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Star Rail: people on the train, working from 9 to 5 — Chapter 11

After a long day of experience, she was exhausted physically and mentally. It was hard to imagine how she would be treated like a bully by the Black Tower if she stayed on the space station…

“Get in the car.”

Under the leadership of Ji Zi, Xingmei finally boarded this train full of uncertainty.

“At this point… I guess Zhou Xiao has already made breakfast. Let’s go, I’ll take you to have breakfast first.” As soon as he got in the car, Ji Zi looked at the time and said to Xingmei.

“Breakfast?” Xingmei was slightly startled: “Is it this time?”

According to the system time of the Black Tower Space Station, it is already half past nine, which may be a bit late for the concept of breakfast.

“Yeah… Isn’t it incredible? Get used to it slowly. The train is a little different from the outside world. As for the specific differences…” Ji Zi gave a lie:

“Let you discover it slowly.”

Under the leadership of Ji Zi, Xingmei came to the train kitchen and saw Zhou Xiao and conductor Pam.

At this time, there were Walter and Dan Heng in the dining area. Everyone was sitting together eating breakfast. When they saw their arrival, they all looked over.

Ji Zi didn’t have much to introduce about Xingmei. After all, everyone was familiar with her after yesterday’s battle.

After introducing Xingmei, Jizi, who was eating, gradually brought the topic to Zhou Xiao.

“Zhou Xiao, do you have any thoughts about your work?” Ji Zi asked.


Hearing Ji Zi’s question, Zhou Xiao raised his eyebrows: “It’s not bad. The work is easy and the environment is good.”

Zhou Xiao told the truth. The atmosphere on the train was indeed very good and relaxing.

Listening to Zhou Xiao’s description, Ji Zi hesitated for a moment and then said:

“That’s right, I want to transfer you to the pioneering team… I thought about it last night. It’s really a pity to be a train logistician with your ability.”

Position transfer.

Everyone present felt very embarrassed.

After all, Zhou Xiao’s ability shown yesterday was really eye-catching, and it felt like he was overqualified for the position of a support staff.


Except Zhou Xiao himself.

After listening to Ji Zi’s words, a big question mark flashed through Zhou Xiao’s little head.

Transferred from idle position to development team…

He definitely doesn’t want to do this.

Jizi won’t hold grudges anymore, will she?

I just tried a little bit last night to make the noodles spicier. She might just hold a grudge…

Zhou Xiao expressed hesitation.

“what do you think?”

As Ji Zi asked the question, Zhou Xiao slowly said: “Sister Ji Zi, I think my current position is very good. It would be better if I could get a little salary increase.”

“As for following the pioneering team to complete the mission…I’m afraid I’m not up to the task.”

Don’t waste your time growing up.

Zhou Xiao knew very well how much he weighed.

It is definitely not possible to go out for a wander as soon as you have some strength to protect yourself. After all, the outside world is not only filled with miscellaneous soldiers of the Antimatter Legion…

There are many more powerful star gods…

“That’s it…”

Ji Zi didn’t force the request, she just asked Zhou Xiao’s opinion.

As for Zhou Xiao’s suggestion that her salary be longer, she also took it to heart.

After breakfast, Xing felt that the atmosphere was very boring, because few people present were silent.

Walter will answer if you ask him. If you don’t ask him, he won’t take the initiative to chat about some topics.

Dan Heng was the same, focusing more on breakfast.

Although Jizi introduced her enthusiastically, she didn’t know much about the specific situation on the train and couldn’t talk to him.

As for Zhou Xiao…it seems that March 7 is not around, and his words have become much less.

Xingmei suddenly caught a key figure, March 7th.

March 7, who looks carefree, can liven up the atmosphere.

“Speaking of…what about March?”

Xingmei asked a question, Jizi looked at the time and answered:

“I guess… I’ll wake up soon, probably.”

March 7 is very good at staying in bed. She usually gets up to eat breakfast after they have eaten. Sometimes she doesn’t even mention breakfast and just eats lunch…

“That’s right.” Xingmei nodded.

When Xingmei asked Ji Zi, Zhou Xiao stopped Dan Heng who was leaving.

“In the afternoon we will continue our daily spar.”

After hearing Zhou Xiao’s words, Dan Heng paused for a few seconds and then replied: “No.”


“You compete with Uncle Yang, I can’t beat you.” Dan Heng said frankly.

Zhou Xiao obviously didn’t expect Dan Heng’s answer. He said, “Hey, hey, you know what it means to learn from each other and make progress together.”

But it’s a pity…Dan Heng looked like he wouldn’t listen.

The crisis on the space station has been temporarily resolved, and all that is left is some cleaning work. It does not require support from the train crew, and the Star Dome Train will naturally not stop on the platform for too long.

After breakfast, the train will set off again to the next destination planet.

At Pam’s request, Jizi placed a record in the gramophone, and melodious music slowly sounded from the gramophone.

This music sounds very ethereal, giving people a sense of destiny to explore the unknown starry sky alone.

Chapter 16 Little thoughts on March 7th!

On the platform, Esta, Heita, Alan and others watched the star train leave again.


The universe is vast. Sitting in the sightseeing carriage and looking through the special transparent glass, the Black Tower Space Station gradually becomes smaller until it disappears from the field of vision and turns into a glimmer of light in the dark universe.

While Xingmei was shocked, she was also more interested in this star train that could travel through the universe.

“Just walk around on the train and get familiar with the environment.” Jizi, who was wearing a formal dress, keenly captured the expression on Xingmei’s face.

It was an expression of feeling that everything in front of you was novel and interesting.

She has caught this expression on the face of every passenger who has ridden the Star Dome Train for the first time.

“Okay…” Xingmei nodded, and then wandered around on the train.

She first started walking around in the sightseeing car.

In addition to Jizi, there were little Pam and Walter in the sightseeing car.

Walter, who was sitting on the sofa, was holding a notebook in his left hand and a pen in his right hand, drawing something thoughtfully.

Xingmei felt very curious, so she walked over.

“Uncle Yang…what are you doing?”

Hearing Xing Mei’s voice, Walter came back to his senses and gave Xing Mei a brief look at the book in his hand.

“Well, it’s nothing. Just draw a picture.”

In the field of vision, Walter was painting something, which seemed to be the scene of the battle with the doomsday beast on the platform yesterday.

It can be seen that it is still in the draft stage. Although it is in the draft stage, there are still many details, and many characteristics of the Doomsday Beast can be seen.

“Is this…the Zhou logistics worker?” Xingmei pointed to the villain on the platform who was holding a single sword to fight against the Doomsday Beast.

Although Walter hadn’t painted his face yet, judging from yesterday’s memory, Xingmei made a guess.

“Well, yes.” Walter pushed up his glasses, and then said very steadily:

“These are some of my usual hobbies. I like to record adventure scenes that I think are good.”

“Uncle Yang is very powerful.”

“No, no, just draw whatever you want.”

Star Girl, who had a brief exchange with Uncle Yang, did not disturb Walter too much. She chose to enter the guest room.

As soon as they entered the guest room, they heard the sound of the door being opened, and then March Qi, who was wearing pajamas, walked out with a panicked look on her face, muttering something in her mouth.

“It’s over, it’s over, we overslept again.”

Originally, on March 7, I planned to take advantage of today to take a walk around the Black Tower Space Station, take photos, and so on.

What I didn’t expect was…when I woke up, I found…

Her cabinet moved!

Seeing this scene, March 7, who was still in the hazy state, suddenly woke up a lot. He glanced outside the train with bare feet, and now he was sure that the train had really left.


Hearing someone calling her, March Qi turned around and saw Xingmei.

“Wow, you’re on the bus! We didn’t even greet you.”

When she and Jizi had supper last night, she heard from Jizi that Xingmei would also get in the car. She originally planned to greet her, but when she woke up, she didn’t catch up with anything.

“It’s okay…I just got in the car not long ago.” Xingmei said.

“Ah… let’s do this. I’ll take you for a walk on the train. You come to my room first and wait for me.”

March 7th was also familiar and pulled Xingmei into her room.

March 7’s room looks like a girl’s room at first glance, with a pink color scheme, a wardrobe, a floor-to-ceiling mirror, dolls, and many photos hanging on one side of the wall.

“You sit in my room for a while first, and we’ll go wash up and change clothes. It’ll be quick.”

Listening to March Qi’s words, Xingmei also walked around the room casually. Her eyes were first attracted to the wall with photos hanging on it.

It can be seen that March 7 likes to take pictures.

The angle of each photo is different, and the content is also different. There are food, scenic spots, and many people. Photos with different styles seem to be hung on the wall in a certain order. Until a certain point in time, there are many of these photos. A man appeared.

Zhou Logisticsman.

Zhou Xiao.

Zhou Xiao while cooking.

Zhou Xiao is wielding a long sword…

Zhou Xiao training with weights.

Zhou Xiao is on a 50-50 basis with Dan Heng.

The frequency of Zhou Xiao’s appearance has increased significantly. It seems to be in every picture, but it seems that Zhou Xiao is captured by chance in every picture.

For example, in the photo of Zhou Xiao cooking, March 7 seems to focus more on the food nearby, but the focus is on Zhou Xiao in the distance…

There is also this picture of Zhou Xiao wielding a long knife. Most of the photo is also placed on a green plant. It seems that Zhou Xiao was “accidentally” photographed.

One or two is an accident.

But so many pictures may mean something.

Xingmei touched her chin, and a melon-eating expression gradually appeared on her face.

“We’re back.”


Star Rail: people on the train, working from 9 to 5

Star Rail: people on the train, working from 9 to 5

Status: Completed Author:


[Honkai Star Rail fanfic, relaxed, invincible, self-disciplined]
Zhou Xiao traveled to the world of Star Dome Railway and became a logistics staff of Star Dome Railway. He also obtained a self-discipline system. As long as he disciplines himself every day, he can get random rewards.
Be self-disciplined for a year and be submissive.
Looking at Zhou Xiao's figure who was cooking on the train, Ji Zi thought calmly in her heart: Well, this logistician on our train is extraordinary...
After ten years of self-discipline, my waist will be straight.
Looking at Zhou Xiao who was wiping a knife at the back of the train, Ji Zi raised her eyebrows and thought: Zhou Xiao is the most powerful combat force on our train...
A hundred years of self-discipline, a flying dragon riding on your face.
Looking up at the frail figure competing against the Star God in the universe, Ji Zi looked solemn: At first, no one cared about how powerful Zhou Xiao, the logistics worker, was until he and the Star God were at odds...


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