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Star Rail: people on the train, working from 9 to 5 — Chapter 119


What is she doing?

At this moment, everyone present was at a loss by what Xingmei said.

Qingque’s eyes widened even more.

This, this, this…

Whose general is this?

So brave?

Dare you speak like this to Master Taibu from the Taibu Division of the Sixth Division…

This is really…something I want to do but don’t dare to do~

While Qingque was shocked, she also admired Xingmei’s courage. She couldn’t help but quietly asked March 7 beside her: “Has she always been so brave?”

“Hehe…hehe.” March 7 didn’t know how Xingmei would become like this!

There is a brave person on the train… The space station slashed the Doomsday Beast, Yaliluo Six kicked Cocolia and smashed the star core, but he is not there now…

Could this be inheritance?

On March 7th, the word “inheritance” silently came to mind…

There must be a super brave person on the star train.

When Zhou Xiao left, this burden was naturally passed on to Zhou Xiao’s apprentice…Xingmei.

“Xiaomen will last forever!”

On March 7, these four characters came to mind again!

Xiaomen! star! Please enlighten me!

The expression on Ms. Taibusi’s face in front of Xingmei was slightly astonished.

She didn’t expect that Xingmei would say this…

Although it makes her a little embarrassed, it does make some sense…

This is what she was embarrassed about just now… They really have no soldiers for such a big fairy boat, no one can use it? Do you have to ask outside guests to help her restart the Qionguan Formation?

That’s it!

Who told the general to be a bad guy…

Fu Xuan didn’t say anything more, nodded, and then said with a slight embarrassment in front of everyone: “Then…please help me restart the Qionguan Formation…”



Is Master Taibu from Taibu Si so approachable?

Just say it like that?

March 7 looked confused.

And equally confused was Qingque…

As Taibu’s resident fishing contestant… this was the first time she saw the scene before her where Master Taibu said the word “please”. She regretted why she didn’t take out her phone and record it just now.

“Hmm…” After getting the answer she wanted, Xingmei nodded with satisfaction and felt recognized for her behavior.

Easily regained the reputation of Star Dome Train!

They are not just bullies trying to help others! Unless it’s for Sixty Star Joan!

On the way to restart the Qionguan Formation, March 7 and others began to ask Xingmei what she was thinking just now and how dare she say such words.

In this regard, Xingmei said: “If my master was here…he would definitely say it, but he is not here now, so only I, the apprentice, would say it. In fact, it doesn’t matter. I just said what my master would say.” I just said it once.”



The symptoms of “owlishness” are becoming more and more obvious…

Listening to what Star Girl said, Walter pushed up the glasses on the bridge of his nose and sighed.

Chapter 169 Zhou Xiao: Mine is big, please bear with it! (Second update)

at the same time.

Zhou Xiao himself didn’t know that his apprentice was becoming a “xiao” day by day.

At this moment, Zhou Xiao was on his way to Taibosi under the leadership of an enthusiastic Yunqijun brother. There were some obstacles along the way, but basically it did not delay Zhou Xiao’s schedule.

A passing star core hunter quietly passed by the world of the Cloud Cavalry…

no way.

It is still difficult for ordinary people to find Zhou Xiao’s whereabouts…unless Zhou Xiao actively wants to be exposed.

“Three systems…” Zhou Xiao looked at the real-time map on the backup machine. It seemed that he was still far away from Taibusi. His current location was also quite a distance from Changletian.


Just as Zhou Xiao was looking at the real-time map on his phone, a woman with short hair tracked his footsteps and appeared in front of him.

“Sneak into the Nether Prison to rescue a wanted criminal, a suspected star core hunter… I am Judge Xue Yi of the Ten Kings Division, and I have been ordered to arrest you and bring you to justice.” The short-haired woman said expressionlessly.

“Tsk…I really caught up.”

Zhou Xiao was not surprised when he saw Xue Yi appear. When he passed by the Xingcha Sea Center, he noticed that Xue Yi seemed to be moving closer to him intentionally. At that time, he ignored it and accelerated away. Unexpectedly, Xue Yi actually Just dare to follow.

“Although I can’t detect your trace, I can still easily track the controlled Yunqi army around you…” Xue Yi thought that Zhou Xiao was surprised by her ability to keep up, so she explained.

“It doesn’t matter…” Zhou Xiao shrugged.

It might as well be a snow suit.

It might as well be spring clothes.

Since he had to deal with it after catching up… As for how to catch up, he didn’t care.

I saw Zhou Xiao controlling the cloud cavalry soldier under his control to rush towards Xue Yi. As a judge of the Ten Kings Division, Xue Yi was also very skilled and easily dodged the attack of the cloud cavalry soldier.

However, the scarlet fire covering the Yunqi Army was contaminated by Xue Yi.

Seeing some scarlet fire gradually igniting on Xue Yi’s body, Zhou Xiao felt that there was no need for him to take action, so he turned around and left.

“Don’t run!”

Seeing that he was about to leave, Xue Yi immediately followed and stopped him.

“You… are still haunted.” Zhou Xiao frowned, watching the scarlet fire on Xue Yi gradually extinguish, which surprised him slightly.

The fire of lust… actually failed?

This is the first time I’ve seen this happen…

However, Zhou Xiao didn’t take it too seriously. Any method would fail, so Kafka’s spiritual speech technique would have no effect on him…

“Since you insist on coming…then you will suffer the consequences.” Zhou Xiao moved his wrist and said.

“Wait until I capture you alive…”

As Xue Yi spoke, he sprinted towards Zhou Xiao’s direction and launched an attack.

When Zhou Xiao saw this, he had no intention of dodging. When he saw Xue Yi approaching, he slapped him with a big backhand with his right hand. The powerful force exploded from one point, making Xue Yi’s head turn 180 degrees like a small top. The neck rotates crazily as the center…

This scene is as creepy as some horror movies…

Is this the cervical spine?

Zhou Xiao raised his eyebrows when he saw how much Xue Yi’s head was spinning, and couldn’t help but start to doubt Xue Yi’s physiological structure.

Just a big fight…

Xueyi is not far away from being scrapped…

The whole person collapsed on the ground, with inhuman distortions appearing on his body.

“The sports machine is damaged…” Xue Yi tried to stand up but found it very difficult.

Logically speaking, the judges of the Ten Kings Division should be strong, but they still have not experienced a big fight in Zhou Xiao’s hands…

This thing… what is its structure?

Zhou Xiao walked towards Xue Yi with some curiosity. Looking at Xue Yi who was paralyzed on the ground, Zhou Xiao didn’t show any pity for her.

“It might hurt a little the first time… I’m big, please bear with it.”

Zhou Xiao also kindly told Xue Yi that he was very powerful, making Xue Yi grit his teeth and persist.

Before Xue Yi could be confused, she saw Zhou Xiao, a wanted criminal, ruthlessly removing half of her arm.


Only then did Xue Yi realize why Zhou Xiao had given such a kind reminder just now…

If someone who didn’t know anything heard Zhou Xiao say this, they would sigh with emotion: “Hey, others are so weird…”

But as the person involved, Xue Yi only felt…as if someone was riding on his face and ridiculing him.

“Oh…that’s it, no wonder…” Zhou Xiao took a look at Xue Yi’s body structure before he realized.

It turns out that the judge of the Ten Kings Division in front of me is actually a mechanical transformation person…

Judging from the body structure…it seems to be somewhat similar to the puppet container lying in his system space – General Thunder.

“Relax…relax, relax.”

While Zhou Xiao and Xue Yi were fighting, a young boy with brown hair was walking slowly outside Changletian. Looking at Xingchahai, the young man sighed and began to doubt his life.

“Can someone like me… still win the title of Sword Leader?” The young man’s mind was in a mess, and he sighed again at this point.

If Zhou Xiao saw this young man at this moment, he would definitely be very friendly… because this young man is exactly the Yan Qing whom he had pointed out.

Three slaps destroyed the Taoist heart!

The former swordsman genius Lang Yanqing!

But now he is a decadent young man who has been planted with inner demons by the evil wanted criminal – star core hunter Zhou Xiao.

Although the physical injuries gradually recovered, the inner injuries were difficult to forget.

Just as Zhou Xiao said at the beginning, Zhou Xiao’s figure in the past has become a nightmare in his heart today.

In the past few days, every time Yanqing fell asleep, he would have the same nightmare. Zhou Xiao’s figure would appear in his dream every night like an alarm clock…

No matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t defeat the big devil Zhou Xiao! Even if he was dreaming, he could do whatever he wanted in his dream, but he still couldn’t beat Zhou Xiao…


Those three slaps have been deeply imprinted into the depths of his soul…so much so that his hands can’t help but tremble when holding the sword.

Jing Yuan saw that Yan Qing’s Taoist heart was so damaged, but there was nothing he could do. Even if Jing Yuan encouraged him and said that he could kill so many rich and evil creatures at a young age, it would be of no avail and could not restore Yan Qing’s confidence.

Jingyuan also has a headache…

If it were an ordinary fertile creature or an immortal boatman or a cloud cavalry army, Yanqing would be able to handle it easily with his strength, but Yanqing, this kid, specializes in picking out enemies that cannot be defeated…

In desperation, Jingyuan could only ask him to go out for a walk more often, to relax, and to clean up the rich and evil things to gain confidence.

This is not…

He began to wander around the fairy boat… looking for the confidence he had lost, but the effect was not great.

As the saying goes, the best way to eliminate fear is to face it!

The trouble should end it! If you want to regain the lost confidence, Zhou Xiao is the key…

ps: I beg for everything, beg for everything, woo woo woo, the data is exaggerated, the humble author is so pitiful… I beg for everything.


Star Rail: people on the train, working from 9 to 5

Star Rail: people on the train, working from 9 to 5

Status: Completed Author:


[Honkai Star Rail fanfic, relaxed, invincible, self-disciplined]
Zhou Xiao traveled to the world of Star Dome Railway and became a logistics staff of Star Dome Railway. He also obtained a self-discipline system. As long as he disciplines himself every day, he can get random rewards.
Be self-disciplined for a year and be submissive.
Looking at Zhou Xiao's figure who was cooking on the train, Ji Zi thought calmly in her heart: Well, this logistician on our train is extraordinary...
After ten years of self-discipline, my waist will be straight.
Looking at Zhou Xiao who was wiping a knife at the back of the train, Ji Zi raised her eyebrows and thought: Zhou Xiao is the most powerful combat force on our train...
A hundred years of self-discipline, a flying dragon riding on your face.
Looking up at the frail figure competing against the Star God in the universe, Ji Zi looked solemn: At first, no one cared about how powerful Zhou Xiao, the logistics worker, was until he and the Star God were at odds...


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