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Star Rail: people on the train, working from 9 to 5 — Chapter 148

Everyone looked at each other and unanimously said that they had something to do and wanted to take the first step…

Seeing everyone leaving one after another, Xingmei touched her chin and glanced at the back of March Qi, who was the last to leave, and then looked at the master in the life support cabin.


They should be…all friends, right?


All friends…

Xingmei expressed this…

The next night.

The device to save Zhou Xiao has completed basic testing under the construction of Silver Wolf and Black Tower. The group of people stood in front of the device and looked at the several cabins in front of them. None of them said much.

“Everyone…who is going?” Heita said expressionlessly.

“I’m going…” Xingmei originally wanted to raise her hand, but then she heard everyone almost saying in unison that she was going to go, and she immediately changed the “I’m going” to “I’m going~”

what’s the situation…

Are you all going?

“Hey, hey, hey… there aren’t that many cabins. Let’s choose, five at most…” Black Tower felt a little strange when everyone wanted to go.

Is Xiao Xiao’s popularity so good this week?


“I am the one who recruited Zhou Xiao to come to the Star Train. I have a reason to go…I have to bring him back.” Jizi was silent and said the reason why she had to go.

“Ah, that’s it.” Kafka heard the sound and understood: “I am the one who recruited Axiao to come to the Star Core Hunter. The reason why I have to go is the same as her…”

“Then I have to go too…” Silver Wolf said upon seeing this: “I programmed the device. If there is any accident… I can handle it.”

“And I…” March 7 silently raised his hand: “I also have a reason to go…”

“Why are you joining in the fun?”

“You don’t care… Anyway… I have to go.” March 7 said firmly.

After a round of intense discussion, the final list was decided on Kafka, Silver Wolf, Ji Zi, March Qi and Xing Mei…

Does this list look familiar?

That’s right.

It was those people who gathered in Zhou Xiao’s life support cabin last night…

As for others, they also wanted to save Zhou Xiao, but… they were all stopped by Ji Zi, Kafka and others.

Several people lay down in the cabin one after another. As the cabin door closed, an unknown gas gradually filled the cabin…

“Listen… no matter what Zhou Xiao’s other world looks like, your subconscious must know that it is an illusion… it is fake, and your purpose is to pull Zhou Xiao out.”

“You must remember this…otherwise you may fall into Zhou Xiao’s subconscious world…”

The voice of the Black Tower was transmitted to the ears of several people through the sound-producing device in the cabin, and everyone responded.

As the Black Tower activated the device, everyone’s eyelids gradually became heavy and they fell into a deep sleep. Their consciousness was filtered through one device after another and connected with the unconscious Zhou Xiao in the central cabin.

Zhou Xiao…

I’m here to find you…

March 7’s breathing gradually became faster, her consciousness gradually blurred, and finally her eyes were closed tightly, and her consciousness stayed on the pure white coating of the cabin…

“Huh… it’s done.” After Heita sent everyone’s consciousness into Zhou Xiao’s subconscious, he took a long breath, indicating that her work was completed.

“The rest is up to them…”

Hearing the sound, the other people present looked at several cabins.

Blade, Danheng, Walter…

The three of them couldn’t defeat Himeko and Kafka and had to stay behind to look after the house…

I don’t know how much time passed.

The confused March Qi opened her eyes. She felt a little cold. When she opened her eyes, she saw an endless grassland. In the distance, there was a group of strange-looking creatures surrounding the bonfire, and she was soaked all over. ..

“Are you… okay?” A female voice sounded in her ear.

When he turned around, he saw a girl with blond hair and white clothes looking at him with a bladeless sword. There was also a life that looked like an elf floating next to her.

“You…are you?” March 7 was a little confused about who the person in front of him was.


“I’m Ying.” The blonde girl said slowly.

“I’m Paimon!” The little guy next to her also introduced himself. After the introduction, she asked March 7th: “Who are you? Why have I never seen you before…”

“I…I am March Qi, from the Star Dome Train. I am here to…” Thinking of the purpose of this trip, March Qi felt a headache. She seemed to have forgotten what the purpose of this trip was. Already…

“I’m here…”

“What am I here to do?”

Chapter 210: Take good care of people! I am purely a good person!

“I…what am I here to do?” March 7 briefly thought about this question.


I’m here to save Zhou Xiao!

On March 7, I remembered the purpose of this trip…


She showed no symptoms of amnesia.

“I’m here to find someone… someone named Zhou Xiao…” March 7 said as he scanned the surrounding environment, and then felt that his painting style didn’t seem to fit in well with the surroundings.

“Where is this?”

“Zhou Xiao…” Yingmei heard this name and looked at each other with Paimon: “Has Paimon heard of this name?”

Ying asked.

“No…” Little Paimon scratched his head and thought for a moment and said no.

“As for here…this is Mondstadt…”

“Mond?” March 7 fell into deep thought after hearing this place name…

Judging from what the Black Tower said…this is Zhou Xiao’s subconscious space, and the place name of Mondstadt obviously does not exist in the real world…


Is this place important to Zhou Xiao?

March 7th’s thoughts gradually became clearer.

First she understood one thing…

That means everything around you is fake!

What screen…

What Paimon…

What Mond…

Only she March 7th is real…

There is no doubt about this…

With such a delicate illusion appearing in front of him, March 7 analyzed that this was Zhou Xiao’s inner world. Maybe something happened in the past that made Zhou Xiao have an inner association with places like Mondstadt and Ying…


March 7 seemed to have caught some blind spot.

She remembered that Zhou Xiao also had amnesia…

Don’t know where to come from…where to go!

Maybe…this inner world is the world where Zhou Xiao was born!

On March 7th, your imagination will be wide open and you will be scared to think about it carefully.

On the side, Ying and Paimeng looked at March Qi’s expressions, first confused, then doubting everything, then understanding everything, and then seeing everything… The two of them suddenly felt that March Qi might be a little mentally unwell.

“What’s wrong with her?” Yingmei asked.

“Hmm… Could it be that he just fell into the river and his brain was flooded?” Paimon, the God’s Mouth said.

“Hey…what should we do?” Yingmei said that was outrageous.

In fact.

It was an unexpected bonus that they were able to save March 7 today.

Originally, she and Paimon had just solved the crisis in Mondstadt and were on their way to Liyue. Before they reached Liyue, they saw a moon falling from the sky. Sister Qiyue fell straight into the water.

She and Paimon are kind-hearted people…

A good man who can work hard every day for ten rough stones…

Naturally, it is impossible to sit idly by and ignore it.

So March 7 was rescued.

Do not know why…

Why does Yingmei look familiar to March 7th…

“Is this… really a local?” Ying felt strange. She always felt that March 7th seemed to have some similarities with something, but she couldn’t tell what it was.

“Zhou Xiao! I am March 7th…where are you! Come out, I will take you back…”

Just as Yingmei was brainstorming, March Seven started shouting out of nowhere, which startled Paimon.

“What are you doing… shouting so loudly?” Paimon felt that March 7th was too strange, so he pulled Yingmei: “Let’s go quickly, this person is weird…”

“Zhou Xiao! Whether you want to escape or not, this place is fake! The real world is real! Even if you don’t want to face it anymore, you still have to face reality after all!”


Hearing another shout from March 7th, Yingmei and Paimon, who were preparing to leave, stopped.


“Who is the faker?”

“Are you fake?” Yingmei asked Paimon.

“I’m not…are you?” Paimon also imitated Yingmei’s tone and asked.

“Neither do I…”

“Hey, this woman seems to be really crazy.” Paimon shook his head: “I can’t even tell what is fantasy and what is reality…”

“We have to go to Liyue anyway, otherwise… take her to Liyue to see a doctor?”

“Well…” After listening to Paimon’s suggestion, Yingmei fell into deep thought: “Are we such good people?”

“Isn’t it?”

“Yes… we are good people!” Yingmei said with her hands on her hips.

A good person would never let a crazy girl die in the wild.

“Let’s do this… you come with us first. When we get to Liyue, where there are many people and a vast area, we may be able to find out the whereabouts of the person you are looking for. It will be better than just shouting and screaming here.” Yingmei He looked at March 7 and said.

“Liyue?” Yue Yueqi raised her eyebrows when she heard this.


Why is there a new place name…


Star Rail: people on the train, working from 9 to 5

Star Rail: people on the train, working from 9 to 5

Status: Completed Author:


[Honkai Star Rail fanfic, relaxed, invincible, self-disciplined]
Zhou Xiao traveled to the world of Star Dome Railway and became a logistics staff of Star Dome Railway. He also obtained a self-discipline system. As long as he disciplines himself every day, he can get random rewards.
Be self-disciplined for a year and be submissive.
Looking at Zhou Xiao's figure who was cooking on the train, Ji Zi thought calmly in her heart: Well, this logistician on our train is extraordinary...
After ten years of self-discipline, my waist will be straight.
Looking at Zhou Xiao who was wiping a knife at the back of the train, Ji Zi raised her eyebrows and thought: Zhou Xiao is the most powerful combat force on our train...
A hundred years of self-discipline, a flying dragon riding on your face.
Looking up at the frail figure competing against the Star God in the universe, Ji Zi looked solemn: At first, no one cared about how powerful Zhou Xiao, the logistics worker, was until he and the Star God were at odds...


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