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Star Rail: people on the train, working from 9 to 5 — Chapter 12

March 7 washed up quickly, and when she came back, she saw Xingmei looking thoughtfully at the photos on the wall.

“We usually like to take some photos or something… just take some photos.”

“Well, it’s really just a casual pat.” Xingmei agreed, then turned her head and glanced at March 7:

“Speaking of which, why do support staff appear so frequently in your photos in March?”


Hearing this, March Qi stopped changing clothes for a moment, and then took the initiative to come over.

“No way… Isn’t this why we appear so frequently?”

“What are you talking about? These were taken accidentally. Zhou Xiao is so annoying. He always likes to ask for pictures…”

March 7th explained a few sentences nonchalantly. Although his tone was calm, his expression was slightly unnatural.

“That’s it~”

“Chicago Machine No. 2” Xingmei looked like this.

When Xingmei answered, March 7th also quickly changed her clothes.

how to say.

Xingmei saw something.

Small and very cute.

“Let’s go… take you to the dining area for a bite first.”

March 7 took Xingmei out of her room. The moment the door closed, she breathed a sigh of relief.

She really didn’t expect that Xingmei could be so detailed and capture some of the details in the photo in such a short time.

“I finished eating…on the train.”

“Ah? Did you eat so fast? Didn’t you just get in the car?” March 7 was a little surprised.

“Eating with everyone…”

“Okay, okay, we know we got up late today…” March 7 scratched her head in embarrassment, and then took Xingmei to the train kitchen, only to find that there was no breakfast left for her this morning.

“I’m so out of breath! I’m so out of breath!”

There was no dinner yesterday because she didn’t eat it at night, and there was no breakfast this morning and she didn’t get up… But before, everyone would leave one for her, but this time there was no one…

Yesterday I made some late-night snacks for people, but this morning there was nothing…


So true.

I really can’t understand this man who is hot and cold!

ps: Can you help me send out books and other things…

Ball ball.

Chapter 17 Xingmei: I want to become a disciple! Logisticsman of the week!

Someone is emo.

But I won’t say who it is.

Xingmei looked at March Qi’s trembling appearance and felt very cute.

“Forget it, we’ll have lunch in a while anyway, so we won’t be too late.”

March 7th curled her lips, got rid of the aura of “a resentful woman”, and looked at Xingmei to introduce the Star Dome Train.

“This is the dining area, the train kitchen, I think you know it.” March 7 pointed to a car behind the train kitchen car.

“That’s the logistics area over there. I’ll take you to see it. It’s usually Zhou Xiao’s territory.”

“Zhou Xiao’s territory…” Xingmei said thoughtfully: “Then here…”

“It’s also Zhou Xiao’s territory.”


This way of describing it made Xingmei think of something.

There are two trees in front of my house, one is a jujube tree and the other is also a jujube tree.

Following the lead of March 7th, Xingmei opened the door of the logistics car. Under the light, the scene in front of her made her feel comfortable.

As far as the field of view can be seen, the logistics carriage is very long, with horizontal material shelves on both sides. Each column of material shelves is filled with material boxes classified by type from large to small. Each material box is also labeled. Check the contents of the supply box.

At first glance, I just feel comfortable and obsessive-compulsive. All kinds of supplies are neatly arranged on the supply shelves.

Xingmei gradually understood why Zhou Xiao was able to become a train logistician.

“How’s it going? Isn’t it very comfortable!” March 7 said as if she could see through Xingmei’s heart.

“We like to come here when we are in a bad mood. Looking at these neatly arranged shelves makes us feel better.”

“Indeed.” Xingmei nodded.

Just as she was sighing, a very regular snapping sound came from the end of the logistics carriage.

“What… is this sound?” Xingmei raised her eyebrows and asked March Qi.


March 7 pricked up her ears and listened carefully before speaking:

“It’s the sound coming from the training car behind. It’s probably Zhou Xiao inside.”

“There’s also a training car on the train???” Xingmei was a little shocked. Although she thought the train was very luxurious from the sightseeing car, she didn’t expect that there was even a training car.

“Yeah, let’s go, I’ll take you to have a look.” Seeing that Xingmei was so interested, March 7 pulled her over.

“We don’t often go to the training compartment on weekdays. Zhou Xiao usually goes there frequently, almost every day. As for Dan Heng and Uncle Yang, they go there occasionally…”

March 7 introduced Xingmei while leading her to the training compartment.

At this moment, Zhou Xiao was sitting in the training car doing push-ups with nearly a hundred kilograms of weight on his back.

One after another, every ups and downs, trying to squeeze out all the strength.

“Is this how he usually trains?”

Xingmei’s eyes widened. She watched helplessly as Zhou Xiao, who was doing push-ups on the ground, exerted force with a load, hovered in mid-air for less than a second, clapped his chin, and then landed steadily on the ground of the carriage. .


March 7th was also a little surprised. She remembered that the last time she came to the training car to find Zhou Xiao, although Zhou Xiao also did push-ups and the like, the load was not so heavy.

“What’s wrong? Something’s wrong.” Zhou Xiao had just finished weight-bearing training. He supported it with one arm and took the weight off his back with the other hand. He stood up and saw Xing Mei and March Qi asking.

“Nothing’s wrong. This star has joined the train. Let’s take her around.” March 7 replied.


Zhou Xiao nodded, glanced at Xing, and then continued the training.

As a self-disciplined support worker, this time is his time to train his body every day.

As for his initial training plan, he did 100 push-ups, 100 sit-ups, 100 squats, and then ran 10 kilometers.

No equipment is needed for these trainings. As for running, it can be completed even if there is a treadmill equipment modified by Jizi in the training car.

At first, it was very strenuous to complete the daily routine. After getting used to it, I found it very easy, so I gradually increased the training load until it reaches the load it is today.

Later, he gradually discovered that he had become bald, no, he had become more handsome and stronger.

Watching Zhou Xiao pull out the long knife with a dark red blade and start practicing very repetitive slashes, Xing Mei opened her mouth slightly.

Both of his arms were tied with weights, and his practiced sword-drawing and slashing movements were still so smooth and smooth, so fast that the naked eye could not catch them.

Very strong…

Xingmei was shocked.

She felt that Zhou Xiao’s strength had its origin.

Training day after day, only strong self-discipline can withstand boredom and loneliness…

“Um…can I become your disciple?” Xingmei looked at Zhou Xiao silently and asked.

She felt that Zhou Xiao was truly powerful on his own, while she relied on the special star core power in her body.

So in order to truly become stronger on her own, she wanted to train with Zhou Xiao.


Hearing this, March Qi was slightly startled: “You want to worship him as your teacher? You are not weak. When you were on the space station, you also had a lot of combat experience…”

Combat experience…

This star girl didn’t feel that some of her fighting reactions seemed to be engraved in her bones.

There are no traces of learning in the memory.


It could also be because of her amnesia.

“Me? Teacher?” Zhou Xiao felt incredible when he heard Xing Mei’s words: “I can’t teach you anything.”

He is a logistics worker and chef who knows a lot about teaching and educating people…

“No, why don’t you go find Uncle Yang? He knows everything about astronomy and geography. He knows almost everything.”

“No, no, no… I mean, can you practice with me?” Xingmei said specifically.

“If you want to train in the training compartment, there are no restrictions, just come directly.” Zhou Xiao said.

He looked up and down at Xingmei’s small body. If she followed his training method and carried weights, she might not be able to bear it.

Not necessarily.

After all, Xingmei has a star core in her body.

Commonly known as hanging…

It’s nice to have something to hang on to.

Zhou Xiao thought for a while and suddenly realized something and no longer envied Xingmei.


I’m hung up too.

Xingmei, who practiced with Zhou Xiao for a while, followed March 7 and continued to wander on the train for a while.

She met the “think tank” at the information end of the train, and also saw Dan Heng who was laying the floor in the data room.

Dan Heng didn’t care much about his accommodation conditions, he could sleep on a bunk on the ground.

The supporting facilities of the Star Dome Train are really complete, which were “made” bit by bit by Jizi and others.

While saying nothing on March 7th, Xingmei had a delicious lunch cooked by Zhou Xiao, sat in the sightseeing car, listened to the sweet music, and looked at the star core of the universe.

If she hadn’t known that this was a pioneer train, Xingmei would have thought she was on vacation.

So comfortable.

She picked up the coffee Jizi had specially brewed for her just now and took a sip.


It’s really like March said, it’s really weird… Xingmei thought as she looked at the steaming coffee in the cup.

Chapter 18 The pain of flesh and blood! Mechanical soaring! New rewards!

As we all know, Himeko likes coffee. This is known to everyone on the train.

Although Jizi collected many different coffee beans on weekdays and was quite skilled in brewing them, everyone on the train thought it tasted strange.

There is a strange smell.

Xingmei silently put down the cup in her hand, saying in her heart that this was the last time she would drink Jizi’s coffee.


Star Rail: people on the train, working from 9 to 5

Star Rail: people on the train, working from 9 to 5

Status: Completed Author:


[Honkai Star Rail fanfic, relaxed, invincible, self-disciplined]
Zhou Xiao traveled to the world of Star Dome Railway and became a logistics staff of Star Dome Railway. He also obtained a self-discipline system. As long as he disciplines himself every day, he can get random rewards.
Be self-disciplined for a year and be submissive.
Looking at Zhou Xiao's figure who was cooking on the train, Ji Zi thought calmly in her heart: Well, this logistician on our train is extraordinary...
After ten years of self-discipline, my waist will be straight.
Looking at Zhou Xiao who was wiping a knife at the back of the train, Ji Zi raised her eyebrows and thought: Zhou Xiao is the most powerful combat force on our train...
A hundred years of self-discipline, a flying dragon riding on your face.
Looking up at the frail figure competing against the Star God in the universe, Ji Zi looked solemn: At first, no one cared about how powerful Zhou Xiao, the logistics worker, was until he and the Star God were at odds...


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