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Star Rail: people on the train, working from 9 to 5 — Chapter 133

“Look…it’s not much better if you open the big account.” Zhou Xiao looked at it quietly for a long time and found that Dan Heng in the form of Lord Drinking Moon couldn’t beat the blade…

“Well…it’s almost time, you can pull them apart.” Silver Wolf, who was playing a game next to him, said casually to Zhou Xiao as if he had caught a glimpse of something.

“?” Zhou Xiao raised his eyebrows upon hearing this: “Are you sure?”

“Otherwise? We can’t necessarily see them fighting to death here, right? Besides, that guy can’t die either…” Silver Wolf said that standing and playing games was very tiring, and she wanted to go back and find a comfortable place to relax. Play slowly.


Zhou Xiao moved his wrist and disappeared in the next second. When he appeared again, he was already in the center of the battle.

Facing the crazy Blade and the cold-faced Dan Heng, he didn’t say much. One left and one right, one positive and one negative, the two strong fights ended this somewhat hasty battle.

look! It’s a double flight!

Watching Zhou Xiao’s two giants continue to fight, neither the insane Blade nor the unlocked Dan Heng reacted, just like two kites with broken strings spinning in mid-air like small tops.

One and a half Kun…

Two and a half kun…

Three Kun and a half…

In just a few seconds, Dan Heng’s blade spun in two different directions until it fell to the ground.

Among them, the blade spun in mid-air for eight and a half kuns and a half, while Dan Heng spun in mid-air for nine and a half kuns and a half.

Dan Heng narrowly defeated the sword by one and a half kun and won the victory.

As the two big guys Zhou Xiao continued to fight, everyone present except Yin Lang was stunned.

Blade climbed up from the ground wobblingly. In less than a system, he was beaten by two big men from Zhou Xiao. Now he looked at Zhou Xiao in confusion, with a little resentment in his eyes. Crazy…

If he can’t beat Zhou Xiao, no matter what his current state, he still has to practice with Zhou Xiao…

On the other hand, Dan Heng looked confused.

What the hell?

Why did I fly?

Flying so far?

Why does my face hurt so much…

Dan Heng was slightly concussed by Zhou Xiao. He stood up and wandered around for several times before finding his direction. He touched his slightly swollen right cheek and looked in the direction of the blade without knowing why.

Kafka, who had been watching the battle for a long time, did not expect Zhou Xiao to take action at this moment.

The time is indeed almost here…

The general from Luofu is about to land on the island.

It’s time for the battle between Blade and Dan Heng to end…


She didn’t let Zhou Xiao take action either!

Her original plan was to use the Spiritual Word Technique to stop the two of them, just enough to make the blade wake up, but she didn’t expect that Zhou Xiao slapped her twice… her original plan was messed up.

So after Jing Yuanyuan came to the island, he saw the star core hunter and Dan Heng who were all in a dazed state, and didn’t know what was going on.

What’s going on?

Bai Mao Jingyuan scratched his face slightly.

Why is no one paying attention to me?

Why don’t you say anything?

Did I come at the wrong time?

It shouldn’t be…

That Danfeng has appeared…

Jing Yuan touched his chin and felt that things were not simple.

In the end, Zhou Xiao was the first to break the silence.

“Well, you two are really evenly matched.” Zhou Xiao objectively evaluated, not only the combat power of Ren and Dan Heng, but also the number of laps when Dan Heng and Ren flew out just now.

“Why did you hit me…” Blade asked.

“Silver Wolf said… let me go, and I will go.”

Listening to Zhou Xiao’s voice, Blade looked at Yin Lang, and Yin Lang, who was playing the game, said: “I asked you to pull you two apart, but I didn’t let him hit you…”

“Just tell me whether you pulled it or not.” Zhou Xiao said.

“Pull open…”

“Isn’t it efficient?”

“Yeah, it’s pretty high… it’s pretty fast.”

“That’s enough, we solved the problem in the fastest way… how great.” Zhou Xiao felt that power was a good thing. Look, this way of solving the problem is so fast.

“Is it possible that you just wanted me to come forward and bite each other, ah, don’t fight, don’t fight. This will not kill anyone, so you can persuade them to stop?” He looked at Silver Wolf and asked again.

“Can’t refute.” Silver Wolf was speechless.

“It was you who beat me…” Dan Heng also realized what was wrong and looked at Zhou Xiao and said.

“Did you just react?”

“Just stop him. Why are you trying to stop me… It hurts.” Dan Heng said that his head was still a little confused and he was feeling dizzy.

“My hand slipped… Hey, just treat it like our previous daily training.” Zhou Xiao said casually with a sigh.

“…” Dan Heng.


Dan Heng didn’t know what to say.

Just now, Zhou Xiao almost didn’t let him hit him…

Is this still a discussion?

This is to send him to reincarnation…

“Have you finished talking?” Jing Yuanyuan interrupted when he saw everyone walking out of the silence.


Seeing that there was an extra person, Ren, Dan Heng, and Zhou Xiao present reacted with varying degrees of surprise.


When did an extra person appear?

Jing Yuan sighed silently when he saw the three people’s reactions.

He is such a hot and powerful General Luofu… It doesn’t matter if there is no BGM when he appears. No one noticed him even if we stood together for a long time…

It’s a little embarrassing…

“You two have returned to the fairy boat after a long separation, but you always find yourself on these embarrassing occasions. If you miss us as old friends, you should have informed me earlier…” Jing Yuan cleared his throat, and then looked at the blade and the transformation into Dan Heng, Lord Yin Yue, said.


Hearing what Jing Yuan said, Zhou Xiao raised his eyebrows slightly…

Co-author Jing Yuan also knows Ren and Dan Heng? Also have a leg?

Chapter 190: Fairy Boat and Luofu Love Story! (Second update)

Jingyuan, Ren, Danheng, Jingliu.

These three men and one woman…

Zhou Xiao imagined an emotional drama in his mind.

What should the play be called?

It’s called…Xianzhou Luofu love story.

What is it that makes Kageryu pursue the killing blade? !

What made Blade attack Dan Hengda?

What makes the relationship between Jing Yuan, Ren and Dan Heng so delicate!

Is all this a distortion of human nature or a loss of morality? Please look forward to the Fairy Boat Drama – the love stories that have to be told on the Luofu Fairy Boat…

Zhou Xiao has already arranged the roles of the four people in his mind.


Fun arrangement…

While Zhou Xiao was having fun with his thoughts, the conversation between Ren, Dan Heng and Jing Yuan continued.

“What I have to do is over…” After being beaten by Zhou Xiao’s two big cocks, his cheeks on both sides were slightly red and swollen, and his words were a little hesitant. He looked at Dan Heng and spoke slowly.

“Well, it’s done.” Jing Yuan nodded slightly: “You have done a small favor for Xianzhou. I am very grateful. Let’s go. This time I can pretend that I didn’t see anything.”

py transaction.

Hearing this, he knew that there was some shady going on between Ren and Jingyuan.

“Well, let’s go…” Kafka saw that General Luofu had arrived, and also knew that the star core hunter part of this big drama was over, so he greeted Silver Wolf and the others.

“It’s finally over.” Silver Wolf said she wanted to find a place to play games…

This happens every day.

Don’t talk about running away.

I also endured a lot of mental pressure… but I was lucky enough not to kill myself.

“Ah Xiao…”

Seeing that Zhou Xiao did not follow, Kafka looked back and called Zhou Xiao.


Zhou Xiao heard the sound and followed him. When he passed by Jing Yuan, Jing Yuan called out to him.

“Wait a minute…”


“What? What’s wrong with you?” Zhou Xiao glanced at Jing Yuan.

“This friend…should be a friend of the Star Dome Train, right? Why don’t you stay with us? Everyone in the train group in front of you is in trouble.”

Jing Yuan said that he wanted to be a favor.

The train group helped Xianzhou survive the crisis, and now he happened to see the… logistics worker that the train group had been trying to find, so he naturally helped to stay.

“Trouble?” Zhou Xiao raised his eyebrows slightly.

“They have Uncle Yang…how can they be in big trouble?” Zhou Xiao shrugged.

“Lord of Extermination…” Jing Yuan said softly: “I wonder if this trouble… is big enough?”

When he heard the words “Lord of Extinction”, Zhou Xiao’s face was slightly startled, and he turned around to look at Jing Yuan:

“What did you say?”

“The Lord of Extermination, Huan Wu, is inside…and everyone in the train group is also waiting in front.” Jing Yuan repeated.


Zhou Xiao raised his eyebrows slightly when he heard this.

“With General Luofu like you here, such a big fairy boat, and Uncle Yang in the train group, it’s not a big problem…” Zhou Xiao responded, and then followed up with Ka who was waiting for him without much reaction. Fuka.

Seeing Zhou Xiao leaving, Jing Yuan didn’t try to persuade him to stay.


He said everything that needed to be said.


Star Rail: people on the train, working from 9 to 5

Star Rail: people on the train, working from 9 to 5

Status: Completed Author:


[Honkai Star Rail fanfic, relaxed, invincible, self-disciplined]
Zhou Xiao traveled to the world of Star Dome Railway and became a logistics staff of Star Dome Railway. He also obtained a self-discipline system. As long as he disciplines himself every day, he can get random rewards.
Be self-disciplined for a year and be submissive.
Looking at Zhou Xiao's figure who was cooking on the train, Ji Zi thought calmly in her heart: Well, this logistician on our train is extraordinary...
After ten years of self-discipline, my waist will be straight.
Looking at Zhou Xiao who was wiping a knife at the back of the train, Ji Zi raised her eyebrows and thought: Zhou Xiao is the most powerful combat force on our train...
A hundred years of self-discipline, a flying dragon riding on your face.
Looking up at the frail figure competing against the Star God in the universe, Ji Zi looked solemn: At first, no one cared about how powerful Zhou Xiao, the logistics worker, was until he and the Star God were at odds...


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