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Star Rail: people on the train, working from 9 to 5 — Chapter 135

“Dragon Lord Vidyadhara, do you think I just talked about it casually?” Jingyuan paused and slowly talked about the history of the fairy boat.

“Although Jianmu was shot dead by the Imperial Gong Si Ming back then, there was still a little bit of the curse of the longevity plague and disaster ancestor. In order to seal it, Luofu called on the power of the Immortal Dragonborn, making it possible to tame the remains of Jianmu. ..”

“Under the auspices of the ancient Vidyadhara Dragon Lord, the Vidyadhara clan drew water from the ancient sea and flooded the cave in the Linyuan Realm, turning the entire cave into a container for sealing the building wood…”

“Dan Heng… After Dan Feng’s death, no one from the Vidyadhara clan in Luofu can do this. You, who once guarded Jianmu, should be able to open the way to Jianmu for us…”

Chapter 192: The snipe and the clam fight over each other and the fisherman wins! (Second update)

“Next…it’s time for you to show off.”

Jing Yuan looked at Dan Heng seriously and said.

Dan Heng was silent when he heard the sound.

At this moment, he was in a state of confusion. He looked at the sculpture of the Vidyadhara Dragon Lord in the past, and the figure of the sculpture was somewhat similar to him…

This may be some kind of inheritance, or… some kind of responsibility.

In this case…

Dan Heng closed his eyes slightly and began to feel the response within the sculpture and himself. Those past memories were like evil ghosts climbing up from the abyss, grabbing his ankles and climbing along his body, blinding him. eyes…

“Dan Heng…”

Everyone watched as Dan Heng’s body slowly rose into the air. Under the gloomy and oppressive sky, a light suddenly appeared on his left hand and became brighter and brighter, becoming the brightest presence in the world.

Countless thunder and lightning flashed across the cloudy sky, and the ancient sea was also roaring at this moment. Along with a beam of light shining straight into the sky, Dan Heng slowly opened his eyes, and a flash of cyan light flashed in his eyes.

“The ancient sea… split?”

Xingmei covered her mouth and exclaimed in surprise at the spectacle in front of her.

From what he could see, the ancient sea in front of Dan Heng was broken as if it had been chopped by some magic weapon.

The water of the ancient sea on both sides was higher than the sea surface, forming two tsunami-like wave walls. The ruins of an ancient city under the sea gradually appeared in everyone’s sight.

At the other end of the ancient city, a dragon-like… creature? Looking across the sea from them was Jianmu.

At this moment, Dan Hengshuai exploded.

Seeing the scene in front of her, Xingmei suddenly felt a surge of blood in her heart, as if there was a kind of BGM echoing in her ears, completely pushing the atmosphere to a climax.

This scene is indeed… Thai pants are hot!

But it’s still not as handsome as the moment when my master single-handedly stopped the Lord of Annihilation and let them leave…

This is what Xingmei is thinking from the bottom of her heart.

“There are so many buildings under the water. No wonder ancient books record that the Linyuan Realm was once the location of the Mingming Dragon Palace.” Fu Xuan sighed with emotion.

“Fu Qing…” Jing Yuan looked at Fu Xuan.

“I am here…”

Fu Xuan responded.

“You stay here and lead the Yunqi Army to guard this passage to avoid trouble.” Jing Yuan slowly gave the order to Fu Xuan.

“?” Fu Xuan raised his eyebrows: “General…you want to deal with Huanhu alone?”


Xingmei cleared her throat after hearing what she said: “Why, aren’t we human?”

“Uh… I’m sorry.” Fu Xuan realized that he had said the wrong thing and apologized hastily.

“Don’t worry, Qing Fu. It’s enough to have these friends accompanying me.” Jing Yuan said that the train team was all helping me.

“General! Let’s go too!”

“Me too!”

The soldiers of the Yunqi Army expressed their disapproval when they heard that the general would not take them with him.

“I, Jingyuan, know what you all think…but you have a more important mission.” Jingyuan declined politely: “The Yunqi Army obeys the order. After I go deep into Jianmu, if the water returns to its original state, I will immediately retreat and start again. The cave is closed, and all matters are subject to Taifu’s arrangements…”

“Yes!” Yun Qijun responded after hearing Jing Yuan’s order.

“Tsk… How is this the same as giving an account of the funeral?” Xingmei touched her chin and felt that Jing Yuan said this, as if their journey was not a path to victory, but more like… a path to the grave.

“What’s going on? I just handed over some matters to Fu Qing. Everyone, let’s go.” Jing Yuan said to everyone in the train group after finishing the explanation.


Fu Xuan watched Jing Yuan and the train group leaving, worry appearing in his eyes inadvertently.

“The Yunqi Army obeys the order…” she said.


“Guard the passage and ensure the safety of the passage for the General’s return…” Fu Xuan gave the order.

“Yes…” A group of cloud cavalry troops began to defend in sections.

“So much water…”

“What a big wave…”

“What happened?”

Near the Linyuan Realm, Zhou Xiao sighed with emotion when he saw the strange sights in the distance. He estimated that the members of the train group should have gone in with Jing Yuan and the others.

“Go, A Xiao, we are waiting for you here…” Kafka said.


Zhou Xiao didn’t say much. Seeing that the spectacle had appeared, he should prepare to go and pick it up.

Seeing Zhou Xiao’s figure disappear, Silver Wolf, who was playing games on the side, finally spoke up.

“We…just wait here?”

“What? Little Silver Wolf is afraid something will happen to him?” Kafka joked.

“Has something happened to him?” Silver Wolf sneered, still chewing bubble gum: “If something happens to us, he will be in trouble… I’m worried that some cloud cavalry army will disturb me while playing games.”

Kafka: “…”


It makes sense.

On this side, Zhou Xiao had already arrived near the statue of the Vigilant Dragon. Along the way, he saw many fragments of the virtual soldiers of the anti-matter army. These fragments of the virtual soldiers were like road signs guiding him.

“This statue…how does it look like Dan Heng?” Zhou Xiao said as he looked at the statue of the Vigilant Dragon Lord like a tourist.


Several Yunqi troops who were preparing to build a defensive line happened to see Zhou Xiao’s figure and surrounded him with weapons in hand.

“the wanted…”

“Tsk, tsk, tsk, why do you say it so unpleasantly?”

Zhou Xiao spread his hands, raised the corners of his mouth slightly, and a scarlet fire of lust swept through without warning, contaminating the bodies of these Yunqi Army soldiers.

In just a few seconds, these Yunqijun changed from ordinary Yunqijun to well-meaning big brothers of the Yunqijun. They were controlled by Zhou Xiao and obeyed Zhou Xiao’s orders.

After getting rid of the immediate trouble, Zhou Xiao continued to go deep into the place where Jianmu was. Not far away, he saw more Yunqi troops and a little pink-haired man wearing white stockings in the distance.

“Star Core Hunter…”

Although it was the first time he met Zhou Xiao, Fu Xuan immediately recognized the identity of Zhou Xiao’s wanted criminal.

“What are you doing here?!”

“What to do?” Listening to Fu Xuan’s question, Zhou Xiao raised his eyebrows slightly: “Guess what?”

“…” Fu Xuan was silent.

“Do you think you are funny?”

“Tsk, tsk, this is so easy to guess.” Zhou Xiao’s scarlet eyes looked towards where Jianmu was in the distance:

“There is a saying that goes like this: when the snipe and the clam compete, the fisherman gets the benefit… If I show up at this time, I will naturally… pick up the slack.”


This is really adding insult to injury!

Listening to Zhou Xiao’s words, Fu Xuan’s heart froze.

Over there, Jing Yuan just entered and wanted to fight Huan Lu, but the rear became unstable. The star core hunter came and penetrated the rear…

“No, that’s not the purpose of your star core hunters!” Fu Xuan said that the purpose of the star core hunters she saw through Kafka at the Qiongguan Formation did not have this link.

“You were deceived, little girl.” Zhou Xiao’s deep voice sounded out. At this moment, he looked like a villain.

ps: Ask for everything, ask for everything, the humble author asks for everything online.

Chapter 193 Fu Xuan suffered a fierce fight from Zhou Xiao…

“You were deceived… little girl.”

When Zhou Xiao’s voice rang in Fu Xuan’s ears, Fu Xuan knew that she seemed to be… doomed.

“Damn it…” Fu Xuan frowned slightly and stared at Zhou Xiao with a pair of beautiful eyes: “As long as I am here, I will never allow you to step into the scale abyss.”

“The Yunqi Army obeys the order!”


“Stop him!”

Zhou Xiao heard the sound and glanced at the cloud cavalry troops present: “Are you saying these people can stop me?”

“We will live and die with this passage today, and we must guard the general’s rear…” A group of Yunqi troops expressed their intention to defend to the death.


Zhou Xiao shook his head.

Guard the back door…

What if I intervene forcefully?

In an instant, a group of scarlet flames bloomed like fireworks, and the sparks touched countless Yunqi troops, forcing them to come under Zhou Xiao’s control. Those Yunqi soldiers who were standing a little further away saw this. I hurriedly opened some distance to avoid being contaminated by the fire of lust…

“Go in.” Zhou Xiao slowly walked towards the direction of the Abyss, while the kind-hearted Yunqijun brothers in front of him who were stained with the fire of sexual desire cleared the obstacles in front of him.

“Get out of the way!”

“Kill me…I can’t control myself…quickly.”

“Monster, this is absolutely demon…”

These Yunqijun, who were controlled by Zhou Xiao and still had some sense, looked at their former comrades and asked them not to take into account their past friendships, treat them as enemies, and must not allow them to help others…

But it’s a pity…

It’s of no use.

Hit those who deserve to be beaten, kill those who deserve to be killed…

A civil strife broke out in the passage leading to the palace…

“Watch the move…” Fu Xuan couldn’t stand it any longer. The magic eye on her forehead flashed with light, and she rushed towards Zhou Xiao at extremely fast speed.

Being able to let her be a strategic wise minister shows how unfavorable the situation is.

Even though Fu Xuan was very aggressive, but…she still couldn’t do anything against Zhou Xiao.

As we all know… Zhou Xiao is invincible within three steps… All close attacks will be slapped back by a defensive attack called “Big Fight”…

This time… there is no exception.

Even though Fu Xuan’s magic eye could slow down the movement of Zhou Xiao’s left hand to the greatest extent, she still did not dodge…

A big fan was slapped, and Fu Xuan’s small face was deformed by the force in an instant, and his facial features were even a little distorted.


Star Rail: people on the train, working from 9 to 5

Star Rail: people on the train, working from 9 to 5

Status: Completed Author:


[Honkai Star Rail fanfic, relaxed, invincible, self-disciplined]
Zhou Xiao traveled to the world of Star Dome Railway and became a logistics staff of Star Dome Railway. He also obtained a self-discipline system. As long as he disciplines himself every day, he can get random rewards.
Be self-disciplined for a year and be submissive.
Looking at Zhou Xiao's figure who was cooking on the train, Ji Zi thought calmly in her heart: Well, this logistician on our train is extraordinary...
After ten years of self-discipline, my waist will be straight.
Looking at Zhou Xiao who was wiping a knife at the back of the train, Ji Zi raised her eyebrows and thought: Zhou Xiao is the most powerful combat force on our train...
A hundred years of self-discipline, a flying dragon riding on your face.
Looking up at the frail figure competing against the Star God in the universe, Ji Zi looked solemn: At first, no one cared about how powerful Zhou Xiao, the logistics worker, was until he and the Star God were at odds...


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