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Star Rail: people on the train, working from 9 to 5 — Chapter 137

He admitted that this kind of scene where friends reunited was very heartwarming, but now that they were in a decisive battle… they should calm down.

“Tsk… Huanlu is still looking for you, Zhou Xiao.” Huanlu slowly stretched out his big hand, and a lotus flower appeared at Zhou Xiao’s feet and naturally lifted Zhou Xiao’s body up.

“Find me?”

“Do we know each other?” Zhou Xiao looked at Huanwu and said that he had never seen a woman with such huge waves on her chest.

“Hey, it’s really sad…” Huanlong sighed, and continued as if she was complaining that Zhou Xiao had forgotten her:

“That night…the night with that little fox.”

Perhaps because he was afraid that Zhou Xiao would not remember it, Huan Wu also specifically added that it was the night when the clouds stopped.

Zhou Xiao raised his eyebrows slightly when he heard this and thought for two seconds.

The night with the little fox?

Zhou Xiao thought about it carefully. The little fox he saw recently… seemed to be Tingyun.

The night when the clouds stopped…

Is it that green flame?

Chapter 195: Tear apart Huanhu with your hands!

“Oh, now that I think about it, it turns out that you are the Great Lord of Extermination…” Zhou Xiao glanced at Huanlu and then said, “You are wearing all the clothes, but I didn’t even recognize him!”

Xingmei raised her eyebrows slightly when she heard this and touched her chin.


I always feel like there’s something wrong with what I said…

But I can’t tell what’s wrong…

“I just changed my body, can you see? This beautiful body transformed by Jianmu…” Huanwu was intoxicated with himself.

Seeing Huan Lu being so narcissistic, Zhou Xiao looked at Xingmei beside him and asked, “Was she so narcissistic before I came here?”

“A bit…I think maybe my brain is not very good…”


Seeing Zhou Xiao’s master and apprentice discussing whether her brain was good or not, a flash of displeasure flashed across Huan Lu’s face.

“Well, now that you’re here…it saves me the trouble of looking for you again…”

As he spoke, Huanwu waved his left hand, and countless black mysterious roots burst out of the ground and stabbed Zhou Xiao.

When Zhou Xiao saw this, he didn’t pay much attention to it. His left hand resting on the handle of the knife casually pulled out the long knife. As a gust of wind passed by, the mysterious root stabbing him instantly turned into countless tiny sawdust.

“Since you want to see me so much… then I will meet you properly.”

Zhou Xiao’s two long knives were drawn out, and his body reached its extreme limit and he kept slashing at Huan Lu.

Although his slashes had no special effects and looked simple and unremarkable, Huanwu felt a little unbearable every time he hit him.

Due to Phantom’s large size, it is difficult for Phantom to dodge…

He needs to take the knife off his hand…

Huanhu was thinking like this.

With the blessing of the power from destruction, Huanwu spent a lot of effort to transfer Zhou Xiao’s double swords into her wooden body, leaving Zhou Xiao with no weapons to use.

Huan Hu’s body healed quickly and she hid Zhou Xiao’s swords inside her body. She looked at Zhou Xiao and said slowly: “Now… let’s see how you cut…”

“It’s broken! Your friend has no weapons… I’m afraid he will suffer a big loss.” Jing Yuan said worriedly when he saw Zhou Xiao’s double swords being forcibly disabled by Huan Wu.

“Hurry up and help…”

As soon as he finished speaking, he realized that the situation in front of him seemed a little different from what he had imagined.


In the middle of the battle, when Zhou Xiao heard Huan Lu’s complacent words, he didn’t have much emotion. He just said “Oh.”

Then I saw him move his wrist, a scarlet light flashed in his eyes, and then the nameless power in his body that had increased several times surged out from the palm of his hand.

“That’s all, I’ll just feel aggrieved…just tear it apart with my bare hands.”

Zhou Xiao said that as if some seals were completely lifted, he disappeared in an instant, and appeared in front of Huan Huan the next second.

Facing Huanlong’s carefully crafted cheek, Zhou Xiao punched out without hesitation.


After a sound explosion, a sky-reaching scarlet pillar pierced Huan Hu’s cheek, and that beautiful face instantly burned like paper meeting fire.


One punch penetrated Huanhu’s cheek…

Regardless of whether it was made by Jianmu or not…it’s just a cloud in the face of absolute power.


Jing Yuan was in a trance for a moment when he saw this scene.

What the hell…

Just one punch…pierced it?

I’m crazy.

Have you penetrated the scale abyss realm as well?

Jing Yuan looked at the scarlet pillar in the distance that refused to dissipate and fell into deep thought.

Is this… really a logistics worker?

Not only him…

Even everyone in the train group was a little confused by Zhou Xiao’s attack.

Zhou Xiao seems to be stronger…

Not a little bit stronger…

“You…what the hell are you…”

In the center of the battle, Huanlong’s huge body was crumbling. She looked at the man floating in mid-air not far away with a somewhat playful look in her eyes and asked her soul.

She admitted.

She panicked a little.

This blow stunned her immediately.

She thought that the things in Zhou Xiao’s body were not mature yet, and the only ability he could show was to resist her illusions…

I didn’t expect that…

Zhou Xiao himself is so fierce!

She thought Zhou Xiao was a mage! Who would have thought that this fucking mage is a melee mage! The frame is about fisting…

“I am your father…”

Zhou Xiao spit out the fragrance without any politeness.

For some reason, he felt more comfortable using the power of rage this time.

“Aren’t you looking for me? I’m here…what are you hiding from?” With the power of rage, Zhou Xiao slowly walked towards Huanwu, and Huanwu, as a great lord of annihilation, seemed like a The scared little girl was ready to run away.

In panic, she threw countless illusion skills at Zhou Xiao, but they were all neutralized by Zhou Xiao.

“Want to run? Why are you running…”

Zhou Xiao didn’t show the slightest pity to Huan Lu’s body made of wood. In a few moments, Huan Lu’s body was dismembered by Zhou Xiao like a broken star.

Seeing this scene, the rest of the people present took a breath.

“Are you sure that’s a logistician and not some perverted murderer?” Jing Yuan looked at Zhou Xiao who was in a furious state and asked everyone in the train group.

“I…we don’t know for sure.” Walter pushed up the glasses on the bridge of his nose. For some reason, he seemed to be able to think of the scene where the Lord of Extermination came to Yalilo 6 to fight Zhou Xiao. ..

This battle… turned out to be so easy?

“Xing…what are you doing?” In a blink of an eye, Walter saw Xing holding a mobile phone and taking pictures of Zhou Xiao fiercely.

“Let’s make a video!” Xingmei said: “My master tore the Lord of Annihilation apart with his own hands! If this is sent out… it will give our conductor more face…”

“That’s not right, why should I record a video… It would be great if I could live broadcast it directly.” Xingmei suddenly realized something. People may question the editing and synthesis of videos, but this live broadcast will not be possible…

Seeing Xingmei’s sudden realization, everyone was speechless for a while.

He is indeed a good apprentice brought out by Zhou Xiao…

It’s a bit better than the previous one…

“Zhou Xiao is… really strange like this. Are you sure… he’s not in a state of illness now? Why do I feel… he seems to be dying?”

March Qi said silently, looking at Zhou Xiao now, she felt so unfamiliar.

This state has never happened to Zhou Xiao before… Zhou Xiao now even scares her…


Hearing this, everyone present and even the star girl who was filming the video stopped.


That makes sense.

How could Zhou Xiao have been in this state before?

has a problem!

There is definitely something wrong!

Only then did everyone suddenly realize.

Just now I was so shocked that Zhou Xiao was so awesome at tearing apart Huan Fu… I forgot that this kind of dry and shattered fighting style was not at all like Zhou Xiao’s previous fighting style…

Chapter 196 Who am I?

Just when everyone in the train group was worried about Zhou Xiao’s condition, Huan Hu’s body in the center of the battle had been completely torn apart.

Huanhui turned back into the green flame.

Looking at Zhou Xiao in a furious state, Huanwu felt fear.

In this state of extreme fear, she saw what seemed to be a seed growing rapidly under Zhou Xiao’s feet, transforming into the black throne she had seen in the illusion, and lifting Zhou Xiao up.

“You…will give everything you have, right?”

The voice she had heard in the dreamland once again appeared in her mind. The moment the voice appeared, Huanwu felt that something was taking root and sprouting crazily in her body. She could feel that something was about to parasitize her body. she…


Huanhu felt that his body was a little out of control, and he immediately realized that he had been attacked…

“I am the beautiful king under the seat of the Star God of Destruction… I am loyal to Destruction! I am loyal to Lord Nanook!”


Huanhuang was in great pain, her wails echoed throughout the Abyss, her mind was running wildly, she was thinking about the destruction in the last scene…

She will never be reconciled to such a hasty end… She is the subordinate of the Lord of Extermination, Nanook, the Star God of Destruction!


Then destroy them all!

At this moment when she was about to be parasitized by Zhou Xiao, Huan Lu went completely crazy… She made a crazy decision, that is… to use herself as nutrients to ripen the things in Zhou Xiao’s body… to completely revive the things. …

Destroy… destroy them all!

She wants the entire Luofu Immortal Boat and the people on the Star Dome Train to be buried with her in her death!

She knew very well that Zhou Xiao’s body could not control the complete recovery of that thing… Instead of being slowly parasitized and used as nourishment, it would be better to directly ripen it…


Star Rail: people on the train, working from 9 to 5

Star Rail: people on the train, working from 9 to 5

Status: Completed Author:


[Honkai Star Rail fanfic, relaxed, invincible, self-disciplined]
Zhou Xiao traveled to the world of Star Dome Railway and became a logistics staff of Star Dome Railway. He also obtained a self-discipline system. As long as he disciplines himself every day, he can get random rewards.
Be self-disciplined for a year and be submissive.
Looking at Zhou Xiao's figure who was cooking on the train, Ji Zi thought calmly in her heart: Well, this logistician on our train is extraordinary...
After ten years of self-discipline, my waist will be straight.
Looking at Zhou Xiao who was wiping a knife at the back of the train, Ji Zi raised her eyebrows and thought: Zhou Xiao is the most powerful combat force on our train...
A hundred years of self-discipline, a flying dragon riding on your face.
Looking up at the frail figure competing against the Star God in the universe, Ji Zi looked solemn: At first, no one cared about how powerful Zhou Xiao, the logistics worker, was until he and the Star God were at odds...


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