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Star Rail: people on the train, working from 9 to 5 — Chapter 15

“The mechanical materials ordered by the company…are still very expensive.”

Add money?

Just add money…

He is short of money!

Zhou Xiao raised his eyebrows when he heard this word, and suddenly became interested.

In the past, Ji Zi always hinted at a salary increase, but Ji Zi remained unmoved…

As for the mechanical materials, they were indeed very expensive. He checked them out on the Interstellar Peace Company’s shopping platform last night and found that every component was at a price he couldn’t accept.

“Add money? How much?”

Seeing Zhou Xiao’s interest, Ji Zi asked him to listen.

I saw Zhou Xiao’s expression change, showing a hint of satisfaction.

Chapter 21 There are always people who want to cheat people out of food and drink

This is a fairly objective number, which makes Zhou Xiao a little excited.

“Okay, I’ll complete the task.” Zhou Xiao cleared his throat and agreed.

Looking at Zhou Xiao’s leaving figure, Ji Zi stroked her fiery red hair.

Xiao Sanyue…you must seize the opportunity.

She thought for a while and silently took out her communication device and sent a message to March Qi.

At this moment.

On the snowfield outside Belloberg City in Yalilo 6, March 7th received the message from Jizi. When she saw the content of the message, she couldn’t help but frown, then turned to look at the two people behind her and said:

“Zhou Xiao is coming too.”

“?” Hearing this, Dan Heng was a little confused: “Isn’t he not coming?”

“Maybe…you can’t worry about us.”

As March 7 said this, he sent a message to Zhou Xiao and prepared to go find Zhou Xiao.

After all, a lost owl can get lost in a space station, and even more so in this unfamiliar snowfield.

However, after the message was sent for a long time, Zhou Xiao did not reply. She asked Jizi again about the time of Zhou Xiao’s departure, and it had been at least more than half an hour.

“This Zhou Xiao…won’t reply to our messages!”


is a plant.

On the vast snowfield, Zhou Xiao wore a long knife on his waist and fell into deep thought while looking at the endless snowfield.

Where did the phone… go?

In a vast white snowfield, he tried to find his cell phone with a white case, but predictably, he couldn’t see it at all.

There was a slight mistake on the train just now, which pushed him to a coordinate further away from the original position, but he had no idea that the coordinates were deviated.

As soon as he arrived at Yaliluo No. 6, his mobile phone disappeared.

Was it lost in the snowfield, or was it not taken at all?

Zhou Xiao thought for a few seconds.

Losing your phone is a trivial matter, mainly because of the browser records in the phone…

It has not been deleted.

“I still have to look for it.” Zhou Xiao said that if he didn’t delete all the browser records, he would die in peace…

In this way, he groped around in the snowfield like a gold digger.

At this moment, a group of people wearing thick cotton-padded clothes appeared from nowhere, about three or five people, also looking for something on the snowy field.

When they saw Zhou Xiao’s figure, they instantly became vigilant. When they saw Zhou Xiao looking for something on the snowy field, they took another breath.

“It turns out we met a colleague…but it was just one person.” After confirming that Zhou Xiao was alone, the eldest among them led his men in the direction of Zhou Xiao.

“Dude…how’s the going?”


Hearing the outsider’s voice, Zhou Xiao raised his eyebrows, and then saw this group of people, led by a big man with a big beard.

“What’s going on…I’m just looking for something. Did you see a white square thing?”

Listening to Zhou Xiao’s description, the expression of the bearded man’s younger brother changed slightly.

“Boss…that’s not what he said…”

“It’s nothing.” The big man interrupted the younger brother directly, then looked at Zhou Xiao and said:

“I didn’t see it…the market has been very bad recently. My brothers and I searched for a long time but couldn’t find anything decent.”

Something’s wrong…

Twelve out of ten things are wrong.

Zhou Xiao glanced at his younger brother who just wanted to say something.

Could it be that they picked it up?

“Since the market is not good, let’s look for it together.” Zhou Xiao happened to be short of a leader, and he thought these people would be quite suitable.


The bearded man looked up and down Zhou Xiao’s body a few times, and estimated that Zhou Xiao might have some treasures on him, so he nodded enthusiastically.

“Okay, what do you call brother?”


“Xiao? Well, brother Xiao, let’s look for him together.”

With Big Beard’s agreement, everyone groped around in the snowy field. In the process of groping for treasures, Zhou Xiao realized that they were a group of treasure hunters from the lower area of ​​Beloberg.

To put it simply, they are a group of people who look for ancient relics and then buy them for rich people who like to collect these relics.

This is illegal in Belloberg…but it does make a lot of money.

The group of them searched for a while and chose to hide from the wind and snow in a hidden snow pit on one side.

“Brother Xiao, you are really cold-resistant… You are not cold even if you wear so little.” The big man covered his coat and looked at Zhou Xiao’s thin clothes and said.


Zhou Xiao also felt a little strange. Even though there was such a heavy wind and snow, he couldn’t feel the cold, and a stream of warmth flowed in his body.

“Boss, boss…that white and square thing is gone.”

Just when the big man wanted to talk about something, a young man came up and whispered.

Hearing this, the bearded man’s expression changed slightly, then he glanced at everyone present, then gathered the young men together and asked:

“Where’s the stuff?”

“The things are always on the third child’s body.”

“The fourth brother said he wanted to see it, so I showed it to him, but he hasn’t given it to me yet.”

“Hey! Don’t talk nonsense. I wanted to give it to you after reading it, but the second brother said we were too careless, so he kept it.”

“What? I said it was the fourth child who was careless. I gave the things to the fifth child to hold…”

“I…I didn’t dare to take something so valuable, so I gave it to the third brother…”

Several younger brothers had different opinions and calibers, which made the bearded boss fall into deep thought.

That thing was one of the few gains they had today… it was a very beautiful ancient mechanical core, very historical and worth a lot of money.

There is indeed value for these guys to take the risk and choose to hide it privately…

“Third brother…just tell me.”

When he heard his name being called, Lao San raised his eyebrows slightly:

“Brother, it’s really not me. If it were me, I would never choose to hide things in front of so many brothers.”

It’s true that people have many eyes and mixed views, so it makes sense.

“Second brother, tell me.”

“Brother, you know me well. If it were me, when I dug out that thing, I would just keep it secret.”

The bearded man listened to his subordinates and said that it was not his own reasons. After careful consideration, it still made some sense.

So where did the stuff go?

The eyes of several treasure hunters were unanimously focused on the colleague named Xiao not far away.

“Brother Xiao, did you see a white square thing just now?” The bearded man came over and asked.

Familiar questions…

So the phone was really in their hands just now?

Zhou Xiao said no.

After he refused, several other younger brothers gradually came out with the same target.

“Stop pretending, the thing must be on you.” The fourth child said: “Who else could it be if it weren’t for you? If this thing is not on him, I will stand on my head and eat shit!”

Hearing what the fourth child said, the others were a little shocked.

I didn’t expect that the fourth child would be so cruel…

Hearing what Lao Si said, Zhou Xiao scratched his face and looked calm.

These days…

Why do people keep trying to cheat people out of food and drink… Just tell them if you want to eat, and they still make excuses like this…

Zhou Xiao said that this brother named Lao Si reminded him of an old friend named Lao Ba…

Chapter 22 Kun Feng Zha! Arena match!

A few minutes later, a ravine dozens of meters long from narrow to wide appeared on the snowfield.

And in the snow pit.

Zhou Xiao sat on one side and silently put Kafka’s long dark red knife back into the scabbard. Then he looked at the group of bearded people hiding in a group not far away and locked his eyes on the face of the fourth child and said. :

“How do you eat it?”


“Brother, please be generous and spare my life.” The bearded man really didn’t expect Zhou Xiao to be so strong.

Zhou Xiao’s casual stabbing had completely subverted their understanding and almost made him think that it was the coming of blood collapse.

“What is that white square thing…?” Zhou Xiao suspected that it was his mobile phone, but he had no evidence.

After hearing his question, the bearded man hesitated for a second and then said:

“It’s an ancient mechanical core, but I don’t know who has stolen it…”


Zhou Xiao raised his eyebrows slightly after hearing this.

The mechanical core from Yalilo Six… seems to be of some research value.

“That’s it…”

Another ten minutes later.

Zhou Xiao picked up the white mechanical core in a snow nest on the snowfield.


Star Rail: people on the train, working from 9 to 5

Star Rail: people on the train, working from 9 to 5

Status: Completed Author:


[Honkai Star Rail fanfic, relaxed, invincible, self-disciplined]
Zhou Xiao traveled to the world of Star Dome Railway and became a logistics staff of Star Dome Railway. He also obtained a self-discipline system. As long as he disciplines himself every day, he can get random rewards.
Be self-disciplined for a year and be submissive.
Looking at Zhou Xiao's figure who was cooking on the train, Ji Zi thought calmly in her heart: Well, this logistician on our train is extraordinary...
After ten years of self-discipline, my waist will be straight.
Looking at Zhou Xiao who was wiping a knife at the back of the train, Ji Zi raised her eyebrows and thought: Zhou Xiao is the most powerful combat force on our train...
A hundred years of self-discipline, a flying dragon riding on your face.
Looking up at the frail figure competing against the Star God in the universe, Ji Zi looked solemn: At first, no one cared about how powerful Zhou Xiao, the logistics worker, was until he and the Star God were at odds...


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