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Star Rail: people on the train, working from 9 to 5 — Chapter 144

As she spoke, she carried high-voltage current from nowhere and used metal wires as conductors to connect Zhou Xiao’s body.


Following a burst of sparks and lightning, everyone took two steps back.

“Why does this… smell like meat?”

Xingmei looked at Zhou Xiao who was mastering the electric current, and sniffed slightly, and a burnt aroma poured into her nasal cavity.


Silver Wolf said he made a mistake in judgment…

“Are you sure you’re not taking revenge for personal gain?” Ren Youyou said quietly.

“Tsk…how is that possible? Zhou Xiao is my beloved relative and friend, a brother and sister…” Silver Wolf said, increasing the output power of the current…

“Well…it’s really no use.”

“But it also proves something… his body is very strong now.” Yin Lang said looking at Zhou Xiao’s body that had not changed.

Just when everyone was at a loss, Xingmei received a communication from the Black Tower, asking her to test the latest simulated universe…

After seeing this, Xingmei replied speechlessly: No time…I have something to do here…

Heita: Come and test, come and test…please.

Star: Speechless jpg.

Xing: My master is about to die, how can I feel the mood…

Heita: Your master? what’s the situation?

Xing: Not in the mood to say…

Heita: Tell me, maybe I can do something about it?

Xing said this when he saw Heita, and a pair of jade hands quickly tapped the current situation on the screen.

The real person of Black Tower on the space station frowned when he saw the message from Xingmei.

Vegetative state?

And blew up the Luofu Immortal Boat?

Seeing the black tower, she became interested. She had seen Zhou Xiao fighting the Doomsday Beast in the space station log data before… Although Zhou Xiao was a bit strong at that time, it was absolutely impossible to blow up the fairy boat…


Heita: I happen to be at the space station, please bring him over. I am good at treating vegetative people…

Xing: Do you really have any idea?

Black Tower: Come on, come on

Xing: You really didn’t lie to me?

Heita: Are you coming? If you don’t come, I’ll leave.

Star: Come!

Communication hang up.

Xingmei looked at everyone present and said, “Everyone… Heita said she has a way to cure my master…”

“Black Tower?” Upon hearing the name, Silver Wolf raised his eyebrows slightly: “Is it her? Are you sure?”

There was strong disbelief in her tone.

“She knows a lot about Gou Ba…”

“Xing…are you sure?” Jizi asked.

“What the Black Tower said… In this current situation, we are just giving it a try.” Xingmei said that a dead horse is a living horse. Anyway, neither the Star Core Hunter, the Immortal Boat, nor their Star Dome Train can do anything… .

They had to send Zhou Xiao out of the fairy boat before Luofu Xianzhou reported the incident… to prevent Zhou Xiao from being left behind by the fairy boat forever.

“You heard it, right…” Ji Zi looked at the Star Core Hunters after hearing this.

“Go to the space station…save Zhou Xiao.”

“Aren… take Axiao away.” Kafka and Jizi looked at each other and quickly understood what Jizi meant. She greeted the blade slowly with a lazy voice.

“No!” March 7’s small body tightly protected Zhou Xiao, preventing the blade from getting closer.

“Yuyue… hand Zhou Xiao over to them…” Ji Zi whispered to March Qi.

“Himeko… why? Aren’t we going to the Black Tower Space Station?”

“It is reasonable for the Star Core Hunter to take away Zhou Xiao…” At this moment, Dan Heng stood up and answered slowly: “We take away Zhou Xiao… Xianzhou will not be willing.”

“Dan Heng…Dan Heng?” Ji Zi originally wanted to say, “Dan Heng is right,” but she was stunned when she saw Dan Heng in the form of Lord Yin Yue.

“Is this Dan Heng?”

“Yes…it’s me.” Dan Heng nodded. He saw the confusion in Ji Zi’s eyes: “Well…I’ll explain it later. It’s better to save Zhou Xiao first.”

“Hmm…” Jizi nodded.

March 7 also understood a little after hearing Dan Heng’s explanation, but she was still worried about Kafka: “What if they just take Zhou Xiao away?”

“Don’t worry, we are more worried about Zhou Xiao’s safety than you are.” Kafka said that if they want to take Zhou Xiao away, they will definitely take away his intact body…

“Bad woman…” March Qi gave Kafka a fierce look and then warned: “You must take good care of him…”


Star Dome Train collaborates with Star Core Hunters…

Take Zhou Xiao away from the fairy boat…

Although their positions are different, their purposes are the same…

All in order to be able to cure Zhou Xiao…

So… an operation to smuggle Zhou Xiao began.

Chapter 205 Mission code name: Du Xiao!

The mission is to smuggle Zhou Xiao.

Code name: Du Xiao.

Mission content: Avoid the obstacles and pursuits of all immortal boats on the immortal boat that suffered 70% of the damage, and send the boss of the immortal boat, Zhou Xiao, back to the Black Tower Space Station for treatment.

Mission Difficulty: Two stars (Xianzhou, which has experienced civil strife, is now too busy to take care of itself, but…Xianzhou’s infrastructure still exists)

mission plan:

Star Dome Train Mission: The Star Dome Train people first restrained the guarding Yunqi Army and Ten Kings, and dealt with General Jing Yuan, trying their best to express their apologies. At the same time, the Star Core Hunters completely took Zhou Xiao away and knocked him unconscious. The Stardome Train people…

Star Core Hunter’s mission: take away Zhou Xiao, hijack Xingcha, leave the fairy boat, and send Zhou Xiao to the Black Tower Space Station near the Black Tower Space Station to meet up with the Star Dome Train according to the scheduled time…

Mission notes: Because Zhou Xiao caused too much damage to Xianzhou, Star Dome Train must stand on the company’s side and can only admit to handing over Zhou Xiao…

He wanted to kill Zhou Xiao because he was a star core hunter, so he poured dirty water on the star core hunter.

Try to reduce the hostility of Xianzhou towards Star Dome Train and acknowledge the contribution of Star Dome Train to Xianzhou in this mission (Note: The above is written by Star Core Hunter)

This one is very important.

If the position is unclear, it means that the mission of the star core hunter will fall short this time.

They, the Star Core Hunters, came to Xianzhou just to make Star Dome Train good friends with Xianzhou, to become the heroes of Xianzhou, and to make plans for the future…

Who could have guessed?

The script went well. When it came to the end of the curtain, Zhou Xiao became the big boss who subverted the script and directly tore up the script of Xianzhou that Elio had seen…

Task time: within three system hours

The mission…begins.

After everyone clarified their respective tasks, Walter and Ji Zi from the Star Train went to the ruins of Shence Mansion, where they met the tired Jing Yuan and Yan Qing…

“Sir General…this is Jizi, and she is also a member of our star train…”

“Hello, General Jingyuan.” Ji Zi called him calmly and generously.

“Hello, hello…” Jing Yuan seemed to be able to guess Ji Zi’s purpose of coming, and his eyes changed slightly when he saw Ji Zi.

“That’s right… We at Star Dome Train are very sorry for what happened to Xianzhou, and were unable to resolve this crisis together with Xianzhou…”

Ji Zi continued talking: “We didn’t expect that Zhou Xiao, who left the Star Dome Train, would join the Star Core Hunters and do such a treacherous thing… almost completely destroying the fairy boat.”

“General, please rest assured. Although Zhou Xiao was once a logistician of our Star Dome Train, we can definitely see right from wrong and will not condone the behavior of star core hunters. Zhou Xiao will be handed over to Xianzhou… We We will also fully cooperate with Luofu to handle this matter and give an answer to the Xianzhou Alliance and the company.”

Jing Yuan heard Ji Zi’s righteous words vaguely.

Before anything happened…

Zhou Xiao is the logistician of our Star Dome Train… an indispensable part of the Star Dome Train.

After the accident.

We strongly condemn what Star Core Hunter Zhou Xiao did. Our Star Dome Train is incompatible with Star Core Hunter gestures…

When Jingyuan heard what Ji Zi said, he also smiled slightly: “I, Jingyuan, deeply admire the Starry Sky Train for being so enlightened… Don’t worry, even though Xianzhou has suffered such a blow, I will never deny it. Star Dome Train’s efforts during the Louvre Crisis…”

“I, Jingyuan, can’t thank you enough…”

Faced with Ji Zi’s clear position, Jing Yuan also gave in.

The person who destroyed the Xianzhou was Zhou Xiao, a star core hunter who had little to do with the Star Dome Train… The people of the Xianzhou knew this.

“Hey, it’s just that the immortal boat has suffered heavy damage now. If you are grateful, you can only let it go for a while…” Jing Yuandao.

“General! General…”

At this moment, a Yunqijun walked in from the outside. Seeing the people from the Star Train, he came to Jingyuan and reported in a low voice:

“General… the star core hunter suddenly burst out… broke free from the restraints and fled towards the port with the sinner Zhou Xiao…”

Star Core Hunter…

Hearing this, Jingyuan understood the purpose of the Star Dome Train here even more: “Well, I understand… let’s get off first.”

After the soldier left, Jing Yuan stood with his hands behind his hands, looked at the two people on the Star Dome Train in front of him and said: “You two… Jing Yuan is busy with business, if there is nothing else… please come back… .”

“Sorry to bother you, General.”

Jizi and Walter didn’t say anything more, turned around and left…

After seeing the two people leaving, Yanqing, who had been beaten, looked at Jingyuan: “General…is there anything else you want?”

“It’s nothing… it’s just that Zhou Xiao was kidnapped by the Star Core Hunters.” Jing Yuanyun said calmly.


“My subordinates are going to chase…” Yanqing, who was still injured, said that he was going to chase.

“Forget it, even if you catch up, you can’t keep me.”

Jingyuan’s words deeply hurt Yanqing’s young heart…

If it’s so cold…

But it’s still true…

He had just been taught by Zhou Xiao’s fourth big fight…

But there is something to say…

When he saw Zhou Xiao almost destroying the immortal boat, he was still a little proud…

To be able to survive four big fights with people of this level…he would be able to brag about it.

“The main task now is to quell the civil strife in Xianzhou…” Jingyuan looked into the distance and said slowly.

He understands.

He knows everything…

But what could he do?


Star Rail: people on the train, working from 9 to 5

Star Rail: people on the train, working from 9 to 5

Status: Completed Author:


[Honkai Star Rail fanfic, relaxed, invincible, self-disciplined]
Zhou Xiao traveled to the world of Star Dome Railway and became a logistics staff of Star Dome Railway. He also obtained a self-discipline system. As long as he disciplines himself every day, he can get random rewards.
Be self-disciplined for a year and be submissive.
Looking at Zhou Xiao's figure who was cooking on the train, Ji Zi thought calmly in her heart: Well, this logistician on our train is extraordinary...
After ten years of self-discipline, my waist will be straight.
Looking at Zhou Xiao who was wiping a knife at the back of the train, Ji Zi raised her eyebrows and thought: Zhou Xiao is the most powerful combat force on our train...
A hundred years of self-discipline, a flying dragon riding on your face.
Looking up at the frail figure competing against the Star God in the universe, Ji Zi looked solemn: At first, no one cared about how powerful Zhou Xiao, the logistics worker, was until he and the Star God were at odds...


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