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Star Rail: people on the train, working from 9 to 5 — Chapter 17

In this way, the audience will not be able to tell his identity as a rookie.

Question him, understand him, be him!

The thugs in the background gradually understood the double-knife guy after Zhou Xiao’s nineteen-game winning streak.

He has great wisdom.


“There’s no one left? I’ll just get the bonus if there’s no one left.”

Zhou Xiao saw that no one was in the ring, so he successfully got a small sum of money.

I’m a little embarrassed to get this money… Zhou Xiao weighed the heavy bag of money and thought to himself.

Under the watchful eyes of the audience, Zhou Xiao took the money bag and left the fight club.

No one knew him when he arrived, but when he left, the name Kunfengzhe was already etched in the hearts of everyone present.

“Kun Feng Zha!”

As soon as he walked out of the door, club owner Scott hurriedly greeted him. This old man was quite old. He rubbed his hands and looked at Zhou Xiao with a smile on his face.

“What’s your business?”

“I am Scott, the owner of the club. There are too few potential newcomers like you. I see that you are very short of money. Do you want to sign a contract with me? Come to the club to box and I will give you money…”

Listening to Scott’s words, Zhou Xiao raised his eyebrows slightly.

“Forget signing the contract, I don’t have that time… As for free events such as ring competitions, I can come and get the prize money for free.”

“That’s enough, that’s enough.”

Hearing that Kun Feng Zhe was interested in the ring competition, Scott quickly nodded in agreement. He just planned to use the group ring competition as Kun Feng Zhe’s main gimmick.

The largest clinic in Panyan Town.


Or should be said to be the only clinic in Panyan Town.

Doctor Natasha was a little surprised when she saw a group of wounded people from the Fight Club entering the clinic.

Although the fight club would send some injured people on weekdays, there were definitely not as many as today.

Natasha checked everyone’s injuries and found something strange.

There are not many fighting scars on these wounded people, but more of them are straight cuts. Some have injured their arms, some have injured their chests, and some have even injured their thighs…

It’s all trauma…

“Are you…defeated by the same person?” Natasha, who looked as tender as water, asked.

“Yes…” One of the wounded men covered his thigh and then said, “That’s the one who provoked the entire club and took away the bonus.”

“You said he can just get the bonus if he gets the bonus. He has to kill us with one move. How can we hang out in the club from now on…”

Kunfeng person…

Hearing this nickname, Natasha kept her expression straight and was already thinking about whether she had heard of this person.

“Is this new to your club?”

“No… I don’t know where he came from. I’ve never seen him before. It’s really just him doing a sneak attack. He doesn’t follow martial ethics. Otherwise, I can definitely stop him and kill him…” Another wounded person replied Natasha’s question.

Never seen…?

Natasha pursed her lips and then began to treat the wounded.

Medicinal bandages used for trauma are also rare underground, so treating these wounded is quite resource intensive.

Although Natasha repeatedly advised club owner Scott not to engage in dangerous events, Scott did not listen at all.

In the eyes of profiteers…money is more important.

Panyan Town, in the Goethe Hotel.

Zhou Xiao, the master of Kunfeng, bought a room with the money he just earned. From what he could see, it was a very simple and crude room. It was definitely not as good as the train, but the underground environment was pretty good.

ps: Silver Wolf is crooked, so sad, woo woo woo.

Chapter 24: You arrest Kun Feng Zhe, why are you looking for me, Feng Feng Zhe?

This thing can be programmed…and you can practice mechanical modification skills underground. Zhou Xiao was lying on a simple bed, holding the mechanical core he obtained from the treasure hunter in his hand.

When the time comes, just rub it with your hands and take it out…

Just as he was putting away the mechanical core and preparing to prepare a bite of dinner in the evening, he suddenly felt as if the wardrobe behind him moved.


Zhou Xiao raised his brows slightly, feeling a little strange. Then he opened the closet and saw that it was empty except for a few metal hooks nailed to the wooden board.

I read it wrong?

Zhou Xiao closed the cabinet door and prepared to go downstairs. Before going downstairs, he caught another glimpse of his cabinet moving again.

Zhou Xiao was silent for a moment when he saw this, and then suddenly thought of someone discussing something about the closet demon before he went upstairs.

He touched his chin, then silently removed the cabinet boards piece by piece and placed them on the side of the room.

There are no cabinets now.


After finishing all this, Zhou Xiao closed the door and went downstairs to eat.

The food in Panyan Town can only be said to be passable. After all, the connection with the upper level areas is almost cut off, so it is already good to have something to eat.

After Zhou Xiao tasted a portion of stewed beans, he noticed a girl with blue-black hair near the Goethe Hotel. The girl was looking at something from time to time.


Zhou Xiao recognized this girl from the Earth Fire Organization in the lower district at a glance.


It doesn’t seem to be much older than March 7th.

One point five March seven?

Zhou Xiao suddenly felt that using March 7th as a unit of measurement was quite standard. After dinner, it was his private time.

When he is not on the train, he can have more leisure options in his private time, such as walking around at will, or tasting the turbid honey drink in Panyan Town.

Looking at the thick and turbid liquid in the cup, Zhou Xiao’s mouth secreted saliva subconsciously.

Is this thing really unique to Panyan Town?

Why does it feel darker than Himeko’s coffee?

Adhering to the principle that money should not be wasted once it has been spent, Zhou Xiao drank the liquid in the cup in one gulp.

Bacillus is microbial!

Zhou Xiao burped and thought this thing was suitable for March Qi to try.

What does it taste like?

It’s like aloe vera juice, slippery and sticky like snot.

Still following…

Zhou Xiao put the cup down and noticed the blue-black haired Xier with his peripheral vision.

Go all the way.

He discovered that the girl from Earth Fire seemed to have been following him.

Could it be that the Earthly Fire has already reached such heights?

Will one more outsider notice?

Zhou Xiao touched his chin, and then took Xi’er to a remote path. He wanted to confirm what Xi’er wanted to do.

The way back is a bit complicated, but finding his way into such dark paths is naturally what the lost owl is good at.

In a dead end, Xi’er was blocked in the alley. Just as she was about to go out, she saw Zhou Xiao standing outside the alley.

“What’s up?”

There was no light source in this invisible underground place. Zhou Xiao spoke keenly to the trash can on Xi’er’s left.


“Who are you talking to?” Xi’er looked at the direction of Zhou Xiao’s conversation and raised her eyebrows slightly.

Perhaps because she has lived underground for a long time and is more sensitive to the low-light environment underground, Xi’er can see Zhou Xiao’s figure.

“With you.”

“I’m here…”


After hearing Xi’er’s words, Zhou Xiao looked slightly embarrassed, and then adjusted his posture, quite calmly, as if nothing had happened.

As long as I am not embarrassed, someone else will be embarrassed.

“What are you looking for me for?”

“Kunfeng Zha, right? Earthfire has already targeted you, a gangster. Come with me.” After being discovered, Xi’er said bluntly without hiding it.

Originally, the task she received was just to keep an eye on Kun Feng Zhe…

“Kun Feng…” Zhou Xiao was silent.

“You want to capture Kun Feng?”

“So be it.”

“You Earth Fire want to capture Kunfeng Zha, what does it have to do with me, Gale Winder?” Zhou Xiao said that Kunfeng Zha was just a rumor from the outside world, and his own nickname was Gale Winder.

“Are you… the Windbreaker?” Xi’er was stunned for a moment and felt a little strange: “You didn’t go to the fight club to compete in the ring today?”

“That is the Kunfeng One, and I am the Swift Wind One.”

“Did you find the wrong person?” Xi’er was a little unsure.

“Then you must have found the wrong person.”

“Then why haven’t I seen you before?” Xi’er asked again.

“There are so many people in Panyan Town, how can you possibly meet everyone here.”

“Indeed…” Xi’er nodded, and then said to Zhou Xiao: “Sorry, Windbreaker…”

“It’s okay, it’s okay. I thought I was being followed by robbers and homeless people, but I didn’t expect it was a fire…” Zhou Xiao quickly got rid of Xi’er’s suspicion of him and prepared to leave.

He hadn’t gone far when Xi’er, who took out the small photo in her arms, realized something was wrong.

Although the equipment used to take the photos was a bit old and the photos were not very clear, some features of the image could still be vaguely seen. After carefully comparing it with the Stormrider in her memory, Xi’er immediately knew that she seemed to have been tricked.

“This guy!”

Xi’er drew out her scythe and rushed out.

“Sun thief! How dare you lie to me!” Xi’er was very fast. Her turn was her turn, other people’s turn… was her turn, which caused her to catch up with Zhou Xiao very quickly.

Facing the menacing Xi’er, Zhou Xiao could only say…this girl is a little smarter than March 7, but still not much.

Xi’er seemed to be really not prepared to show mercy. The long-handled scythe in her hand struck Zhou Xiao mercilessly. Zhou Xiao did not panic. He stretched out his left hand, slightly bent his index finger, and then flicked it outward with a blast. The air blade, which could not even be detected by the naked eye, knocked Xi’er to the ground without any hindrance.

Xi’er, who fell to the ground, fell into a daze for a second with the scythe in his hand broken into two sections from the handle.

Just… broken?


Star Rail: people on the train, working from 9 to 5

Star Rail: people on the train, working from 9 to 5

Status: Completed Author:


[Honkai Star Rail fanfic, relaxed, invincible, self-disciplined]
Zhou Xiao traveled to the world of Star Dome Railway and became a logistics staff of Star Dome Railway. He also obtained a self-discipline system. As long as he disciplines himself every day, he can get random rewards.
Be self-disciplined for a year and be submissive.
Looking at Zhou Xiao's figure who was cooking on the train, Ji Zi thought calmly in her heart: Well, this logistician on our train is extraordinary...
After ten years of self-discipline, my waist will be straight.
Looking at Zhou Xiao who was wiping a knife at the back of the train, Ji Zi raised her eyebrows and thought: Zhou Xiao is the most powerful combat force on our train...
A hundred years of self-discipline, a flying dragon riding on your face.
Looking up at the frail figure competing against the Star God in the universe, Ji Zi looked solemn: At first, no one cared about how powerful Zhou Xiao, the logistics worker, was until he and the Star God were at odds...


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