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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 98 Accident

In the main control center of the space station, Doom’s handsome face was full of tenderness. His hands were placed behind his back, as if he had prepared some surprising and mysterious gift.

Doom quietly removed the isolation board, and the transparent protective shields in all directions suddenly reflected a soft light. Susan covered her mouth in surprise and looked at the blue planet, mountains and rivers, and the vast continent under her feet. Looking down from here, it was spectacular and majestic. The scene looked very small, and the whole world was shrunk a thousand times, appearing in the eyes, as if they were gods from above, and a feeling that shocked the soul came to their faces.

Looking at the surprised Miss Storm, a proud smile appeared on the corner of Doom’s mouth. The appearance of his old classmate Reed made him feel a hint of crisis. Maybe he should capture this charming and charming person as soon as possible and put an end to it. Any surprises happen!

“Susan, every man dreams of meeting a beloved woman and dedicating everything to her. To me, this is more than just a metaphor…” In the quiet space without interruption and the deliberately romantic atmosphere, Doom is determined Work hard to overcome the opponent’s defenses and win the heart of the beauty.

“We have been dating for two years…”

Susan, who seemed to be aware of her current boyfriend’s thoughts, chuckled and interrupted Doom’s heartfelt confession, “Victor, we have been very happy together in the past two years. The company is booming and has bright prospects. You have made extraordinary achievements.”

For Miss Storm, who comes from a wealthy family, Vidoc Doom is not the best choice in her mind. Their interaction can be seen more as an exchange of family interests, just like Doom pursued her in the first place because of his family background. The reason why Susan agreed to become his girlfriend was nothing more than a careful arrangement by her elders.

Susan, who seems to be well-behaved, has a rebellious factor in her heart that longs for freedom and adventure, so she hates Reed’s dullness and lack of romance, but she cannot accept Doom’s domineering and arrogant desire to control everything. Especially the fanatical pursuit of money and status.

“I suddenly realized that all the achievements in the world would be meaningless if there was no one to share them with. I have never been afraid of making big decisions in my life, and now is the time for me to take the most important step in my life… …”

Doom, who was intoxicated in his own world, did not notice that Susan’s face gradually became unnatural, and the originally gentle smile seemed a bit forced.

Doom released his palm. A small jewelry box lay quietly in his hand. After opening it, he raised it in front of his beloved girlfriend. A carefully selected diamond ring was shining brightly.

It was a huge and beautiful sapphire, like a dazzling star in the sky that had been plucked off, carefully carved, and matched with master-level craftsmanship, giving it a dreamlike brilliance.

Doom was very confident. He thought that no woman would be willing to look away when she saw it, and I believe Susan would be no exception.

“I want to say four words to you that will change our lives forever…”

“The clouds are speeding up!” A sudden voice interrupted.

Holding up the diamond ring, the affectionate Doom looked angrily at the person who came, and found that it was Sean from Umbrella Laboratory. The person was not a little person with no foundation like Reed. He had to suppress the anger in his heart and asked. Condition.

“The cloud is accelerating. We will collide head-on in a few minutes. Reed said the mission must be aborted. The violent ray flow is fatal.” Sean put his hands on the railing and smiled and cast a grateful look. Miss Storm.

If it weren’t for Sean’s sudden appearance, which broke the seemingly romantic but actually awkward atmosphere, Susan really didn’t know how to reject Doom, who looked so sincere. On the one hand, she didn’t want to hurt her current boyfriend, and on the other hand, she didn’t want to accept him. of love.

“Isn’t there still seven hours?” Doom asked angrily.

Sean shrugged, indicating that he didn’t know. A few minutes ago, Reed discovered that he had made a calculation error. There was only less than ten minutes left before the cosmic energy storm struck. Thinking of Ben who was still outside the space station, He immediately wanted Doom to stop the mission.

“Let Reed calm down, we can’t give up completely just because of a small situation. Then the previous investment will be completely wasted!” Doom said coldly.

He couldn’t let a small mistake ruin everything. If this experiment failed, all the funds and investment would be wasted. At that time, Doom would have to bear the heavy consequences alone, and he might even lose his money. The wealth and status you currently have.

He came to the New World from a small country in war-torn Eastern Europe, how much hard work he put in, and became a high-class person in people’s eyes. Could it be that because of a miscalculation, he had to go back to the poor days of having nothing?

This is absolutely impossible!

Doom ignored the pleading look from Susan next to him and said coldly: “Close the protective shield.”

“You are committing murder, Victor.” Sean’s eyes flickered and he rejected the proposal. “We can’t do this.”

Susan also nodded in agreement. If the protective shield blocking the energy storm was closed at this time, Ben, who was still outside, would have no chance of surviving.

“To achieve great things, someone always needs to sacrifice.”

Doom doesn’t care about the love between his children. He is an egoist himself, and his love for Susan is not pure. It is mixed with many factors of interest. If this beautiful and lively lovely child was not born into fame Storm family, maybe he wouldn’t pursue it so exhaustively.

Seeing Susan turning around and running out of the main control center with a disappointed expression, and Sean also walking out of the only safe cabin, Doom couldn’t help but have cold eyes. He walked to the console expressionlessly, stretched out his hand and clicked a few Press the virtual button on the lower display screen, and the sturdy and reliable protective cover slowly closes.

Outside this, there is his once beloved girlfriend, his college classmates who are competitors and love rivals, and the geniuses who were originally collaborating…

And inside the protective shields that fell layer by layer, there was only Victor Doom.

“Johnny!” Reed ran over anxiously and shouted hurriedly: “Open the outer door of the pressure isolation cabin quickly and take the book back!”

In the vast dark space, a huge orange-red cloud struck at an alarming speed, like a raging and majestic torrent, emitting extremely terrifying energy fluctuations.

Ben was like a whale in the deep sea. He didn’t care about the plant seedlings that hadn’t been placed yet. He jumped up and paddled desperately in the vacuum of space, rushing towards the open outer hatch. He seemed to be racing against death. , the only hope is the open hatch.

ps: Manuscripts are exhausted and updates are difficult. Only those warm votes can save the author’s fragile soul ()


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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