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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 97 Storm

Six hours later, Sean was in the dark and boundless universe. Through the protective cover of the space station, he looked at the blue planet in the distance. It was like a dazzling gem, exuding magnificent and astonishing beauty. brilliance.

This beautiful planet that has given birth to countless living beings is like the most precious treasure in the treasure house of the gods. It makes people reluctant to take their eyes away. Reid and the others walking behind also stopped and watched ordinary people review their lives. A spectacular sight that may not be visible.

“This is the fascinating part of the universe, like a puzzle that can never be solved.” Sean sighed sincerely. He came to this world not just to conquer or plunder.

If we can create a new future in this new era where superheroes are born, let mankind break away from the shackles of the earth, abandon the previous social system, move towards the boundless sea of ​​stars, and leap to a higher level of civilization, this will Isn’t it more fulfilling than ruling the world? ?

A man with great power and unrivaled power, what can he bring to this world?

Is he like Superman, becoming a beacon in people’s hearts, bringing hope and light; or is he like a cold tyrant, demanding unscrupulously, turning the beautiful world into ruins, sitting alone on the throne at the top of the world, Feeling the fear and curses of everyone?

Sean thought he could try another interesting way, using money and power to gain more say, establish unshakable status and influence, and use his personal will to influence the operation of the world. He wanted to be someone that humans look up to. The only sun not only exudes the warm light that makes people yearn for, but also reveals the inaccessible scorching heat!

“Isn’t this different from the feeling you had at the Halton Planetarium?” Susan walked past Reed and said calmly.

The beautiful and lively Miss Storm, like a proud white swan, passed by Reed. She was obviously still worried about her ex-boyfriend’s previous neglectful behavior. This talented scientist from Columbia University was good at everything, but he had At times, he is like a piece of wood, completely ignorant of style. Only when talking about scientific research can he show off his style with eloquence.

She fell in love with Reed in the first place, perhaps because of this sense of admiration. However, after getting in touch with him, she found that he was a bit dull and boring, and once she immersed herself in research for several months, she did not care about her own feelings.

It would be perfect if he could harmonize with Victor’s character. Susan thought to herself.

One was indecisive, dull and dull; the other was frivolous, manic, and had a high self-esteem. This made Susan feel troubled. Out of the corner of her eyes, she accidentally caught sight of Sean, who was chatting happily with Victor. He was also a famous genius. , hailed as a promising new scientific star, he is gentler and funnier than the former, and more calm and restrained than the latter. Just like Walden Pond in Thoreau’s works, the surface is clear and clear, but the inside reveals an indescribable mystery. Explore the deep silence at the bottom.

“We can monitor the approach of the clouds from here and conduct observation tests.” Susan said, abandoning the messy thoughts in her mind.

According to Reed’s calculation model, the cosmic energy storm will pass through the space station in nine hours. At that time, it will be the best time to collect data, and now it is time to make all preparations.

“I have to borrow Susan for a while, I hope you can understand.” Doom glanced at his old classmates intentionally or unintentionally, with a winner’s smile on his face.

Reed’s reappearance made the young and promising Doom wary. Susan had always maintained an ambiguous attitude towards him. Although the two were boyfriend and girlfriend, their relationship had not made substantial progress. .

With his own diligence and hard work, Doom came to the international metropolis of New York from Latvinia, a remote and backward country in Eastern Europe. During his short college career, he was ridiculed by his classmates because of his humble background. At that time, Reed was a popular genius in the school, and people cheered and applauded wherever he went.

After graduation, relying on his outstanding mind and good business methods, Doom quickly accumulated wealth through research and development of technology, and finally gained a foothold on Wall Street and established his own business empire. At this time, Reed Richards, a famous genius scientist, is still running around for research funds.

Susan Storm, a beautiful and lovely girl who was once out of reach, with a good background, also abandoned Reed, an idealist who was immersed in the dream of changing the world all day long, and instead let him find someone close to him. Chance.

Victor Doom feels that these days are simply the happiest time in his life. He used to be regarded as an unsurpassable object, but now he is humbled to create profits for himself, and the muse that he longs for seems to be invested in him. He thought of relying on Reed’s research results to earn more substantial benefits, and then successfully embraced the beauty.

Such a beautiful vision made Doom feel happy. He even felt that he had accomplished everything he had pursued in the first half of his life. Wealth, fame and fortune, and the woman he loved were all at his fingertips.

“Don’t disturb your world.”

Sean put his arm around Reid’s shoulders and turned to walk outside. Mr. Magic’s eyes were full of bitterness and helplessness. Watching his favorite girlfriend fall into the arms of someone else really made him feel a little uncomfortable.

There are still seven hours left, and the cosmic energy storm is about to arrive. Ben puts on his spacesuit, carries the prepared plant seedlings, and conducts inspections before leaving the cabin.

Of all the people, this big guy is responsible for the most dangerous job. He needs to leave the spacecraft and go outside to place plant seedlings to face the impact of the cosmic energy storm and see if those violent ray flows can change the genes inside the plants. Finally, let Sean and Susan finish drawing the map.

The frustrated Reed returned to the cabin and continued to calculate and test the data model of cosmic energy, while Johnny, who had escaped from frivolity, was helping Ben put on the bulky space suit.

“It’s best for your good partner to stay away from my sister.” Johnny reminded. He never appreciated Reed’s dullness. “It’s good that he keeps company with great scientific undertakings all his life. There is no need.” The nourishment of love.”

“Maybe Susan hasn’t let go of that feeling…”

Before Ben could finish speaking, he was interrupted by Johnny with a sneer: “Wow! Let’s think about it seriously. On one side is Victor, who is super rich and the best actor this year. On the other side is Reed, the stupidest person in the world. A smart person, worth less than a stamp… Well, what an embarrassing choice!”

Ignoring the two people arguing, Sean walked alone to the observation deck. He looked at the silent and endless dark universe, and the energy in his body was faintly pulsing, surging like a boiling tide.

“Let the storm come more violently.” He murmured softly, looking forward to the arrival of the huge wave of energy from the depths of darkness.


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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