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Star Rail: people on the train, working from 9 to 5 — Chapter 104

“Well, since you know him, it’s up to you to deal with him…”

Under the instructions of the leader, the girl walked towards Zhou Xiao uneasily: “We meet again…”


The passing star core hunter glanced at the pale girl, and then asked his soul: “Who are you?”


The girl looked confused: “You don’t recognize me? We talked at the Xingchahai Center, and you were still drinking soda bean juice.”

“Um…” Zhou Xiao touched his chin and thought for two seconds. He looked up and down at the girl in front of him, but still had no impression.

“You cheated me of 40 yuan before leaving…”

The girl’s words made Zhou Xiao think of it instantly: “Oh, then I remember, Ms. Forty Dollars… I recognize her.”


His perfunctory nod made the girl in front of him speechless and even doubted whether he had even thought about it…

“Forget it, whatever. You just saw something you shouldn’t have seen. Now there are only two ways in front of you. One is to join us, and the other is… they catch you.”

Listening to Ms. Forty Yuan’s words, Zhou Xiao said, “Oh yo yo, it’s so scary.”

“Do you remember the question I asked you?” asked Ms. Forty Dollar.

“Of course… I don’t remember.”


Zhou Xiao didn’t even know the name of the forty-dollar lady, so how could he remember what questions he asked.

The forty-dollar lady sighed and said:

“There is an opportunity of immortality in front of you… Will you be moved? Now… this opportunity really appears. Don’t say I won’t take you, even though you looked like you didn’t remember me just now. , but I still miss you chatting with me when I am desperate…”

“You can get the chance of immortality at a very small price… You can get it as long as you join our Medicine King’s Secret Tradition.”

The Secret Biography of the King of Medicine?

Ms. Forty Dollars talked for a long time, and Zhou Xiao only felt that the four words “Medicine King’s Secret Biography” sounded familiar, as if they were an immortal boat organization that believed in the “Fruit” Star God.

A very small price in exchange for the chance of immortality?

Zhou Xiao could only say one thing about this:

Isn’t this a pyramid scheme?

First deceive people into it, and then cut off the kidney guest’s salvation!

“Not interested… I advise you to stay out of it.” Zhou Xiao yawned and left.

Chapter 147 Zhou Xiao: This illusion is the worst I have ever been in! (Second update)

Seeing that Zhou Xiao was about to leave, the leader couldn’t sit still and ordered a group of members to step forward and capture Zhou Xiao. In the blink of an eye, several members rushed towards Zhou Xiao.

“You…run!” Ms. Forty Dollar asked Zhou Xiao to escape, and she came to contain the members of the organization.

“Run? Why run? It’s them who should run…”

The passing star core hunter felt that he didn’t even need to take action to clear up the miscellaneous soldiers in front of him.

As the enthusiastic Yunqijun brother controlled by him rushed towards the people who were secretly taught by the Medicine King like a self-destructing truck, the scarlet fire spread from the enthusiastic Yunqijun brother in an instant, causing these Medicine Kings one after another. The secret person incarnates as a “little fire child”.

Within a few seconds, these people from the Medicine King’s secrets transformed into backstabbing experts, frantically backstabbing their own people, and fell into civil strife.

“You…what did you do to them?”

Ms. Forty Yuan looked at the strange situation in front of her with a surprised expression. Those people first had a high-spirited look on their faces and then began to stab the people around them in the back.

“Which of your eyes saw me move?” Zhou Xiao shrugged and said, “Ms. Forty Dollars, you are slandering…”

“Obviously it was the enthusiastic Yunqijun brother who couldn’t stand your MLM organization, so he took action angrily…” Zhou Xiao took all the credit to Yunqijun brother.


Do good things.

Never leave a name.


After Zhou Xiao was forced to destroy a den of King Yao’s Secret, he continued on his way with his enthusiastic brother Yunqijun. However, Ms. Forty Yuan on the side saw that not far away, everyone in King’s Secret was killing each other. In the end, he could only rush to other secret dens of the King of Medicine to seek refuge…

She was panting and caught up with Zhou Xiao and then asked, “Where are you going?”

“Go to a place far, far away…”

“Look at this direction… it should be the center of Xingchahai, right?” Ms. Forty Yuan paused and said, “I happen to be on the way… too.”

Zhou Xiao ignored Ms. Forty Dollar.

Along the way, Ms. Forty Dollar chattered endlessly about how she discovered the King of Medicine’s Secret by chance, how the King of Medicine’s Secret promised her the chance of immortality, and how many times she had copied it in order to join the Secret of the King of Medicine. The secret Bible passed down by the King of Medicine, “The Thousand-Hand Merciful Medicine King’s Salvation Products”…

This talkative feeling even made Zhou Xiao regret why he didn’t slap the forty-yuan lady unconscious just now.


It seems like it’s not too late to faint?

Zhou Xiao suddenly realized something.

Time passes little by little, and the day and night system of the Immortal Boat turns to night as time changes. The “undercurrent” hidden in the Luofu Immortal Boat watches everything in the center of Xingcha Sea.

This “undercurrent”, like Foehn Feng, is also the [Destruction] Star God Nanook. He is one of the seven extermination kings and has been hiding in the Luofu Immortal Boat for some time.

Different from Foehn’s powerful and extremely violent destruction, this Lord of Extermination prefers to disintegrate from the inside to achieve the purpose of destruction. What she wants is for humans to destroy everything they have created with their own hands.

From a high place, she felt the presence of the Star Dome Train and the presence of the Star Core Hunters. The gathering of people from both sides on the Luofu Immortal Boat did not dispel her desire for the aesthetics of destruction.

The fun…is about to begin.

She is very much looking forward to the scene of the civil strife and collapse of the Luofu Immortal Boat, and she is willing to pave the way for the ultimate aesthetics of destruction in that scene…

Only to see her transform into a stream of light and disappear into the vast night.

the other side…

The little fox had just finished entertaining the Star Train group and was about to return to Tianbo Division. He saw her sighing a little tiredly, thinking about today’s busy day in her mind.

First she returned to Xianzhou, and then met the Star Dome Train group. After taking the Star Dome Train group to Tianbo Division, Lord Yukong gave her the job of entertaining…

Let’s just entertain people, but who knew that today would be so bad, with ridiculous things like Xingcha flying wildly.

She was about to go back to her residence when she was suddenly attracted by a stream of light in mid-air.

what is that?

She frowned, and then rushed towards the place where the stream of light disappeared with several Cloud Cavalry guards.

As the saying goes, curiosity killed the cat, her behavior undoubtedly paved the way for her next danger.

Tingyun quickly arrived at the backyard of a house with several Yunqi Army guards. What he could see was a greenish thing, like a flame or a ball of light.

“Have you seen this thing?” Tingyun, who was well-informed even though he had traveled to several planets, didn’t know what it was, so he asked the Yunqi Army guards beside him.

“Miss Zingyun… I have never seen this thing before.”

“Me too.”

As they watched, the green flame seemed to be alive, instantly piercing through the bodies of several Yunqi soldiers.

Such a sudden change caught Tingyun off guard. The little fox wanted to run away, but she couldn’t escape from this colorful world. Her eyes seemed to be trapped in some kind of interior scene.


very nice…

This green flame seemed to be satisfied with Tingyun in front of her, and she began to spread in the direction of Tingyun.

At this critical moment, a passing star core hunter attracted this green flame.


This…seems better.

Her attention shifted from the stopping cloud in front of her to the passing star core hunter.

Behind the passing star core hunter was a pale little girl who was chattering away…

That’s right.

It’s Zhou Xiao.

I’m afraid of comparison in everything. Compared with Zhou Xiao, the little fox Tingyun doesn’t seem to have that big advantage.

At this moment, Zhou Xiao had just returned to the center of Xingchahai under the guidance of the enthusiastic brother of the Yunqi Army.

Just when he was about to say to Ms. Forty Dollar, “Goodbye, never see you again,” he saw a group of green flames rushing straight towards where he was.

With quick eyes and quick hands, Zhou Xiao pushed Ms. Forty Dollar away and dodged the green flames.

What is this?

Zhou Xiao raised his brows and looked at the green flame.

Before he could realize what it was, his vision suddenly changed, and countless illusions were changing before his eyes like a kaleidoscope.


As a “professional” who would enter a fantasy world in his sleep no matter what, Zhou Xiao quickly realized the situation in front of him.


Got hit.

The other party showed no martial ethics and gave him a sneak attack.

It’s just… this illusion is so rough.

And transformed into a busty girl?

So exciting?

But it’s of no use.

This illusion is so fake! A thimble at a glance.

Zhou Xiao yawned in the illusion. After experiencing so many illusions, he could only give a thumbs up to the illusion in front of him.

How can this illusion confuse others?

You have to make it according to other people’s memories, otherwise it will be effective to create the illusion of reincarnation that will always go out.

Zhou Xiao’s evaluation of the illusion in front of him was: This is the worst one among the many illusions he has stayed in!

ps: Ask for everything, ask for everything, Big Bird author wants everything online.

Because I don’t know when or how Tingyun was dropped in the plot, so this cute new author can only play freely…

Chapter 148 Tingyun: Don’t come over! (First update)

Looking at the dreams and illusions that Zhou Xiao has experienced so far, you will find that the illusion in front of you is such a mess.

“Are there any other moves?” Zhou Xiao said provocatively.

This group of green flames became a little angry when they heard the sound, and began to make up one fantasy after another.

Among them are world destruction, planet explosion, biohazard, etc., but these low-level illusions can’t make Zhou Xiao react at all.

“Give you a chance…you won’t be of any use.”

Zhou Xiao felt very bored, so he slowly stretched out his left hand, and with a “whoosh” sound, a scarlet flame appeared in the palm of his hand.

He threw the scarlet fire into the distance. In an instant, the flame appeared in the illusion like a spark. The appearance of countless sparks made the illusion begin to burn within a few breaths.

“This…how is this possible?”

The green flame obviously did not expect that the scarlet fire thrown by Zhou Xiao could break her illusion, and even pull her into the illusion.

This outrageous situation made her a little confused.


Star Rail: people on the train, working from 9 to 5

Star Rail: people on the train, working from 9 to 5

Status: Completed Author:


[Honkai Star Rail fanfic, relaxed, invincible, self-disciplined]
Zhou Xiao traveled to the world of Star Dome Railway and became a logistics staff of Star Dome Railway. He also obtained a self-discipline system. As long as he disciplines himself every day, he can get random rewards.
Be self-disciplined for a year and be submissive.
Looking at Zhou Xiao's figure who was cooking on the train, Ji Zi thought calmly in her heart: Well, this logistician on our train is extraordinary...
After ten years of self-discipline, my waist will be straight.
Looking at Zhou Xiao who was wiping a knife at the back of the train, Ji Zi raised her eyebrows and thought: Zhou Xiao is the most powerful combat force on our train...
A hundred years of self-discipline, a flying dragon riding on your face.
Looking up at the frail figure competing against the Star God in the universe, Ji Zi looked solemn: At first, no one cared about how powerful Zhou Xiao, the logistics worker, was until he and the Star God were at odds...


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