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Star Rail: people on the train, working from 9 to 5 — Chapter 138

Huanhu belongs to a broken jar…

Either way, it’s death, and she wants to end her destruction in the way she likes…

The fairy boat is in chaos! Star trains kill each other!

Looking at the train group with hazy eyes, she was looking forward to the drama when everyone in the train group saw Zhou Xiao, who could no longer control himself.

Did he kill Zhou Xiao?

Or was he killed by Zhou Xiao…


bring it on.

“Since you want to take nourishment from me so much… then I will help you…” Huanlong looked at Zhou Xiao, as if talking to the things in Zhou Xiao’s body, and then rushed into Zhou Xiao’s body, In an instant, a faint green flame appeared on Zhou Xiao’s body…


“Huanhui…are you crazy?”

Zhou Xiao touched his chin, and asked Huan Wu, who had just said to himself that he had a persecution delusion, that he was too cruel and made Huan Wu doubt his life.

Before he could figure out the situation, Huanwu rushed into his body while he was not prepared.

“Zhou Xiao! Are you okay!” Seeing Huanhu enter Zhou Xiao’s body, both the train crew and Jing Yuan were a little nervous.

“Me? Her move is of no use to me.”

As soon as Zhou Xiao finished speaking, he suddenly felt that his consciousness was in a trance, and his body began to get hot. A scarlet energy burst out from his body and enveloped him. The burst of air made everyone take a few steps back. .

When everyone looked at Zhou Xiao again, Zhou Xiao was already wrapped in the scarlet energy ball like a cocoon.

what’s going on?

Both Jingyuan and Walter felt something bad was going on.

At this moment, Zhou Xiao has entered the interior world. He once again appeared in the pure black world, and this time… he was firmly bound to the pure white chair.


Another person appeared opposite Zhou Xiao. The man’s eyes were very cold, as if he had a disdain for everything. He looked at Zhou Xiao and just uttered two words.

“We’re in this fantasy world again…” Zhou Xiao didn’t panic too much after being restrained, and just said something calmly.

“Do you…really think this is an illusion?” the other party said with a sneer.

“?” Zhou Xiao was slightly startled when he heard the voice, and he didn’t understand what it meant: “What do you mean…”

“True and false, false and true, you think it’s an illusion, but it’s actually reality. You think it’s reality…but it might be an illusion.” The other party stretched out his left hand slightly as he spoke, and a ball of green flame quietly suspended in mid-air.

Zhou Xiao could recognize it, it was Huanhu.

“Look, what a stupid thing, she wants to use her meager destructive energy to ripen us…”

The other party expressed his disdain for Huanwu without hesitation, as if in his eyes Huanwu’s methods were like those of an unlearned child.

“But…she was somewhat successful.”

“Ripening?” Zhou Xiao didn’t like this feeling of not understanding anything and having to guess everything. He asked, “Who…are you?”

“Me? I am you.” The other party said slowly with Zhou Xiao’s face: “I am everywhere, and I can be anyone…”

“The Riddler, get out of the illusion!” Zhou Xiao just couldn’t stand up. If he could get up from this chair, he would definitely give himself a big fight…

“Tsk tsk tsk…”

“Want to know the truth?” The other party touched his chin and then said: “There is no truth… You want to know who I am… In fact, you already know it.”

“In those scenes that you think are illusions, you think they are fake, but in fact they are real and they really happened.”

“Adesang Sacred Tree, Windbreaker…” The other party whispered a few terms, which made Zhou Xiao’s mind flash through the fragments he saw in the fantasy.




Zhou Xiao was in a trance and confused.

“who I am?”

In a trance-like state, his question then turned to who am I…

“We…” the other party corrected.

“We… are Original Sin, we are Star Gods, and we are one.” The other party answered.


“Me? Star God?” Zhou Xiao was confused.

“Otherwise? You don’t really think that your sudden surge in strength can really be strengthened by training every day for a while, right?” the other party said.

Star God…


Zhou Xiao somewhat believed this statement. Perhaps only the Star God could explain the nameless power that surged and awakened in his body.

“No…you are not a Star God!”

Right now…

In the illusion, another man wearing a mask of the Windbreaker appeared in this space. He looked at Zhou Xiao on the chair and said righteously:

“You are not the Star God… you are the wind blaster! The never-ending wind! You are a mortal who challenges the Star God! You are the container that seals the original sin!”

Chapter 197 Forgetting myself


“You are not a Star God!”

“You are the wind breaker, the never-ending wind!”

“A mortal who challenges the Star God!”

“It is the container that seals original sin!”

When the man wearing the Windbreaker mask pointed at Zhou Xiao and said this series of words, Zhou Xiao had a confused look on his face.


my identity…

Reversed again?

Zhou Xiao felt like he was in a trance.

“Tsk, do you think you can stop me?” Zhou Xiao, who is the Original Sin Star God, glanced at the man with disdain and said.

“Don’t even think about bewitching him…” Swift Wind said righteously, and then walked over. He looked at Zhou Xiao on the pure white chair and continued:

“Don’t listen to his lies. They are all lies. He is the original sin, the evil in people’s hearts, and the devil that destroys lives.”

“The evil of the human heart? What is the evil of the human heart? Can human desires be called evil?” Original Sin version Zhou Xiao sneered at Gale’s remarks.

“According to what you say, all intelligent beings in this universe are evil people…”

“You are deceiving! People are people, and evil is evil. Don’t try to confuse concepts. I admit that people will have desires in their hearts, but the practice of life is to resist desires and restrain oneself…” The wind blower seemed to be arguing. He refuted the original sin version of Zhou Xiao’s remarks with his hands.

“Restrain yourself?” Hearing what the blaster said, the original sin version of Zhou Xiao sneered: “Why restrain yourself? Life is about satisfying desires, resisting desires, restraining yourself… Where is the fun?”

“Do you understand fun?”

“As stubborn as that old thing…”

Facing the argument between the two, Zhou Xiao, as the owner of this body, was a little confused.

who I am?

This question has been bothering him ever since he entered this illusion…

The original sin version of Zhou Xiao, said he is the Star God…

And this sudden wind rusher said that he was the container that sealed the Star God…


Incredible chaos…

At this moment, another golden mulberry tree appeared in front of him. The tree gradually transformed into Zhou Xiao and walked over slowly. He first took a look at the Original Sin version of Zhou Xiao and the Windbreaker. , and then looked at Zhou Xiao:

“No…you are the Edsan Sacred Tree…”


Zhou Xiao looked at another man who appeared in front of him. He was sitting on a pure white chair and was completely messy.

who I am?

Who am I?


What to do?

Zhou Xiao felt the world spin for a while. In a trance, he felt that he seemed to have forgotten something, something…the most important thing, but unfortunately, he couldn’t remember what he had lost.

“You all think I am you…what evidence do you have!” Zhou Xiao asked the three people in front of him.

The original sin version of Zhou Xiao raised his head with a proud look and replied: “Strength is the proof.”

Hearing the sound, the man in the wind crossed his arms and answered: “The daily law (daily self-discipline) is the proof.”

The Edsan Sacred Tree version Zhou Xiao finally spoke and replied: “Memory is the proof.”

All three have proof, and all three have tangible traces on Zhou Xiao’s body…

After the three people answered, they suddenly realized something and looked at Zhou Xiao, and then they all asked the same question:

“What evidence do you have?”

This question was like thunder on the ground, tearing the memory of Zhou Xiao who was sitting on the pure white chair even more…




Who am I?

Where do I come from?


Am I the Original Sin Star God?


I should be…


No no no!

I am…

Am I the Sacred Tree of Edsan?

I should…

Who should I be?

Zhou Xiao went crazy in this illusion.

He is in pain…

He sinks…

He always felt that he was missing something most important…


Star Rail: people on the train, working from 9 to 5

Star Rail: people on the train, working from 9 to 5

Status: Completed Author:


[Honkai Star Rail fanfic, relaxed, invincible, self-disciplined]
Zhou Xiao traveled to the world of Star Dome Railway and became a logistics staff of Star Dome Railway. He also obtained a self-discipline system. As long as he disciplines himself every day, he can get random rewards.
Be self-disciplined for a year and be submissive.
Looking at Zhou Xiao's figure who was cooking on the train, Ji Zi thought calmly in her heart: Well, this logistician on our train is extraordinary...
After ten years of self-discipline, my waist will be straight.
Looking at Zhou Xiao who was wiping a knife at the back of the train, Ji Zi raised her eyebrows and thought: Zhou Xiao is the most powerful combat force on our train...
A hundred years of self-discipline, a flying dragon riding on your face.
Looking up at the frail figure competing against the Star God in the universe, Ji Zi looked solemn: At first, no one cared about how powerful Zhou Xiao, the logistics worker, was until he and the Star God were at odds...


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