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Star Rail: people on the train, working from 9 to 5 — Chapter 117

After a period of silence, the three of them came to the big square of Changletian. When they saw Zhou Xiao’s wanted order on every notice board in the square, March Qi’s mood was a little low, but Xingmei on the side was. I think “Thai pants are spicy”.

“Master has really become famous in Xianzhou now! Everyone knows it!” Xingmei said.

“Is this a good thing?!”

“Black and red are also red…”

March 7:6.

At this moment, March 7th could only say from the bottom of his heart that Zhou Xiao had a disciple like Xingmei… it was really outrageous!

“Demon Yin Body!”

Just when March 7th was speechless, many people in the distance suddenly heard shouting about Demon Yin Shen and then dispersed. Everyone on the train crew looked at each other and immediately ran over to prepare for help.

When they arrived, several soldiers of the Cloud Cavalry Army had already fallen into the demon body and let out low roars, while a little girl with small dragon horns and a small tail behind her rushed over and stepped forward in two or two steps. , and kicked these demons in the face.

“What a guy! Is this child on the fairy boat…so powerful?” Xingmei shouted, “Damn, my child is so powerful.”

“Go and help…”

Naturally, March 7 couldn’t bear to see a child fighting the dangerous demon body, so he joined the battlefield with Walter and Xingmei.

Their kindhearted help deserves more moral praise than a passing star core hunter…

With their participation, the battle ended quickly. The child poured medicine into the demon bodies that had been defeated. Then he breathed a sigh of relief and looked at them to thank them:

“Brothers and sisters are very skilled. Without you… it would be a bit difficult to control them, but you are quite heavy-handed, so I would have to bandage their bones.”

“Bone setting… bandaging?”

Hearing the child in front of her talking about bone setting and bandaging, Xingmei raised her eyebrows: “Are you treating them?”

“This child… where is your father?” March 7 asked.

“I don’t have a father.”

“Hiss—” March Qi’s expression changed slightly and then she asked: “What about your mother?”

“I don’t have a mother either…”

March 7: “…”


Seeing the innocence on the little girl’s face and her clear eyes staring straight at her, March 7th felt guilty, and she wished she could have a fight with her pussy when she woke up in the middle of the night.

How can you ask such a cruel question…

“It’s not good to judge people by their appearance! We are members of the Vidyadhara family, and we are born with no need for parents.”

The little girl snorted coldly and then said: “No more, I have to deliver medicine to people…”

“Send medicine? Who are you sending medicine to? We can help you.” The guilty version of March 7 said that it is helpful to others.

“A bad guy named Blade! He’s almost terminally ill and he bullies me…”

When they heard the child in front of them talking about blade, the expressions of the three people on the train crew all showed varying degrees of surprise.

“Do you know Blade? That star core hunter?” March 7 asked in surprise.

“Otherwise?” The child said as he happened to catch a glimpse of the portrait on the notice board on one side, and pointed to it.

“Na! It’s this guy!”

The three people on the train crew looked in the direction of her finger. When they saw the picture on the notice board, they were slightly startled.

“Are you sure… it’s the person here and not the one next to you?” Xingmei asked doubtfully.

The portrait of the child’s finger at this moment is not the Star Core Hunter Blade, but her master… Zhou Xiao.

“That’s him!” The child came closer and took a look. When she discovered that the Star Core Hunter Blade was the portrait next to her, she was also a little confused.

“Huh? Is this signature…wrong?”

ps: Ask for everything, ask for everything, the cute new author is online…

Chapter 166 See Dan Heng again! (First update)

Can the signature be wrong?

How can it be!

This is a wanted order…

“It’s impossible… As far as we know, the one next to you is the Star Core Hunter Blade, and the portrait on the wanted poster next to you… is my master Zhou Xiao.” Xingmei leaned down and patiently explained to the child. With.

“Zhou Xiao…” The child murmured to herself after hearing the sound. She then looked at the portraits of Zhou Xiao and Confirmed that the person who questioned her medical skills was Zhou Xiao.

“This bad guy! He actually lied to me… and even gave me medicine for him! I’m so angry!”


The little girl with horns on her head and a tail behind her is Bai Lu who originally said that Zhou Xiao had a bad omen. After Kafka sent him back to Danding Division, she started to prepare medicine for Zhou Xiao in order to prove her medical skills. , vowing to prove her medical skills.

This is not…

As soon as she prepared the medicine and sneaked out from the Danding Division, she bumped into Xingmei and others. However, she learned that the original blade was actually Zhou Xiao.

“Getting medicine?” Listening to what Bai Lu had just been saying about delivering medicine, March 7 frowned slightly, leaned down and asked:

“Is he sick?”

“Well…” Bai Lu took another look at the portrait, as if she remembered that the name of the person who lied to her was Zhou Xiao. Then she told March 7th about Zhou Xiao’s condition in detail:

“It’s already… terminally ill.”


“So serious?” March 7’s face suddenly became serious when he heard the change.

“This is not the most serious thing…” Bai Lu paused and continued viciously: “The most serious thing is that he actually questioned my medical skills! I was so angry.”

Seeing Bai Lu breaking through her defense, Xing Mei on the side seemed to be able to figure out what her master had done to the little dragon girl…

“His condition…let’s put it this way, if he continues to let it develop, he will not be able to distinguish the difference between reality and dreams…there will definitely be a bloody disaster.”

Listening to Bai Lu’s explanation, March 7 took a breath of cold air.

“I won’t tell you anymore…I’m going to deliver medicine.” Bai Lu seemed to be avoiding someone. After finishing speaking, she planned to leave in a hurry.

“Do you know where Zhou Xiao is?”

“Yeah…of course.” Bai Lu was full of confidence.

“Then let’s go with you…” March 7 said.

“You?” Bai Lu thought for a while and nodded: “Okay, you guys can help me cover…”

The group of people arrived at the Pigeon Inn… led by Bai Lu.

It’s a pity…

Now that the Gege Inn is empty, and there is no trace of Zhou Xiao anymore, Bai Lu frowns and says, “How could this happen?”

“He is a wanted criminal now… Naturally, he cannot stay here.” March 7 reassured:

“We are Zhou Xiao’s friends, so… you give us a copy of the medicine, and when we find him… we will feed it to him.”

“Then…Okay.” Bai Lu could only agree. Then she took out two small bottles from the little purple gold gourd and poured some small pills out of them.

“The ones on the left are medicines that accelerate his condition…the ones on the right are medicines that treat him. You must distinguish them clearly.”

“These little pills… look so similar. What if I make a mistake…” Xingmei saw that the pills poured out by Bai Lu were somewhat similar in size, shape and appearance, which made her think of the sentence “Sooner or later the pills (will be finished)” ).”

“By the way, why did you get a medicine to speed up his condition?” March 7 asked as he didn’t understand.

“That’s for sure! He doesn’t believe me… Then I have to make him believe it. The best way to believe it is to let him get sick first…” Bai Lu said word by word.

“Ho ho ho…” Xingmei couldn’t help calling 666 when she heard the sound. This logic is really incomprehensible to ordinary people.

“It’s okay if you can’t tell the difference… Just give him the antidote when the time comes. Be sure to tell him that this is the medicine made by Bai Lu. Let him fully trust my medical skills.” Bai Lu said.

“All right.”

After Bai Lu gave the medicine to the train crew, she gradually disappeared from everyone’s sight as if she was avoiding someone.

“Xing… have you remembered which side is the medicine to treat Zhou Xiao?” After Bai Lu left, when the train crew returned to Changletian, March 7 asked Xingmei, who was playing with the medicine box.

“That’s for sure. The accelerating medicine on the left, the healing medicine on the right…can I make a mistake?” Xingmei said confidently.

“Well… don’t make a mistake.” March 7 reminded.

“Don’t worry, how could I make a mistake? Even if I make a mistake… there is an antidote, there are only two kinds of medicine in total…” Xingmei said that it doesn’t matter even if I make a mistake.

March 7: “…”

Just as March 7th was about to say something, Walter on the side pushed up his glasses on the bridge of his nose, looked at his phone and said, “General Jingyuan said that Taibo Si is ready for interrogation and has sent someone to Changletian to pick us up…”

“Finally… we can interrogate? But why did General Jingyuan tell us?” March 7 clenched his fists:

“That’s all! We must let that Master Taibu torture him to extract a confession! We must pry open that bad woman’s mouth!”

At this moment.

On the other side, Zhou Xiao walked around the port for a long time and still didn’t get out. This time he had the real-time map provided by Silver Wolf, but in this ever-changing port, his road-crazy attribute was as terrifying as it was at the Black Tower Space Station. .

When he saw Dan Heng and others again, the shock and surprise in their eyes made Zhou Xiao raise his eyebrows slightly.

“It’s you again, wuwuwu…” Su Shang, who was being supported by Rakshasa, was about to say “It’s you again, a wanted criminal” when she saw Zhou Xiao, but Rakshasa covered her mouth.

“Miss Su Shang…be careful with your words and actions, be careful with your words and deeds.” Rakshasa reminded kindly, he didn’t want to treat Su Shang again.

“You…can’t get out too?” Dan Heng asked when he saw Zhou Xiao.

“Don’t you know me yet?” Zhou Xiao sighed.

“Also…” Dan Heng recalled Zhou Xiaoluchi’s attributes.

“In this case…then why don’t you leave with us first?”

“Okay, I have a real-time map here… just watch and go.” Zhou Xiao said.

“The map doesn’t work here.”

“That’s because your map is not real-time… You can definitely get out with this one.”

“Okay.” Dan Heng took the mobile phone handed over by Zhou Xiao. When he saw Zhou Xiao’s new mobile phone, he raised his eyebrows slightly: “You… changed your mobile phone?”

“Well…someone else’s.” Zhou Xiao responded very calmly.

For some reason, Dan Heng’s words “You changed your mobile phone” just now reminded him of an advertising slogan:

This is a new mobile phone I bought second-hand. The price is reasonable and the quality is guaranteed…

Chapter 167 Fu Xuan: Bad guy! Total bad guy! (Second update)

Guided by Zhou Xiao’s real-time map and Dan Heng, the group finally passed through the port.

Along the way, Su Shang saw that the wanted criminal was right in front of her, but as a member of the Yunqi Army, she could not arrest him, which made her very uncomfortable.

The Rakshasa beside her reminded her crazily, “You can’t beat Miss Su Shang. You really can’t beat Miss Su Shang…” which made her even more angry.

She even wanted to shout, “Thirty years to Hedong, thirty years to Hexi, don’t bully young girls into poverty!”

“Let’s just say goodbye.” Zhou Xiao looked at Dan Heng and said slowly.

“Well…” Dan Heng nodded and hesitated, causing Zhou Xiao to raise his eyebrows slightly.

“If you want to say anything else, just say it.”

“You really don’t want to go back with me?”

“Yes, let’s go quickly.” Zhou Xiao did not expect that Dan Heng would also start to complain, so he urged: “Take this brave Yunqijun away quickly…”

“Okay, then take care of yourself.” Dan Heng said and handed Silver Wolf’s backup machine back to Zhou Xiao.

After watching Dan Heng and others leave, Zhou Xiao touched his chin and looked at the real-time path map on his phone, and he fell into deep thought.

The position of the blade on the mobile phone seen in the field of vision has been moving at a high speed. It can be seen that the blade is still being chased by the mirror flow…


Star Rail: people on the train, working from 9 to 5

Star Rail: people on the train, working from 9 to 5

Status: Completed Author:


[Honkai Star Rail fanfic, relaxed, invincible, self-disciplined]
Zhou Xiao traveled to the world of Star Dome Railway and became a logistics staff of Star Dome Railway. He also obtained a self-discipline system. As long as he disciplines himself every day, he can get random rewards.
Be self-disciplined for a year and be submissive.
Looking at Zhou Xiao's figure who was cooking on the train, Ji Zi thought calmly in her heart: Well, this logistician on our train is extraordinary...
After ten years of self-discipline, my waist will be straight.
Looking at Zhou Xiao who was wiping a knife at the back of the train, Ji Zi raised her eyebrows and thought: Zhou Xiao is the most powerful combat force on our train...
A hundred years of self-discipline, a flying dragon riding on your face.
Looking up at the frail figure competing against the Star God in the universe, Ji Zi looked solemn: At first, no one cared about how powerful Zhou Xiao, the logistics worker, was until he and the Star God were at odds...


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