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Star Rail: people on the train, working from 9 to 5 — Chapter 124

Are you going to go dark?

“You are the one who called me Xiao Sanyue! Don’t you want to leave! Leave quickly, no one will keep you, you can do whatever you like… There is no need to find any reason for your escape!” Sanyue Qi said forcefully.

Now she is like an injured little hedgehog putting up all the thorns on her body to protect her weak heart.

“Tsk, the changes are so big. It’s a bit different from the March I knew.” Zhou Xiao said.

“You too…have become so strange. You are no longer the train attendant I know!” March 7 was not to be outdone.

“Is there any?” Zhou Xiao turned to look at Xingmei and asked, “I have changed a lot?”

“Well…” Xingmei looked her master up and down and then said, “A little bit, he has become more handsome.”

“As expected of my apprentice, you have a vision.” Zhou Xiao gave Xingmei a look, and he found that Xingmei understood him more and more.


“Xing! Doesn’t your heart hurt when you speak without conscience?” said Yue Qi.


Xingmei was silent. She glanced at March 7th and thought to herself: I wonder… what I said is the truth. Why did I violate my conscience?

Do not know do not know.

What a strange March…

Are you about to break the defense?

Before, he looked like he missed his master so much, but why did he lose his temper in the blink of an eye?

“Hey, are you… angry because I didn’t say hello to you just now?” Zhou Xiao seemed to have thought of something and said:

“No way…I don’t think you are so narrow-minded. Besides…we are not buddies. What about the tacit understanding between buddies? You should understand with just one look from me…”

Listening to Zhou Xiao say the word “buddy”, this undoubtedly made March Qi even more angry. She had always wanted to get rid of her image of a buddy in Zhou Xiao’s heart.

I didn’t expect that…

After not seeing each other for such a long time, the image of her friend in Zhou Xiao’s heart was completely welded to her.

How could this keep her from being angry?

“Who are your buddies! Now we are nothing! No, we are enemies! You are the star core hunter, and I am the star dome train development team!” March 7th said with a fierce face, trying to clarify his position with Zhou Xiao.

“I’m telling you Zhou Xiao! You don’t have to rely on me to like you…you can bully me unscrupulously…pull me. I like you, but this doesn’t mean you bully me.”

“You are not the Zhou Xiao I know at all. You are… not worthy of my liking! Leave now! A guy who has no sense of responsibility! A guy who only knows how to escape! An annoying guy!”

March 71st used several words to describe Zhou Xiao.

Zhou Xiao changed.

This is true.

The Zhou Xiao she likes is a person who can protect his teammates, who can turn the tide for the train and his partners regardless of danger in a desperate situation.

He is a principled… measured person. No matter how dangerous the situation is, he can face and solve it head-on with his partners…

And what about Zhou Xiao now?

It gave her the feeling that she was escaping and not taking any responsibility at all. Just because she had something dangerous on her, she had to escape from the train, and she had to choose to alienate her friends on the train…

This is not great… let alone worthy of praise and praise!

This is naked escape!

“You have failed everyone’s concern for you, and you are even more unworthy of everyone traveling thousands of miles to find you in Xianzhou! Do you think you are handsome like this? Let me tell you, you are so inferior now!” March 7th said angrily Said to Zhou Xiao.


This wave of face-to-face output on March 7th was a shock to everyone present.

The first was Qingque who retreated behind everyone.

At this moment, Qingque was numb.

The three-person team of this Star Dome Train…are all top-notch talents!

Whose general is this?

The previous star… dared to ask Lord Taibu to say “please” in front of Lord Taibu of Taibusi… Here comes March 7th who can face-to-face with the murderous wanted criminal.

Qingque could only express one word for March 7th’s angry outburst.


Two words.

Super brave.

Three words.

Very brave!

Kafka in the distance raised his eyebrows when he heard March 7th’s voice, and then frowned a little.

This little girl…

I am so angry!

If you can’t get Ah Xiao…are you belittling Ah Xiao like this?

Frankly speaking, Kafka couldn’t stand it anymore.

Although Zhou Xiao has been bullying her and backstabbing her.

But the Star Core Hunters are a family that “invades and hinders each other”.

She doesn’t allow outsiders to say that about her A Xiao…

As for the star girl who faced March Qi’s angry dialogue, she had to admire March Qi at this moment.

In the eyes of Xingmei, March 7th is not just about venting emotions, it is also a tactic of retreating in order to advance!

It was a tactic to retain her master!

General Kun’s method!

By belittling her master, saying that her master did not dare to stay on the train and avoid everything… to make her master angry, she finally chose to return to the Star Dome Train.

This wave of scheming star girls can only be said to be very showy, but they are also very dangerous. It is difficult to grasp the size…

After all, her master is no ordinary person…

That is an existence that can defeat the Great Lord of Extinction. If he gets really angry, give it to March 7… I guess March 7 can just lie down.

Walter on the side watched everything that happened in front of him as steadily as an old dog.

Seeing him push up the glasses on the bridge of his nose unhurriedly, and when he heard the word “like”, he looked like he had just gained access to the Internet in the village, and raised his brows slightly.


March 7 turns out to like Zhou Xiao…

Today’s young people…

Walter touched his chin.

Before, he also felt that March 7 was very concerned about Zhou Xiao’s whereabouts, and he also felt very disappointed when Zhou Xiao left…

It’s just that he thought it was the emotion of a normal partner and friend.

Chapter 177 If longing had a voice, I’m afraid she would have been deafened! (Second update)

While Walter was eating melon, Zhou Xiao, the real owner, was stunned by March Qi’s spray. He looked at March Qi expressionlessly and then slowly said:

“You know what you’re talking about?”

“I know! What’s wrong! Do you still want to hit me? That’s right! You star core hunters are not good people to begin with. Just fight! Let’s see if I can withstand your attack!”

March 7th said a lot. Now she is very irrational. She even wants to resist Zhou Xiao’s attack.

“Tsk, you’re an angry little girl.”

Kafka, who couldn’t stand it anymore, slowly walked over. Her lazy eyes first glanced at March Qi, then looked at Zhou Xiao and said:

“Ah Xiao, don’t be afraid, we star core hunters are also looking for partners, isn’t it just that we lost the love of a young kid? It’s no big deal…”

“If that doesn’t work…I’ll assign the Silver Wolf to you.”


Zhou Xiao raised his eyebrows slightly when he heard this, and looked at Kafka with a puzzled expression. His eyes seemed to be asking: What kind of plane are you doing Gouba?

Seeing Zhou Xiao looking at him like this, Kafka glanced at March Qi, then slightly covered his lips with his left hand, and continued with a pretended surprise:

“What? You don’t like Yin Lang? Then…it’s not like I can’t do it, sister… After all, our Ah Xiao is handsome, strong, and a good cook… What woman wouldn’t like it? “

Zhou Xiao: “…”


There is a kind of speechlessness called Zhou Xiao’s speechlessness.

Although he knew that Kafka wanted to stand up for him, but…he just wanted to say: It’s time to stand up, don’t be awkward, okay…

Now Zhou Xiao is so embarrassed that he can squeeze out three bedrooms and one living room with his soles.

“Bad woman!” March 7’s arrogance was suddenly suppressed in front of Kafka, and he could only stare at Kafka’s face and say “bad woman”.

“Let’s go, A Xiao… we are in a hurry.” Kafka gave the little girl Pianzi a provocative look on March 7, and her hand was affectionately held on one side of Zhou Xiao’s arm. Then he pulled Zhou Xiao away and walked away.

“Zhou Xiao…”

Seeing Zhou Xiao following Kafka further and further away, March 7 was angry, sad and aggrieved at the moment. She shouted to Zhou Xiao:

“Let’s go! Don’t let me see you again!”

“Don’t worry… Our Ah Xiao, I can live a good life without seeing you.” Kafka glanced back at March 7th, waved to everyone on the train crew, and then watched the formation from the outside. My heart skipped a beat.

“Xing… take care of March 7, I’ll leave it to you.” Zhou Xiao glanced at March 7 meaningfully, and then told Xing, followed Kafka’s figure, jumped down from the center of the formation, and disappeared In the sight of everyone.


all gone.

After Zhou Xiao left completely, March Qi slipped and sat on the ground like a deflated balloon. She looked at the direction Zhou Xiao left, and her inner emotions were indescribably complicated.

She felt that Zhou Xiao had left her world. The two of them were more like two shooting stars that crossed each other. They only met briefly… which made her mistakenly feel that Zhou Xiao and she were from the same world.

“Zhou Xiao… this bad guy, he just left with that bad woman.” March Qi’s eyes filled with tears. She thought of Kafka holding Zhou Xiao so intimately just now, and she felt suffocated with discomfort. The feeling arose spontaneously in her heart.

what is this?

Everyone traveled thousands of miles to come to Xianzhou…

She stayed up all night, crying looking at old photos… What does this mean?

If longing had a voice, I’m afraid it would be deafening…

How much she misses Zhou Xiao…

But she didn’t expect that meeting Zhou Xiao would result in this…


Just when she was sad, a jade hand gently patted her shoulder. The owner of that hand… was Xing.

I saw Xing looking at March Qi seriously and slowly said: “A tough talk… but it will push the person you like away.”

Xingmei could tell from Zhou Xiao’s reaction just now that her master seemed to be really drifting away from March 7th…

As someone who had been eating March 7th and her master for so long, she couldn’t stand the scene just now…



Star Rail: people on the train, working from 9 to 5

Star Rail: people on the train, working from 9 to 5

Status: Completed Author:


[Honkai Star Rail fanfic, relaxed, invincible, self-disciplined]
Zhou Xiao traveled to the world of Star Dome Railway and became a logistics staff of Star Dome Railway. He also obtained a self-discipline system. As long as he disciplines himself every day, he can get random rewards.
Be self-disciplined for a year and be submissive.
Looking at Zhou Xiao's figure who was cooking on the train, Ji Zi thought calmly in her heart: Well, this logistician on our train is extraordinary...
After ten years of self-discipline, my waist will be straight.
Looking at Zhou Xiao who was wiping a knife at the back of the train, Ji Zi raised her eyebrows and thought: Zhou Xiao is the most powerful combat force on our train...
A hundred years of self-discipline, a flying dragon riding on your face.
Looking up at the frail figure competing against the Star God in the universe, Ji Zi looked solemn: At first, no one cared about how powerful Zhou Xiao, the logistics worker, was until he and the Star God were at odds...


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