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Star Rail: people on the train, working from 9 to 5 — Chapter 149

Is Zhou Xiao’s inner world… so big?

March 7 was very confused, but still followed the two sisters.

Along the way… March 7 was completely confused.

This is not the traveler Yingmei claims to be, she is a robber!

Everything in the wild can only be named Ying…

Ying’s stuff…

Sooner or later, they all belong to the Ying family.

Whether it’s wild fruits…

Treasure chest…

Or the loot dropped by monsters.

As soon as Yingmei passed by, not a blade of grass was left.

“It’s all materials…” Yingmei collected it for a long time and gained a lot. Paimon on the side was very pleased to see so many materials and trophies.

Now there are more molas to swap…

I can eat more delicious food…

Paimon and Yingmei looked at each other and smiled mischievously…


He is worthy of being the number one “guiding good person” in Teyvat!

Never just take advantage of the masses…

“Do you usually draw like this?” March 7 couldn’t help but communicate with people in Zhou Xiao’s inner world.

She originally thought that Xingmei had gone too far by digging out the trash cans every time she went somewhere… She didn’t expect that, whose subordinate is this?

Even more perverted than Xingmei!

They even took off the monster’s pants to see if they were worth anything…

“What? Isn’t this normal? Eh? How does that look familiar to you?” Paimon saw March Qi’s slightly shocked look, with a look of disgust and questioning in his shocked eyes, and he immediately crossed his arms over his chest.

“We are here to lead the good guys! The heroes who just saved Mondstadt… How can you look at the heroes with such eyes?”

“Heroes? Who are they?” Before March 7th could answer, Yingmei on the side asked first.

“Eh?” Hearing Ying’s reply to her, Paimon looked at Ying in surprise: “What about me? Am I not a human?”

“Isn’t Paimon Paimon?”

“I’m so angry. Paimon is a human being… Paimon is also a hero.” Paimon stomped his feet angrily…

“Okay, okay, Paimon is also a hero…” Yingmei comforted perfunctorily.

While March 7th was talking to Yingmei and Paimon, in another cave, a figure swayed awake…

Chapter 211 Zhou Xiao wakes up

Where… is this?

Why…is it so dark?

There was a woody smell in the humid and hot environment. Zhou Xiao found the smell unpleasant, and the darkness around him made him feel a little dazed.

I… am I dead?

Zhou Xiao’s head hurt.

He tried to recall what had happened before, but the result of his thinking was naturally a blank.

who I am?

This big question was currently in his newly awakened consciousness.

I am…

Star God?

Is it the Windrusher?

Is it…a sacred tree?

Zhou Xiao felt the pain in his head getting stronger.

He could sense that he had not lost his memory.

He remembered everyone on the Star Dome Train, the “Sixth Family” of the Star Core Hunters, his name was Zhou Xiao, and he remembered that there was something very dangerous in his body…

He remembers them all, but seems not to remember them all…

It seemed like one of the most important memories had disappeared from his mind.

Where did I…come from?

I have no memory of before joining the Star Dome Train…

When he wakes up now, it’s as if his memory has been sliced ​​into pieces. He only remembers what happened after joining the Star Dome Train…


The swelling and pain in Zhou Xiao’s head became stronger.

This made him feel pain.


He forgot.

Forgot the most important identity…

That is… the identity of a time traveler. Now in his thinking, he is a “native” of the star world, but he has forgotten which planet he was born on…

“When the sun comes out, I bask in the sun… When the moon comes out, I bask in the moon…”

Just as Zhou Xiao was thinking, a burst of singing seemed to come from outside the darkness.


What is this sound?

Listening to the sound, he began to try to move within the frame of the cuboid, trying to find out the source of the sound.

Inside the cave.

A young girl with a shovel and bare legs was singing happily and pouting dirt. Not far from her was a coffin plank that was not too decent.

Suddenly the coffin board moved, which made the girl raise her eyebrows slightly and become nervous.


“It seems like… it’s really moving!”

As soon as she finished speaking, the coffin boards in front of her suddenly exploded.


Just exploded.

The coffin boards were scattered everywhere like a goddess scattering flowers.

Hu Tao hid in a hurry and hid behind a big stone. Looking in the direction of the coffin boards, she saw a man standing up slowly and naked.

“I’m going to commit suicide!” Hu Tao was stunned. With a touch of moonlight outside the cave, Hu Tao could see the handsome face of the man in front of him, his naked body and… such a big bird.

Little bird under the moon…


Seeing this scene, Hu Tao’s face turned slightly red and she covered her eyes with one hand.

It’s an insult to politeness!

Disgraceful to gentlemen!

She thought so in her heart, but she still opened her eyes honestly and continued to look at Zhou Xiao’s body through the gaps between her fingers.

its not right…

This is not what went in!

Hu Tao suddenly realized something and frowned slightly.

She remembered…the person lying in front of the coffin of this business was an old man, and his family didn’t have much money, so she chose a slightly ordinary coffin plank.

Why has this been dropped?

Transform into a living person?

“You…who is this person, how could he be lying in the coffin? Where was the person who was lying in the coffin before?” Seeing Zhou Xiao snatching someone else’s coffin to sleep on, Hu Tao stood up and asked.

“Were you singing just now?” Zhou Xiao also looked at Hu Tao.


Double tail.

Little white socks.

These legs are very straight…

This breast…

It’s really smooth sailing.

Zhou Xiao frowned slightly.

Can this have 0.3 March 7th?

“This is the hall leader who is singing…” Hutao heard someone commenting on her singing and she put her hands on her hips very proudly: “Humph, how about it… Does it sound good?”


Does this have anything to do with how nice it sounds?

Zhou Xiao said that if he hadn’t heard the song, he could still lie down and think about the problem, but after hearing the song, he stood up directly.

Fortunately, there are no family members…

If anyone saw this scene, they would be scared to death… and I don’t know what rumors would spread.

“Shock! Is it the loss of morality or the distortion of human nature? What kind of magic is the singing voice of the leader of the Hutahu Hall of the Rebirth Hall that can make the dead sing to the point of being unable to listen anymore? 》

“Who are you? Where is this place?” Zhou Xiao did not answer the question of whether Hutao’s singing sounded good.

“Me?” Hutao cleared his throat, and then replied: “I am the seventy-seventh generation master of the Purangsheng Hall, so is Hutao. As for here… I will naturally bury you, ah no, the one before burying you. It’s the old man’s place.”

After Hu Tao finished speaking, she walked out and asked Zhou Xiao: “By the way…who are you? Why did you just lie down in someone else’s coffin? You even blew up the coffin.”


Seeing Hu Tao looking up and down, Zhou Xiao didn’t feel any discomfort at all: “Zhou Xiao, a passing star core hunter…”

At this time, he no longer remembered the identity and memory of the traveler, so naturally he didn’t have much doubts about the name Hutao… Rebirth Hall…

“Star core hunter?”

Hutao was slightly startled when he heard this name.


What is this for?


“As for why I’m lying here…I don’t know.” Zhou Xiao answered frankly.

to be honest.

He was still very messy at the moment.

In the last part of his memory, he clearly went to the Scale Abyss Realm to join the train crew and defeat the Huanhu guy. Then the thing in his body… woke up and occupied his consciousness. Everything he did after that He didn’t know anything about it.


Zhou Xiao tried to drive the power in his body, and an infinite power of original sin burst out from his body.


Star Rail: people on the train, working from 9 to 5

Star Rail: people on the train, working from 9 to 5

Status: Completed Author:


[Honkai Star Rail fanfic, relaxed, invincible, self-disciplined]
Zhou Xiao traveled to the world of Star Dome Railway and became a logistics staff of Star Dome Railway. He also obtained a self-discipline system. As long as he disciplines himself every day, he can get random rewards.
Be self-disciplined for a year and be submissive.
Looking at Zhou Xiao's figure who was cooking on the train, Ji Zi thought calmly in her heart: Well, this logistician on our train is extraordinary...
After ten years of self-discipline, my waist will be straight.
Looking at Zhou Xiao who was wiping a knife at the back of the train, Ji Zi raised her eyebrows and thought: Zhou Xiao is the most powerful combat force on our train...
A hundred years of self-discipline, a flying dragon riding on your face.
Looking up at the frail figure competing against the Star God in the universe, Ji Zi looked solemn: At first, no one cared about how powerful Zhou Xiao, the logistics worker, was until he and the Star God were at odds...


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