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Star Rail: people on the train, working from 9 to 5 — Chapter 146

Of course.

The workload involved is huge, so it takes a lot of preparation time.

That night…

There were only a few lights in the life support cabin, and Zhou Xiao was temporarily placed here.


The accompanying hatch was opened, and March 7 slowly walked in from the door.

She couldn’t sleep…

Seeing that she found Zhou Xiao’s cabin with ease and looked at Zhou Xiao lying in the maintenance cabin, her mood was extremely complicated.

He is too quiet…

It’s so quiet that it blends in with the sounds of the surrounding instruments…

The person who was usually so capable of quarreling with her… could now be so quiet and allow her to watch him quietly.


March 7 bowed his lower body and curled his legs slightly on the ground and took a long breath.

“Let me make it clear first that even if this device is built, it does not mean that Zhou Xiao will be able to wake up. After all, the consciousness is connected in parallel, which is extremely dangerous. This not only refers to Zhou Xiao’s danger, but also to Zhou Xiao’s danger. The danger to his rescuers…”

“You should also know the importance of the brain. If any of you are immersed in the depths of Zhou Xiao’s consciousness, you may never wake up again…”

“So…you must be careful and careful about who to save Zhou Xiao…”

Heita’s reminder in the afternoon came to March Qi’s ears. She wanted to touch Zhou Xiao’s cheek, but was stopped by the glass cover of the life support cabin.

Will you ever wake up again?

Looking at the beloved in front of her, March 7 expressed that she would not be afraid.

The worst case scenario is that he will die in Zhou Xiao’s conscious world…

She was content to die with the one she loved…


She sighed again.

She felt childish.

When she was in Taibusi…the angry words she said out of anger made her look so childish in retrospect…

That’s it, people.

When faced with those people who are irredeemable, they will choose to say something that hurts both parties to give themselves some face…

After calming down, you will find that the two people have already drifted apart…

She knew those words were hurtful and would sting the other person, but she still said them…

Zhou Xiao.

Are you scared now?

March 7 looked at Zhou Xiao who was in a coma and spoke slowly from the bottom of his heart.

Don’t be afraid…

I will save you.

You have saved us so many times…

This time it’s our turn to save you…

You guy…

You already feel something is wrong, why don’t you tell us? Hey, that’s right…you’re not someone who would take the initiative to tell us…

The journey to save you will be dangerous…

But we are not afraid…

Just like the fearlessness when you stood in front of me the first time at the Black Tower Space Station… For you, we are not afraid even if we are completely lost in your consciousness.

I know…

You won’t let us take such a risk.

But you can’t stop us now.

It can’t stop me…


Who told you to lie under this glass cover all this time…


I really wish that the person lying here would be me… Then I wouldn’t feel so uncomfortable.

Zhou Xiao…

Although you can’t hear it now, I still want to say to you… I love you, I really, really love you. If I can… I am willing to trade my coma for your sobriety…

If it’s really possible…

I just hope.

Don’t forget me…

Don’t forget that there is such a little girl who once looked at you silently behind you and hid her love…

Please forgive me for those angry words I said to you…

Because I really… really don’t know what to do.

I love you…

It’s time for you to wake up.

Zhou Xiao…

March 7th was having an inner monologue. Before she could finish her monologue, she suddenly heard the sound of the cabin door opening. She was a little panicked and tears were streaming down her face. She didn’t want others to notice her like this, so she hurriedly hid in the room. Behind the life support bay on the side.


The sound of footsteps goes from far to near…

March 7 knows.

This is for Zhou Xiao.

So she held her breath for a moment.

The person coming is Silver Wolf.

A device platform structure had just been built for Heita. Heita went to test it, and she came to see Zhou Xiao when she had free time.


how to say?

She didn’t know why she chose to come here to see Zhou Xiao…

Very strange.

Something is very wrong.

Or should I say something was wrong with her all day today.

Cooperate with Heita…

Try your best…

If this happened before, someone who was in coma had an affair with her…

She just plays games in her free time, so why would she find time to come here to see a man?


Looking at Zhou Xiao in the life support cabin, Yinlang was still chewing gum in his mouth.

“Aren’t you pretty awesome? You can’t do that anymore…”

“I have to point to my sister to save you…”

While Zhou Xiao was in a coma, Yinlang said that she was okay again, but she had to have a good time.

March Qi, who was hiding aside, raised his eyebrows slightly when he heard the voice of Silver Wolf.

Good guy…

It turned out to be Silver Wolf.

This was someone she didn’t expect to come here.

She continued to listen carefully…

This side.

Seeing that Zhou Xiao had no reaction, Silver Wolf felt even more depressed.

She really hoped that when Zhou Xiao heard her tone at this moment, he would jump out and give her a big pussy fight or something, and wake up directly.

Although it sounded masochistic, that was exactly what she was thinking at the moment.

“If nothing else, I made that emoticon and secretly photographed it…Are you angry…” Silver Wolf also tried to stimulate Zhou Xiao with verbal stimulation. After seeing that it had no effect, he sighed again.

“Can’t wake up?”

“Forget it if you can’t wake up… I’ll just assume you know about it.”

“Wake up quickly. If you don’t wake up… my strategy on Zhou Xiao will be in vain… I still want to perfect it…”

“I still want to play games with you…Although you blocked many of my accounts last time, I have forgiven you…When you wake up, I will lend you my account to play…”

“Just order what you want…It’s okay, I can teach you, as long as you wake up…”

Silver Wolf was talking to herself, without realizing that she might not be the only one in the cabin.

Chapter 208 There are so many people… (Happy Mid-Autumn Festival!)

Hiding in the dark, March Qi heard what Silver Wolf said. No matter how dumb she was, she could tell that something was wrong.

This silver wolf…

Are you also interested in Zhou Xiao?


Why did you come here to talk to Zhou Xiao in the middle of the night?

Hasn’t she been building devices with the Black Tower? How can I have time…

March 7 suddenly felt that she might have a love rival. At the same time, she seemed to recall that Kafka seemed to have said something about star core hunters assigning lovers when they were in Taibos…


Too complicated!

At this moment, her mood was even more complicated.

the other side.

Silver Wolf said a lot.

As she spoke, she felt that none of these words were what she should say.

“It’s strange…why would I tell you this?”

“Is this still me?”

“Hey… whatever, I just hope you can get better…”

“Don’t worry, even though you treated me like that before, I will definitely save you.”

Just as Silver Wolf finished speaking, he suddenly heard the sound of the cabin door opening again.


Star Rail: people on the train, working from 9 to 5

Star Rail: people on the train, working from 9 to 5

Status: Completed Author:


[Honkai Star Rail fanfic, relaxed, invincible, self-disciplined]
Zhou Xiao traveled to the world of Star Dome Railway and became a logistics staff of Star Dome Railway. He also obtained a self-discipline system. As long as he disciplines himself every day, he can get random rewards.
Be self-disciplined for a year and be submissive.
Looking at Zhou Xiao's figure who was cooking on the train, Ji Zi thought calmly in her heart: Well, this logistician on our train is extraordinary...
After ten years of self-discipline, my waist will be straight.
Looking at Zhou Xiao who was wiping a knife at the back of the train, Ji Zi raised her eyebrows and thought: Zhou Xiao is the most powerful combat force on our train...
A hundred years of self-discipline, a flying dragon riding on your face.
Looking up at the frail figure competing against the Star God in the universe, Ji Zi looked solemn: At first, no one cared about how powerful Zhou Xiao, the logistics worker, was until he and the Star God were at odds...


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