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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 96 Set sail

In the Baxter Building, Sean looked at the angry Mindy with a headache. The little Lolita had been quite resentful of him recently. As their careers started to take off and their work became increasingly busy, their lives were no longer as relaxed and leisurely as before.

“Sean, you have changed.” Mindy pouted. She was nestled on the sofa, holding a pillow of Peppa Pig’s doll in her hand. “I have been eating pizza takeout for a long time. Do you know if you have been eating this for a long time?” Growing high-calorie foods will make me gain weight!”

Sean looked at the ice cream box she had just finished in silence, ignoring the little Lolita’s complaints. Today he had to prepare to board the spaceship to space with the future Fantastic Four. After a short vacation, he finished handling the trivial matters at hand and handed over all the work within the laboratory to Dr. Connors.

Erica returned successfully from San Francisco and brought back the mutants’ deadly nemesis, Jimmy, a twelve-year-old boy. His serum can develop drugs that suppress mutant genes. The most interesting thing is that this little boy himself is a mutant.

As an unexpected gain from this trip, he also obtained a lot of genetic data of mutants, which allowed Sean to know more about this special group, and it was no longer limited to the memories in his mind.

“Take good care of your home. When I come out from outer space, I will bring you…well, apart from the debris and garbage floating in the universe, I don’t seem to be able to bring you any memorable gifts.”

Sean touched the little loli’s head. Of course he knew that the reason why Mindy was angry was actually because he was worried about his own safety. After all, this was not a sightseeing trip. He went to outer space to collect data and information about the energy of the universe. This kind of thing just sounded like As for something very dangerous, there is indeed reason to worry.

“I have lost my last relative, so you can’t leave me behind.” Mindy pursed her lips and said nothing more willfully. She gently stood on tiptoes and held Sean’s waist with both hands.

It was rare to see a little Loli being so serious. Sean couldn’t help but feel funny, and felt a little warm in his heart. It was a happy thing to have someone in this world who cared about you.

“Sean, without you, who will help me cook and wash the dishes in the future, and give me a lot of pocket money…” Hearing Mindy whispering, Sean was slightly moved and immediately carried the little Loli back to the sofa. .

“On the days when I’m not here, cook and wash the dishes by yourself. You’re not allowed to order takeout. You always eat some junk food and see how fat you become.” Sean, who turned into a strict parent, taught him a lesson. “Didn’t the etiquette teacher in school teach you to be a delicate little lady? Look at your chubby face and belly. How will you get married in the future…”

Sean babbled and poked the little loli’s face with his fingers from time to time. Well, it felt pretty good. He completely ignored the annoyed expression on the other person’s face, which looked like a kitten with fried hair.

Bang bang bang…

After waving the pillow and giving it a crackling beating, with a triumphant smile, Mindy looked like a general returning in triumph and walked back to the room with her head held high.

Sean rubbed his face and sighed secretly, it’s not easy to raise a violent little loli these days.


NASA, spacecraft launch base.

Sean wore a safety helmet and met with Reed and Ben. During this period, he met Victor Doom, the investor of this space trip. As the newspaper said, this man’s eyes were as sharp as an eagle. He is a tall man with a rather arrogant temperament and is very aggressive. He will show his arrogance and arrogance from time to time.

This kind of arrogance that is revealed without experience seems to be more annoying than Tony Stark’s arrogance and narcissism. At least Reed and Ben don’t have a good face.

However, Victor’s attitude towards Sean was very enthusiastic. Apparently this young and promising entrepreneur had also heard of the reputation of New York genius. After removing the stumbling block of Watsonton, Osborne and Ann Brera’s development momentum is extremely rapid, like a rising star, full of vitality and vitality.

Doom, who always only has interests in his eyes, will of course show his favor to Sean. The other person is not a failed scientist like Reed. He has a smart brain, but cannot play a real role. He only immerses himself in useless research and ignores the most important thing. Important capital accumulation.

After a few lukewarm greetings, Sean walked outside and heard the fierce argument between Reed and Ben——

“It can’t be done! Absolutely not!” He saw the kind-hearted Ben shaking his head.

“External rocket launcher, orbital system engine, just like any spaceship you’ve flown before.” Reed shrugged.

Ben, who has always been good-tempered, spoke fiercely. He pointed to a rider riding a Harley-Davidson motorcycle on the road in the distance and said loudly: “I will not be the deputy of that stupid boy who was kicked out by the Aeronautics and Space Administration.” Guy, he actually smuggled two underwear models into the simulated cockpit, and then had fun with women in there!”

Reed twitched his lips. Of course he knew the character of Susan’s unassuming brother, but the other party was the designated pilot of the Doom Group, and Ben was the deputy. If there was a conflict between these two people, then the trip to space would undoubtedly be in trouble. To put it aside.

After some arguments, the kind-hearted Ben couldn’t resist Reed’s request, and angrily returned to the base to make preparations. He didn’t want to see that arrogant and ignorant bastard.

Sean returns to the base. As an accompanying member, he needs to undergo a simple physical test. Six hours later, the lift-off procedure will begin.

“Synthetic materials are like a second layer of skin that can adapt to each person’s physical needs.” Miss Storm, a genetic research director, walked gracefully in a close-fitting blue uniform.

Doom’s current girlfriend handed Sean the specially made blue uniform and gave him a slight smile.

Reed, who was sitting on the sofa, immediately stood up and turned his attention away from the documents and put it on Susan. He asked in surprise: “Wow, this is really great!”

Looking at Reed walking towards her, Susan smiled with satisfaction. The close-fitting uniform outlined her confident body curves, slightly revealing a line of snow-white skin and her plump breasts, which was enough to make any man unable to take his eyes away.

“It’s made of self-regulating unstable molecules! I’ve been studying the molecular formula of this thing…” Reed took the uniform and started talking, completely ignoring the hot Susan.

Even Sean on the side couldn’t help but sigh. This future Mr. Miracle is indeed single due to his own strength. No wonder the invisible woman who is called a beauty would leave him. This kind of man who is incomprehensible and charming is really too impressive. A sense of frustration.

“Well, you are indeed a genius from Columbia University!” Susan said without any expression, threw her uniform to the other party, then turned and left.

Seeing Reed’s confused expression, even his good friend Ben couldn’t help but turn around. If this famous genius could use half of his talent in scientific research to chase girls, where would Susan be? Will fall into the arms of that bastard Victor Doom.

After waiting quietly, as the boarding notice came over the radio, everyone boarded the spaceship that was about to fly to space.


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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