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Star Rail: people on the train, working from 9 to 5 — Chapter 10


Hearing what Ji Zi said, Zhou Xiao raised his eyebrows slightly, and suddenly he felt like it was getting darker and darker.

“Ji Zi, stop teasing us, we are really hungry…” March 7, who was caught in the train kitchen, saw that Zhou Xiao seemed a little confused and explained.

“Oh well.”

Jizi looked at the remaining noodles in the March 7th bowl. Although they were a little cold, the shiny noodles dipped in dye were very tempting.

“Himeko? Do you want to taste it?”

March 7 naturally caught Ji Zi’s gaze and saw her handing the bowl forward:

“This is called a big bowl of wide noodles…it’s delicious.”

Big bowl of wide noodles…

Himeko looked at the bowl.

Yeah it’s really big.

Looked at the face.

It’s really wide too.

Ji Zi did not dislike March 7th. She picked up a piece of wide noodles with chopsticks, lowered her head slightly and took a bite of the noodles. The oily base juice stained her red lips, making them look even more shiny.



really not bad.

Although it’s just noodles, it’s very chewy and even though it’s splashed with hot oil, it’s not greasy yet, which is just the right amount.

Ji Zi put down her chopsticks slightly, wiped the oil around her mouth with a paper towel, and then looked at Zhou Xiao who was not far away: “You are really nice…can you give me a bowl?”

Ji Zi said openly that she originally had dinner at night, but she couldn’t stand how delicious it was down there… It brought out her hidden greedy nature.

“Ah… Sister Jizi didn’t have dinner either?”

“After eating…I want to have another bowl.” Jizi said, she said that she had already cooked it for March 7th, so she would not miss this meal.


It belongs to taking advantage of the light of March 7th.

Ji Zi thought to herself.

Looking at the tidy kitchen, Zhou Xiao touched his chin and fell into deep thought.

Too sloppy.

It’s too early to pack up…

“Since it’s Sister Ji Zi’s request… let’s make an exception and break the rules for Sister Ji Zi.” Zhou Xiao looked at the time, and there was still some time before he went to bed.

Being under March 7 does not count as breaking the principle. After all… there was really no meal on the night of March 7, but he promised that there would be dinner on March 7… Keeping his promise is his principle.

Zhou Xiao made it very quickly this time, and his busy figure was everywhere in the open kitchen.

Looking at Zhou Xiao’s busy figure, the two people in the dining area had their own thoughts.

Ji Zi folded her long legs slightly and looked at Zhou Xiao and then March Qi with her beautiful eyes.

Zhou Xiao is capable… and he is good at cooking, and with Xiao Sanyue… Jizi suddenly thought of the careless appearance of Sanyue Qi on weekdays, and inadvertently sighed slightly.

Although it’s not a particularly good match… but it can be considered complementary, right?

Maybe… I can add fuel to the fire and help Xiao Sanyue?

Ji Zi showed a look of thinking.

After this trip to the space station, it is obvious that Zhou Xiao’s strength is not weak, and it is indeed inappropriate to stay in the position of logistics officer.

How about mentioning the pioneer team…?

In this way, I can also communicate more with Xiao Sanyue during the mission.

Ji Zi thought it seemed feasible.

“Here comes the noodles.”

Zhou Xiao placed the noodles in front of Ji Zi. The noodles this time were different from those on March 7th.

This time, the noodles were covered with a lot of red chili peppers, which became even more fragrant after being drizzled with oil.

Jizi said thank you first, and then found that the noodles seemed different from before, so she took a bite with the idea of ​​trying something new.

The hot taste experience coupled with the strong wide noodles, a new experience of unspeakable spicy taste opened up a new understanding for Himeko.

Very spicy!

But it’s cool.

Ji Zi felt her tongue was numb and spicy. She looked at Zhou Xiao: “Have you tasted this chili pepper?”

“Of course.” Zhou Xiao nodded: “I have retained most of the flavor of the chili in this big bowl of wide noodles.”

“…” Jizi took a sip of water, feeling that the spicy sensation in her mouth had calmed down a bit, and she asked again:

“Was it intentional…or was it accidental?”

“That must be intentional.”

Zhou Xiao wiped his hands: “Customized for Sister Ji Zi, didn’t you say before that you wanted to try the feeling of being so hot that you will cry? I just happened to do it for you alone today, Sister Ji Zi…”

Jizi’s expression gradually changed.

There were many dishes that Zhou Xiao cooked before that the train crew members thought were spicy, but she didn’t think so at all… She did say this, but she didn’t expect that Zhou Xiao gave her a surprise here.

Don’t say it.

This feeling.

really weird.

Even though I know it’s spicy and numb, I just want to continue eating…why? Does the oil poured on the chili smell fragrant?

Jizi looked at the big bowl in front of her, swallowed subconsciously, and then continued to make noodles.

If she can continue to eat, it means she can still accept it.

Seeing that Jizi was so satisfied with her meal, “Chef Zhou” said that Jizi can really eat spicy food…


March 7th is a little embarrassing.

How to describe it.

She felt weird.

It was obvious that he was the one who came first, but now Zhou Xiao has given Ji Zi another “personal order”, and it seems that Zhou Xiao has specially studied Ji Zi’s taste.

Forget it…anyone can come to the dining area.

Zhou Xiao is so innovative in cooking, so there is no problem in studying the taste of everyone on the train.

March 7 looked around, and finally silently picked up a stick from Jizi’s bowl and tasted the customized oil noodles.


So spicy!

This level of spiciness was definitely unacceptable to her.

Jizi finished eating, she was sweating profusely and her face was slightly red, as if she had experienced a hearty battle…

“How’s it going? Sister Ji Zi.” Zhou Xiao had just pulled March Qi to clean up the kitchen area again, and asked after seeing Ji Zi finish eating.

“Very good… very distinctive.” Jizi stood up slowly: “I didn’t expect that you were so detailed and could capture my casual remarks at that time…”

“As long as you’re satisfied.” Zhou Xiao was about to go back to sleep.

“Well, it’s a very strange development. It’s like being connected from top to bottom all of a sudden. I suddenly like this unique spiciness.”

Himeko described this new taste experience that she had never experienced before.

This should also be a kind of development, the development of the senses.

“It’s just that the usually spicy dishes don’t make me feel the taste anymore.” Jizi described it.

This feeling is like walking on a broad avenue, but then walking on a muddy path will feel unsatisfactory.

“It’s okay. Let me know if you want to try it next time. I will also pay attention to see if there are more flavorful peppers on weekdays.” Zhou Xiao said casually.

“Well, go and have a rest quickly, it’s delaying your daily routine.” Jizi said.


Zhou Xiao didn’t say anything more and went straight back to his room. Looking at Zhou Xiao’s leaving figure, Ji Zi recalled the feeling just now.

Very novel.

Very novel indeed.

ps: After signing the contract, updates can be accelerated! Rush, rush, rush

Chapter 15 Zhou Xiao: Am I Xingmei’s stepfather?

It’s another early morning.

When the familiar alarm sounded, Zhou Xiao woke up from his sleep, opened his eyes, sat up, and was stunned for a few seconds.

After cooking for March Qi and Ji Zi last night, he came back and went to bed.

Maybe I was too busy yesterday and fell asleep not long after.

In his sleep, he had a very bizarre dream. In the dream, he seemed to be very close to the Star Core Hunters. Kafka even invited him to join the Star Core Hunters…

The most outrageous thing is that he seems to be in love with Kafka, a bad woman.

According to the logic of the dream…

Aren’t you Xingmei’s stepfather?

“What a ridiculous dream…”

Zhou Xiao scratched his messy hair and sighed. Then he got up from the bed, washed himself and went to the train kitchen to make today’s breakfast.

“Good morning, Zhou Xiao’s logistician Pa.”

The first one to come was little Pam. She saw him entering the train kitchen with a bumpy walk and greeted Zhou Xiao.

“Morning…Conductor Pam.”

Zhou Xiao also responded, usually the first one to come to have breakfast is little Pam.

“I heard Himeko say…it seems like there’s a new guy coming today, Pam.” Train conductor Pam climbed onto the chair and spoke.

“Newcomer?” Zhou Xiao paused and quickly realized that this person was Xingmei.

“Aren’t you happy about the new train conductor?”

“No, no, no, I just hope the newcomer can be more reliable…” Little Pam said.

At this moment.

The newcomer mentioned by little Pam is on the platform.

Xingmei looked at the historic train in front of her, and the expectation of pioneering gradually appeared in her mind.

“How…have you really decided?” Jizi, who was wearing a formal dress, asked slowly.

“Yes, it’s decided.”

Xingmei resolutely chose to get on the bus. After she and Jizi parted ways yesterday, she was called by Black Tower to test some project to simulate the universe.


Star Rail: people on the train, working from 9 to 5

Star Rail: people on the train, working from 9 to 5

Status: Completed Author:


[Honkai Star Rail fanfic, relaxed, invincible, self-disciplined]
Zhou Xiao traveled to the world of Star Dome Railway and became a logistics staff of Star Dome Railway. He also obtained a self-discipline system. As long as he disciplines himself every day, he can get random rewards.
Be self-disciplined for a year and be submissive.
Looking at Zhou Xiao's figure who was cooking on the train, Ji Zi thought calmly in her heart: Well, this logistician on our train is extraordinary...
After ten years of self-discipline, my waist will be straight.
Looking at Zhou Xiao who was wiping a knife at the back of the train, Ji Zi raised her eyebrows and thought: Zhou Xiao is the most powerful combat force on our train...
A hundred years of self-discipline, a flying dragon riding on your face.
Looking up at the frail figure competing against the Star God in the universe, Ji Zi looked solemn: At first, no one cared about how powerful Zhou Xiao, the logistics worker, was until he and the Star God were at odds...


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