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Star Rail: people on the train, working from 9 to 5 — Chapter 102

A family that invades and hinders each other!

Harmony, ah no, living in harmony!

Zhou Xiao, led by an enthusiastic Yunqijun brother who did not want to be named, and Jingliu rushed to the gathering place with the edge.

Under Zhou Xiao’s “love touch”, this enthusiastic eldest brother of Yunqijun exudes anger. It is obvious at a glance that the eldest brother is very angry now…

ps: Ask for everything, ask for everything, the humble author is online.

The bad news is that Kafka is crooked.

Good news, I have a big guarantee…to forcefully marry Kafka…

It’s really hard to believe that Yinlang was forced to marry with a guarantee, but Kafka was also…

Chapter 144: Blade: Her Xingcha is not as fast as mine! (First update)

Along the way, Zhou Xiao asked insinuatingly about the relationship between the white-haired man named Jingliu and the sword. However, Jingliu didn’t answer much, which caused Zhou Xiao to make up his mind all the way.


What kind of grievances and hatreds are they?

Love debt? A heartless man?


I really can’t say for sure!

Zhou Xiao knew that Ren liked to enter the fantasy world of lust, and Ren liked that kind of atmosphere very much.

The color is a bone scraper…apparently the blade is sunk into it.

Such a big desire can be released in the illusion now, but what about before?

I must have picked the flowers before and released them…

The woman in front of me might be the flower-picking target of Blade…

Zhou Xiao guessed like this, feeling that it was very logical, and adhering to the instinctive attitude of human beings, he was very much looking forward to the surprise reaction when Ren saw Jingliu next.

Finally…he brought the blade to the agreed upon location.

“It should be… right here.”

Zhou Xiaohuan looked around and saw that this was still a cargo port. There were cargo containers of different sizes, lengths, widths, and sizes arranged in the port, making it look a bit complicated.

“You finally came…”

Perhaps he heard Zhou Xiao’s voice, slowly walking from the dark place leaning on the blade of the container’s metal box.

“You are really slow…”

Ren had been waiting here for a long time. When he saw him coming out of the darkness, his dark red eyes first focused on Zhou Xiao, and then he noticed Jingliu wearing a black gauze next to Zhou Xiao.

When he saw the white-haired mirror, he was stunned. The memory hidden deep in the depths seemed to be awakened and made him feel uncomfortable.

“We meet again…” Jingliu waved his hand towards Blade.

“How… could it be you?” Blade instantly transformed into a weapon, looking like he might take action at any time:

“How will you be here!”

“Well… I was brought by your siblings, my beloved relatives and friends, otherwise it would be really troublesome to find you.” Jingliu pointed at Zhou Xiao, who was sitting and waiting to eat.


Blade was silent, then his eyes locked on Zhou Xiao: “Did you bring her here?!”

“No, no, no, to be precise, it was the kind brother Yunqi who brought us to find you.”

Seeing that the finger was pointed at him, Zhou Xiao patted the Yun Qijun next to him, who was covered in scarlet fire, and threw the cauldron away.


is a plant.

At this moment, there is a saying in my heart that I don’t know whether to say or not.

Speaking of his relationship with this mirror flow, it can only be said that they were former colleagues. Later, after the blade fell into the demon body, this mirror flow also left the immortal boat and began to pursue his path.

Although he has an immortal body, he can’t stand being stabbed every day. During the long days of escaping and being hunted, his swordsmanship has gradually improved. It can be said that Jingliu can be regarded as his first teacher of swordsmanship.

“Come on, let me see the days when I can’t see you. Are you diligent…” Jingliu was also rude, and the long sword with frost attached appeared in front of Zhou Xiao’s eyes again.

Is there going to be a fight?

So… why are we fighting…

Don’t they explain the content of their grudges?

Is it a love debt?

Zhou Xiao, a melon-eater, felt very uncomfortable at this moment.

He ate a half-cooked melon.

This melon doesn’t stay ripe!

Dry and dry…

Not moist at all…

Seeing that Blade and Jingliu were about to fight, Zhou Xiao found a high place that would not be affected and watched the unknown battle.

how to say?

You can’t say Kage-ryu sword-fighting is a casual attack, right? Sixty-four open? It’s impossible to say whether it’s seven or three. After all, many of Blade’s swordsmanship are derived from Kagami style, which makes Blade’s moves ineffective.

Why…just started fighting?

How boring it is to fight.

Zhou Xiao watched for a long time. He had fought against both Jingliu and Blade, and knew the approximate level of strength. Now for him to watch these two fighting, it was like novices pecking each other. It was not as interesting as eating contented melons.

The blade feels bitter.

But Ren didn’t say anything.

At this moment, the blade said that he was too innocent.

He originally received a mission from Kafka to pick up Zhou Xiao, but who knew that after waiting for a long time, he not only waited for Zhou Xiao, but also waited for that woman!

The most irritating thing is that…he himself is not yet at his peak, and most of his strength is suppressed by Kafka’s spiritual speaking skills.

Run away!

There is no point in fighting Kageryu even now. He only saw that he sold a flaw. Kageryu stepped forward to pursue him. He dodged and rushed towards the star that he had grabbed. He jumped onto the star with a big jump. Then without hesitation, he started to fly away.

Jingliu was startled at first, and then frowned as he looked at the somewhat proud Blade who had climbed onto Hoshicha.

This guy is so arrogant!

No martial ethics at all!

He just sailed away…

“Don’t run…” Jingliu also jumped in depth. She didn’t have a star to open, so she could only fly after the blade and fire her air blade to try to cut off the star.

“Ridiculous, naive…” Ren snorted coldly, and then accelerated Xingcha’s speed.

At this moment, he was being chased by Jingliu and he didn’t panic at all.

Because he knew that Jingliu’s legs were not as fast as his Hoshicha!

Seeing the sight getting smaller and smaller, Ren secretly thought to himself that it was really convenient to have this star…

I do not know how long it has been.

When Ren thought he had shaken off Kageryu, he didn’t expect that Kageryuu had snatched a cargo ship from nowhere and appeared in his sight again.

“It’s so…haunting.” Blade said the moment he saw Kageryu.

There was still no panic on his face.

He looked at the star under Jingliu’s feet, and then at the star under his own feet.

Although Jingliu also has a ship!

But he is not afraid!

Because Jingliu’s Xingcha is not as fast as him!

Can a person who is joking about carrying cargo compare with a serious person carrying people? !


Blade continued to operate Hoshicha.

Although he was not familiar with Xingcha as a means of transportation before, after these few days of running in, he gradually moved towards the realm of “human and Cha are one”.

Seeing that the blade’s Hoshicha was faster than hers, Jingliu frowned and saw her look at the simple console on the Hoshicha, and then click a few blindly.

Don’t say it!

This cargo-carrying Xingcha is really much faster.

Seeing that the distance was gradually getting closer, Jingliu stopped her hand. She stood at the front of Xingcha. No matter how fast Xingcha moved, she still stood still.

No matter how big or small Xing Cha is, she only knows that with great force, miracles can happen!

No matter how small a passenger-carrying star is, it must have a speed limit, and the power that the star-shaped vehicle under her feet can produce will definitely be higher than the blade!

Between the ebb and flow, it will definitely be just around the corner for her to catch up with the blade!

Inside the center of Xingchahai.

The speedometer of the Tianbo Division was checking the Xingcha Sea bridge as usual, checking the stars that were not flying under the bridge. This kind of work that could be said to be busy or not, made him a little bored. .

“Today is another ordinary and boring day.”

Chapter 145: Crazy! Star Girl: I want to be an outlaw! (Second update)

Before he finished speaking, he saw two starships speeding towards the bridge.

“With this speed… How dare an Immortal species dare to reach such a high speed in the center of Xingcha Sea?!”

He rubbed his eyes violently as if he couldn’t believe what was happening in front of him, and saw him hurriedly controlling the loudspeaker device to shout to Xingcha flying in the distance:

“Those two starships in front! Please slow down and pull over for investigation! Those two starships in front! Please slow down and pull over for investigation!”

However, his words had no effect at all.

Hearing the sound, the Xingcha at the front even accelerated a little and passed quickly in front of him. The driver’s skills seemed to be average, and the Xingcha even flew over the bridge.

“Driving dangerously every day!”

He was very angry and hurriedly called his colleagues in the distance to intercept the dangerously driven Xingcha. At the same time, he was also preparing to drive the Xingcha to pursue it.

He had just sat on the Xingcha before it started, and heard a “bang” sound. A large-torque cargo-carrying Xingcha that should not have appeared above the bridge broke through the speed threshold and passed by his eyes and smashed the bridge. .



He was stunned for at least two seconds.

He rubbed his eyes again to confirm what was happening in front of him.

He must have read it correctly, right?

Someone actually loaded Xingcha with cargo in the central area of ​​​​Xingcha Sea!

This is the first time in his decades of work that he has seen such an immortal species arrogantly carrying cargo and crashing a bridge under his nose…


too crazy!

“Attention! There is a cargo-carrying cargo ship behind the dangerously driven ship! Repeat that! There is a cargo-carrying ship behind the dangerously driven ship!”

After saying that, he activated Xingcha and started a pursuit.


Star Rail: people on the train, working from 9 to 5

Star Rail: people on the train, working from 9 to 5

Status: Completed Author:


[Honkai Star Rail fanfic, relaxed, invincible, self-disciplined]
Zhou Xiao traveled to the world of Star Dome Railway and became a logistics staff of Star Dome Railway. He also obtained a self-discipline system. As long as he disciplines himself every day, he can get random rewards.
Be self-disciplined for a year and be submissive.
Looking at Zhou Xiao's figure who was cooking on the train, Ji Zi thought calmly in her heart: Well, this logistician on our train is extraordinary...
After ten years of self-discipline, my waist will be straight.
Looking at Zhou Xiao who was wiping a knife at the back of the train, Ji Zi raised her eyebrows and thought: Zhou Xiao is the most powerful combat force on our train...
A hundred years of self-discipline, a flying dragon riding on your face.
Looking up at the frail figure competing against the Star God in the universe, Ji Zi looked solemn: At first, no one cared about how powerful Zhou Xiao, the logistics worker, was until he and the Star God were at odds...


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