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Star Rail: people on the train, working from 9 to 5 — Chapter 107

She could only figure it out and then record it and make it into a guide… This is the meaning of the existence of “On Zhou Xiao”.

In addition to sit-ups, Zhou Xiao also started doing squats and push-ups…

He finished all this easily and quickly. When he heard the system’s reminder sound, he knew…it wasn’t too late.

Fortunately, he can get self-discipline points. If he couldn’t get it… he would probably choose to be lazy and sleep first…

Since daily exercise can…then other activities should also be carried out, right?

Under Yin Lang’s disbelieving eyes, Zhou Xiao started a speedy version of “Zhou Xiao’s Day” which included but was not limited to writing a diary, washing up, etc.

The most outrageous thing is that Zhou Xiao actually ate three meals in twenty minutes! As for the source of this food, don’t ask, it’s just the self-service vending machine…

Of course.

This outrageous operation of eating three meals within twenty minutes will definitely not gain self-discipline points, which is a pity.


When Zhou Xiao burped and sat back on the chair, Yin Lang said with a shocked expression, “Crazy, all crazy…”

“You really have some obsessive-compulsive disorder…” Silver Wolf paused and then said:

“Who is a good person who eats three meals in twenty minutes…and asks me if I want to eat…”

“Leave me alone…”

Zhou Xiao was very satisfied with rescuing more than ten self-discipline points. It was not because of the ten self-discipline points. The main reason was that the daily plan was broken. If he wanted to regain the self-discipline points through a certain behavior, he would do it again. It will take several days…

I can’t understand it at all.

Yinlang shook her head. There were already many emoticon samples about Zhou Xiao on her phone.

In addition to most of the photos taken secretly by Zhou Xiao while she was resting, there are also emoticons made from the photos she inadvertently took when Zhou Xiao was frantically rushing through her daily routine.

For example: Zhou Xiaoge You’s paralysis jpg, and the accompanying text exhausted me to death.

Another example: Zhou Xiao is doing push-ups jpg, the caption is “Wait for me to finish doing push-ups, I will fuck you to death”.

Another example: Zhou Xiao is writing a diary jpg, and the caption is to record you all in a small notebook!

really not bad…

Silver Wolf was extremely satisfied as she admired her crazy masterpiece that was on the verge of committing suicide. Unlike making other people’s emoticons, this excitement was mixed with a sense of fun, which made her find fun.

This feeling was like plucking the hair from the back of a tiger’s butt… She even wondered why she hadn’t discovered this pleasure earlier?

It just so happened that news from Kafka came at this moment, which brought her freshly made emoticons to use.

Kafka: Has Axiao joined you?

Silver Wolf: Yeah.

Silver Wolf: Zhou Xiaoge You is paralyzed jpg (I’m so exhausted)


On the other hand, Kafka was holding her cell phone and saw Silver Wolf sending an emoticon of Zhou Xiao during a break, and a flash of shock suddenly flashed through her beautiful eyes.

Kafka: This, this, this… Little Silver Wolf, you are really… well done!

Kafka: This angle…this posture, I really didn’t expect it…I have collected it, do you have any more?

Silver Wolf saw this and gave her another one.

Silver Wolf: Zhou Xiao is doing push-ups jpg (wait for me to finish the push-ups, I will fuck you to death)

When Kafka saw this emoticon, he had an “outrageous” look on his face.

So wild! This picture, this caption! Worthy of being a silver wolf…

Kafka: Come again!

Silver Wolf sent a dozen or so to Kafka at once, and Kafka called me stupid. After she finished sending them, she even reminded her.

Silver Wolf: Don’t send it to Zhou Xiao…it will kill someone.

Kafka: Don’t worry, don’t worry, how can I stab our little silver wolf in the back? It deserves encouragement… Please increase your efforts, the organization will definitely not treat you badly…

Kafka: It would be great if this could be made into a Q version. I will contact you later…it will definitely be distributed to A Xiao.

Silver Wolf: 6.

It can be seen that both Silver Wolf and Kafka like Zhou Xiao’s emoticons very much. The reason is very simple, it is the extreme sense of contrast!

An existence that can tear apart the Great Lord of Destruction… Outsiders must be in awe of this existence upon hearing it. However… such a terrifying existence can actually have such a scene of life, which is quite a contrast. ..

Even Kafka had to say Silver Wolf: You are really a fucking genius!

“Huh? What are you looking at?”

Zhou Xiao seemed to have noticed something was wrong. He always saw a slight smile on Yinlang’s face. This kind of aunt’s smile was very cool, just like the smile that would inadvertently appear on the face when chatting with the other half. .

“I didn’t see anything…” Hearing Zhou Xiao’s voice, Yin Lang straightened his posture and put his phone back to prevent Zhou Xiao from seeing things he shouldn’t have seen.

“Tsk, tsk, tsk…” Zhou Xiao made a teasing sound as if he had seen through it all.

This smile…this prevents outsiders from seeing the action of putting away the phone.

He must be chatting with someone he has an affair with…

Little Silver Wolf actually has an affair?

Zhou Xiao touched his chin to express doubt, but then he thought about it. Silver Wolf likes playing games so much, so he must have many game friends. Who knows… online dating is also possible.

“What are you talking about…have you finished your important things?”

Being stared at by Zhou Xiao’s see-through eyes, Yin Lang changed the subject with some guilt, but her slightly blunt change of topic was a little obvious in Zhou Xiao’s eyes.

“Well, it’s done, you can go to sleep.” Zhou Xiao replied without poking at Yin Lang.

“Sleep…sleep?” Silver Wolf raised his eyebrows: “I want to move the position.”

“Can’t we transfer it tomorrow?”


Yin Lang wanted to refuse, but when she thought that Zhou Xiao could only sleep in front of her in this small house, she immediately decided to agree.

ps: I want everything, I want everything, the cute new author is online~

Chapter 152 The considerate Silver Wolf? No! It’s the silver wolf with a crazy backstab! (first update)

“Go to sleep.”

Little Silver Wolf has already had bad thoughts.

The night is long, my beloved is by my side…

Silver Wolf thought for a moment and couldn’t help but swallow his saliva.

How many emoticons do you need to take!

“Huh?” Zhou Xiao felt something was wrong when he saw the look on Yin Lang’s face, but he couldn’t tell what was wrong.

“Um, what…are you going to sleep or not?” Silver Wolf asked, clearing his throat.

“This is just one room… I’ll sleep on the bed, where will you sleep?”

“Of course I can’t sleep…” Silver Wolf shook his head: “You are a wanted criminal now, and I am also a wanted criminal. We both slept… What if we are discovered? I’m not sleepy, it’s just right Playing games and keeping vigil…”

Damn it.

What a good man.

When Zhou Xiao heard Yin Lang say this, he suddenly felt a little embarrassed. Yin Lang’s understanding made him feel a little guilty for his previous backstabbing behavior…

Such a sensible silver wolf…

He said that Silver Wolf had the right to avoid backstabbing for seven days!

“You are a good person…” Zhou Xiao sent Yinlang a good person card, and he lay down on the bed without ceremony even though he was a little sleepy.

After being issued the good guy card so many times, he finally issued one.

“You talk a lot…I can sleep with you.” Silver Wolf looked as calm as an old dog, but in fact he was panicking inside.

She was given a good guy card and her conscience is being pulled at the moment…

Zhou Xiao thought she was a good person, but in fact she was going to stab her in the back like crazy…

After some pulling and pulling, she decided to secretly take photos of Zhou Xiao!


What conscience?

Do you have a conscience with the star core hunter?

How could she, Silver Wolf, have that kind of thing!

Just want to shoot!

Backstab each other! It’s a backstab!


What a family that invades and hinders each other~

Silver Wolf first played a game for a while and waited for Zhou Xiao to fall asleep. After seeing that Zhou Xiao was really asleep, she began to quietly carry out tonight’s shooting.

The whole night was quietly spent in Silver Wolf’s continuous shooting. During this period, many Yunqijun passed by and were fooled by her with some kind of technology. Seeing the reminder that her phone’s memory was full, she moved her wrist. sit on the chair.

So tired…

But it’s rewarding!

Silver Wolf was very happy. Her attention was either checking the photos taken on her mobile phone, or Zhou Xiao who was sleeping. Seeing that her mobile phone was about to be charged, her eyes turned to Zhou Xiao.

The faint light in the room shone on Zhou Xiao’s cheek. Silver Wolf stepped on the edge of the chair, hugged a pair of curved jade legs with his hands, and tilted his little head slightly to look at Zhou Xiao not far away in front of him.

The room was very quiet, so quiet that only Zhou Xiao’s even breathing could be heard.

It seemed that today was the first time that she observed Zhou Xiao’s face so seriously… She had always observed her behavior before.

Are you handsome? Not bad…

He seems to be a bit more handsome than that guy, and he’s more than enough to match Kafka…


Wait, why Kafka?

Yin Lang felt it was strange. Her mind unconsciously imagined that when Zhou Xiao and Kafka stood together, they seemed to match each other in terms of temperament and height…

Why am I thinking all this nonsense?

Yin Lang suddenly realized that his thoughts were instinctively moving in the direction of eating melon. He saw her shaking her head and then took out her spare phone.


It must be that I’m too busy to think about things…

Silver Wolf thought so, and then started a new round of game storm.

Not long after she opened the game, she thought of something again from the word “eating melon”.

Eat melon?

By the way, it seems that Zhou Xiao hasn’t talked about Blade’s big melon yet…

That’s all.

Ask again tomorrow.


Star Rail: people on the train, working from 9 to 5

Star Rail: people on the train, working from 9 to 5

Status: Completed Author:


[Honkai Star Rail fanfic, relaxed, invincible, self-disciplined]
Zhou Xiao traveled to the world of Star Dome Railway and became a logistics staff of Star Dome Railway. He also obtained a self-discipline system. As long as he disciplines himself every day, he can get random rewards.
Be self-disciplined for a year and be submissive.
Looking at Zhou Xiao's figure who was cooking on the train, Ji Zi thought calmly in her heart: Well, this logistician on our train is extraordinary...
After ten years of self-discipline, my waist will be straight.
Looking at Zhou Xiao who was wiping a knife at the back of the train, Ji Zi raised her eyebrows and thought: Zhou Xiao is the most powerful combat force on our train...
A hundred years of self-discipline, a flying dragon riding on your face.
Looking up at the frail figure competing against the Star God in the universe, Ji Zi looked solemn: At first, no one cared about how powerful Zhou Xiao, the logistics worker, was until he and the Star God were at odds...


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