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Star Rail: people on the train, working from 9 to 5 — Chapter 100

Could it be that Tingyun thought it was normal?

Could it be that we are the most abnormal one?

March 7th touched her chin, and a memory fragment suddenly flashed through her mind like an electric shock…

That’s a book Dan Heng mentioned many times…

“Are you really smart?” 》


Are we really smart?

At this moment, March 7th had a deeper self-doubt about the title of the book, and this doubt was naturally caused by the abnormal conversation between Xingmei and Tingyun.

After going through a lot of twists and turns, Tingyun finally led the train crew to the ferry without any danger, preparing to take the Xingcha to the Xingcha Sea Center.

Seeing this ship-like flying vehicle, everyone on the train crew expressed their curiosity, but they also doubted whether this vehicle could really seat so many people.

In addition to the three people on the train crew, Tingyun and the guards escorting Tingyun must have been six or seven people in total…

This little Xingcha is shouldering a lot of pressure…

“My benefactor came to Xingcha…”

Under Tingyun’s invitation, Xingmei and others went to Xingcha, but the elder brothers of the Yunqi Army stayed and continued fighting…

Tingyun’s skill in driving Xingcha was still very good. Xingcha’s flying was steady and fast, and he was an experienced driver.

Under her driving, Walter and others arrived at the center of the Star Sea.

Looking at this magnificent center of Xingchahai, the houses are scattered in different heights, with the Sichen Palace of Tianbo Division as the high point, radiating to the surroundings. Foreigners wearing different styles of clothes are mixed in, giving people a very lively atmosphere. A bustling scene.

Except for the garrisoned Yunqi Army, the rest of the Yunqi Army patrolled the center of Xingchahai in several small teams. It can be seen what kind of undercurrent is behind this lively and prosperous…

“so big.”

“So high…”

“How spectacular.”

With three consecutive praises from the classics, Xingmei and March 7 both have a new understanding of the Luofu Immortal Boat.

“My benefactors, this is the Xingcha Sea. Please allow me to welcome all my benefactors on behalf of the Tianship Division. The Tianship Division among the six divisions of the Luofu Immortal Boat will be in charge of all airspace, navigation and trade affairs.”

“As the largest port, Xingchahai is naturally a gathering place for merchants and medicine seekers from all walks of life, so it looks more prosperous…”

As soon as Tingyun said this polite word, March Qi and Xingmei, who were a bit literate, could only nod silently, and then echoed twice, or even followed Tingyun’s words and boasted:

“This Xingchahai…”


“My benefactors are laughing at me. I have to say these polite words every time I am introduced. Now I have a bit of a conditioned reflex…”

Seeing the uncomfortable looks of March 7 and Xingmei, Tingyun smiled and explained, and then continued:

“In short, it can be said that it is safe for the time being. I should have taken everyone on a tour and let the little girl fulfill her role as a landlord. But now is the critical period of Xianzhou. We must first go to Sichen Palace and Xiang Yukong. Sir, please report on your situation…”

“So urgent?” March 7 was surprised by Tingyun’s efficiency.

“Isn’t this because I am afraid that Lord Yukong will blame me… This little girl can’t afford it.”

Tingyun looked aggrieved and was playing the emotional card.

Although this little fox has a small chest, he has a lot of thoughts…

“I know you are in a hurry, but don’t be in a hurry yet…” Xingmei pinched her waist with one hand and made a cloth gesture with the other to signal Tingyun not to worry.

Walter on the side also followed up and said: “Miss Zingyun, we have to make some preparations to meet with the Sixth Division. Don’t worry, Miss Tingyun, we are not going anywhere else. Please go and inform us first. We will arrive at Sichen later.” Waiting at the palace gate…”

Hearing what Walter said, Zingyun touched his chin and thought for two seconds, and finally nodded: “Okay, then I’ll go first…”

After saying that, she nodded, turned around and left for Sichen Palace, leaving only the three train crew members to watch him go.

“Miss Tingyun is really anxious…” March 7 sighed. The efficiency of doing things was too fast, and she was not used to it.

“Indeed.” Walter nodded: “Take advantage of this free time to take a breath…”

“The interview may not go smoothly… You two need to be mentally prepared…”

Walter vaccinated March 7 and Xingmei in advance.

“Not smooth?”

As soon as she heard these three words, Xingmei instinctively imagined her first pioneering journey in her life.


It was an unforgettable pioneering experience…

Who would have thought?

I met a big guardian, slept for one night, and became a wanted criminal the next day. Then I was tricked by my pig teammates and was locked in a small dark room for several days before being released…

This pioneering journey…shouldn’t there be another part like this?

Xingmei is a little worried about this.

Fortunately, Walter interrupted her thoughts:

“Don’t think too much, I suspect that Lord Yu Kong will ask a lot of questions, such as… why did the Star Dome Train appear at this time point and come to Xianzhou, and how did we know that this disaster was related to the star core. ..Who revealed the news about Xianzhou to us…”

“A slightly careless answer may… lead to hostility and obstruction.”

Every question coming from Walter’s mouth was very difficult for Xingmei and March 7 to deal with, let alone meeting an outsider in a high position like Yu Kong.

“Headache… In this case, we have to correct the confession.” Xingmei raised her forehead to express her headache.

“A confession?” Walter shook his head when he heard the word: “There’s no need for a confession. Being secretive makes people more suspicious…”

“Indeed, indeed…” Xingmei nodded, and then agreed: “After all, sincerity is the ultimate skill…”

March 7 frowned slightly when he heard this.

Is sincerity a surefire skill?

Is this word used here? ? ?

“In short, you two don’t have to worry. We will adapt accordingly and I will answer…” As expected of Walter, Walter is steady, giving people a full sense of security.

Everyone stopped for a while and then rushed to Sichen Palace. On the way to Sichen Palace, Xingmei inadvertently glanced as if she saw something that shocked her, and her expression suddenly changed.

“Wait, look what this is…”

ps: I beg for everything, I beg for everything, the poor author is crying online.

Kafka’s card pool is open.

I’m wrong, Uncle Yang! Woohoo, who is in Europe in this game? Big guarantee every time!


My Kafka….

It’s so sad…I can only ask for some small gifts to comfort me…

Chapter 142: Sister Yu is the yyds! (First update!)

“Wait…what do you think this is?”

Hearing Xing Mei’s words, Walter and March Qi stopped in unison and looked in the direction of Xing Mei’s eyes.

Visible from the field of vision, it was something similar to a bulletin board. In addition to the information about Xianzhou, there were also several wanted notices clearly drawn on it.

Wanted order, foreigner [Star Core Hunter] Kafka.

Wanted order for the felon [Star Core Hunter] who broke into the Luofu Forbidden Land without permission.

Wanted order for a repeat offender who broke into the Luofu Forbidden Land [suspected star core hunter] (a very handsome and attractive portrait)

Although the last wanted poster did not include a name, anyone on the Star Dome Train would be able to recognize it at a glance when they saw the portrait.

It’s Zhou Xiao…

When she saw Zhou Xiao’s wanted order, March Qi’s eyes changed obviously, from surprise to fright, from shock to doubt, confusion, and finally doubt.

“Zhou Xiao…is wanted by Xianzhou?” Her tone was filled with strong disbelief.

“The worst case scenario… is still going to happen.” Walter habitually pushed down the glasses on the bridge of his nose, the look on his face was still so steady.

The logistics staff of the Star Dome Train colluded with the Star Core Hunters to cause trouble on the Xianzhou Luofu and were wanted. Whether it was the subsequent dialogue with Yu Kong or the rescue of Zhou Xiao from the abyss of the Star Core Hunters, it was not good news…

“Uncle Yang, master…” Xingmei looked at Walter as if asking what to do next.

“Don’t panic… We need to know first what Zhou Xiao did on the Xianzhou and why he is wanted by the Xianzhou.”

Walter comforted Xingmei and March Qi.

What have you done?

Based on their understanding of Zhou Xiao, this is definitely not a trivial matter…

After all, Zhou Xiao doesn’t make trouble easily, and when he does, he makes big troubles. This can be seen from a series of incidents such as the Great Rift Valley on Yalilo 6 and the destroyed Fort Kleb.

The three of them finally arrived at the gate of Sichen Palace. The little fox Tingyun had already reported Yu Kong’s situation and was waiting for the three of them outside. Seeing Yue Yueqi and others coming, Tingyun said:

“Dear benefactors, Master Yukong is waiting for you in Sichen Palace…”

“Well…Thank you, Miss Tingyun.” Walter thanked you politely.

“This is a little girl’s job, how can it be as hard as the benefactors who come from afar…”

Tingyun also went back politely, and then watched several people walk into Sichen Palace.

“Report the loss to General Jingyuan…and then find the people from Taibosi. How can they stay out of such a big mess…”

When Walter and others walked in, a fox woman with dark blue hair was standing in the center of Sichen Palace communicating with her subordinates.

She is the helmsman of Tianbo Division, Yu Kong.

The moment she saw Yu Kong, Xingmei swallowed subconsciously.

They are both beast girls…with ears and tails, but Tingyun and Yukong present completely different styles.

Mistaking a soft girl for a treasure…

Sister Yu is the yyds.

These long legs…the body proportions, the eyes…

Xingmei instantly felt that Tingyun was no longer fragrant.

“Hey, calm down.” March 7 seemed to have seen Xingmei’s eyes and wanted to stick to Na Yukong’s body to remind her in a low voice.

“Pay attention to your image…”

“Hello, Stardome Train guests.”

Hearing the footsteps of Walter and others, Yu Kong turned his attention from official duties to the guests coming from afar.

“Your purpose of coming… Tingyun has already informed me. As the helmsman of the Tianship Division, my responsibilities do not include receiving passengers. But since you know the star core and have stated that you will help Luofu survive the crisis, so Reasonably enough, I should give you a chance to refuse in person…”

Yukong rejected Star Train’s good intentions. After all, Luofu Xianzhou had a strong foundation and a long history. They had faced countless crises, and they naturally had solutions to the star core.

Walter also wanted to persuade Yu Kong.

Their Star Dome Train has rich experience in sealing star cores…

Proper professionals…

It’s just that Yu Kong still rejected them and really doubted the purpose of boarding the Star Dome Train to the Immortal Boat just like the question Walter just raised in the confession.

“I retrieved the entry and exit records of Xingcha Sea. Not long ago, someone hacked into the system, opened the Jade World, and guided a ship to enter the port… That was your Star Train, and the person who hacked into the system was very clever. …even leaving a trace deliberately and provocatively…”

“Silver Wolf, a member of the Star Core Hunters.”

This kind of unclear logic can only make Yukong suspect that the Star Core Hunter is having an affair with the Star Dome Train…

“You can’t leave until the mystery is solved.”


Star Rail: people on the train, working from 9 to 5

Star Rail: people on the train, working from 9 to 5

Status: Completed Author:


[Honkai Star Rail fanfic, relaxed, invincible, self-disciplined]
Zhou Xiao traveled to the world of Star Dome Railway and became a logistics staff of Star Dome Railway. He also obtained a self-discipline system. As long as he disciplines himself every day, he can get random rewards.
Be self-disciplined for a year and be submissive.
Looking at Zhou Xiao's figure who was cooking on the train, Ji Zi thought calmly in her heart: Well, this logistician on our train is extraordinary...
After ten years of self-discipline, my waist will be straight.
Looking at Zhou Xiao who was wiping a knife at the back of the train, Ji Zi raised her eyebrows and thought: Zhou Xiao is the most powerful combat force on our train...
A hundred years of self-discipline, a flying dragon riding on your face.
Looking up at the frail figure competing against the Star God in the universe, Ji Zi looked solemn: At first, no one cared about how powerful Zhou Xiao, the logistics worker, was until he and the Star God were at odds...


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