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Star Rail: people on the train, working from 9 to 5 — Chapter 122

Whether it is Zhou Xiao or their star core hunters, the ultimate goal is to [destroy] the Star God Nanook.

“Little girl…are you satisfied with this truth?” Kafka asked as he looked at March 7th.

Although they had guessed this truth, after learning from Kafka, March Qi’s face was still a little confused.

“We can spend time together…didn’t you say that we would all face Nanook in the end…”

“Is that what you think?”

Listening to March Qi’s murmurings, Kafka smiled. She laughed at March Qi’s simplicity:

“Let me tell you this…Since Ah Xiao can attract the Lord of Destruction, it means that the [Destruction] Star God Nanook pays more attention than you…”

“The danger he attracted is much higher than what your star train can withstand now…”

To put it another way.

If this was a game, the current Star Dome Train might only be level 5 and still in the novice village. Then Zhou Xiao’s level might be level 10, but because there is something hidden in Zhou Xiao’s body, he could attract level 100 players in advance. The boss comes to the novice village.


The five-level star train faces the one-hundred-level [Destruction] Star God Nanook.

This is unbeatable no matter how hard you think about it.

“Star God, that is a level that neither you… I, Ah Xiao, nor Star Train can reach. In most futures, fate ends at that moment, but if we follow Elio’s script , there will eventually be a glimmer of hope.” Kafka added:

“Did you know? Xing, even [Star God] can be killed.”


Kafka’s words made Xingmei and March Qi frown.

“You want to kill the Star God?”

“How is it possible… We are not dragon slayers. That is not our wish. I just want to tell you some stories between the Star Gods, the [Immortal] Dragon, [Pure Beauty] Idrila, [Order] The Taiyi of [breeding], the Taizyuros of [breeding] and the Akivili of [pioneering].”

“These are names that once resounded throughout the universe, but now… they have all disappeared, leaving only a fate without an owner.”

“There are currently three ways known to mankind to cause the Star God to fall. One is that fate paths with overlapping concepts will collide, and the broader fate path will engulf the narrow one.”

“Second, in the divine battle between Star Gods and Star Gods, the stronger one will destroy the weaker one.”

“As for the last one…you will know later.”

Kafka failed again. (This is definitely not because the author is afraid of backstabbing and did not guess…)


Tell half the story!

So angry!

Star Girl pointed at Kafka: “The Riddler, get out of the fairy boat…”

“It’s fun to be the Riddler once in a while.” Kafka saw the expression on Xingmei’s face which was very interesting.

March 7: “…”

There is a kind of speechlessness called the speechlessness of March 7th.

“Okay, I’ve almost confessed the question you just asked. What else do you know? After passing this village, there is no such store.” Kafka said.

“Well…” Xingmei touched her chin: “What does my relationship have to do with you?”

“It’s related…”

After hearing this question, Kafka thought for two or three seconds and said:

“Genetically, you are my child, and a quarter of your body data comes from me. However, Silver Wolf and Ah Ren are not suitable for raising children, so the task of teaching you falls on me. ..You’re going to make me miserable, so I have no choice but to throw you into the Starry Sky Train as soon as I get the chance.”


Listening to Kafka’s answer, Xingmei was shocked, and March Qi also looked at Xingmei in shock and confusion.

“You…are you my mother?” Xingmei never expected that she would have such a genetic relationship with Kafka.

“Now you know why I am so gentle to you? Call me mom?” Kafka said with a smile.

“Mom?” Xingmei was confused and expressed disbelief.

“Hey~ You’re so good.” Seeing that Xingmei was so obedient, Kafka couldn’t hold back the smile on his face and became a little presumptuous:

“Hey, innocent child, I lied to you…it was actually Elio who handed you over to me.”

“What did he mean at the beginning? Oh, yes, he said that if you continue to develop according to the possibility of his insight, you will eventually change me, and I will change you. In other words… you and I are each other’s destiny. .”

Xingmei: “…”

There is a kind of speechlessness… called Xingmei’s speechlessness.



Take advantage, right?

Without saying a word, Xingmei took out her flame spear and was about to stab Kafka, the liar, to death.

“You big liar… take advantage of me! Don’t want Bilian! Look at the gun!” Xingmei held the flame gun and was about to give it to Kafka, but was stopped by March 7 this time:

“Hey, calm down, Xing… You have stabbed her to death, how can we continue to question her.”

This moment is like that moment.

I still remember that when she first caught Kafka, Xingmei stopped March Qi who was in a furious state to prevent March Qi from destroying Kafka.

And now…

The roles have been reversed.

This time, it was Xingmei who was very angry and wanted to stab Kafka to death, but the target of the interception became March 7th. With such a dramatic identity change, it can only be said that Xingmei was really a little angry.

“Don’t stop me… If I don’t give her some trouble today, I won’t call her Xing…” Xingmei said with her teeth and claws.

ps: Please give me a free gift. No more tomatoes. Winter is coming again.


We can only rely on everyone’s salary to keep warm.

Ying Ying Ying.

Chapter 174 Zhou Xiao appears! Meet the train crew! (First update)

“Calm down, please calm down!”

Under the obstruction of March 7th, Xingmei put down the flame gun. Seeing her staring at Kafka, she said: “If you continue to take advantage of me, you will not get any good results.”

“Okay then.” Kafka sighed.

“Anything else you want to ask?”

“Hmm…” Xingmei thought for a moment after hearing the sound, and then asked: “Why can I accommodate the star core?”

This issue is something that Xingmei, Train Crew, Black Tower and others all want to study and understand.

Listening to Xingmei’s question, Kafka paused and seemed to be thinking:

“Well… naturally you are special. You were created specifically to accommodate the star core. Your body has been transformed by the star god’s power. Even if you come into contact with the star core, you will not be contaminated. So…you are unique.”


Faced with Kafka’s answer, Xingmei was a little surprised.


So awesome?

Have you been transformed by the power of the Star God?

Star Girl cleared her throat and was still skeptical about what Kafka said, fearing that Kafka would lie to her again like he did to take advantage of her just now.

“What you said…why don’t I believe it?”

“You don’t believe it? But what I told is the truth.” Kafka said that this time it was the truth.

“No! You must be making up lies to take advantage of me! Tell me quickly! Otherwise, don’t blame me for being rude to you!” Xingmei said that I will never be fooled by your Kafka again.

“Well…” Seeing Xingmei’s look of disbelief, Kafka said without further explanation:

“Okay, okay, because that star core has been modified. The Black Tower did a lot of research on it before capturing it. It is the only star core in the multiverse that will not pollute humans.”

“After Black Tower lost interest, she forgot about this matter, but it was recorded in Screwgum’s database. When Silver Wolf tried to hack into Screwstar, he found this data, so Ai Leo saw new future possibilities…”

“Hmph! I knew it! You were lying to me just now!” Xingmei snorted twice. She felt that Kafka’s words below were obviously more reliable than the ones above.

Star core… a star core that won’t pollute humans?

Listening to Kafka’s nonsense, March Qi on the side showed a shocked expression on his face.

She had never heard of such a thing…

“Do you believe it?” Kafka asked, seeing Xing Mei’s proud look.

“Isn’t this true?” Xingmei asked.

“That’s all, as long as you’re happy.” Kafka looked at Xingmei, a silly child, and didn’t want to say anything more.

In fact, the theory that Xingmei was transformed by the power of the Star God is true, and the pollution-free star core discovered by the Black Tower later was made up by her nonsense.

But it’s a pity… This time she told the truth first, but Xingmei didn’t believe it at all…


I’ve been completely deceived and can no longer tell the truth.

“Well… what time is it now?” Kafka felt that the time was almost here and asked the star girl in front of him.

Star Girl heard the sound and looked at the time and told Kafka the time.

“What tricks do you want to play again?” March 7 stared at Kafka cautiously.

“It should be almost time to start.”


With Kafka’s words, the huge withered tree in the sea of ​​clouds in the distance suddenly seemed to be awakened, growing upward at a speed visible to the naked eye. The thick trunk held up countless branches that were full of vitality, green and green. The power of yellow is entangled on the branches everywhere like leaves.

It’s Jianmu.

Jianmu, the force that once brought immortality to Xianzhou…is reborn!

Such a huge movement, no matter where in the Immortal Boat, all the people in the Immortal Boat could see it and be shocked by this scene.

“so big…”

“So long!”

“So rough!”

“How magnificent!”

Xingmei and March 7th were a little overwhelmed by the regrown Jianmu. They didn’t know what was happening.

“This power… is probably star core.” Walter, who was not far away, pushed up his glasses and looked at Jianmu in the sea of ​​clouds in the distance and said slowly:

“Someone injected the power of the star core into the building wood…”

“Tsk…it’s not here yet.” Kafka looked at Jianmu’s rebirth and then glanced around and found that the person who was supposed to come to pick her up had not arrived.

Ah Ren…did something happen?

Kafka frowned at first, but before she could think about the outcome, she saw a sudden “bang” sound from the Taibusi door in the distance, forcibly breaking into several pieces.

“Damn, I’m still late after all!”

After the dust dispersed, Zhou Xiao put his long sword into its sheath. He swept the dust in front of his nose with his left hand, and then looked at the entire Qionguan formation. The enthusiastic Yunqijun brother behind him was as quiet as a little daughter-in-law. Stand still.

“Yo…they’re all here.”

From what he could see, Zhou Xiao saw March 7th, Xingmei, Walter, and… Kafka, who was suspended in mid-air and restrained.

See him walking slowly towards the center of the formation.


Star Rail: people on the train, working from 9 to 5

Star Rail: people on the train, working from 9 to 5

Status: Completed Author:


[Honkai Star Rail fanfic, relaxed, invincible, self-disciplined]
Zhou Xiao traveled to the world of Star Dome Railway and became a logistics staff of Star Dome Railway. He also obtained a self-discipline system. As long as he disciplines himself every day, he can get random rewards.
Be self-disciplined for a year and be submissive.
Looking at Zhou Xiao's figure who was cooking on the train, Ji Zi thought calmly in her heart: Well, this logistician on our train is extraordinary...
After ten years of self-discipline, my waist will be straight.
Looking at Zhou Xiao who was wiping a knife at the back of the train, Ji Zi raised her eyebrows and thought: Zhou Xiao is the most powerful combat force on our train...
A hundred years of self-discipline, a flying dragon riding on your face.
Looking up at the frail figure competing against the Star God in the universe, Ji Zi looked solemn: At first, no one cared about how powerful Zhou Xiao, the logistics worker, was until he and the Star God were at odds...


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