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Star Rail: people on the train, working from 9 to 5 — Chapter 116

Last time, she just called Zhou Xiao “Zhou Niuma” and Zhou Xiao slapped her hard… This time, judging from the number of emoticons on her phone…


Enough to have her ashes thrown away.

Silver Wolf 2: You are limited to three numbers…otherwise today next year will be your death anniversary!

And this news from Zhou Xiao was the last straw that broke her heart.

Zhou Xiao… seemed really angry.

Is it too late to run away now?

Silver Wolf was thinking about this issue seriously.

As for the fact that Zhou Xiao couldn’t get out with the navigation belt, she had no doubt that it was a problem with the navigation. The reason was also very simple. When she came to the port, she used technology to tamper with the navigation data and the actual path…

It’s easy to walk in, hard to walk out, and not only that, it’s even harder to find her hiding spot.

She was just playing games and forgot to tell Zhou Xiao about this.

Too sloppy.

Silver Wolf held his chin with one hand, and his little head was thinking about countermeasures crazily.

I should have ignored it just now…

Or send an emoticon and withdraw it immediately!

The current situation would not have happened.

Silver Wolf regrets.

So what to do now?

Silver Wolf thought for a few seconds and couldn’t think of any good solution, so she chose to play the game silently.

Open it…

Maybe there will be a solution after the game is over?

With this idea in mind, Silver Wolf fought two more times. When she saw her teammates leading the enemy to kill her, she gradually thought of countermeasures in her mind.

She decided to take the blame first!

Just say it was Kafka.

Then the emoticon was also made by Kafka, she just took a picture! Sent to Kafka!

Nothing wrong…

Thinking that the silver wolf would quickly end the game, a pair of jade hands began to tap on the phone screen quickly.

Silver Wolf: Oh, some of the actual data has been tampered with by me, and the navigation is not accurate. I will send you the latest version of the real-time navigation soon…

Silver Wolf: Emoticon? Doubt jpg.

Silver Wolf: Oh, I came across this by accident. This emoticon was made by Kafka. When she sent it to me, I thought it was interesting and collected it. Are you angry?

Zhou Xiao on the other side finally waited for Yin Lang’s reply. When he saw Yin Lang’s lame explanation, he chuckled.

Silver Wolf 2: Do you think I will believe it? Kafka hasn’t seen me recently, how could she secretly photograph me?

Silver Wolf: I took the photo. She asked me what were you doing, so I took a photo. Unexpectedly…she actually made it into an emoticon! Hey, I condemn her from your standpoint.

Silver Wolf 2: Kafka? Could she do such a boring thing? No matter how you look at it…it seems like you can do it.

Silver Wolf: What are you talking about? What is this nonsense? Am I bored? She is obviously more boring, right? I can even imagine what she will say when you question her…

Yin Lang: Yin Lang did it all. She sent it to me, but I didn’t do anything… Why did I lie to you? You have to believe me! Ah Xiao~ Look at me, do I look like such a boring person? Besides, I don’t know how to do it either…

Silver Wolf was one step ahead. In order to prevent Kafka from throwing the pot back again, she even gave Zhou Xiao a vaccination in advance.

When Zhou Xiao really goes to Kafka to settle the score, Kafka’s rhetoric will be basically useless. Then she will clean up the evidence here, and Kafka will have no choice but to bear this big blame… .

Don’t blame me, Kafka…

Who told you to ask me to increase my efforts?

Silver Wolf comforted herself, thinking that if Kafka was exposed first, Kafka would definitely sell her out… She might as well push Kafka out now…

At least…the two of them can still survive even if they share the firepower.


Zhou Xiao is so fierce.

Strong, big, and tough… It’s really unbearable for a person to be exposed to frontal fire…

Backstab each other!


It is indeed a family that invades and hinders each other!

On the other side, Zhou Xiao frowned slightly as he read the message from Silver Wolf.

This emoticon…could it really have been created by Kafka?

Although Yinlang explained a lot, Zhou Xiao was still very suspicious.

Silver Wolf 2: Where are you? Point the navigation back to me and let me see if there are any other emoticons on your phone.


When Yinlang saw the news that Zhou Xiao was coming back, his jade hands continued to tap on the screen.

Silver Wolf: Aren’t you going to find the blade? It’s not easy to come back… After all, the port map has changed too much. I’ll show it to you when you get the people back…

Silver Wolf: You would rather trust Kafka than trust me… Hey, our feelings have faded. It’s a shame I taught you how to play the game…

Unable to explain, the little silver wolf began to play the emotional card.

Although she and Zhou Xiao didn’t have many emotional cards to play, at this point, even if she had a pair of three, she had to play them first to delay time.

She doesn’t dare to let Zhou Xiao come back now… Her mobile phone is full of evidence of the crime. If she comes back now, she will get both the stolen goods and the stolen goods!

Silver Wolf 2: Okay, wait until I ask Kafka. If you let me know that you are lying to me…you will suffer the same fate!

After seeing that Zhou Xiao was not coming back for the time being, Silver Wolf breathed a sigh of relief and responded to Zhou Xiao.

Silver Wolf: Yeah! Got it jpg.

Silver Wolf: The real-time map has been sent to you, just follow it…

The chat ends.

Silver Wolf began to delete all the emoticons about Zhou Xiao from her phone and upload them to different clouds. She also changed the chat history with Kafka, making all the evidence disappear…

After doing all this, Silver Wolf let out a long breath.

This is really…a life and death race!

I almost lost myself!

She was temporarily safe here by diverting the trouble away, but if Kafka was met by Zhou Xiao over there, he would suffer a lot.


Yinlang suddenly felt guilty and thought about whether it was a good idea to do this…

She tried hard to recall Kafka’s kindness to her…

If you want to report me, block my account…

Silver Wolf thought carefully, frowned slightly, and suddenly realized something.


What is conscience?

She is a star core hunter, she has hacked into many planets, and she also has a conscience…

Chapter 165: What a good star girl, but it’s a pity that she has a mouth! Dumb! Must be mute!

At this moment.

Kafka, who was stabbed in the back by Yinlang Momo, was taken to Taibusi by Fu Xuan. She felt an unspeakable sense of bad luck, as if something bad might happen at any time. .


She didn’t like this feeling.

At this time, she had already been taken off her coat, sunglasses, makeup on her face by the Taibusi people, and her hands were tightly bound.

What I have to say is that Kafka now has a more “married woman” charm.

“Kafka…you can’t escape.” Fu Xuan, who was looking at Kafka, pinched his waist with one hand and said.

“Huh? Why should I run away?” Kafka’s lazy voice sounded slowly. She looked into Fu Xuan’s eyes and said word by word: “I said… I will cooperate with you.”

“You’d better cooperate! Don’t play any tricks!” Fu Xuan warned.

at the same time.

The train crew who were brought to this place called Changletian by Tingyun started wandering around Changletian in order to pass the time.

As far as the eye can see, there are many Changletian food stalls, and there is a large square in the center, where many pedestrians pass by.

“Hey, it’s a pity that I didn’t see Miss Tingyun listening.”

Xingmei pinched her waist and sighed, snap, the fun was gone.

“I’m just telling you what I said… Just take it seriously.” March 7 glanced at Xingmei, then thought of the forty yuan lady and said:

“But let me tell you something…that girl is really something, I don’t know for sure…I might be able to figure out where Zhou Xiao is. By the way, what is that girl’s name?”

“It’s true, there is something. I saw that her technique is very similar to that little lolita with pink hair and white stockings…”

Xingmei understood that March 7th was talking about the forty-dollar lady, and when she saw her touching her chin again, she answered seriously: “As for that girl’s name…”

“She doesn’t seem to be barking either…”

March 7: “…”

Walter: “…”

A little lolita with pink hair and white silk stockings?

What a weird name!

This star girl is really becoming more and more “owlish”!

“So…we don’t know her name, and it took her so long…” March 7 suddenly felt that their train crew was very inappropriate.

“She didn’t introduce herself… Let me think about it.” Xingmei thought for two seconds: “Since she won forty yuan from my bet, let’s call her… Ms. Forty Dollar!”

“Hey, hey, hey, don’t give others nicknames casually.” March 7 reminded kindly.

“Is this a nickname?” Xingmei raised her eyebrows: “This is a nickname.”

“Should I say it or not…there are indeed a lot of doubts about that girl.” Walter pushed up the glasses on the bridge of his nose and said loudly:

“An outsider who claims to know Zhou Xiao and has amazing methods may also be a star core hunter. It would be good to let Miss Tingyun and others examine him.”

“Hmm…” Xingmei heard the sound and nodded: “Uncle Yang, do you think we are called…burning bridges across the river? Saying bad things about others after using them?”

Walter: “…”

Good star girl…

It’s a pity that I have a mouth!


Must be mute!


Star Rail: people on the train, working from 9 to 5

Star Rail: people on the train, working from 9 to 5

Status: Completed Author:


[Honkai Star Rail fanfic, relaxed, invincible, self-disciplined]
Zhou Xiao traveled to the world of Star Dome Railway and became a logistics staff of Star Dome Railway. He also obtained a self-discipline system. As long as he disciplines himself every day, he can get random rewards.
Be self-disciplined for a year and be submissive.
Looking at Zhou Xiao's figure who was cooking on the train, Ji Zi thought calmly in her heart: Well, this logistician on our train is extraordinary...
After ten years of self-discipline, my waist will be straight.
Looking at Zhou Xiao who was wiping a knife at the back of the train, Ji Zi raised her eyebrows and thought: Zhou Xiao is the most powerful combat force on our train...
A hundred years of self-discipline, a flying dragon riding on your face.
Looking up at the frail figure competing against the Star God in the universe, Ji Zi looked solemn: At first, no one cared about how powerful Zhou Xiao, the logistics worker, was until he and the Star God were at odds...


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