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Star Rail: people on the train, working from 9 to 5 — Chapter 136

Under the influence of the force, she flew out like a meteor and hit the stone pillar of the distant ruins before her body came to a stop.

Perhaps it was because Zhou Xiao’s strength was a little stronger this time, so this big strike did not spin or jump.

There is no lap record in kun…

Just pure exertion…

“Lord Taibu!” The remaining Yunqi troops who were fighting were stunned. Before they could realize what was going on, they saw Fu Xuan flying out like a cannonball, and their life or death was uncertain.

“Tsk, this slap… won’t kill you, right?” Zhou Xiao touched his chin. He admitted that he had used a little too much force just now…

Even slightly stronger than Dan Heng, Yan, and Yanqing…

“You monster!” A Yunqiu soldier came over desperately and held a spear to stab Zhou Xiao: “She is Lord Taibu. She is so lovely, so you don’t have any sympathy for her!”

As soon as he finished speaking, he was stabbed out by a kind-hearted Yunqijun brother who was stained with the fire of lust.

Seeing the Yunqi Army in front of him flash past, Zhou Xiao shrugged, and then said righteously: “I’m just annoying people like you. We promise that men and women are equal, so why should we treat them differently? Be careful that a certain punch is real You guys…”

As a star core hunter with extremely upright views, Zhou Xiao said that he gives absolute full respect to women and must exert the same power as he does to male enemies when facing female enemies.

Zhou Xiao patted the dust on his hands, and then continued to rush to where Jianmu was…

At this moment.

The train group and Jing Yuan had reached the depths of Jianmu Xuangen. From their field of vision, it looked like it was above the clouds, with a pair of dragon horns looming in the clouds.

“This…is Jianmu?”

“Look… Huanhu is indeed here!” March 7 pointed at the green ball of light above the lotus in the distance and said.

“General Luofu, everyone from the train group, tsk tsk tsk, are all here.”

Phantom sounds echoed in this space.

“Don’t be impatient now. I’ll wait until the little lady has finished dressing up and then I’ll entertain you all.”

Listening to the phantom voice, Jing Yuan frowned and whispered to everyone: “Everyone, be careful…”


They came under the lotus. Before they could say anything else, the lotus suddenly lit up with golden light, and then slowly rose into the air. Then a huge figure emerged from under the lotus, and a wave of Extremely strong air waves swept through the cave in an instant.

“Back off!”

Jing Yuan shouted and asked everyone to keep a safe distance.

When the dust settled, everyone took a closer look and couldn’t help but be startled by the illusion in front of them.

At this moment, Huan Hu was like a little giant, appearing in everyone’s sight in the form of a “human”. The huge wave on his chest must have at least a thousand “March 7”, which shows how big the wave is.

Looking upward, Huanlong was holding her chin with one hand, and there was a bit of disdain in her beautiful eyes. It seemed that she didn’t take the train group and Jingyuan in front of her at all.

“So big!” Xingmei said in surprise when she saw the huge waves on Huanlu’s chest.

If I plunge headlong into this… I won’t die of suffocation, right?

“Have you seen this beautiful body? The miracle of fertility is indeed well-deserved. No wonder the King of Medicine is confident that he is superior to others… This building wood does have the power of reincarnation…” The phantom gaze extended to himself With her left hand, her confidence exploded at this moment.

She planned to deal with the train group and General Naluofu in front of her first, and then eat the delicious seeds she saw that night…


What a wonderful plot…

When Huan Lu thought of this, the waves in his chest seemed to surge a little.

“Huan Wu, you can’t escape today!” Jing Yuan took out his weapon until Huan Wu.

“Run away? I didn’t want to run away either…” Huan Wu launched attacks at will, her mind was spinning, and everyone in the train group had to dodge attacks.

“How are you going to fight like this!” Xingmei tried several times to approach Huanlong’s huge body with her flame spear, but she was forced back by Huanlong’s random attacks.

“Find the right moment…”

Jing Yuan dodged Huan Wu’s attack. He knew very well that if he wanted to defeat Huan Wu in front of him, he had to catch Huan Wu’s mentality of underestimating the enemy.

When Huanhui relaxes his vigilance the most… kill him with one strike!

PS: I’m sorry to tell you that… due to the continued decline in popularity, serious loss of readers, and sharp decrease in income, the author has no choice but to update it every day starting from today to prepare a new book.

As for the plot of this book, after finishing the plot of Immortal Boat, and explaining the foreshadowing of the Windrusher and the Golden Mulberry Tree, we can almost write a side story.

If I want to write again in the future, I can only go in an original direction, but I feel that people who follow the original plot are losing so much now, and writing original plots is not worth the gain.

Why not just open a new book…



Chapter 194 Zhou Xiao appears!

The battle under Jianmu currently seems to be Huanhu’s unilateral training of everyone, but there are also some people who can attract her attention, such as Dan Heng, who can use the water of the ancient sea to transform into a dragon and launch attacks.

“Oh? Is he the immortal dragonborn?”

Her hazy eyes glanced at Dan Heng, but she didn’t take it seriously. Whether it was Luofu’s general or the immortal dragonborn guarding Jianmu, they were nothing in front of her who had now gained abundant power. threaten.

Maybe he was tired of playing… Huanhuang waved his big hand, and in an instant, several lotuses with aura of destruction appeared under everyone.

“What is this?” Xingmei felt herself rising slowly into the air, and a sense of weightlessness made it difficult for her to move.

Within a few breaths, Huanhui let her know what it was, and she saw the lotus slowly closing in and instantly controlling her and March Qiyi.

“March! Star!”

Dan Heng and Walter, who had dodged away, looked at March Qi and Xing Mei who were controlled in mid-air, and they all launched attacks with the intention of saving their companions.

As soon as Walter’s mimicry black hole emerged, even Huan Huan, who was bursting with confidence at this moment, couldn’t help but look at Walter.

“Who are you?”

Huanlong asked.

“Just an unknown passenger on the Star Dome Train.” Walter pushed up the glasses on the bridge of his nose and replied slowly.


Huanwu said that this was a meaningless answer. How could she not know Walter’s name after lurking around the train group for so long?

“good chance!”

Jing Yuan caught Huan Wu’s speechless moment and rushed towards Huan Wu with the sword in his hand.

“Summon the mighty spirit! The divine king appears!”

Along with his shout, a mighty spirit with golden light all over his body appeared above Huanhu, holding a sword made of golden light and slashed at Huanhu’s head.


Under the attack of sparks and lightning, Huanwu was in pain and his whole body began to tremble.

“Dan Heng!”

Jingyuan shouted Dan Heng’s name at the moment Shenjun launched his attack, and Dan Heng also launched the attack as if he had a trance. A vivid water dragon hovered around Dan Heng, and then dived at an extremely fast speed to join Shenjun’s attack. Then it evolved into some kind of combination skill.

After eating the combined skills of these two people, Huanwu directly entered a slightly angry state from the normal state, and her body turned into a golden-red color.

Looking at Jing Yuan and Dan Heng, Huan Lu became more serious.

She never expected that the general of Luofu Xianzhou would be so ungrateful…

Just do this sneak attack trick…

“Not killed?” Jing Yuan gasped and looked at Huan Wu.

“Do you think this can destroy Jianmu’s biological body? Ha, you underestimate Jianmu.” Huanhu said disdainfully.

“It’s just a bunch of ants…”

“Oh?” Hearing Huanhu call them ants, Jingyuan raised his eyebrows slightly: “You can fight with ants for so long, you, the extermination king… can only do that.”

“Really?” Huan Lu heard the sound and sneered: “Then let’s see if I, the Great Lord of Destruction… can destroy your huge Luofu Immortal Boat…”

The fight between the two forces was in full swing. At this moment… a passing star core hunter silently touched the Jianmu Xuangen. Looking at the battle taking place in the distance, Zhou Xiao raised his eyebrows slightly.



Is this General Luofu?

Shouldn’t he be very cool?

Zhou Xiao fell into deep thought silently as he watched Train Group and Jing Yuan struggle to defeat Huan Long, even using combos but failing to cause Huan Long any damage.

According to the information he learned these days in Xianzhou…

It seems that General Luofu of this fairy boat is still a hunting envoy…

The Lord of Destruction is also the Order of Destruction under Nanook…

The envoys fight the envoys… It shouldn’t be this kind of situation, right?

No matter what, it has to be 50-50, right?

That’s all.

Zhou Xiao looked at Huanlong’s huge body. Although he didn’t know how Huanlong grew so big…but for some reason, he always felt like he was ready to move in his heart.

This strange feeling… well, it’s like wanting to eat Phantom.

Anyway, we have already made a clone of the Lord of Extinction… It shouldn’t be too much to challenge another Lord of Extinction, right?

Zhou Xiao decided to take action.

He can’t do anything if he doesn’t take action.

Looking at the current battle situation, maybe the star core has not been obtained, so I will help a few people from the train group to collect the corpses…


“You’re here too.”

Huan Lu seemed to be aware of Zhou Xiao’s presence, and looked into the distance. She licked her lips, and her desire to eat Zhou Xiao became even stronger.


Seeing Huanlong looking at the opportunity in a certain direction, everyone retreated to a safe distance.




In the slightly noisy battle situation, the sound of footsteps came from far away, and everyone looked slightly.

I saw a passing star core hunter slowly walking over. He placed one hand on the hilt of the knife and inserted the other hand into his pocket. He looked at Huan Wu in front of him with a slightly playful expression on his face. .

“Lord of Extermination? Well, it’s quite big.”

Hearing Zhou Xiao’s voice, a look of surprise flashed across the faces of everyone in the train group, especially the complicated expression on March Qi’s face.

She didn’t know how to face Zhou Xiao…

They spoke so harshly to Zhou Xiao, but in the end… Zhou Xiao still came to save them.

“Master…why are you here?” Xingmei asked.

“Let’s see what the Lord of Extermination looks like.”

“Tsk…what a lame reason.” Xingmei saw Zhou Xiao’s lack of integrity.

“Sure enough…you are here.” Dan Heng said that he never believed that Zhou Xiao would leave the island.

“Stop chatting… Everyone, this is not the time to chat and reminisce about old times.” Jing Yuan warned.


Star Rail: people on the train, working from 9 to 5

Star Rail: people on the train, working from 9 to 5

Status: Completed Author:


[Honkai Star Rail fanfic, relaxed, invincible, self-disciplined]
Zhou Xiao traveled to the world of Star Dome Railway and became a logistics staff of Star Dome Railway. He also obtained a self-discipline system. As long as he disciplines himself every day, he can get random rewards.
Be self-disciplined for a year and be submissive.
Looking at Zhou Xiao's figure who was cooking on the train, Ji Zi thought calmly in her heart: Well, this logistician on our train is extraordinary...
After ten years of self-discipline, my waist will be straight.
Looking at Zhou Xiao who was wiping a knife at the back of the train, Ji Zi raised her eyebrows and thought: Zhou Xiao is the most powerful combat force on our train...
A hundred years of self-discipline, a flying dragon riding on your face.
Looking up at the frail figure competing against the Star God in the universe, Ji Zi looked solemn: At first, no one cared about how powerful Zhou Xiao, the logistics worker, was until he and the Star God were at odds...


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