Switch Mode

Star Rail: people on the train, working from 9 to 5 — Chapter 20

Facing the automatic robot from Beloberg’s ancient technology in front of him, Zhou Xiao expressed great interest.

“Looking for…me?” Swaro paused, trying to understand the logic of Zhou Xiao’s behavior in looking for him.

After a moment.

Crisis resolved.

Zhou Xiao was sitting on the soft red sofa, not far away was Swaro’s huge mechanical body.

“Outsiders…what do you want to talk to me about?”

“Look at this.” Zhou Xiao took out the control core that he had rubbed with his hands.

The white square core instantly turned into endless data information in Swaro’s eyes.

“h4396 mid-range logic processing core, the control logic has been changed…”

Swaro quickly found the model of the white core. He was a little confused because the internal logic and programming template of the processing core had been completely changed.

It seems that the core algorithm does not seem to be Belloberg’s stuff.

“A modified mid-range logical processing core…what do you want to do?”

Swaro felt that the core modifications in front of him must have come from the hands of outsiders in front of him.


ps: Please help me recommend the book, thank you~

Chapter 28 Hand Rubbing Gundam! Clara’s shock!

“I want to test this processing core, and I need some mechanical materials. Naturally, you have the most mechanical materials in the entire lower area.” Zhou Xiao told Shivaro his needs without concealment.

“Mechanical… material?” Swaro was silent, as if analyzing the logic.

“Outsider, why should I help you?”

“Help? Or maybe everyone gets what they need. I need you to provide mechanical materials, and I can also help you transform and repair the automatic robots here.”

Listening to Zhou Xiao’s words, Shivaro was silent again. He analyzed Zhou Xiao’s behavioral logic in the database.

“Are you here… to apply for a job?”


“As an outside variable, coming to apply for a job here… an outsider, I don’t understand the logic of this behavior.”

“Mr. Swaro…” At this moment, Clara’s white-haired little head was revealed.

She seemed to have been secretly listening to the conversation between Zhou Xiao and Mr. Swaro.

“Mr. Swaro… Do you want to keep Mr. Zhou Xiao and give it a try…”

Clara is kind.

Even though Zhou Xiao had been so fierce just now, she still said a word for Zhou Xiao.


Swaro would usually not refuse Clara’s request.

“You can try it. As for the mechanical materials you mentioned…there are a lot of them here.” Swaro finally agreed to Clara.


Swaro looked at the back of Zhou Xiao and Clara leaving, and the purple-red light mask dimmed slightly.

He doesn’t like the existence of variables, because after all, variables will lead to inaccurate data calculations.

Zhou Xiao followed Clara and first came to repair Jarvis who was chopped down by him.

“Mr. Zhou Xiao…it will be more troublesome to repair this.” Clara simply wanted to introduce Zhou Xiao to the process of repairing the machinery.

Zhou Xiao listened for a while and touched his chin.

Is this difficult?

At this moment, he already had a blueprint for repair and the logic of transformation in his mind.

“I come…”

Zhou Xiao started the operation. He first cut the metal extremely skillfully, and then repaired and welded it on Jarvis’s mechanical body.

“This transformation should be better…”

After Zhou Xiao’s operation, Jarvis had changed drastically, and he had even been transformed into a third hand.

“Connect the logic unit…”

“Try restarting.”

“Oh, yes, the control core has also been destroyed. I happen to have one here.”

Zhou Xiao inserted his programmed control core into Jarvis’s metal body. As the energy was re-supplied, Jarvis was restarted and started the self-test program.

“Detecting each body control unit module…”

“There is no problem with the behavioral logic…”

Under Clara’s confused eyes, the new Jarvis slowly stood up.

Today, Jarvis is almost as tall as Shivaro. In addition to the two standard hands, Zhou Xiao also installed one more. Each of the three hands has different weapons.

The right hand is a short-axis mechanical howitzer, the left hand is a giant mechanical claw, and the third hand is a weapon similar to a chain saw blade. Once activated, it will rotate at high speed and become a cutting tool.

Propulsion devices are placed on each foot, and as long as the energy is sufficient, it can jump in a small range.

The rusty metal shell and some ancient steam jet devices give Jarvis the afterglow of a battle-hardened experience.

“Confirm authority… Xiao, the first person with authority.” Under the logic of the control core, Zhou Xiao became Jarvis’s number one person with authority.

“Hello, Xiao, my master, I am Jarvis, and I obey your summons.”

Jarvis’s mechanical voice sounded, causing Clara to raise her eyebrows slightly.

“Jarvis?” Clara’s childish voice was filled with disbelief.


There are still traces of Clara’s data in Jarvis’s data.

“Jarvis…is this really you?” Clara took out the photos she had taken of Jarvis and her.

In the photo, Jarvis still looks like the automaton “Tooth Wolf”, but the Jarvis in front of him has the appearance of a heavily armored warrior.

“It’s me…” Jarvis glanced at the photo first, and then added:

“I was… very thin at that time.”

“…” Clara.

“Not bad…”

While Clara was talking to Jarvis, Zhou Xiao was also checking Jarvis’s specific condition.

First time hand rubbing Gundam’s work…

how to say?

The materials are very ordinary, but the advantage is that there are many that can be used. After all, they are all metal parts that the gold-mining wanderers have found one by one to confirm that they can be used.

If the materials and energy can support it, he can transform more cool technologies.

For example, the third hand can be modified into a thermal chain saw blade, or equipped with an electromagnetic pulse device to perform electromagnetic explosion.

Lots of ideas, but energy is a big issue…

“Jarvis…activate investigation mode.” Zhou Xiao gave the order.

“Yes, reconnaissance mode is being activated.”

As the two folding drones popped out from Jarvis’s back, the propellers began to rotate and take off. With the assistance of miniature electronic eyes, Jarvis could see the surrounding situation.

The function is still normal…

Zhou Xiao nodded with satisfaction. These two drones were just made by him. They were imitated from Ji Zi’s drones. They were purely low-end versions, but they were still sufficient.

“Mr. Zhou Xiao…Can Jarvis still follow me in the future…”

Clara said that every automaton is her friend and family.

“Ah… of course I can do it here.” Zhou Xiao looked at Jarvis and gave the order.

“Jarvis…protect Clara.”

“Yes, my master.” Jarvis began to follow Clara for personal protection.

At first glance, this huge and burly mechanical body thought it was Swaro behind Clara.

“Thank you…Mr. Zhou Xiao.”

Clara was happy that Jarvis was fixed. Although this image of Jarvis was very different, she could still accept it.

There are also a lot of damaged automatic robots in the camp to replace with new ones.

“There is nothing you need to thank me for.” Zhou Xiao said.

With the help of Clara’s relationship, he was able to gain a lot of practical experience in mechanical transformation in the mechanical gathering place.

When Swaro saw Zhou Xiao and Clara again, and saw Jarvis’s current figure, he paused obviously.


This is Jarvis!


Swaro was also a little amazed at Jarvis’s new image.

There is a saying that the transformation is quite unique. Judging from the predicted data, Jarvis’s body function has improved by about 70% compared to before.

This boost is very intense.

But a lot of materials are consumed.

In addition to the improvement in body function, he could also see that Jarvis’s control core had been replaced.

Now Jarvis has no connection except the database and his database connection.

ps: Please support me, wow.

Chapter 29 Xier’s doubts!

“Mr. Zhou Xiao…can I really eat this?”

Clara looked at the two home-cooked dishes placed on the table with her big watery eyes and cautiously asked the busy figure not far away.

“Eat…what are you afraid of? I’m meant to eat.”

It was just about time for dinner, so Zhou Xiao simply made dinner at Swaro’s place.

Two very simple and homely side dishes.

In an environment where resources are tight in the lower district, it is good to have some food. Although the ingredients are very ordinary, the appearance and color are very good.

This is more derived from the fact that before Zhou Xiao got off the train, he was afraid that the food in Yaliluo No. 6 would not taste good, so he brought his own condiments.

The secret sauce he prepared on the planet Yalilo 6 is “technology and ruthless work”.

After getting Zhou Xiao’s promise, Clara took a bite.

As soon as she took a bite, she felt Zhou Xiao’s exquisite cooking skills, which was completely different from the food cooked by homeless people outside.

“Mr. Swarovski, please try it…it’s really delicious.” Clara looked at Swarovski’s mechanical body and said.

Listening to Clara’s voice, a glimmer of light shone under Swaro’s purple-red light.


Star Rail: people on the train, working from 9 to 5

Star Rail: people on the train, working from 9 to 5

Status: Completed Author:


[Honkai Star Rail fanfic, relaxed, invincible, self-disciplined]
Zhou Xiao traveled to the world of Star Dome Railway and became a logistics staff of Star Dome Railway. He also obtained a self-discipline system. As long as he disciplines himself every day, he can get random rewards.
Be self-disciplined for a year and be submissive.
Looking at Zhou Xiao's figure who was cooking on the train, Ji Zi thought calmly in her heart: Well, this logistician on our train is extraordinary...
After ten years of self-discipline, my waist will be straight.
Looking at Zhou Xiao who was wiping a knife at the back of the train, Ji Zi raised her eyebrows and thought: Zhou Xiao is the most powerful combat force on our train...
A hundred years of self-discipline, a flying dragon riding on your face.
Looking up at the frail figure competing against the Star God in the universe, Ji Zi looked solemn: At first, no one cared about how powerful Zhou Xiao, the logistics worker, was until he and the Star God were at odds...


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not work with dark mode