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Star Rail: people on the train, working from 9 to 5 — Chapter 101

Walter spoke truthfully and explained that the star core hunter Kafka had entrusted their star train to Luofu, but this kind of words seemed even more illogical.

Is the relationship between Star Dome Train and Star Core Hunter so good?

The star core hunter said, is the star dome train coming?

Just when this matter was getting darker and darker, Jing Yuanyuan’s projection appeared in front of him not far away and walked over step by step. When he saw that it was someone from the Star Dome Train, the corners of Jing Yuan’s mouth raised slightly.

The Star Dome Train really comes to Xianzhou…

Then things will get very exciting.

He first interrupted Yu Kong and then introduced himself.

After learning that the projection in front of him was the general of Luofu Immortal Boat, Walter pushed up his glasses. He instinctively felt that the general of Luofu seemed to be more troublesome.

“Everyone has come from afar. Forgive me for being busy with official duties and not being able to meet in person. The matter of the star core is indeed an internal matter within Xianzhou. I won’t bother you all, but… I have another thing to ask everyone on the Star Dome Train. “

Jing Yuan was talking eloquently. After listening to his request, Yue Qiu raised his eyebrows and said:

“You want us to capture Kafka?”

“Exactly…” Jing Yuan’s projection nodded:

“In this way, we can not only eliminate the suspicion on everyone, but also know the purpose of the star core hunter sneaking into the fairy boat and what is the connection with the star core. Wouldn’t it be wonderful?”

This kind of ill-intention made him Jing Yuan grow up.

Fu Xuan’s original suggestion was to keep an eye on the Star Train people and wait for the fisherman’s profit, but he could just drag the Star Train out as a strong man to catch Kafka…

“What do you think?” Jing Yuan glanced at the three people present with his left hand.

March 7th and Xingmei both looked at Walter.

And Walter thought for two seconds and nodded: “Okay…but we also have conditions.”



Jing Yuan raised his eyebrows: “Tell me and listen.”

“I saw the person suspected of being a star core hunter on the wanted poster… I want to know why he was wanted on the Immortal Ark.”

Walter used helping Xianzhou capture the star core hunter as a bargaining chip and began to deal with Jingyuan…

Chapter 143 Jing Yuan is confused! Whose train logistician is this powerful? (Second update)

Why are you wanted?

When Jing Yuan heard Walter’s question, the expression on his face was slightly startled.

He realized that Walter was talking about the star core hunter who broke into the Nether Prison at night to rescue Blade, but he didn’t understand why Walter asked this question.

“You Star Train…know him?”

Walter didn’t show off and answered:

“To tell you the truth…he is the logistician of our Star Dome Train.”

His answer made Jing Yuanyuan’s expression change and he was a little confused.




Jing Yuan never expected that Zhou Xiao was actually a member of the Star Train.

The people who co-operated the Star Dome Train had already sneaked into the Immortal Boat, broke into the Nether Prison at night to rescue the Blade, and got together with the Star Core Hunter?

It seems…

This Star Dome Train is really in the same group as the Star Core Hunters!

Zhou Xiao’s identity was obviously beyond Jing Yuan’s expectation, and he now even suspected that the Star Dome Train was actually colluding with the Star Core Hunters.

“Don’t be too surprised, this is an accident… During the last pioneering trip, our logistics staff were accidentally taken away by the star core hunters… This time, in addition to helping the fairy boat, we came to Luofu Immortal Boat to rescue our logistics staff. member…”

Walter saw the surprised look in Jing Yuan’s eyes in the projection and explained aloud.

“I see…”

Jing Yuan tactically said “I see” to delay the situation and thought about whether to tell the people on the Star Dome Train about Blade being rescued.

After some thought, he thought that this matter could not be hidden, and the other party would definitely be able to guess it, so he simply told Zhou Xiaoye about breaking into the Nether Prison and rescuing the repeat offender Star Core Hunter Blade.

Upon hearing this, the expressions of March Qi and Xingmei on the side changed.

March Qi’s little face suddenly turned white, her little heart was beating fast, and her whole body couldn’t help but become nervous.

It’s over, it’s over…

This week Xiaoxiao got into big trouble.

He broke into the Nether Prison privately… and killed many Yunqi troops. There was no room for him on the Immortal Boat.

Once you find him, you have to take him back to the train and hide him…



it’s the only way!

Completely opposite to March 7, Xingmei’s face was more shocked.

In her heart, she had to lament that her master had once again done something “big”.

As soon as he takes action, he does big things.

As expected of a master…

Just come here and give Xianzhou some big work!

Compared with these two unreliable duo, Walter’s expression remained calm after listening, and he said unhurriedly: “So that’s it…”

“Then our conditions are very simple… Whether it is the immortal boat or the logistics personnel who captured our Star Dome Train, they must be handed over to our Star Dome Train for disposal…”


After hearing Walter’s conditions, Jing Yuan didn’t think too much, and saw him nodding and said:

“That’s fine, after all, he is from your Star Train…”

Why did Jing Yuan agree so quickly?

The answer is also very simple.

I can’t catch Xianzhou now…

Catching a Kafka is hard enough, let alone Zhou Xiao who broke into the ghost prison at night.

Judging from the battle losses suffered by Yanqing and the Yunqi Army, even if they saw Zhou Xiao, they might not be able to catch him, so they might as well be a favor and let the people from the Star Train handle it.

Their Xianzhou capture of Zhou Xiao was a nightmare.

It might be easy for the Star Train people to catch Zhou Xiao.

It’s not like Zhou Xiao, the former Star Dome Train logistician, beat up his old colleague, right?

With a deal concluded in this way, the Fairy Boat and the Star Dome Train each get what they need.

“Then it’s settled. During your arrest of the Star Core Hunters, the Yunqi Army and Tianbo Division will fully cooperate with you…” Jing Yuan finalized the matter.


Projection ends.

Jing Yuanyuan touched his chin in Shence Mansion, his expression was very intriguing.

how to say?

After this conversation with the people from the Star Dome Train, part of his doubts could be explained.

It turns out that the Star Dome Train was able to allow the Star Core Hunters to come to Xianzhou because the logistics staff were kidnapped by the Star Core Hunters…

If this logistician can go to the Nether Prison to save someone, he will most likely join the Star Core Hunters.

if it is like this…

Jingyuan had to look forward to what would happen after the Star Dome Train found this logistician…

“It’s really…” Jing Yuan wanted to express something. The more he thought about it with his hands behind his back, the more interesting it became.

“It’s really unexpected…”

He thought about the countless possible identities of the person who broke into the Nether Prison that night, except for the star core hunter, but he never thought that he would be the logistics worker of the Star Dome Train…

Logisticsman on the Stardome train.

Jingyuan thought in his heart.

Star Dome Train logistician…

After thinking about it, Jing Yuan suddenly felt that something was not right.

Star Dome Train logistician?

The expression on Jing Yuan’s face changed slightly.

Star Dome Train Logisticsman! ! !

How off the mark!

Jing Yuan is about to break through the defense.

what is this!

The place where countless cloud cavalry troops are stationed in the Nether Prison! Being walked in and out by a train attendant?

He finally figured out what was wrong.

Whose train logistician has such strength!

If the train logistician is as strong as the train conductor… then the train conductor’s strength must not take off?

There must be something fishy about this!

Zhou Xiao who broke into the Nether Prison that night could never be as simple as a logistics worker!

If this was really just an ordinary support worker, he, Jing Yuan, would abdicate right now! Never refuse!

On the other side, the three people on the train crew who came out of Sichen Palace breathed a sigh of relief to varying degrees.

The good news is that we finally have news about Zhou Xiao, and we can save Zhou Xiao by dealing with General Xianzhou…

The bad news is that they still don’t have the specific whereabouts of Zhou Xiao…

“Master Yukong has entrusted me with the reception of several benefactors. This little girl is really destined to have several benefactors…”

Not far away, the little fox Tingyun saw a few people coming out and approached him and said:

“Let’s go, Tianbo Company has prepared a good inn for all our benefactors. Let’s go and rest first…”


How can this be a good rest…

After hearing the news that Zhou Xiao had made such a big mistake in Xianzhou, even Walter, who was as steady as an old dog, couldn’t help but have a headache, let alone March 7th.

At this moment, March 7th looked at the artificial sky of the Luofu Immortal Boat with a melancholy expression, not noticing the residual strangeness caused by the clouds in such a broad sky…

Zhou Xiao, Zhou Xiao…

Where are you?

Where is Zhou Xiao?

That is of course on the way to the back stabbing blade!


Star Rail: people on the train, working from 9 to 5

Star Rail: people on the train, working from 9 to 5

Status: Completed Author:


[Honkai Star Rail fanfic, relaxed, invincible, self-disciplined]
Zhou Xiao traveled to the world of Star Dome Railway and became a logistics staff of Star Dome Railway. He also obtained a self-discipline system. As long as he disciplines himself every day, he can get random rewards.
Be self-disciplined for a year and be submissive.
Looking at Zhou Xiao's figure who was cooking on the train, Ji Zi thought calmly in her heart: Well, this logistician on our train is extraordinary...
After ten years of self-discipline, my waist will be straight.
Looking at Zhou Xiao who was wiping a knife at the back of the train, Ji Zi raised her eyebrows and thought: Zhou Xiao is the most powerful combat force on our train...
A hundred years of self-discipline, a flying dragon riding on your face.
Looking up at the frail figure competing against the Star God in the universe, Ji Zi looked solemn: At first, no one cared about how powerful Zhou Xiao, the logistics worker, was until he and the Star God were at odds...


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