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Star Rail: people on the train, working from 9 to 5 — Chapter 151


Looking at this ancient city, Zhou Xiao always felt that it looked very familiar, as if he had seen it somewhere before, but he couldn’t remember where he had seen it before…

“What are your plans next?” Hu Tao asked.

“I don’t know. Let’s take a walk and take a look. I always feel like I have forgotten something most important…” Zhou Xiao said slowly.

“Maybe we can leave this planet.”

“Planet?” Hutao looked confused.

“Yes, a planet. To be precise, it may be a planet.” Zhou Xiao said.

“Um…this may touch upon the blind spot of this hall master’s knowledge.” Hutao listened for a long time but did not understand the so-called planet concept.

“Do not blame you…”

“Then how do you leave?”

“The spaceship… can be anything, or… maybe I can fly directly now.” Zhou Xiao replied.



Zhou Xiao opened his hands slightly, and a huge energy lifted him up. In an instant, he slowly lifted into the air under Hu Tao’s gaze… and flew higher and higher.


“What the hell, taking off on the spot?” Hu Tao didn’t understand, but was shocked.

Looking at the ground getting smaller and smaller, Zhou Xiao also gradually rose to higher and higher places.

As the saying goes, if you stand high, you can see far. At this moment, he also saw the hazy topography of this continent.


There are mountains.

There are lakes.

There is a desert…

There seemed to be some small island thundering and lightninging in the distant sea.

This terrain…

These countries…

No matter how you think about it, it feels very familiar…

Zhou Xiao covered his head slightly, feeling some pain in his brain. Some memories were in his mind like the speed of light, and finally condensed into four big characters.

Genshin Impact…Start~!

When he suddenly remembered these four characters, the entire consciousness space was trembling and collapsing. March 7th, Jizi, March 7th, Kafka, and Silver Wolf who were in different countries all felt that the world was spinning. .

The world…is collapsing!

at the same time.

Star Iron World, in the Black Tower Space Station.

The machines originally used to save Zhou Xiao exploded into pieces with a loud bang, startling everyone, and the Black Tower on the side frowned when they saw this.

“What happened…” Walter pushed up the glasses on the bridge of his nose, stepped forward, looked at the smoke-filled laboratory and asked his soul.

“The energy is overloaded. Something big seems to have happened in Zhou Xiao’s consciousness space…” Heita answered while operating the instrument to save him.

“Now what?”

“Go and pull Jizi and the others out first…” Heita said.

She said not to blow up in a moment, blowing up everyone in the cabin…

“Okay…” Walter nodded, and then called out to Ren and Danheng who were fighting in the distance: “Stop fighting, hurry up and save people…”

In the melee, Dan Heng and Blade were inseparable, and naturally they were inseparable. Walter had no choice but to go alone and pull everyone out of the cabin.

As soon as he opened the cabin, he suddenly raised his eyebrows and showed a confused look. He swallowed and said that he couldn’t believe his eyes. He opened another cabin again, and the result was the same…

“Miss Heita… everyone is gone.”


Hearing Walter’s voice, Heita’s expression was even more startled: “How could…”

She put down the instruments and equipment in her hands, and then she and Walter opened all the cabins. The result made them both confused.

Except for Zhou Xiao’s main cabin, everyone else disappeared into the cabin without a trace.

“This… is so strange, so strange!”

“Pull him out first…” Heita said that everything exceeded her expectations.

Walter pulled Zhou Xiao out, and everyone temporarily moved to another laboratory. The black tower isolated Walter and others, and then used various instruments to check Zhou Xiao’s condition alone.


Too strange.

The more Walter thought about it, the stranger it became.

They run the laboratory themselves. Logically speaking, it is impossible for anyone to take away so many people from under their noses…

After a moment.

Heita walked out of the laboratory, her expression serious.

“How’s the situation?” Walter asked.

“It’s very bad. The current situation is… Zhou Xiao is in a vegetative state. He has life characteristics, but it is more difficult to wake up… As for Jizi and the others… I don’t know what’s going on.” Heita led The situation was very bad: “No, I’ll ask the members in the club…wait a minute…”

Heita said and returned to the laboratory again.

This time she stayed in the laboratory for a long time, and finally, under the joint research of many cutting-edge scientists in the universe, she determined the situation.

This is the case.

Very complicated.

To put it simply, Zhou Xiao’s consciousness time materialized due to some factors and became a real inner world. The specific dimension is not yet known…

Both the real world and the other world have become the real world, and Zhou Xiao’s body has now become the entrance to this world. Only by connecting with Zhou Xiao’s body can one enter the gate of the other world…

When Walter listened to Black Tower’s academic explanation and simple explanation, he was completely confused.

Wasn’t it originally said to be the space of consciousness?

Why has it become a real world again…

Can you also suck people in… cross dimensions?

Is it so complicated?

“That means…now Jizi, Yue Yue and the others are actually in the otherworld created by Zhou Xiao?” Walter asked.

“It should be confirmed.” Heita nodded.

“Then what’s the reason for this?”

“Well…it’s hard to say. Who knows what is hidden in this kid? To be honest, he can create the world…He can also be called the Creator…It’s outrageous.” The Black Tower shook. Shake his head.

Normally, most people’s consciousness space is illusory at best, and they can be temporarily entered through dreams. But Zhou Xiao directly turned the consciousness space into the other world.

It’s like…

“Dimension expansion…” Heita suddenly thought of a concept and said it out: “This kid forcibly upgraded the consciousness space to another dimension…”

“This…” Walter pushed up the glasses on the bridge of his nose and asked Heita: “Then is there any way to rescue Jizi, Mitsuki and the others now?”


Listening to Walter’s question, Black Tower thought for a moment, then looked at Walter: “Want to see the other world?”


Calabash baby saves grandpa.

Delivered one after another.

The idea of ​​the Black Tower is that it is basically impossible for the outside to destroy the inner world, and the risk is very high, so the only way is to send people in and send people out from the inside. Although the risk is also very high, you can try it.

Of course.

This is definitely not because Black Tower wants to go to the other world where Zhou Xiao’s consciousness space was elevated to study…

“Give it a try… This time I will send a puppet to go down with you.” Heita said.

A few days later.

Save the soldiers, oh no, save Zhou Xiao?

That doesn’t sound right either.

The parallel machine that should be used to explore the other world is finally completed.

Under the auspices of the Black Tower, the second batch of people sent to the other world lay in the cabin.

Blade, Danheng, Walter, Black Tower (codename sixty-three)

Under the control of the Black Tower, the four people prepared all the work before departure.

Looking at Zhou Xiao’s body in the central cabin, Walter silently pushed up the glasses on the bridge of his nose. This scene was just like that at that time, and he was a little excited for some reason.

new world…

The Collapse World, the Star Iron World, and now he is going to a newer world…

It’s really…unexpected.

That’s all.

This time it’s to save people…

Walter’s consciousness gradually blurred, and the next moment he and the other three disappeared into the cabin, leaving Black Tower alone in the huge laboratory.

new world…

Came only for salvation…

Zhou Xiao! Here we are!


Star Rail: people on the train, working from 9 to 5

Star Rail: people on the train, working from 9 to 5

Status: Completed Author:


[Honkai Star Rail fanfic, relaxed, invincible, self-disciplined]
Zhou Xiao traveled to the world of Star Dome Railway and became a logistics staff of Star Dome Railway. He also obtained a self-discipline system. As long as he disciplines himself every day, he can get random rewards.
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After ten years of self-discipline, my waist will be straight.
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A hundred years of self-discipline, a flying dragon riding on your face.
Looking up at the frail figure competing against the Star God in the universe, Ji Zi looked solemn: At first, no one cared about how powerful Zhou Xiao, the logistics worker, was until he and the Star God were at odds...


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