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Star Rail: people on the train, working from 9 to 5 — Chapter 113

“Let me take a look…”

While Su Shang was talking, her cell phone just rang with a reminder. When she opened her cell phone, she received several wanted notice messages.

“Star Core Hunter…Kafka (with portrait)”

“Star Core Hunter…Blade (with portrait)”

Dan Heng frowned when he heard the name Blade.

“Eh? There is another…suspected star core hunter? Why doesn’t this have a name?” Su Chang saw another portrait of a star core hunter without a name.

Zhou…Zhou Xiao?

Dan Heng’s expression suddenly changed when he caught a glimpse of the portrait on Su Chang’s cell phone.

Is Zhou Xiao also wanted by Xianzhou?

“This person… is wanted for what?” Dan Heng pointed to the portrait on the phone and asked Su Shang.

“Ah? I don’t know, I just came here… But those who are on the wanted list must be dangerous people…” Su Shang scratched her head again:

“The current Luofu Immortal Boat is very deep…”

“Forget it, I guess we won’t meet you. I’ll send you all to a safe area first.” Su Chang put her phone away and said.

ps: Looking for everything every day, the author of Big Bird is online…

Chapter 160 Blade: Damn it! You bastard! (First update)

“Miss Su Shang, don’t talk nonsense…what if we meet you?” Rakshasa seriously warned Su Shang not to raise flags randomly.

“Don’t be afraid! They are wanted criminals. I am the Yunqi Army. I just need to catch them when I encounter them.”

Su Shang is a little confident, even a little crazy confident.

Under the leadership of Su Shang, Dan Heng and Rakshasa shuttled through the port. All the evil creatures they encountered along the way were eliminated by Su Shang and Dan Heng.

“Huh? Why are there so few evil things here…” Su Chang walked eastward with Dan Heng and Rakshasa.

She found that there were a lot less fertile creatures here, and there were some corpses of fertile creatures on the ground. It looked…as if someone had cleaned them up.

“Maybe we are almost at the safe area?” Rakshasa tried to explain this phenomenon.

“Maybe we are going in circles…” Dan Heng said slowly.

“Going around in circles…how is that possible!”

Su Shang waved her hand and said it was impossible! Absolutely impossible! She is a serious Yunqijun, how could she get lost.

“The scars on the corpse here are very consistent with your weapon…” Dan Heng observed it twice, then turned his head to look at the heavy sword in Su Chang’s hand.

“Wow, Meng Gourd, you are so thin!” Su Shang compared it and found that it was basically consistent with what Dan Heng said.

“But…it shouldn’t be. I always follow the navigation…” Su Shang scratched her head and felt strange.

“Give me…”

“Do you want to take a look?” Su Shang handed the phone to Dan Heng.

Dan Heng took it and then walked again according to the direction on the navigation, but found that he still couldn’t find the exit.

If a person is lost, he may not know the map…

Two people getting lost can explain some problems…

“There’s something weird here…” Dan Heng touched his chin and thought back to the message he had just sent to other members of the train crew and concluded.

“Weird? You mean…” Su Chang paused slightly, as if thinking: “You mean there is something dirty here…?”

“I don’t know…let’s take a look.”

Dan Heng threw his phone to Su Shang, and then started to make marks. Every time he walked, he made a mark, and gradually screened the places he had not walked.

“never mind…”

Somewhere in the port, Zhou Xiao, who was sitting next to Silver Wolf, slowly stood up.

“What?” Silver Wolf glanced at Zhou Xiao from the corner of his eye while playing the game: “Can’t you sit still?”

“No… I’m just sitting there. Activities… are too boring. Where’s your cell phone? Give Blade a call. I’ll see where he is… pick him up.”

“Oh…” Silver Wolf casually threw the spare phone to Zhou Xiao: “Contact list…blade.”

“Yeah.” Zhou Xiao nodded, opened the address book with ease and dialed a communication number for Ren.

At this moment, somewhere in the Xingcha Sea, “Brother Reward” heard the sound of communication in his arms.

at this time…

Blade frowned.

He felt that this call was from Kafka giving him a task…

But now that he is being hunted all the time…how can he complete the mission?

He took out his cell phone from his pocket, found Silver Wolf’s communication number, raised his eyebrows slightly, and then picked up the phone.

“Say…” He said while dodging Jingliu’s pursuit and holding his mobile phone in one hand.

“Where is she? Haven’t you dealt with that woman yet?”

Zhou Xiao’s voice came over the phone, making the blade stunned for a moment. It was at this opportunity that Jing Liu behind him seized the opportunity and slashed him with blade energy.

“Crazy woman!” Ren glared at Jingliu fiercely, and the wounds on his body were healing quickly.


Zhou Xiao, who was on the other end of the phone, was a little surprised when he heard Blade’s voice. He looked at the communication on his phone again.

Well, that’s right, it’s a blade.

This is still Silver Wolf’s mobile phone…

Obviously, the crazy woman’s voice just now was meant for Silver Wolf…

So he looked at Silver Wolf and said, “Blade said you are a crazy woman.”

“Ah?” Silver Wolf thought it was outrageous: “What did you say to him?”

“I didn’t say anything…” Zhou Xiao acted innocently:

“I asked him where he was, and then he said “Crazy woman… I am a man, and this is your mobile phone. This crazy woman can only say you…”

“I’m not talking about you, I’m talking about…the woman you brought here! If you have anything to say, please tell me…”

The blade on the other end of the phone responded, followed by a loud wind noise.

“Oh, let me ask you what’s going on over there…” Zhou Xiao asked leisurely.

“Being hunted…”

On the other side, the blade was hiding from Kagiri’s violent bombardment and took the time to answer. Facing this crazy woman, Kagura, if the blade could spit out fragrance, he would definitely curse a few words: Damn it.

Who is this?

Just like that dog-skin plaster, you can’t even shake it off!

To Zhou Xiao, who came with Jingliu, he had to say hello: Damn it! You bastard.

Of course.

In reality, he may not dare to curse, he can only curse in his heart… and he doesn’t know how to speak such beautiful (vulgar) language.

“Ah… I was wondering if I could pick you up?” Zhou Xiao couldn’t hear the greetings from the bottom of his heart on the other end of the phone.

“Come!” It was a simple and direct word.

“Then where are you?”

“have no idea.”

“I don’t know where I’m going…” As soon as Zhou Xiao finished speaking, there was a hang-up beep on the other side.

“Is it dead now?”

“Isn’t it easy for you to find him? Click on the mobile phone page, the fourth…select the blade.” Silver Wolf said.

Zhou Xiao followed Yinlang’s method and clicked on the fourth software on the backup machine, and the words “privilege protection” suddenly appeared on it.

Silver Wolf took the phone over, operated it for a while, and finally pulled up the location map of the blade at the moment.

“Go ahead… I’ll contact you if I have a mission.” Silver Wolf said.


Zhou Xiao nodded, then took his cell phone and left.

Although there is a positioning map of the blade, the fact that Zhou Xiao is a road idiot… is very fatal.

There was no kind-hearted Yunqijun brother nearby to take him, which caused Zhou Xiao to get a little lost in the port.

Not only did his lost attributes explode, but he also found that the positioning map seemed to be wrong… The actual situation of this port was different from the information displayed on the map…

Totally irrelevant.

“Something’s wrong… there’s something 12 out of 10 wrong.”

Zhou Xiao looked at the map, then looked at the sea of ​​stars in front of him and fell into deep thought.

The map shows that this should be a road, but it shows that this is the Sea of ​​Stars.

Could it be that you want me to… fly over?

Zhou Xiao felt outrageous.

“Hey! I’m so exhausted!”

Just when he felt that it was outrageous, he suddenly heard some conversation in the distance…

Chapter 161 The Phoenix Appears? Whose Phoenix looks like this?! (Second update)

“Hey! I’m so exhausted!”

Su Shang wiped the sweat from her forehead and sighed.

What kind of thing is this?

They have been lost in this poor port for who knows how long…

can not go out! Can’t get out at all!

“I should… be able to walk out soon. I have gradually figured out the rules of this port.” Dan Heng said slowly.

“No…just take a break.”

The Rakshasa on the side reminded him that he was carrying a large coffin at the moment. Although he didn’t say anything, judging from his slightly embarrassed appearance, he must be quite tired.

“Well…” Dan Heng nodded.

The group of people walked through the passage and came to an open place. In front of them was the sea of ​​​​stars…

“There’s someone!” Su Shang keenly noticed a very tall man standing not far away: “Could it be… another civilian who didn’t have time to retreat?”

The other person turned around slightly. When Dan Heng saw that person’s face, he raised his brows slightly and his pupils suddenly shrank.

It’s you?

From what he could see, from a distance, the man was wearing a long black gilded gown. The lining, trousers and shoes were very uniform and coordinated. From a distance, he looked like an aristocratic gentleman.

The tall figure holds up this suit of clothes very well, revealing a vague sense of nobility.

However… what is somewhat inconsistent is that there are two scabbards hanging on the man’s waist… This slightly changes the overall sense of coordination.

Taking a closer look, I found that the man’s facial features were very three-dimensional, with no expression, and he looked cold and indifferent. Standing there gave people an indescribable sense of distance.

This person…

He looks so familiar.

Moving closer, Su Shang felt that the man in front of her looked very familiar, as if she had seen him somewhere.


Star Rail: people on the train, working from 9 to 5

Star Rail: people on the train, working from 9 to 5

Status: Completed Author:


[Honkai Star Rail fanfic, relaxed, invincible, self-disciplined]
Zhou Xiao traveled to the world of Star Dome Railway and became a logistics staff of Star Dome Railway. He also obtained a self-discipline system. As long as he disciplines himself every day, he can get random rewards.
Be self-disciplined for a year and be submissive.
Looking at Zhou Xiao's figure who was cooking on the train, Ji Zi thought calmly in her heart: Well, this logistician on our train is extraordinary...
After ten years of self-discipline, my waist will be straight.
Looking at Zhou Xiao who was wiping a knife at the back of the train, Ji Zi raised her eyebrows and thought: Zhou Xiao is the most powerful combat force on our train...
A hundred years of self-discipline, a flying dragon riding on your face.
Looking up at the frail figure competing against the Star God in the universe, Ji Zi looked solemn: At first, no one cared about how powerful Zhou Xiao, the logistics worker, was until he and the Star God were at odds...


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