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Star Rail: people on the train, working from 9 to 5 — Chapter 14

The next day.

After breakfast.

Conductor Pam gathered everyone in the sightseeing car to prepare for the jump shuttle.

“Master, master, what is jump shuttle?” Xingmei sat next to Zhou Xiao and said “master.”

After training with Zhou Xiao for a while yesterday, the title has become like this, so that at breakfast today, everyone was a little surprised when they heard Xingmei calling Master Zhou Xiao.


Hearing Xingmei’s question, Zhou Xiao paused.

Frankly speaking, he really didn’t want to be the novice guide. After all, it was more troublesome. When he first got on the train, he went directly to the think tank to absorb the common sense of the Star Dome Train.

“Well… you can ask Uncle Yang or Dan Heng.” Zhou Xiao answered.

Regarding the understanding of jump, he thinks it is more like traveling through a wormhole… traveling from one point to another consumes a lot of energy…

“So that’s it…” After listening to Dan Heng’s explanation, Xingmei nodded in understanding.

Opposite the two of them is March 7th.

At this time, March Qi had faint dark circles under her eyes as if she hadn’t slept well. Her eyes first looked at Zhou Xiao, and then on Xingmei.

Is it really that attractive to girls?

March 7 curled her lips.

After being teased by Ji Zi last night, she didn’t sleep well all night, so when she closed her eyes, she could see Zhou Xiao surrounded by a group of girls.

Although Zhou Xiao looks pretty good, cooks pretty well, and has good skills…

But Zhou Xiao also has many shortcomings.

Just like the Lost Owl… He also has a venomous mouth. Just that venomous mouth… Who else can deal with her except March 7th.

Perhaps seeing the resentful look in March Qi’s eyes, Zhou Xiao suddenly remembered something.

“March 7…come.”

Listening to Zhou Xiao’s greeting, March 7 walked over reluctantly: “What are you doing?”

“I remember… you seem to still owe me a month of leg-beating and five days of helping the kitchen.”

If March 7 hadn’t been staring at him, he would have really forgotten…

“Leg-beating? Now?”

“Otherwise, while there is still some time to prepare for the jump… hurry up, hurry up.” Zhou Xiao said.

“But I… But I didn’t agree either.” After thinking about it on March 7, she acquiesced, but she did not agree to Zhou Xiao out loud.

“I saved your life…”

“I don’t believe that without these additional conditions you would die without saving anything, and watch a beautiful girl like us die tragically at the hands of Doommon…”

“Yes…” Zhou Xiao replied simply.


This venomous mouth… confirmed March Qi’s inner thoughts.

Except for her, no one can accept Zhou Xiao’s bad words…

Such a handsome guy, why does he have a mouth?

March 7 complained inwardly, then squatted down and prepared to give Zhou Xiao a leg-beating service.

Just when March 7 was about to beat his legs, conductor Pam walked to the sightseeing car with a staggering step. He cleared his throat and said:

“Every passenger, please take your seats. The train will jump soon… Please be prepared.”

After hearing Pam’s words, March 7th jumped up and said, “Okay.”

I don’t know if she said “oh” because she didn’t have to beat her legs, or because of something else…

“Master, what are you going to do in March?” Xingmei looked at March 7 standing in the center of the sightseeing car looking eager to try and asked Zhou Xiao.

“Ah, the leap is traditional, March 7th will show off…” Zhou Xiao commented.

Having followed the train to jump several times, Zhou Xiao was no longer surprised by March 7’s behavior at this time.

Every time I jump, March 7th, I want to try whether I can stand through the jump process… but every time I fall down like a dog eating mud.

But March 7th was not discouraged. On the contrary, the more he fought, the braver he became, so this became a must-see item for everyone on the train when they jumped…

“Stuck in a show?” Xingmei showed an unclear expression.

“The train is about to jump, five, four, three, two, one.”

Chapter 20: Add money to the layman Zhou Xiao!

“I can’t knock it this time, I can’t knock it this time…”

During the countdown to the jump, March 7th gave herself some psychological hints.

As Pam’s countdown ended, all sounds in the sightseeing carriage disappeared in an instant, and the entire train turned into a streak of light that shuttled into a black vortex as if it had been digitized.

The whole process was as magical as traveling through time and space. Looking at the strange visual perception outside the sightseeing carriage, Xingmei felt a little dizzy.

“Dizziness is normal, just close your eyes.”

Zhou Xiao’s voice sounded, and Xingmei closed her eyes obediently.

About thirty seconds later, the jump ended and the train speed returned to normal. The strong inertia caused everyone sitting on the sofa on the train to move forward.

And on March 7… they successfully performed what is called a “stupefying show” in front of everyone.

Her legs were slightly bent, and she jumped sharply at the right moment, intending to use the time she spent in the air to buffer her inertia.

The result is predictable…she fell again.

Perhaps it was because of the experience that she gained from knocking. This time she put her hands on the ground and didn’t knock her face.

“We… failed again.” March 7 silently got up from the train ground and scratched his head in embarrassment.

Everyone is already used to it.

Looking at the snow-white planet outside the window, Ji Zi was a little surprised.

“dramatic change.”

Planet Yalilo VI is an asteroid with relatively poor resources. According to the information provided by the think tank, the last time a planet train came here was thousands of years ago.

At that time, Yalilo 6 was a beautiful planet covered with lush vegetation.

But now it looks like it is covered by ice.

“The space readings are abnormal, and the star orbit stability rate has dropped by 12%… The docking plan has been changed from seven days to indefinite…”

Little Pam brought bad news to everyone present.

Abnormal space reading…

No need to think.

It is most likely caused by the star core.

After all, trains have experienced this situation many times before.

“I have work to do again.” March 7 stretched out and said slowly. She was not affected at all by the fall she just got stuck.

“Alive?” Xingmei raised her eyebrows.

“Yeah…” Seeing Xingmei’s doubtful look, March 7 continued: “It is estimated that this abnormality is probably caused by the star core. It is our job to find the star core and bring it back to the train… “

“Star core?” Xingmei looked thoughtful when she heard this substance.

“The test results are out…the source of the anomaly is indeed the star core.” At this time, Walter’s words confirmed that the train crew must go to Yaliluo No. 6.

Ji Zi glanced at everyone present, as if thinking about who to let go this time.

March 7, Danheng, this is for sure.

Xing and Zhou Xiao, in fact, Ji Zi prefers Xing. After all, young people need experience, and the danger of Yaliluo 6 is actually within the controllable range.

“March 7, Dan Heng, and Xing, just you three will go this time.” Ji Zi said after thinking.

“Xing?” March 7th glanced at Xing, who claimed to be Zhou Xiao’s little apprentice, and then pointed at Zhou Xiao:

“Aren’t you going?”


Zhou Xiao, who was named by March 7th, raised his eyebrows slightly: “I am a logistics officer… My job is to ensure the logistics of the train. Why do I seal the star core with you…”

Zhou Xiao said that it is not good to fish on the train…

It’s so cold in Yaliluo…Sealing the star core is also a hard job. How can it be as comfortable as blowing the air conditioner on the train and eating melon…

“Let’s go, let’s go, I am with you in spirit…” Zhou Xiao said, bowed his hands, and prepared to go to the training car to complete his daily exercise.

“You guys go first.” Ji Zi gave Sanyue Qi a look, hinting that Zhou Xiao would also go.

“Okay then.” March 7 said.

Judging from her expression, she didn’t seem to understand Jizi’s hint and was a little disappointed, but she quickly adjusted herself.

“Okay then, Yaliluo No. 6 pioneering team is ready to go! Huh? Where is Dan Heng?”

Hearing March 7th’s doubts, Jizi replied: “I guess they went to the think tank to detect the situation about Yaliluo 6… You guys go and find out.”

The Yaliluo No. 6 pioneering team is gone.

Zhou Xiao, who had just completed his daily training, was going to make lunch. As soon as he got out of the training car, he bumped into Jizi in a formal dress in the logistics car.

At this time, Ji Zi was looking for something on the logistics shelf.

“Sister Ji Zi…what are you looking for?” Zhou Xiao asked.

“Nothing…just take a look.”

Hearing Ji Zi’s words, Zhou Xiao felt something was wrong.

Inspection work?

But Jizi usually doesn’t come to the logistics car to inspect his work results. After all… Jizi trusts his work ability.

“It’s really neat.” Ji Zi said to Zhou Xiao with a smile on her face.

“Sister Jizi…you must have something to say, right?”

Seeing Zhou Xiao getting straight to the point, Ji Zi didn’t mince words and said bluntly:

“That’s it… I want you to go to Yaliluo No. 6 to purchase some specialty supplies…”


Hearing this, Zhou Xiao was a little shocked.

“Didn’t we just replenish a wave of supplies at the Black Tower Space Station… The reserves on the train are sufficient.”

Zhou Xiao knew that Ji Zi just wanted him to join the pioneering team in causing trouble, but he still didn’t want to go.

Going out is full of uncertainty and danger, which may disrupt his self-disciplined life.

The feeling of losing more than you gain…

“Specialty supplies… are not ordinary supplies.” Jizi emphasized.

“To collect some data to supplement the think tank of Yalilo No. 6… I can only leave this important task to you, the most capable logistician on the train.”

Praise and kill.

This is definitely flattering!

Zhou Xiao said that even if he jumped off the train and starved to death, he would never eat this kind of boss cake.

“If I don’t go, I still won’t go…”

Seeing Zhou Xiao’s determined look, Ji Zi sighed:

“That’s it… I originally wanted to give you a salary increase after your field mission. Oh, by the way, don’t you also want to buy some mechanical materials? There are no extras on the train… You want it If so, you can only place an order with the company.”


Star Rail: people on the train, working from 9 to 5

Star Rail: people on the train, working from 9 to 5

Status: Completed Author:


[Honkai Star Rail fanfic, relaxed, invincible, self-disciplined]
Zhou Xiao traveled to the world of Star Dome Railway and became a logistics staff of Star Dome Railway. He also obtained a self-discipline system. As long as he disciplines himself every day, he can get random rewards.
Be self-disciplined for a year and be submissive.
Looking at Zhou Xiao's figure who was cooking on the train, Ji Zi thought calmly in her heart: Well, this logistician on our train is extraordinary...
After ten years of self-discipline, my waist will be straight.
Looking at Zhou Xiao who was wiping a knife at the back of the train, Ji Zi raised her eyebrows and thought: Zhou Xiao is the most powerful combat force on our train...
A hundred years of self-discipline, a flying dragon riding on your face.
Looking up at the frail figure competing against the Star God in the universe, Ji Zi looked solemn: At first, no one cared about how powerful Zhou Xiao, the logistics worker, was until he and the Star God were at odds...


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