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Star Rail: people on the train, working from 9 to 5 — Chapter 143


Half the battle is won.

To give birth to a new original sin, you need the other half of the power of destiny…

Now Zhou Xiao can only be regarded as half a star god…


Aha instilled the power of Happy Destiny into Zhou Xiao, so that Zhou Xiao had half of Original Sin Destiny and half of Happy Destiny…

A sword-fighting star god who can use the power of two fates…

[Hey, Aha is really a genius, Aha is a genius]

The new version of Original Sin created by Aha at this moment is a fun person who can control people’s emotions and people’s hearts…

At this moment.

[Original Sin], who had already left, was confused.

He could feel that half of the power of destiny was divided…

There is a being on the path of original sin who has his authority and can share at least half of his power…

“Is this the guy from Huanxuan?”

[Original Sin] You may have never dreamed that Aha would use the construction he made in Zhou Xiao’s body to create a “half-brother” for him…

[Original Sin]: Have I become a clown? !

Chapter 203 Zhou Xiao’s notorious reputation…


is a plant.

After Aha’s single-handed operation, [Original Sin] has completely become a clown. If he wants to regain all the power of his destiny, he must kill Zhou Xiao.

But killing Zhou Xiao seems unrealistic…

The reason is also very simple…

Zhou Xiao now also has the power he has, which means Zhou Xiao can also escape pursuit by transferring his body like him…

[Original Sin] Think for a moment and decide to talk about it later…

Thirty years to the east of the river, thirty years to the west of the river… He has recorded this hatred [original sin].

This side of Xianzhou.

Aha looked at Zhou Xiao, who had not woken up for a long time, and suddenly realized something…

He turned into a mask and entered Zhou Xiao’s inner world, and forcibly pulled Zhou Xiao’s body up from the sealed throne.


With the sound of the seal breaking, Zhou Xiao was pulled up by Him, but Zhou Xiao still didn’t wake up…

[Aha created a vegetable, Aha is so shameless, Aha is so shameless…]

Aha’s harsh bitter smile then disappeared from Zhou Xiao’s inner world. He decided to observe whether Zhou Xiao could wake up…

Zhou Xiao’s situation now…

It’s just embarrassing.

After being bewitched by [Original Sin], Zhou Xiao himself has forgotten his own state, his consciousness has been sealed, and his body has been replaced by [Original Sin]. Now [Original Sin] has run away. Although Aha transformed this body, I can’t help it, Zhou Xiao’s consciousness has not yet awakened…

This is like a sports car, with top-of-the-line equipment, but without a driver… No matter how much horsepower it can burst out, it will be useless…

How to make Zhou Xiao wake up and find himself?

This is a difficult thing.

People who trouble the real world…


On the fairy boat.

The oppressive feeling of the Star God on the unconscious Zhou Xiao gradually weakened, and the situation gradually stabilized.

Seeing that Zhou Xiao had not moved for a long time, everyone stepped forward to check on Zhou Xiao’s condition…

“Go and invite Bai Lu…” Xingmei said that Bai Lu’s medicine had an effect, and there must be a way to invite Bai Lu now.

After listening to Xingmei’s words, Jingyuan raised his eyebrows first, and then sent someone to find Bai Lu…

Although [Original Sin] was gone, the people of Xianzhou who were catalyzed by [Original Sin] and catalyzed the seeds of evil still did not wake up. Xianzhou was still in a state of chaos. It took everyone a long time to find Bai Lu who was treating the injured.

When Bai Lu saw the unconscious Zhou Xiao, she first understood what had happened. After learning that Zhou Xiao was ill, her little head shook her head:

“What am I talking about…this guy who is terminally ill…is going to be in a bloody disaster now.”

“Did you give him medicine?” Bai Lu looked at Xingmei and others.

“Feed…and then you’ll be unconscious like this.”

Listening to the answers from everyone on the train crew, Bai Lu nodded, and then checked Zhou Xiao’s physical condition. The more she performed the operation, the more solemn the look on her face became. Finally, she scratched her head, feeling that it was a bit difficult to handle.

“A good news, a bad news…which one do you want to hear first?” Bai Lu raised her head and asked.

“good news…”

“The good news is that his condition has been temporarily stabilized. Although his pulse is very chaotic, he has maintained a balance amidst the chaos…”

Listening to Bai Lu’s voice, Xingmei asked again: “What about the bad news?”

“The bad news is…he may never wake up.” Bai Lu said seriously.


Hearing Bai Lu’s voice, the expressions of everyone present changed like a bolt from the blue.

“Vegetative state?” Xingmei blurted out.

“Well… almost.” Bai Lu said.

“how so?”

“Is there any way to treat him?” March 7 showed a panicked look on his face.

“There is no medicine that can cure this thing… How can I describe his current state to you?” Bai Lu scratched her head, and with her small body, she was a little tangled in organizing her words:

“It’s just that the body is here, but the consciousness no longer knows where it has wandered… The brain has triggered a protective mechanism. Unless this protective mechanism can be lifted, otherwise it will be in the state of the living dead.”

“Lost your soul?” Xingmei heard the sound and described it.

“Almost…” Bai Lu agreed with Xingmei’s statement.

After receiving Bai Lu’s confirmation, Xingmei took a breath and thought about it carefully.

How can I find this…

“This is the situation…I can’t do anything about it.” Bai Lu said that it is no longer possible to rely on external treatment.

“Hey hey hey… March?”

“Xing, Danheng, Mr. Walter, can you hear me?”

When everyone on the train crew was confused by the news, they received a temporary communication channel request from the Star Dome Train.

March 7 picked up mechanically.


Hearing March 7’s voice, Ji Zi on the train breathed a sigh of relief: “Great, March, the train just felt a very strong energy fluctuation, and the communication signal was lost. I’m very worried about you… It’s great that you are okay now.”

“Ji Zi…Zhou Xiao him…Zhou Xiao him…” March 7th was not interested in listening to Ji Zi’s concern at this moment. She shed tears looking at Zhou Xiao’s face at a loss.

“What’s wrong with Zhou Xiao?”

Ji Zi suddenly felt something bad when she heard March 7 crying.

However, it was difficult to answer clearly on March 7. Walter took over the communication and then explained to Ji Zi the ins and outs and Zhou Xiao’s current status.

After listening to Walter’s report, Jizi on the train frowned and was in a daze, and Pam beside her also stamped her feet nervously after hearing this.

“I understand…I’ll go over now.” Jizi was silent for more than ten seconds and finally gathered her emotions, and spoke calmly.

Communication is temporarily suspended.

Ji Zi punched the table with some annoyance…

There is such a terrifying thing in Zhou Xiao…why didn’t they notice it earlier? Why did I let it happen… and ended up in this situation…

“Pam… I’ll take care of you first, I have to deal with it.”

“Go to Pa…” At this time, Pam was very sensible and stayed alone on the train. Looking at Ji Zi’s leaving figure, little Pam asked worriedly: “We must bring back the logistics staff of Zhou Xiao. Pa …”


After a moment.

On the fairy boat.

When Jizi saw the messy civil strife in the fairy boat and the damage to various caves in the fairy boat, the expression on her face became even more solemn…

What was on Zhou Xiao’s body…she didn’t know.

But she knew… that thing did all this with Zhou Xiao’s body, which made Zhou Xiao the murderer who almost destroyed the Luofu Immortal Boat…

The Xianzhou Alliance will definitely want this explanation, and the company will definitely investigate this matter…

What a big disaster this time… Star Dome Train may not be able to save Zhou Xiao…

Chapter 204 The Black Tower: A new version of the simulated universe, come and test it!

The Xianzhou Alliance must give an account, there is no doubt about it…

When Jizi met Walter and others, Walter was confronting several members of the Star Core Hunters.

“Are you sure you can stop our star core hunters?” Kafka looked at Walter who was as steady as an old dog and said.


“As long as I’m here…it’s absolutely impossible for you to take Zhou Xiao away.” Walter replied, pushing up his glasses on the bridge of his nose.

“Don’t even think about taking Zhou Xiao away again…” March 7 squatted on the ground and heard that Kafka and the others were about to take Zhou Xiao away and agreed.

“Sister Jizi…”

When Xingmei saw Jizi’s arrival, she waved and called her.

“What’s going on?” Ji Zi’s eyes first looked at Zhou Xiao, who was lying unconscious on the ground, and then looked at Walter and the others.

“This bad woman wants to take Zhou Xiao away…” March Qi said.

“What else?” Kafka shrugged. She said that the Star Dome Train could not handle Zhou Xiao’s bomb at all: “If Zhou Xiao hadn’t come to rescue you…this situation wouldn’t have happened…”

“If you hadn’t taken Zhou Xiao away, we might have discovered Zhou Xiao’s condition long ago…” March 7 said unwillingly.


Kafka shook his head, and then said in a calm voice: “What can you do if you leave Zhou Xiao behind?”

“Cure him? Then what?”

“After the Fairy Boat Alliance holds him accountable, will you hand him over to the company or the Fairy Boat Alliance? His identity as a Star Dome Train logistician is already in his past tense… The Star Core Hunter is his final destination. “

Kafka’s words silenced everyone for a few seconds.


Now if they keep Zhou Xiao, it will make Zhou Xiao even more trouble…

“Whether Zhou Xiao stays or goes is Zhou Xiao’s own business.” At this moment, Ji Zi, who has a “big mole in mind”, slowly said: “The problem now is…how to make Zhou Xiao wake up…”

“You star core hunters have any idea?”

“Perhaps you can try electroshock therapy.” Silver Wolf blew bubble gum and said, “Use electric current to stimulate the cerebral cortex… I think you can try it.”


Star Rail: people on the train, working from 9 to 5

Star Rail: people on the train, working from 9 to 5

Status: Completed Author:


[Honkai Star Rail fanfic, relaxed, invincible, self-disciplined]
Zhou Xiao traveled to the world of Star Dome Railway and became a logistics staff of Star Dome Railway. He also obtained a self-discipline system. As long as he disciplines himself every day, he can get random rewards.
Be self-disciplined for a year and be submissive.
Looking at Zhou Xiao's figure who was cooking on the train, Ji Zi thought calmly in her heart: Well, this logistician on our train is extraordinary...
After ten years of self-discipline, my waist will be straight.
Looking at Zhou Xiao who was wiping a knife at the back of the train, Ji Zi raised her eyebrows and thought: Zhou Xiao is the most powerful combat force on our train...
A hundred years of self-discipline, a flying dragon riding on your face.
Looking up at the frail figure competing against the Star God in the universe, Ji Zi looked solemn: At first, no one cared about how powerful Zhou Xiao, the logistics worker, was until he and the Star God were at odds...


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