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Star Rail: people on the train, working from 9 to 5 — Chapter 130

“He said he wouldn’t take action.” Jingliu responded.

The person she was talking about was naturally Zhou Xiao.

If Zhou Xiao didn’t take action, she wouldn’t be able to defeat Blade, Kafka and Silver Wolf alone…

“He?” Kafka realized that Jingliu was talking about Zhou Xiao:

“Ah Xiao is our companion. If you want to be an enemy of us, you will naturally be an enemy of Ah Xiao. How could he not take action?”


Jingliu was silent when he heard the sound.

Zhou Xiao felt a little strange… Why did this make him feel like he was leading the development of the plot…

what happened?

The grudge between them is not caused by me…

The star core hunters passing by thought it was strange.

“Let you go…I will come again next time.” Jingliu did not challenge Zhou Xiao’s authority in the end, after all, he had not stopped Zhou Xiao’s slash before…

After she finished speaking to the blade, she looked at Zhou Xiao again: “The agreement is reached…this thing is for you.”

She threw half a jade pendant towards Zhou Xiao.

“If you need me… just crush it.”

After saying a few words, she disappeared from everyone’s sight, and the incident of being chased by the blade that lasted for an unknown number of chapters came to an end…

After she left, Kafka and Blade both looked at Zhou Xiao. Their eyes seemed to be saying: What’s going on? Are you two having an affair?

ps: Ask for everything.

Take a chapter off.

The data dropped too fast, and my mentality collapsed. I need to adjust my mentality…

Chapter 185 Fu Xuan: This is all the general’s fault! (First update)

Seeing that several people were staring at him, Zhou Xiao frowned slightly and said, “Why are you looking at me? Do you think I’m having an affair with her?”


After Zhou Xiao said this, Kafka and Blade turned their gaze elsewhere.

“By the way, what’s the grudge between you and her?” Zhou Xiao asked Ren again.

“Prefer not to say…”

Blade said that he had nothing to say and nothing to say about that crazy woman Kageryu…

“Tsk…” Zhou Xiao glanced at him and didn’t press him any further. When he saw him turning to look at Kafka aside, he asked, “Where to go next?”

“Well…” Kafka gave Zhou Xiao a look to tell him to look at Ren: “Next… I have to ask Aren.”

“You?” Zhou Xiao raised his eyebrows.

“Follow me…” Ren said that he was familiar with the road.

Just as Zhou Xiao, Kafka and others were following the blade to the next location, Jingyuan from the Shence Mansion received some surprising news.

“What? Yanqing was injured again? Didn’t I let him relax…” Jing Yuan frowned.

“Go back to the general… Yanqing said that he received a signal from a nearby judge asking for help, and then he met the wanted criminal from last time…”

Listening to his subordinate’s report, Jing Yuan sighed with a headache.

Xiao Yanqing, Xiao Yanqing…

Why can’t you feel sorry for Zhou Xiao on that train crew?

He’s obviously very strong… but he has to pick those who can’t be beaten…

Jingyuan didn’t know how to evaluate this young man Yanqing…

Head iron…

Really tough head.

That’s all.

Let Yanqing have a good rest…

Jing Yuan stood with his hands behind his back, showing no intention of standing up for his disciple. He looked into the distance and was thinking about something secretly.

The power of the chess game is almost coming to light…

Next…the real drama begins.

Another dozen system hours later.

The main drama Jing Yuan mentioned seems to have begun, but also seems to have no ending.

Several people from the Star Dome Train first solved the crisis in the Engineering and Manufacturing Department in the Engineering and Manufacturing Department within a dozen system hours, and then took a shortcut to the Danding Division.

As for the star core hunters, Zhou Xiao and others went to a place called the Scale Abyss Realm under the leadership of the blade to wait and wait.

As for Dan Heng… he is still on his way to join the other three people on the train crew…

“Finally arrived at Dandingsi…”

After a battle, the train crew finally arrived at the Danding Division. Today, the Danding Division can be said to be extremely heavily guarded. Fu Xuan, who led the troops, assembled a large number of Yunqi troops to suppress the Secret Legend of the King of Medicine. of traitors.

When everyone arrived at the Danding Division station, they did not see Fu Xuan immediately. After questioning by the Yunqi Army, they found out that Fu Xuan had gone to the front line to survey the enemy…

“In this case…it seems we can only wait here for a while.” Xingmei shrugged after hearing what Yun Qijun said.

“Just… after walking all the way, I can take a rest.” Ms. Forty Dollar continued what Xingmei said.

“Are you still tired? You haven’t done anything along the way…” Xingmei said that forty bucks is enough for a lady to hurry up and find a safe corner to cheer them on when she encounters enemies.

“It takes a lot of effort to cheer…”

“Tsk tsk tsk…”

During the conversation between Ms. Forty Dollar and Sister Xing, the little man Fu Xuan led a group of cloud cavalry troops towards their direction.

“After waiting for a long time, everyone, I have found out the mystery behind the secret of Medicine King…” Fu Xuan said after seeing a few people. She glanced at the people present, and when she saw Ms. Forty Dollar , she raised her eyebrows:

“Who is this?”

“?” Xingmei saw Fu Xuan’s eyes on Ms. Forty Yuan, so she took the initiative to introduce: “Oh, she…she is Ms. Forty Yuan. You have met her before. Have you forgotten? I’m catching her. When catching Kafka…”

“Oh, that’s right…” Fu Xuan nodded, thinking that the forty-dollar lady was a partner of the train crew, and then continued: “I won’t say too much, but next… I want to invite you to appear. It’s time.”


“You guys really don’t treat us as human beings. You just came back after a break… Even if we are really bullshit, you still have to let us breathe.” Xingmei complained.

Although I had expected it before, I was still a little speechless when it came to this moment.

“That’s right…I still remember the first time I met your Xianzhou Master Yukong. She also said that she was the internal affairs of Xianzhou, so I won’t bother you all. In the blink of an eye, good guys…what a hard job. Leave it all to us…” March 7 also agreed with Xingmei.

“Ahem…” Fu Xuan listened to Xingmei and March Qi’s complaints, strategically cleared his throat, and said with a slightly embarrassed expression: “This is all the fault of the general… I didn’t expect it either. He is so…”

“But everyone… I really need your help this time…”

“Huh?” When Xingmei heard Fu Xuan’s serious request for help, she became a little interested: “Tell me, what is it about this time?”

“I knew…you wouldn’t refuse, everyone…please come with me.”

After Fu Xuan finished speaking, he led everyone to the front line.

A moment later, Xingmei sighed when she saw the big smoking stove in the distance.

“so big…”

“So rough…”

“So round…”

“How spectacular!”

Listening to Xing Mei’s uninformed sigh, Fu Xuan introduced the alchemy furnace to her.

“This is the place where alchemists evolved their immortal ways in ancient times. They built alchemy furnaces here, absorbed the power of building materials, and turned their fantasies into reality. Because of the endless mist, it was named Yunxia Zifu…”

“Yunxia Zifu…” Xingmei looked at the Great Alchemy Furnace in the distance and murmured to herself: “What a cool name…”

“Although the name is elegant…” Fu Xuan emphasized the word “gentle” in his tone, as if he was correcting what Xingmei had just said:

“The name is elegant, but it is a place where the art of war is dead. As long as the alchemy furnace continues and is surrounded by clouds, we will be unable to move forward…”

“The King of Medicine secretly said that the elixir that induces the demon’s Yin body has been mixed into the cave with the elixir furnace… Unless they can hold their breath and march, the Yunqi army will collapse without a fight…”

“The Secret of the King of Medicine gave up a hundred years of lurking and chose to show up at this time, which shows that they are sure of victory. However, no matter how well prepared they are, they will eventually come towards the Cloud Cavalry Army, and your existence and ability are the secret of the Secret of the King of Medicine.” You don’t know and you can’t prepare for it…”

“That’s why I want you all to help the Yunqi Army close those pill furnaces…”

Listening to Fu Xuan’s request, Xingmei touched her chin and then asked: “Then the smoke that induces the demon’s Yin body is of no use to us?”

Chapter 186 The Lord of Extermination turned out to be… (Second update)

“You can rest assured on this… The Demon Yin Body is not a curse that is specifically effective on humans. The Demon Yin Body targets immortal species with long lifespans… The elixir thrown by the Medicine King’s secret is naturally aimed at immortality. species, but it has no effect on short-growing species…”

Fu Xuan opened his mouth to explain.

“In short, you are the only one who can extinguish the alchemy furnace without being harmed. What do you think?”

“Master Taibu said so… Are there still any room for rejection among us cows and horses? Just do it.” After several rounds of help, Xingmei’s mentality has become a bit more open.

“Well, once the smoke stops, I will come to help immediately and will never let you fight alone…” Fu Xuan promised.

“Well… Ms. Forty Yuan, just wait here…” Xingmei turned her head and looked at Ms. Forty Yuan and said.

“Huh? What? I’m not an immortal, I’m a foreigner…” Ms. Forty Dollar said.

“It’s very dangerous ahead…” Xingmei reminded.

“Isn’t it true that you are here… Even though I am not from Xianzhou, I still want to contribute to saving Xianzhou.” Ms. Forty Dollar said.

“Good guy… I didn’t expect you to have such ambitions.”

“No, no, I’ll just wait and see… just in case a fairy boat hero or something comes out…”

“You are really…” Xingmei frowned as she listened to Ms. Forty Yuan’s speech: “You are really ulterior…you want to be alone.”

“How can there be…”

“Stop chatting, get down to business.” Walter pushed his glasses on the bridge of his nose and reminded him.


Several people on the train crew began to turn off the furnace under Fu Xuan’s distant gaze. They were agile and easily defeated a few soldiers. Under their operation, the furnaces were turned off one after another, which made Fu Xuan The solemn expression on his face gradually relaxed.

“The last one…”

“It’s done!”

“There will be no smoke now.” March Qi said.

“Great…I will lead my troops to join you right now!” Fu Xuan’s voice rang in the ears of everyone on the train crew.

“Look… there seem to be enemies up there…” Xingmei pointed to the platform where the big stove was.

“Go up and stop them…don’t let them get away.”


Several people from the train crew came to the platform where the big furnace was located, and Fu Xuan followed closely with the Yunqi Army. A big battle seemed about to break out.

“It’s you… Danshu.” Fu Xuan said when he saw the leader of the secret disciple of Medicine King.

“Master Dan has seen Master Taibu…” Seeing that there was no surprised look on Fu Xuan’s face, Dan Shu raised his eyebrows slightly and said, “You don’t seem to be surprised…”


Star Rail: people on the train, working from 9 to 5

Star Rail: people on the train, working from 9 to 5

Status: Completed Author:


[Honkai Star Rail fanfic, relaxed, invincible, self-disciplined]
Zhou Xiao traveled to the world of Star Dome Railway and became a logistics staff of Star Dome Railway. He also obtained a self-discipline system. As long as he disciplines himself every day, he can get random rewards.
Be self-disciplined for a year and be submissive.
Looking at Zhou Xiao's figure who was cooking on the train, Ji Zi thought calmly in her heart: Well, this logistician on our train is extraordinary...
After ten years of self-discipline, my waist will be straight.
Looking at Zhou Xiao who was wiping a knife at the back of the train, Ji Zi raised her eyebrows and thought: Zhou Xiao is the most powerful combat force on our train...
A hundred years of self-discipline, a flying dragon riding on your face.
Looking up at the frail figure competing against the Star God in the universe, Ji Zi looked solemn: At first, no one cared about how powerful Zhou Xiao, the logistics worker, was until he and the Star God were at odds...


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