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Star Rail: people on the train, working from 9 to 5 — Chapter 126

“This little silver wolf is not a human being! This is going to kill me! This is slander! It’s a naked slander!”

“It was obviously taken by her and made by her, so I kept it…”

“Ah Xiao, you believe me, you believe me! I seem to be such a boring person!”

Kafka was even more unjust than Dou E at this time, and he defended Zhou Xiao aggrievedly.

“Like…” Zhou Xiao nodded.

Kafka: “…”

If Zhou Xiao could still believe that Kafka was not such a boring person before falling on this thatched pier, then after falling on this thatched pier, he didn’t believe it at all…

How much leisure do you have to be able to come up with something like this so-called “Easter egg”?

Kafka felt bitter, but Kafka did not say anything.

What a big black pot.

The force hit her on the head.

Unexpected disaster…

What a disaster!

“No! I have evidence! I have evidence!” Kafka thought of her mobile phone. She groped up and down, took out the hidden mobile phone and retrieved the chat history with Silver Wolf.

When he saw the chat record, Kafka’s mind went blank. How had the chat record… changed?

From what I could see, the chat history on the phone was completely different from the chat history that night.

Kafka: Did Zhou Xiao join you?

Silver Wolf: Here it is, picture jpg. (The content of the photo shows Zhou Xiao closing his eyes and relaxing)

Kafka: Tsk, what an interesting photo. I want to make it into an emoticon package for him.

Silver Wolf: Interesting? How could this possibly be funny?

Kafka: You don’t understand… Just wait.

After a while.

Kafka: Emoticon package jpg (the content is Zhou Xiaoge You’s paralysis and the text is “I’m exhausted”)

Silver Wolf:…

Kafka: How is it? It’s pretty good. It would be even better if this could be made into a set of Q-versions. I’ll contact you later and I will definitely issue it to A Xiao…

Kafka: By the way, hurry up and take two more pictures so that I can collect the materials.

Silver Wolf: Isn’t this good? After all, this involves Zhou Xiao’s privacy…

Kafka: What is privacy or not? gkd (do it quickly).

Silver Wolf: When the time comes for Zhou Xiao to mess with you, I won’t care…

Another moment passed.

Silver Wolf: photo jpg.

Silver Wolf: photo jpg.

Three or five in total.

Silver Wolf: No more filming. I really feel bad about it in my conscience. I have to tell Zhou Xiao…

Kafka: How dare you! Little Silver Wolf, you don’t want all your game accounts to be banned, right?

Silver Wolf:…

Kafka: As long as you don’t say anything, nothing will happen!

Silver Wolf: Then…hey, it’s up to you.

Another moment passed.

Kafka: emoticon jpg.

Kafka: emoticon jpg.

Kafka: How is it? The craftsmanship is pretty good.

Chat ends here.

After reading this chat record, Zhou Xiao became more and more certain that the person in front of him was Kafka.

Kafka, on the other hand, was completely panicked.

“This is all Silver Wolf’s conspiracy! She is a hacker! She changed all the chat history! This little Silver Wolf…” Kafka didn’t expect that Silver Wolf was carrying her to death. prick.

“Since you are unkind! Then don’t blame me for being unjust! Ah Xiao, look… I don’t have your original picture on my phone, and… I don’t have the software to make emoticons!”

Kafka really took a lot of courage to open the photo album on his phone and show it to Zhou Xiao.

Seeing that there were many private photos and selfies of Kafka in the album, Zhou Xiao raised his eyebrows slightly and glanced at Kafka, who blushed slightly and then explained:

“This is all just for fun…the key is your photo, I don’t have the original photo…”

“Then… what are these?” Zhou Xiao found several photos of him sleeping and exercising.

“???” Kafka.

“This guy Silver Wolf… even hacked my photo album!” Kafka said that Silver Wolf had also tampered with this.

“This…ps should be a software for making emoticons, right?” Zhou Xiao backed out and saw a software with a diagram of ps on the phone page.

Kafka was confused. She never used any software to take pictures. She took the phone away and saw that this software was added to the page of her phone. When she opened the software, there were many traces of making emoticons. At this moment, her heart Completely cold.

Not a shred of evidence…gone.

Little silver wolf, little silver wolf…

I want to cut off my robe and sever my ties with you!

Kafka was angry.

When she didn’t know it, Silver Wolf silently made so many small actions on her phone.

She and Yin Lang had a heart-to-heart connection, and Yin Lang used his brains with her…

Hengbiao – Plastic Sisters.

“Do you have anything else to say?” Zhou Xiao asked, seeing Kafka’s heartbroken look.

“Ah Xiao… can you believe what I say now?” Kafka said.

“Maybe… you go and confront Silver Wolf?” Zhou Xiao suddenly mentioned. He said that instead of blaming any one of Silver Wolf or Kafka, or beating one of them to vent his anger, it would be better to take a look at the star core. The drama of hunter confrontation.

Isn’t this a natural backstab opportunity?

To drive a wedge between Silver Wolf and Kafka…

ps: Ask for everything, ask for everything, the humble author asks for everything online.

I won’t be able to measure the tomatoes anymore, eh, it’s so uncomfortable…

Ying Ying Ying.

Chapter 180 Fu Xuan: General, you bad guy! (Second update)


After being mentioned by Zhou Xiao, Kafka’s eyes seemed to light up again.

“Confront Little Silver Wolf!”

Kafka figured it out. Instead of looking for evidence from her to prove his innocence, it would be better to settle the score with Little Silver Wolf in person.

Instead of explaining the problem, solving the problem by solving the problem is not a way to solve the problem.

“Let’s go… Ah Xiao.”

Under Zhou Xiao’s prompting, Kafka aggressively took Zhou Xiao to find Silver Wolf…


Silver Wolf hiding in a certain port was playing a game when suddenly she felt a chill on her neck and felt an ominous premonition…

at the same time.

Somewhere in Taipus.

Fu Xuan was reporting to Jing Yuanyuan, who was using holographic projection, that he had obtained information on Kafka.

“Unless Kafka deceived Qiong Guanzhen…” Fu Xuan still had cautious doubts about Kafka’s remarks.

“Don’t panic, Qing Fu… I believe Qiong Guanzhen won’t lie. The logic of Kafka you described is very reliable. It just adds a piece of the chess puzzle for me.”

Jing Yuan in the projection looked at Fu Xuan as if he had expected everything and continued:

“I know that there must be external enemies in Luofu. This is because the star core cannot appear out of thin air. Someone must have used some method to mix it into the fairy boat. The internal danger in Luofu must be a hidden evil organization that claims to be a rich people. , The Secret Biography of the King of Medicine, and the facts Kafka said just support my guess…”

Listening to Jing Yuan’s words, Fu Xuan looked slightly surprised. He unconsciously touched his chin with a jade hand: “General, you really know how to guess…”

“Fu Qing, is this a compliment?” Jing Yuan asked with a smile.

“How… no matter how you calculate it, this clearly has a strong tone of disbelief!” Fu Xuan would not admit it.

“Actually, what I least expected was that the Star Core Hunter was not behind the scenes, but why he appeared on the Immortal Boat and why he wanted to attract the Star Dome Train… This puzzle piece has always been difficult for me to figure out, and Fu Qing The news I brought just completed the puzzle…”

“Interesting… so interesting. Who would have thought? The Star Core Hunters have gone around in such a big circle just to allow the Star Dome Train to establish contact with us…” Jing Yuan couldn’t help but sigh as he thought about this outrageous answer. .

“General…are you still feeling emotional at this time? Jianmu’s place is…” Fu Xuan said that now is not the time to review.

“Don’t panic, Qing Fu, Jianmu is growing. That’s when the traitor threw the star core into the cave where Jianmu is. Look, the traitor finally can’t sit still.” Jing Yuan looked like he had everything under control.

“That’s good… if you know what the problem is, it won’t be difficult to solve it.” Fu Xuan breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Jing Yuan looking so confident.

“Well…” Jing Yuan did not speak, but looked at Fu Xuan quietly.

Fu Xuan frowned slightly when he saw this, and a familiar feeling came to his heart.

“Hey, hey, general, you still want me to give you some advice, right? You already have such a good grasp of the overall situation…”

“Fu Qing, tell me…”


Fu Xuan sighed first, expressed his helplessness, and then said: “In my opinion, we should summon the Yunqi Army now and rush to the cave where Jianmu is, pull out the evil spirits of the star core, and stop Jianmu’s hair growth. momentum…”

“Hmm… Fu Xuan is right. This can indeed solve the problem the fastest… but it is not what I want. Fu Qing might as well make a guess. Since I have already guessed that Xianzhou is suffering from internal and external troubles, I also guessed We arrived at the location of the star core, but why did we stand still?”

Jing Yuan is very good at guessing… After the Star Dome Train came to Xianzhou, all his guesses were confirmed little by little by what happened.

Listening to Jing Yuan’s words, Fu Xuan thought for two seconds and suddenly realized something. He stared at Jing Yuan’s projection seriously and said:

“General… you bad guy!”

Fu Xuan finally spoke out what was hidden in her heart. Apparently she had already guessed why Jing Yuan stood still.

The co-author is fishing and law enforcement here!

Catch big fish here…

Hearing that Fu Xuan unceremoniously called him a bad guy, Jing Yuan was not angry, he laughed and said:

“To cut the grass, you need to get rid of the roots. Wait a minute. The King of Medicine has chosen to take action at this time, which means that the Yunqi Army has already controlled the overall situation. The traitors can’t calm down. Now is the time to attack them all!”

“Just watching in vain?” Fu Xuan was a little angry: “If there is any accident, how can you, general, afford the loss…”

“Fu Qing, Fu Qing… don’t panic, I still have a special weapon but it’s useless.”

While Jing Yuan was talking, several people from the train crew walked over slowly under the leadership of Qingque, among them Walter was at the front, Xingmei was beside Walter, and March 7th followed in a low-spirited manner. Behind Walter.

“Look…it’s just here. It’s the right time to hire people. Since the star core hunter wants to match us up, I can’t be polite.”

Seeing Jing Yuan staring at them, Xing Mei’s eyelids suddenly twitched and she suddenly felt something bad.

There was a feeling of being like a cow and a horse again in her heart…


Star Rail: people on the train, working from 9 to 5

Star Rail: people on the train, working from 9 to 5

Status: Completed Author:


[Honkai Star Rail fanfic, relaxed, invincible, self-disciplined]
Zhou Xiao traveled to the world of Star Dome Railway and became a logistics staff of Star Dome Railway. He also obtained a self-discipline system. As long as he disciplines himself every day, he can get random rewards.
Be self-disciplined for a year and be submissive.
Looking at Zhou Xiao's figure who was cooking on the train, Ji Zi thought calmly in her heart: Well, this logistician on our train is extraordinary...
After ten years of self-discipline, my waist will be straight.
Looking at Zhou Xiao who was wiping a knife at the back of the train, Ji Zi raised her eyebrows and thought: Zhou Xiao is the most powerful combat force on our train...
A hundred years of self-discipline, a flying dragon riding on your face.
Looking up at the frail figure competing against the Star God in the universe, Ji Zi looked solemn: At first, no one cared about how powerful Zhou Xiao, the logistics worker, was until he and the Star God were at odds...


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