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Star Rail: people on the train, working from 9 to 5 — chapter 2

It seems like I have seen it somewhere.

Star Core Hunter?

Zhou Xiao thought back.

The two women in front of him were the ones behind the attack on the space station by the antimatter corps, Kafka and Silver Wolf.

Didn’t I go to the platform?

How could this happen to both of them?

Zhou Xiao fell into deep thought, and at the same time he also questioned his sense of direction.

Could I really be lost?


A slightly playful whistle came from Kafka’s mouth, and she slightly lowered her eyes to look at the silver wolf beside her.

“These are still a bit troublesome. Is this in Elio’s script?”

“Not here…” Silver Wolf answered decisively: “Leave it to you, make a quick decision, we don’t have much time…”

“Well… don’t worry, it will be soon.”

Kafka walked towards Zhou Xiao as she spoke, and the silver wolf beside her disappeared in the blink of an eye, and the next second appeared at the control device at the door of the monitoring room.

“Kafka… I’ll go in and look for the star core first, and you can solve it as soon as possible.”

Listening to the voice of Silver Wolf in the communication in his ear, Kafka moved his wrist and replied: “I know.”

The lazy look in her eyes faded:

“listen to me…”

“listen to me…”

She slowly walked towards Zhou Xiao, her tone becoming more and more bewitching.

“You have never seen us, you have never been here, you are very tired and sleepy now, and you want to sleep…”

When Zhou Xiao listened to Kafka’s voice, a vague fragrance came to his nose, like a pair of soft hands caressing his face, bewitching his mind.

Seeing that Zhou Xiao’s movements seemed slow, Kafka raised the corners of his mouth slightly, and took a good look at Zhou Xiao with his eyes.

“It doesn’t look like someone from the space station, but from the Star Dome Train? He looks pretty good, but it’s a pity. Sister, I’m busy today and don’t have time to play with you…”

After Kafka finished speaking, she snapped her fingers. According to the past plot development, the person in front of her should fall asleep after snapping her fingers, and she continued walking towards the monitoring room.


Zhou Xiao was silent for two seconds and looked at Kafka’s back as he walked forward.

It seems like she did something to me…

But why didn’t I react at all?

Are you going to clash with the Star Hunters? It seems like the gain outweighs the loss.

Then… I should cooperate and lie down?

Zhou Xiao hesitated for a few seconds, and then prepared to lie down on the ground. In order to prevent the daily necessities he purchased personally in the box from colliding, he deliberately placed the box on the ground very squarely.

I bought this with my salary… put it away.

He thought and prepared to lie down. His rough movements made a sound, causing Kafka to stop.

Kafka turned her head and was slightly startled when she saw that Zhou Xiao was not controlled. A flash of surprise flashed in her eyes.

“What are you doing?”

“Ah… to cooperate with your performance, fall to the ground…” Zhou Xiao did not expect Kafka to come back.

“This is impossible…” Kafka seemed to have made a mistake. Seeing a look of seriousness on her face, Kafka quickly reacted.

“That’s all…since it’s no longer in Elio’s script and you are so disobedient, then you can’t blame me…little brother.”

Time was tight, and Kafka had no time to think about the reason for her miss. She pulled out two firearms similar to submachine guns from her waist, and then pointed them at Zhou Xiao’s body.

As a bunch of bullets were fired at close range, Zhou Xiao hurriedly dodged. He never expected that the “big-hearted” woman in front of him would attack so decisively.

While dodging, the box of supplies he had placed was unfortunately shot through by Kafka…


is a plant.

Zhou Xiao was already a little angry when he saw several bullet holes on the supply box he purchased with his salary.

I chose to cooperate with your performance…but my reaction was a little slower, but you can’t shoot me in the box.

Zhou Xiao seized the opportunity, sprinted with both feet, and instantly pulled out the long knife hanging from his waist, backhand slashing towards Kafka’s position.

So fast!

Kafka was shocked.

She obviously didn’t expect that the man in front of her could dodge her bullet.

Not only that, she didn’t expect that this man could draw his sword so quickly and fight back under such intensive shooting.

Chapter 3 I was careless! No flash!


With a dull sound of metal colliding, Kafka dropped his two guns in his field of vision and replaced them with a long knife with a dark red blade and a white and black handle, intercepting Zhou Xiao’s slashing.

This guy…what’s his background.

Kafka felt the power transmitted from the blade, and the powerful force made her mouth numb. After only a second of confrontation, she understood that she had no advantage in competing with him.

She saw her retreating to avoid Zhou Xiao’s slashes with her body, and then the long knife in her hand slashed towards Zhou Xiao like a rainstorm of pear blossoms. With her extremely fast slashing speed, she was able to suppress Zhou Xiao’s attack. .

“Kafka, I have found the location of the star core…haven’t you finished yet?” Silver Wolf’s communication voice came to his ears, and Kafka also cut off the long knife in Zhou Xiao’s hand with his backhand. .


Kafka looked at the broken half of the blade and handle in Zhou Xiao’s hand and whistled naturally: “It seems…brother, the quality of your knife is very average, that’s all, sister won’t play with you anymore.” .”

From the confrontation just now, Kafka also knew that she would not be able to take down Zhou Xiao for a while. It happened that Silver Wolf had already determined the location of the star core, so she didn’t want to get entangled here.

Looking at the broken long knife in his hand.

Zhou Xiao fell into silence.

Money is hard to make, and Ori is hard to eat.

He also knows that the quality of his long knife is average, but it is indeed a long knife that he spent a lot of money to buy…

Good this time.

Another expense.

Zhou Xiao’s calm eyes looked at Kafka who was leaving and the long knife in Kafka’s hand, and an invisible air flow suddenly echoed in the passage.

“Wait a minute…”

Zhou Xiao’s deep voice sounded slowly, followed by an invisible air blade slashing in the direction of Kafka.

The extreme airflow turned into the sharpest blade in the world, passing by Kafka’s side and cutting the metal door of the control room into two pieces.

Kafka was stunned, and the hair beside her ears flew in the direction of Zhou Xiao driven by the air current. Looking back, she saw that Zhou Xiao was surrounded by a seemingly tangible and invisible… “wind”.

The next second.

Zhou Xiao, who was in sight, disappeared instantly. Kafka also felt a strong sense of crisis at the same moment, which made her subconsciously draw her sword to resist.


A huge force caused the long knife in her hand to come out, cut two and a half circles in the air, and stuck straight into the ground.

There were also a dozen blade wounds of various sizes on her body, and her whole body crashed into the monitoring room like a kite with its string broken, and then stopped.


The waiting Silver Wolf saw Kafka’s embarrassment, and an imperceptible surprise appeared on his face.

“Never had a fight?”

This was really beyond her expectation. In her knowledge, it seemed that she had rarely seen Kafka miss.

“He made a sneak attack, but I was careless and didn’t dodge.”

Kafka licked the blood from the corner of her mouth. The smell of blood made her reflect a little. She had used the spirit of words too much on weekdays, and her skills had fallen behind.

“Complete the task first…According to Elio’s script, we don’t have much time.” As if sensing Kafka’s excitement, Silver Wolf reminded him.

“I know, I know.”

Kafka, led by Silver Wolf, passed through the monitoring room and came to the place where the star core is stored. When Zhou Xiao entered the monitoring room, Silver Wolf’s magical method of “modifying reality data” randomly transmitted the coordinates of a space station.

Zhou Xiao, who was holding Kafka’s sword in his hand, looked at the several soldiers of the Anti-Material Legion in front of him and fell into deep thought.

Where am I now?

the other side.

Kafka put the star core into a body as a carrier. Looking at the girl in front of him who slowly opened her eyes, there was a hint of surprise on her face even though she was a little embarrassed.

She said a lot, but before she could finish, Silver Wolf urged her to leave.

The bottom floor of the space station.

Silver Wolf glanced at Kafka, whose shirt was torn, and said calmly:

“I’ll teleport that kid back…and she’ll follow the Star Dome Train.”

“Well…” Kafka responded, and then asked: “The person I am fighting with…”

“I checked. It’s indeed someone from Star Train. His name is Zhou Xiao. According to the files… he’s a logistics worker.” Silver Wolf answered as if he knew what questions Kafka would ask.


Kafka was a little surprised when he heard this answer.

She didn’t seem to have expected that she had been fighting with a train attendant for so long, which almost delayed her business.

“Your injury…” Silver Wolf asked again.

“It’s okay…” Kafka stroked her hair beside her ear, and then remembered something: “But my knife… seems to have been taken away by that person…”

“Want to snatch it back?”

“There’s no rush… Since he’s on the train, we’ll wait until we get to the next place. Let’s lend it to him for a while first.”

Kafka stretched out her waist, recalling the scene of the battle with Zhou Xiao just now in her mind.

Manipulating airflow as a means of attack… it is really not easy for people to detect the attack position.


If this were to be fought in space or a place without air circulation…how much more could he use this method?

Inside the space station.

Zhou Xiao was forced to move his position again.

The whole process was like a spatial displacement, appearing in a new scene instantly. He remembered that he was still preparing to reply to Jizi’s message, and he appeared here the next second.



Star Rail: people on the train, working from 9 to 5

Star Rail: people on the train, working from 9 to 5

Status: Completed Author:


[Honkai Star Rail fanfic, relaxed, invincible, self-disciplined]
Zhou Xiao traveled to the world of Star Dome Railway and became a logistics staff of Star Dome Railway. He also obtained a self-discipline system. As long as he disciplines himself every day, he can get random rewards.
Be self-disciplined for a year and be submissive.
Looking at Zhou Xiao's figure who was cooking on the train, Ji Zi thought calmly in her heart: Well, this logistician on our train is extraordinary...
After ten years of self-discipline, my waist will be straight.
Looking at Zhou Xiao who was wiping a knife at the back of the train, Ji Zi raised her eyebrows and thought: Zhou Xiao is the most powerful combat force on our train...
A hundred years of self-discipline, a flying dragon riding on your face.
Looking up at the frail figure competing against the Star God in the universe, Ji Zi looked solemn: At first, no one cared about how powerful Zhou Xiao, the logistics worker, was until he and the Star God were at odds...


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