement. Of course he understood how difficult these mutants were. Director Fury also had a headache about this. In the past, he used the moderate Professor Charles to contain Magneto’s Brotherhood, but with yesterday’s incident Vicious incidents have intensified the conflicts between the two parties. The White House has become wary of this special group hidden in society.

However, Colonel Stryker, who had always maintained a stance against mutants, was a blessing in disguise. He received the attention of the White House and the military, and the research on mutants that had been put on hold began to be restarted.

“The White House needs Director Fury to come up with a defense strategy for mutants. Not only Magneto and his brotherhood, but also Charles Xavier and his mutant academy, will all be listed as dangerous elements. William -Colonel Stryker, a mutant defense team has been established, and these materials will be compiled and will be handed over to him.”

“Haha, it seems Mr. Colonel got what he wanted.” Garrett smiled. He had also heard rumors that Stryker hated mutants.

Coulson was sorting through the dusty files. He was not supposed to do this kind of thing. He could just find a low-level agent or support staff. He was just passing by and looking for an opportunity to visit his friends.

“Mutants are in trouble.” The friendly senior agent shook his head.

After putting the information files into the paper box, Coulson seemed to remember something, turned around and asked: “Are there any people in New York worthy of attention recently? Mutants are enough to give us a headache, don’t mess with those street heroes. What’s going on?”

Garrett frowned, thought about it carefully, and then replied: “Those guys have been surprisingly quiet recently. They started to fight against a Yakuza organization in Hell’s Kitchen, and then disappeared. The Punisher and Daredevil There is no trace of such characters at all, and the New York Police Department will probably open champagne to celebrate. It is rare for the chaotic area where gangs are rampant to have a calm day.”

Coulson was quite surprised. He had previously served as a manager of the New York branch, so he naturally knew that there was a group of people with extraordinary abilities hidden in this city. Director Fury had listed them as surveillance targets a long time ago and conducted simple Keep daily records to ensure that the other party does not commit any terrorist incidents that endanger national security.

For powerful characters like the Punisher and Daredevil, generally speaking, those field agents will only roughly determine their whereabouts, and will not interfere in their lives rashly, or make contact easily, otherwise it will easily arouse the other party’s alert. and resistance.

In short, these dangerous elements who cannot be recruited are treated as objects of surveillance and vigilance.

“We all strictly follow Director Fury’s orders, classify special events, and list some suspects as surveillance targets.” Garrett smiled at Coulson. “But I think your classification is too detailed. We are a special agency that specializes in dealing with superpowers or irregular incidents. Why should we even deal with gang vendettas!”

The senior agent, who looked as rough as a cowboy, had some complaints. He still remembered that half a year ago, a high school student knocked down a few gangsters. At the same time, the gangs where those gangsters belonged suffered a serious blow, and then a low-level rookie doing field work actually killed a man under twenty. The student who was 6 years old was listed as a surveillance target, and the other person was not crossed off the list until the suspicion was completely eliminated.

If this kind of thing spreads, even the FBI will laugh at them. After all, cases such as gang vendettas are matters that the New York Police Department should be responsible for investigating.

“It’s not like that everywhere. This is New York. Of course we have to be cautious.” Colson comforted his friend.

This special department with considerable hidden power has a meticulous and detailed hierarchical system, with various authority levels set up to ensure confidentiality and security within the department. Even Coulson himself cannot interfere with many things.

Especially with the emergence of people with super powers, their lives are no longer as easy as before. What they are dealing with as agents is no longer international terrorist organizations or private armed forces. They are facing more troublesome opponents.

“No wonder the Director is so eager to pass that plan…” Coulson thought in his heart.

If you want to deal with a group of dangerous people, you have to recruit another group of more dangerous guys.


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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