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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 95 New Order

Hudson River, New York Harbor.

Harry got out of the car in a casual outfit, waved the driver back, and boarded the luxury yacht moored in the port. Master Osborne looked at the five-story-high sea castle with its huge The size and the imposing aura he exudes are enough to intimidate people.

Walking onto the third deck, Harry could not help but click his tongue. Looking down from a high place, this private yacht was like a luxurious and huge palace on the sea. Not only was it spacious, it also had its own basketball court, movie hall and wine tasting room. Hundreds of people are not a problem.

He lamented his friend’s spending a lot of money, and found Sean, a famous young genius in New York, lying on a bench in the sun. At this time, he was sunbathing in sunglasses, with fresh fruit next to him and a bottle in an ice bucket. of whiskey.

“You should invite a bunch of Hollywood stars and throw a yacht party or something, so that tomorrow the newspapers will publish ‘The Rich Life of New York Geniuses’ and let people in this city know that it’s not just Tony Smith. Tucker is the guy who enjoys life.”

Harry chose a seat and sat down. The huge and luxurious yacht moved slowly. The moist sea breeze carried water vapor and hit his face. He looked up at the sky. The bright sunshine penetrated the clouds and several white seagulls passed by on the clear sea. There are a few white clouds floating in the clear blue sky.

All this made Mr. Osborne, who was indulged in extravagance and extravagance, feel a sense of relief, and his restless heart gradually calmed down.

“New York is like Vanity Fair. When you can bring benefits to them, others praise you to the sky. But if you are worthless and lose your value, they don’t even bother to look at you.”

Sean smiled slightly, looked at Harry, and said softly: “People like us who chase fame and fortune should occasionally find a quiet place to relax.”

Harry thought thoughtfully and nodded: “Maybe you are right. Wealth sometimes does not give people a sense of security. I did not expect that the arrogant Watson would fall so easily.”

A week has passed since the mutant attack in midtown Manhattan. The high-end heads of state summit originally scheduled to be held on Liberty Island has not been held as scheduled. Perhaps it is due to concerns about security issues and fear that the radical mutants will do something dangerous again. , the White House had to cancel this world summit that brought together dignitaries from various countries.

The clamor for reactivating the Mutant Registration Act has become increasingly louder. Magneto, who made his debut by destroying Watsonton Tower, announced the existence of mutants to the world in a high-profile way, making the increasingly acute mutant problem now put aside. On the table, it attracted great attention from the White House and the military.

In the words of Senator Kelly, who has disappeared, we must never allow a group of dangerous elements to roam this country without any laws, discipline or control!

“Thank you mutants, at least we don’t have to do anything to be the final beneficiaries.” Sean said lightly. In fact, in this crisis, Colonel William Stryker was the biggest winner.

But this is okay. Using the power of the federal government to deal with mutants can avoid direct conflicts and it is best not to have to end up personally. After all, what he has to face is the most powerful group in the world, the mind of Professor Charles. abilities, Magneto’s magnetic control, and a Dark Phoenix with unlimited potential.

Before he was absolutely sure, Sean didn’t want to collide directly with Professor Charles’s Academy of Mutants and Magneto’s Brotherhood. There were too many uncertain factors. It was best to let Stryker charge into the battle for him. method.

“Osborne has successfully entered the market and has great prospects. Although it is impossible to temporarily replace Watson’s position, there is no other force that can prevent us from slowly growing and developing our power.”

Harry was rather complacent. He thought about the ridiculous faces of the people on the board of directors, and he couldn’t help feeling secretly happy. Before Watson launched the offensive, it had already made the outside world unanimously look down on it. Even within the company, people’s hearts were floating, and almost No one is optimistic about Osborne’s future.

But no one expected that mutants would suddenly attack Watson. Not only did they destroy the corporate building, but also the leader of this huge empire was unfortunately killed. As a family business, Marcus Watson’s son was exposed again. The true identity of the mutant surprised all the forces who wanted to carve up Watsonton, and easily kicked the poor young man out.

As for the next step, it’s how to share the rich cake and how to change Watson’s appearance and regain his life.

In this carnival of capital, Osborne acted as a bystander, but did not beat up the drowned dog. For Harry and Sean, the obstacles in the way have been cleared, and they only need to digest the huge medical market. Slowly withdraw funds to continue the next stage of research and development work.

“With the loss of Watsonton as the leader, Osborne should formulate a new order. After those capital groups have finished carving up, we will start a new round of shuffling.”

Sean said calmly, as if he was the one in control of Osborne, but Harry was not dissatisfied. The reason why this company named after the family name has been able to survive several difficulties in succession is almost entirely due to the help of the other party. , he was sincerely grateful for this, and the previous vigilance and precautions had long been forgotten.

The greatest advantage of this young master Osborne is probably that he is very self-aware. He knows that he is isolated and helpless in the board of directors. Except for those business brokers with evil intentions, no one will be willing to devote all their efforts to help a rich man with mediocre abilities, so He could only believe in Sean, and in fact, his friend did not disappoint him.

“I want to enjoy a quiet vacation, and I will leave all the laboratory matters to Dr. Connors.”

Sean stretched his body lazily. He became more and more addicted to the feeling of absorbing energy. There seemed to be a black hole hidden in his body, constantly absorbing all kinds of energy.

As his thoughts sank in, golden light surged forward, like a small sun. Sean inexplicably felt that there was an invisible door to the void hidden in this transformed and strengthened body, connecting to another inexorable body. In the dimensional world of knowledge, there seemed to be a voice constantly urging him to absorb more energy and then open the invisible “door”.

“I heard that Umbrella has also reached a cooperation with the Doom Group?” Harry asked curiously as he took the whiskey from the ice bucket.

Victor Doom is also a well-known genius. Compared with his old classmate Reed Richards, this somewhat arrogant and conceited man has established himself on Wall Street at a young age and has made huge achievements. With a net worth, he was once a prominent figure in New York newspapers.

“It’s just a private collaboration.” Sean said softly. It seemed good to be able to witness the birth of the Fantastic Four and Doctor Doom.

He looked up at the clear sky filled with white clouds, vaguely looking forward to this space trip. Can the violent cosmic energy allow him to open the door containing unknown variables in his body?

Feeling the light of the stars, Sean had a smile on his lips. He wanted to be the sun of this world and lead mankind towards the sea of ​​stars.

ps: I can’t help myself from being addicted to answering questions. Only a few sets of Huanggang test papers can satisfy my thirsty heart…

It’s a new week. As usual, I’m asking for votes and collections. It would be great if a big boss can give me a reward and help me get 60 fans~

In addition, there is only one update today, so let’s continue with the questions (ω)


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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