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Star Rail: people on the train, working from 9 to 5 — Chapter 118

How to deal with this?

What a fart!

Unless we agree on a place, we won’t be able to accommodate him at all.

As for Zhou Xiao, he decided to give Blade another call.

the other side.

The sound of communication sounded again from the blade pocket being chased by Kageryu.

Could it be that Zhou Xiao’s response has arrived?

Thinking of this, Ren took the opportunity to take out his cell phone from his pocket and answered the call.

“Are you here?” His words were simple and clear.

“What the hell…” Zhou Xiao’s voice rang in his ears: “Where can I pick you up if you move at such a high speed! Find a place…”

Listening to Zhou Xiao’s words, Ren felt that they made sense, so he said, “I took care of you last time…”


As soon as Zhou Xiao heard the word “response”, the sound of communication hanging up sounded.

“Hello? Where can I meet you?”

Zhou Xiao looked at the phone that had been hung up. He frowned and dialed again. When he found that the call could no longer be connected, he touched his chin.

Is this… no need to respond?


How could it not be necessary?

Blade was almost being chased to death by Kagura, and his cell phone had already “split up” when he blocked Kagura’s slashing attack.

At this moment, he only had half of the mobile phone fragments in his left hand, and the other half had fallen alone in the corner.

“The crazy woman…is still here!”

Blade briefly exchanged two or three moves with Jingliu, then made another big jump and chose to continue escaping.

Not long after Zhou Xiao was hung up by Ren, Zhou Xiao received another message from Silver Wolf.

Silver Wolf: Did you get the response?

Silver Wolf 2: How can it be so fast… I just came out of the port, and he seems to be still being hunted.

After seeing Zhou Xiao’s news, Silver Wolf in the port fell silent.

It’s so embarrassing…

The time was almost up, and Kafka, who was in Taibusi, also needed someone to help him leave.

According to the original plan, Blade should go to meet Kafka…

But now that the sword can’t be pulled away, and Zhou Xiao is allowed to go… he will face a very dangerous problem:

The face-to-face communication between Kafka and Zhou Xiao…

When the time comes, Zhou Xiao will definitely ask about the emoticons…and Kafka will definitely refute what she explained to Zhou Xiao…

Although she deleted the evidence that needed to be deleted and uploaded the evidence that needed to be uploaded… She even hacked into Kafka’s phone and deleted all the chat records… But she still felt a little uneasy.

It should be…no problem, right?

Silver Wolf thought to himself.

She checked again and made sure that there should be no evidence of the emoticon incident, and then continued to send mission messages to Zhou Xiao.

Silver Wolf: Don’t worry about the sword. Go to Xianzhou Taibusi first to prepare to meet Kafka. Remember… rush to Taibusi when you only have three systems.

Zhou Xiao was a little surprised to see Silver Wolf announce a new task to take over Kafka.

Silver Wolf 2: Why didn’t you tell me earlier?

Silver Wolf: It was still early… now is the time. The coordinates of Taibosi have been sent to the backup machine for real-time positioning.

Silver Wolf 2: What about the blade?

Silver Wolf: Blade can’t die, go and pick up Kafka first.

When he saw Yin Lang’s words “The blade cannot kill you”, Zhou Xiao couldn’t help but sigh:

It’s truly a “family that invades and hinders each other”~

Silver Wolf 2: I will go.

Seeing Zhou Xiao’s response on the phone screen, Silver Wolf paused for two seconds, as if thinking, and then a pair of jade hands continued to hit the phone screen.

Silver Wolf: By the way, you must punish Kafka well after seeing her. From your standpoint, I severely condemn her previous behavior of making your emoticons…


When Zhou Xiao saw this news from Yin Lang, he raised his eyebrows. For some reason, he always felt that Yin Lang’s reaction was a cover-up…

Looking at the coordinates of Taibu Si sent by Yin Lang, he didn’t say anything more and chose to find out if there was a kind-hearted brother from the Yunqi Army nearby who could take him to Taibu Si.

at the same time.

Taibusi’s side.

Fu Xuan was talking to the projection of General Jing Yuan.

“Fu Qing…how is the situation?” Jing Yuan’s projection asked.

“I made a divination… To put it simply, a catastrophe is coming.” Fu Xuan said straightforwardly without beating around the bush.

“Tsk, tsk, tsk…that doesn’t sound good.”

“Yes… Immortal Boat is now in trouble both internally and externally. The Qionguan Formation has stopped, the talismans are dim, there is a star core evil spirit in the Taibo Division that has not been eliminated, and the Yunqi Army is busy protecting the people. I want to restore the formation, but there is no way. Soldiers are available, and in this situation I still have to deal with interrogating star core hunters…”

Fu Xuan sighed. It was still difficult to interrogate Kafka in the current situation.

“Don’t worry, Fu Qing, how could I not be prepared? Look, then… help will come.” Jing Yuan’s projection gave Fu Xuan a look.

Fu Xuan was a little confused. Looking in the direction of Jing Yuan’s projection, he saw three people from the Star Train approaching their location led by Qing Que, a member of her department.


“How come I haven’t informed them yet…”

The smart Fu Xuan quickly realized something. He saw her looking at Jing Yuan’s projection and said, “General, you really use people to the extreme without mercy.”

Fu Xuan admitted that she sometimes takes advantage of others, but she didn’t expect that Jing Yuan would go further than her… Let the people on the Star Dome Train catch the Star Core Hunter, but she would even let them help him as coolies!

Bad guy!

Total bad guy!

Listening to Fu Xuan’s yin and yang, Jing Yuan’s projection smiled and didn’t take it to heart: “Isn’t this something I also learned from Fu Qing… People are here, and they must be put to their best use.”

ps: I beg for everything, I beg for everything, I am forcing the author to code online on Qixi Festival…


It’s Chinese Valentine’s Day…Is everyone reading novels?

Chapter 168 Xiaomen! star! Please enlighten me! (First update)

Just as Jing Yuan was talking to Fu Xuan, the three members of the train crew were led by a member of the Taibu Division named Qingque into the Taibu Division from the small door.

Looking at the magnificent large-scale Jade Zhaosuan Duan [Qongguan Formation] in front of them, both Xingmei and March 7 couldn’t help but sigh.

so big!

So round!

So magnificent!

Qingque on the side was not surprised to see everyone’s surprised expressions. After all, when she first saw Qiong Guanzhen, she had similar expressions to those of the people in front of her. She just started to introduce how powerful Qiong Guanzhen was.

After listening to Qing Que’s talk for a long time, Xingmei touched her chin, then looked at Yue Yue Qi next to her and said, “You think…are all people in Xianzhou like this? First, I said a bunch of polite words… .”

Qingque’s introduction reminded her instinctively of Tingyun’s little fox…

After listening for a long time, she concluded that this jade sign was similar to a computer… except that it sounded more advanced.

“Okay, everyone… Taibu should be waiting for us at the center of the Qiongguan Formation…”

Qingque didn’t care whether it was called a jade omen or a computer. Anyway, it was enough to wait and see if the formation’s mechanism could work.

Under the leadership of Qingque, the three members of the train crew approached the center of the formation and saw the virtual projections of Fu Xuan and Jing Yuan.

“I have an ominous premonition…” Seeing Fu Xuan and Jing Yuan staring at them, Xingmei instinctively felt an inexplicable feeling in her heart.

“Hey, help is coming…”

Jing Yuan’s words confirmed Xingmei’s thoughts.

have to.

I have to be a coolie again!

“Master Taibu… Qingque was ordered to bring some guests over.” Qingque said when he saw Fu Xuan.

“Hmm…” Fu Xuan nodded, and then looked at the people on the train crew. The hesitation to speak made the three people on the train crew a little surprised.

“Master Taibu, just tell me if you need anything…”

Hearing what the three people on the train said, Fu Xuan sighed and said: “Since you are so sincere, I will get straight to the point. I need your help to eliminate the evil star core in Taibu and restart Qiongguan. Array…”

Hoo ho ho…

This is really rude.

Listening to Fu Xuan’s plea for help, Xingmei put one hand on her forehead, and suddenly felt like a “cow and horse” busy on the fairy boat.


If the master were here…what would he say?

Xingmei thought about it for a while, and some voices gradually came into her mind.

“Little loli with pink hair and white silk stockings! You asked us for help and you didn’t even say please?”


It smells bad.

The corners of Xingmei’s mouth raised slightly, and her mind was still thinking about what Zhou Xiao would say.

Maybe it will be…

“I’ll do it if you ask me to do it? There’s another price for asking me to do it for you!”

“More money! More money must be added!”

Maybe it will still be…

“Help? Help! I’ve already helped you catch Kafka and you still ask us to help… Do you really think we’re nothing? Hey, what about your awesome coaxing energy? You don’t need us on the Star Dome Train? Are you meddling in your internal affairs?”


Xingmei thought about this, and the smile on her face became even brighter, even a little… unrestrained.

Not far away, March Qi, who was preparing to restart the Poor Viewing Formation with Qingque, saw that Xingmei had not followed and was just having fun on the spot. She raised her eyebrows slightly and said:

“Xing… let’s go, it’s time to work.”

After being called out by March Qi, Xingmei recovered from her fantasy. She first glanced at Walter, March Qi and his group who stopped not far away, and then looked at the pink-haired Fu Xuan in front of her. .

Seeing her clearing her throat, she imitated what Zhou Xiao had just imagined in her mind and said:

“Pink hair and white silk stockings…cough.”

Realizing that she had made a mistake, Xingmei hurriedly interrupted the spellcasting and corrected her address to Fu Xuan: “Master Taibu! You asked us for help and you didn’t even say a word of please?”



Star Rail: people on the train, working from 9 to 5

Star Rail: people on the train, working from 9 to 5

Status: Completed Author:


[Honkai Star Rail fanfic, relaxed, invincible, self-disciplined]
Zhou Xiao traveled to the world of Star Dome Railway and became a logistics staff of Star Dome Railway. He also obtained a self-discipline system. As long as he disciplines himself every day, he can get random rewards.
Be self-disciplined for a year and be submissive.
Looking at Zhou Xiao's figure who was cooking on the train, Ji Zi thought calmly in her heart: Well, this logistician on our train is extraordinary...
After ten years of self-discipline, my waist will be straight.
Looking at Zhou Xiao who was wiping a knife at the back of the train, Ji Zi raised her eyebrows and thought: Zhou Xiao is the most powerful combat force on our train...
A hundred years of self-discipline, a flying dragon riding on your face.
Looking up at the frail figure competing against the Star God in the universe, Ji Zi looked solemn: At first, no one cared about how powerful Zhou Xiao, the logistics worker, was until he and the Star God were at odds...


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