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Star Rail: people on the train, working from 9 to 5 — Chapter 105

After playing in the illusion and bewitchment all my life, I was finally pulled into the illusion by others…

What she saw in her field of vision was no longer the illusion she had made up, but brand new illusions.

She saw it, and saw countless faceless men swarming towards her like locusts, pressing her firmly beneath them.

She saw it, saw her body being eaten up by countless humans.

She saw it, saw the power given to her by Nanook, the Star God of Destruction, completely disintegrating and destroying her…

What she saw was that in a pure black illusion, a man sitting on a pure white chair stared at her with a playful look like he was an ant.

Those deep eyes were full of teasing. This look made her feel as if she had just learned some skills while playing in the fantasy world, and was complacent in front of adults…

who is he…

When she began to have a different mentality towards the man on the chair in front of her, the space also shook.

An unfathomable abyss suddenly appeared in front of her. The pure white chair on which the man sat in the distance was like a wildly growing seed. In a few seconds, it turned into a black chair held up by layers of stone steps. The throne she looked up to.

On the black throne, several dark golden chains can be vaguely seen surrounding the throne. Three of them have been completely broken, the middlemost chain is shaky, and the remaining three are still bound to the throne.

“You will give everything you have…right?”

The man on the black throne looked down at her, and his deep voice slowly sounded.

The extremely bewitching voice made her unconsciously want to move forward and fall into the abyss with no end in sight…


She shook her head crazily, hurriedly cut off contact with the star core hunter, and ran away in panic…

As she left the illusion, the black throne gradually withered and transformed into the pure white chair. Sitting on the pure white chair, “Zhou Xiao” still had the same joke in his eyes.

The seeds…are planted.

Digging and digging in the little garden, planting little seeds, blooming little flowers…

in reality.

The little fox Tingyun held her forehead. She felt her head hurt. Before she could realize what had happened, she saw the green flame appear in her sight again.

“You…don’t come here!”

However, the green flame ignored Tingyun’s voice. At this moment, all her attention was focused on the passing star core hunter in front of her.

Encountered a tough situation…

In just one confrontation, she felt that there was something in Zhou Xiao’s body that was no less than hers, which made the star core hunter in front of her not bewitched by her at all…

That thing is both dangerous and fascinating…

It not only made her feel scared, but also made her want to devour…



She had a premonition that although the thing inside the star core hunter in front of her could not give her a body that would not be destroyed, it would definitely make her destructive power more refined…

That thing is not completely mature yet. Although it is not mature, this is her chance to try to devour it…

But…she also knew the danger of that thing through the illusion just now.

She knew she wanted to devour that thing, at least not now…

At least it has to be the last scene of this good show…

As for now, we still have to lay the groundwork step by step…

At this moment, she couldn’t invade Zhou Xiao, so she naturally had to focus on others.

Apart from the little fox Tingyun not far away, there was Zhou Xiao, Ms. Forty Dollars… Oh yes, and there was also a kind brother Yun Qijun.

Zhou Xiao had just woken up from the illusion. He originally planned to drag the other party into the illusion of lust, but who would have thought that the other party still had something to break free from the illusion of lust.

As soon as he woke up, he was hit by a sudden flash of bright green light in front of his eyes, which forced him to close his eyes.

“Are you sick (you cake)?”

When Zhou Xiao opened his eyes again and adjusted to the dark environment in front of him, the green flame had disappeared.

In the field of vision, in addition to the fallen and unconscious little fox Tingyun in the distance, there was also the unconscious lady of 40 yuan on the side.

what happened?

Zhou Xiao touched his chin, looking confused.

The bright light just now must have been the opponent’s means of escape…

So these two people… were attacked by each other?

He first walked towards Tingyun and looked at the two beast girls.

This ear.

This tail.

These legs…

Jade legs.

Zhou Xiao checked a little and found that he was not dead yet. Then he looked at Ms. Forty Dollars. Similarly, Ms. Forty Dollars also had life characteristics.

So…who is this for?

Zhou Xiao was a little confused.

He didn’t think for too long. The Yunqi army patrolling in the distance seemed to have noticed the bright light and was heading towards where he was.

Zhou Xiao retracted his thoughts and decided to find Silver Wolf first. He controlled the kind-hearted brother Yunqijun to continue on his way.

After a moment.

The late Yunqi Army rushed over. When they saw the bodies of the Yunqi Army soldiers and the unconscious Huawaimin and Miss Tingyun, they were shocked and didn’t know what was happening here.

Xingchahai center, inside the Yuchen Inn.

The Star Train group did not know that Miss Zingyun, who they had been joking with them in the afternoon, had been attacked at this moment. They were gathering together to discuss the capture of Kafka tomorrow.

“It’s really unlikely that we can find Zhou Xiao’s whereabouts from Xianzhou. If we want to find Zhou Xiao… I’m afraid we can only wait until Kafka is captured and interrogated.”

Walter pushed the glasses on the bridge of his nose very naturally and said.

“Well, yes, so Uncle Yang…how can we catch Kafka?” Xingmei asked.

After hearing the question raised by Xingmei, Walter was silent for two seconds before speaking:

“Previously, Mr. Yukong of Tianbo Division tried his best to prevent us from intervening. I believe Tianbo Division must have clues. We can ask Miss Tingyun first tomorrow…”

Chapter 149 Diary of March 7th! (Second update)

Walter, Xingmei, and March 7 discussed a system for a while before ending the conversation.

The content of the conversation seemed to include everything and nothing at all. It seemed to be summed up in four words: “act according to circumstances.”

On March 7, he returned to the guest room arranged by Tianbosi.

The environment of the guest room in front of me can be said to be very good.

The facilities are complete and the environment is clean. It is still in the core area of ​​Xingchahai. You can see the lively Xingchahai by opening the window.

March 7 looked at the jagged Xingchahai buildings outside the window, and her worried heart did not get better at all.

When Tingyun took them to wander around the center of Xingchahai, they could see wanted notices about Zhou Xiao wherever they passed.

Extremely dangerous wanted criminal…

This is Xianzhou’s evaluation of Zhou Xiao.

March 7 sighed and took out a diary from somewhere to prepare a daily record of his thoughts.

[It’s a serious diary of a serious person]

This is the diary she decided to record every day after Zhou Xiao left the Star Dome Train on March 7. It contains dense records of her emotional changes towards Zhou Xiao:

[Today is the third day after Zhou Xiao left. In the days without Zhou Xiao, everyone on the train took on the work that Zhou Xiao had done on the train before.]

[The rice cooked by Uncle Yang is very delicious, but the taste is just a little bit off… We asked Xing, and Xing felt the same way. It’s not that I’m being pretentious…]

[Although it is not good to write like this, after all, it is already very good to have Uncle Yang cooking]

[Today is the fifth day since Zhou Xiao left. It seems that everyone is gradually adapting to the days without Zhou Xiao. I seem to be adapting too… Isn’t he just a little Zhou Xiao? What’s there to think about… 】

[Hmm…that’s it, what’s there to think about…]

[I wandered around the space station for a long time today, bought some specialties on the space station, and took photos… Well, that’s it]

[Today is the sixth day since Zhou Xiao left. I admit that I still miss him so much because I was so arrogant yesterday…especially late at night. I was really arrogant yesterday. Even when I was wandering around the space station, I would think of him once in the space station. The footprints I walked…but I didn’t write them down…]

[As for why I didn’t write it down… Well, don’t beautiful girls want to save face? 】

[I don’t know if he will miss us… probably not. 】

[Today is the seventh day since Zhou Xiao left. Today I dreamed about Zhou Xiao… I dreamed that he returned to the train, but I don’t know why he left…]

[It was a very uncomfortable dream. In order to calm the discomfort, I decided to read Zhou Xiao’s photos and Zhou Xiao’s diary again…]

[Today is the seventeenth day since Zhou Xiao left. Today there is finally some news about Zhou Xiao. The bad woman Kafka, the star core hunter, said that he is in a place called Luofu Immortal Boat]

【That bad woman! It’s really irritating! She actually said that Zhou Xiao was happier in Star Core Hunter than on the train! She also called Zhou Xiao Axiao so affectionately! 】

[I have never called Zhou Xiao that! Why does she call Zhou Xiao so intimately? Crazy ing】

【I decide! When Zhou Xiao returns to the train, I will give him another name. What should I call him? 】

【Ah Zhou? weekly? Xiaoxiao? 】

[Hey, this is so boring… Zhou Xiao will definitely not like it]

[Today is the eighteenth day since Zhou Xiao left]

[We all unanimously decided to go to Xianzhou Luofu to rescue Zhou Xiao… Finally we had a chance to meet that guy! If we meet, I will definitely give him a good yin and yang! Why did you leave me… leave everyone on the train and go hang out with the star core hunters! 】


March 7 seemed to have gradually developed the habit of writing a diary. She recorded every day without Zhou Xiao on the train, including the daily life on the train. She planned to talk about the changes in the train every day after Zhou Xiao came back. Tell Zhou Xiao everything.

March 7 took a pen and thought for a moment and began to write something in the diary.

[When I arrived at Xianzhou Luofu today, I was shocked and even more worried about Zhou Xiao. He turned out to be a wanted criminal in Xianzhou… How could he do such a thing? 】

[It must have been the instigation of that bad woman… When we catch that bad woman tomorrow, she will be tortured and we will definitely be able to find out the whereabouts of Zhou Xiao…]

[I finally got to see Zhou Xiao… I hope he will be safe…]


March 7th was writing in her diary, and as she was writing, she suddenly saw something that made her raise her eyebrows.

what is that?

There seems to be a scarlet light appearing in the distance in the field of vision, it seems to be a cloud cavalry, but… why is the whole body on fire?

What a weird color… where have I seen it?

When March 7th stopped writing and thought about where she had seen this strange phenomenon, she saw a familiar figure next to Yun Qijun.

Under the scarlet light reflected from the Yunqijun, she saw the figure’s face.

? ! !



Star Rail: people on the train, working from 9 to 5

Star Rail: people on the train, working from 9 to 5

Status: Completed Author:


[Honkai Star Rail fanfic, relaxed, invincible, self-disciplined]
Zhou Xiao traveled to the world of Star Dome Railway and became a logistics staff of Star Dome Railway. He also obtained a self-discipline system. As long as he disciplines himself every day, he can get random rewards.
Be self-disciplined for a year and be submissive.
Looking at Zhou Xiao's figure who was cooking on the train, Ji Zi thought calmly in her heart: Well, this logistician on our train is extraordinary...
After ten years of self-discipline, my waist will be straight.
Looking at Zhou Xiao who was wiping a knife at the back of the train, Ji Zi raised her eyebrows and thought: Zhou Xiao is the most powerful combat force on our train...
A hundred years of self-discipline, a flying dragon riding on your face.
Looking up at the frail figure competing against the Star God in the universe, Ji Zi looked solemn: At first, no one cared about how powerful Zhou Xiao, the logistics worker, was until he and the Star God were at odds...


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