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Star Rail: people on the train, working from 9 to 5 — Chapter 106

Zhou Xiao?

Is it Zhou Xiao? !

March Qi’s eyes changed from shock to speculation and then to determination. She dropped her pen, dressed in thin pajamas, and jumped out of the window.

This is the second floor.

But what does the second floor mean to her?

She jumped down from the building with bare feet. Fortunately, her white little feet didn’t get sprained. She stepped on the ground and ran in the direction she just saw on the third floor.

“Zhou Xiao!”

“Zhou Xiao!”

She ran for a long time… Even though it didn’t look like it was far from the second floor, it was actually quite a distance.

When she arrived at the place where she saw Zhou Xiao before, Zhou Xiao and the Yunqijun, who were covered in scarlet flames, disappeared into the vast sea of ​​people, leaving her standing there blankly.

She tried to scan her surroundings to see that there was no figure of the radiant Cloud Cavalry, but there was none.

She asked the people around her if they had seen Zhou Xiao and the radiant cloud cavalry, but they hadn’t.

Those two figures passed through her world like shooting stars…

March 7 walked towards the inn in despair, wondering if she was overthinking and misreading.

Maybe I saw it wrong…


Both Walter and Xingmei discovered her, and they rushed over.

“Uncle Yang, Xing…why are you two out?”

“I just heard you calling my master’s name and jumping out of the room…” Xingmei said, “How is it? Did you find my master?”

March 7 shook his head, with a slightly stiff smile on his face: “Maybe we were too nervous just now and misjudged the wrong person…”

“See… you saw it wrong?” Xingmei raised her eyebrows slightly when she heard March 7th’s answer, and then accepted the reality:

“Yeah, that’s right. It’s very possible to make a mistake in such a dark night.”

ps: I beg for everything, I beg for everything, the author of Poujie is asking for everything online~

It took four… finally the foundation was almost laid.

Chapter 150 Silver Wolf: Repeatedly testing on the verge of death! (First update)

Xingmei and Walter returned to the inn with March 7th.

After returning to the room, March Qi’s eyes were still looking at the direction she had just chased, with a slightly complicated expression. She was a little annoyed. Maybe she wanted to see Zhou Xiao so much that she got it wrong…

She scratched her hair, put the diary away, washed up and chose to go to bed… intending to relax her tense emotions a little.

Was she really wrong?

of course not.

All I can say is that I missed it.

Zhou Xiao did indeed pass by from the direction visible from March 7th’s window, but Zhou Xiao did not leave quickly without just wandering around. This resulted in the fact that when March 7th chased after him, he found nothing.

When the passing star core hunters arrived at the silver wolf’s location with great difficulty, the little silver wolf was preparing to move its position.

When she saw Zhou Xiao arriving with the enthusiastic Yunqijun brother braving scarlet fire, she raised her brows slightly and said unhurriedly:

“You’re finally here… so slow, I have to move my position.”

Little silver wolf.

A tough talk.

She was able to locate Zhou Xiao’s specific location through the backup machine. If she hadn’t been waiting for Zhou Xiao, she would have moved her position long ago.

“You have to transfer me just after I arrived? Why don’t you let me rest for a while?” Zhou Xiao said that it was not easy for him to rush here.

“Tsk…” Silver Wolf looked Zhou Xiao up and down, thought for a while, and gave Zhou Xiao some time to rest.

“One system, one system, one time, and then evacuate…”

“Oh…” Zhou Xiao glanced at the indoor environment. This is a house in a small courtyard located in the core area of ​​​​Xingchahai:

“Your hiding place is here…you are really bold.”

“So we have to transfer…” Silver Wolf skillfully opened his phone and prepared to continue playing games.

“Where’s Kafka? Why don’t you see her? Aren’t she with you?” Zhou Xiao asked after not seeing Kafka for a long time.

“She went to prepare the script for the next scene… You really can’t bear to let her go?”

“The script for the next act…”

Zhou Xiao touched his chin and recalled the original plot in his mind. He remembered that he really knew little about the plot of Luofu…

He simply stopped thinking about it. Seeing Silver Wolf starting to play games again, he raised his eyebrows slightly: “Hey, the account has been unbanned?”

Listening to Zhou Xiao’s words, Silver Wolf caught a glimpse of Zhou Xiao approaching her, and she instinctively shrank the phone towards her body:

“Don’t even think about playing with my account again…”

Perhaps it was because of the shadow last time that Silver Wolf now dared not let Zhou Xiao touch her game account again.

“Tsk…” Zhou Xiao didn’t intend to play, so he found a chair and sat down, closing his eyes to relax.

He didn’t know whether it was the day’s running around that made him a little tired, or whether it was the biological clock he had developed that made him sleepy at this time.

Speaking of which, he was really busy today.

First, Master Sanba taught Yanqing, and then took Jingliu to seek the blade. On the way back to meet Silver Wolf, he also ran into the “MLM organization” of Yaowang Secret. After finally getting back, he was attacked by someone who did not respect martial ethics. Got a hand…

This day can be regarded as making up for all the free time he had these days…

His breathing gradually became even and gentle, as if he was really resting.

Silver Wolf, who was playing a game, saw that he was really not moving, and his mind rarely shifted from the game to him.

It looked like…he was really tired.

Silver Wolf looked Zhou Xiao carefully up and down with her beautiful eyes, and she could see the tired look on Zhou Xiao’s face.

It turns out that even the creatures that tear apart the Lord of Destruction will sometimes run out of energy…

Yinlang said it was amazing, and she planned to put the statistics of Zhou Xiao’s itinerary today in her book guide “On Zhou Xiao”.


Zhou Xiao in this state… seems to be very suitable for making emoticons?

Silver Wolf suddenly thought of something. The sitting posture of Zhou Xiao in front of him was very casual like “Ge You Paralysis”, and he did not sit upright like when the blade was resting…

Thinking of this, she hurriedly quit the game and carefully prepared to secretly take photos of Zhou Xiao.

She took a closer look first, and after confirming that Zhou Xiao really seemed to be unable to wake up for a while, she found a good angle and started taking candid photos.

She took the photo very boldly…after all, she didn’t turn on the flash. As long as Zhou Xiao didn’t open her eyes, she could “do whatever she wanted.”

On this side, Zhou Xiao closed his eyes to rest. Just when he started to feel sleepy, he suddenly thought of something.

Today, he didn’t do any daily self-discipline training…either he was in a hurry or taking action, which completely disrupted the good habits he had developed…

None of them even realized…


Do you still want to do it?

Zhou Xiao thought about this problem for a while… The lazy thoughts in his heart were affecting him…

Daily training will definitely have little effect on his improvement… But in order to obtain the self-discipline value, he has been able to persist until now…

Gotta do it…

Perhaps the laziness hadn’t completely assimilated into him yet, so he suddenly opened his eyes and decided to complete his daily self-discipline plan before the day was over.

The moment he opened his eyes, Silver Wolf, who was taking secret photos, was frightened half to death. His phone almost slipped from his hand and fell to the ground.

Seeing Yin Lang’s panic and not knowing what to do, Zhou Xiao frowned slightly and asked, “What are you doing?”


When Yinlang was named and asked a question, he suddenly felt guilty: “Haha, what can I do… Of course I am playing games!”

She raised her voice a bit as if to embolden her own conscience.

“Playing games? You were pressing against me just now? Are you playing games?” If Zhou Xiao saw it right, Silver Wolf would have pressed his whole body against me…

“Alright alright…”

Seeing that she couldn’t make up this reason, Yin Lang was just about to tell the truth when she suddenly saw the spare phone exposed from the corner of Zhou Xiao’s pocket, which gave her a new reason:

“I’m taking my spare phone… There are games there that aren’t available on this phone… I want to play them.”


What a valid reason!

It seems that no flaws can be found.

Zhou Xiao took out Silver Wolf’s backup phone from his pocket: “Is that so?”

“What if that’s not the case? No one will think that I am plotting something against you, right? No, no, no… What do you have for me to plot something against you…”

Silver Wolf said a little stiffly.

Fortunately, Zhou Xiao’s mind was not focused on her. After handing her the spare phone, Zhou Xiao was ready to start completing the self-discipline routine that he had not done today.

“Aren’t you going to rest? How about moving the position?” Yinlang asked when Zhou Xiao seemed to have no intention of resting anymore.

“No…” Zhou Xiao shook his head, glanced at Silver Wolf and said, “I have more important things to do…”

Chapter 151 Zhou Xiao’s expression package? Kafka: Please increase your efforts! (Second update)

“More…more important things?” Yin Lang raised his eyebrows when he heard Zhou Xiao say this.

She was curious about what Zhou Xiao had more important things to do than rest…

You must know that according to her book “On Zhou Xiao”, Zhou Xiao’s regular sleep every day must not be disturbed…

There could be something more important than sleeping… She didn’t dare to think about it.

Silver Wolf pretended to be calm and sat on the chair, pretending to play with the backup phone with one hand, but in fact, his peripheral vision had already been on Zhou Xiao.

What could it be?

Her curiosity was quickly satisfied.

I saw Zhou Xiao starting to do sit-ups in front of her…

One after another…


There is a kind of speechlessness called silver wolf speechlessness.

There is a kind of confusion called Silver Wolf.

Silver Wolf frowned, she never expected…

The more important thing Zhou Xiao said turned out to be…the useless daily exercises that he does every day!

Does he have obsessive-compulsive disorder?

Silver Wolf had to suspect that Zhou Xiaoming had some kind of obsessive-compulsive disorder…

What kind of guy starts doing sit-ups in the middle of the night?

Silver Wolf sighed.

Sure enough… Zhou Xiao’s brain circuit was not something she could understand.


Star Rail: people on the train, working from 9 to 5

Star Rail: people on the train, working from 9 to 5

Status: Completed Author:


[Honkai Star Rail fanfic, relaxed, invincible, self-disciplined]
Zhou Xiao traveled to the world of Star Dome Railway and became a logistics staff of Star Dome Railway. He also obtained a self-discipline system. As long as he disciplines himself every day, he can get random rewards.
Be self-disciplined for a year and be submissive.
Looking at Zhou Xiao's figure who was cooking on the train, Ji Zi thought calmly in her heart: Well, this logistician on our train is extraordinary...
After ten years of self-discipline, my waist will be straight.
Looking at Zhou Xiao who was wiping a knife at the back of the train, Ji Zi raised her eyebrows and thought: Zhou Xiao is the most powerful combat force on our train...
A hundred years of self-discipline, a flying dragon riding on your face.
Looking up at the frail figure competing against the Star God in the universe, Ji Zi looked solemn: At first, no one cared about how powerful Zhou Xiao, the logistics worker, was until he and the Star God were at odds...


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