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Star Rail: people on the train, working from 9 to 5 — Chapter 21

I don’t know if I should say it or not.

“Mr. Zhou Xiao, your permissions have been entered into the access control. Please don’t damage the door next time…”

When she said goodbye to Zhou Xiao, Clara’s belly was already bulging.

Although she could also eat food given by uncles and aunts outside the camp on weekdays, it was obviously not as delicious as Zhou Xiao’s.

Looking at the broken door, he reminded Zhou Xiao carefully.

“That’s for sure. Let’s go first, little Clara.”

Zhou Xiao has no plans to live in the mechanical settlement. After all, it’s either mechanical remains or mechanical remains. It’s too weird to sleep there.

On the way back to the Goethe Hotel from Swaro’s territory, Zhou Xiao suddenly found that there were a lot more people talking about him on the road.

“It’s the Kunfeng Master…”

“I heard that he signed a contract with Scott and became Scott’s special boxer…”

After Zhou Xiao inquired about the conversation of passers-by, he realized that Scott seemed to have used him as a gimmick to launch a new challenge.

As long as he can defeat Zhou Xiao in the challenge, he will receive a generous reward worth 100,000 yuan.

Of course.

It doesn’t matter if you don’t defeat them, there are still generous rewards for the top few.


Pure gimmick…

Zhou Xiao remembered that he was talking about the bounty for free prostitution competitions. Later, Scott said that it was no problem, as long as it was named after his name.

When he thought that the person who named the name was Kun Feng Zhe and not Gu Feng Zhe, he agreed and successfully received a small sum of money.

“That’s all… taking people’s money, why don’t they use gimmicks?” Zhou Xiao felt that this was like an advertising endorsement.

He returned to the vicinity of the Goethe Hotel, and a dirty little boy with a large box in his arms approached him.

“Sir… do you want to buy a beautiful crystal?”


Zhou Xiao was slightly startled when asked.

The little boy he saw in his field of vision was wearing dirty work clothes that didn’t fit his body shape. He had a kind smile on his little face with some freckles. The most noticeable thing was that the little boy’s left eye…


There is a prosthetic eye in the socket of the left eye.

Zhou Xiao was silent for two seconds.

“Sir, would you like to take a look first? I picked up these beautiful crystals carefully in the mine. They are not expensive at all.” The little boy said as he opened the old box in his hand, and saw each one with colorful shapes. Different stones were displayed in front of Zhou Xiao.

These stones cannot be said to be expensive stones, but their shapes and colors are a bit special.

“How much do you want to sell it for?”

“Three yuan a piece.” The little boy was still smiling.

Three yuan a piece…

It’s not expensive either.


What is the use of these broken crystals?

Zhou Xiao felt that it was of little practicality, so he waved his hand towards the little boy and then walked towards the hotel.

After taking just a few steps, he hesitated again, stopped and turned back.

That’s all.

Bought as a souvenir.

“Seven dollars,” Zhou Xiao said.

“Okay, okay, sir, you take your pick… These are all good ones.” When he heard that Zhou Xiao wanted seven yuan, the little boy hurriedly introduced these crystal stones to Zhou Xiao.

Zhou Xiao didn’t pay much attention to the specific crystals. He randomly selected a few pieces, then took out a Winter City Shield with a face value of one hundred and handed it to the little boy in front of him.

The little boy took it and was a little frightened when he saw that it was in denomination of one hundred. After all, he didn’t have enough money to give Zhou Xiao change.

“No need to look for it.” Zhou Xiao seemed to notice the little boy’s slight embarrassment and said slowly.

“Ah?” After hearing Zhou Xiao’s words, the little boy hurriedly shook his head: “That won’t work…don’t move around here for now, I’ll break the money…”

Zhou Xiao: “…”

Why do these words sound familiar?

The little boy disappeared in a flash. In order to reassure Zhou Xiao, he left the box containing the crystals where he was.

This kid…

Zhou Xiao stopped where he was and helped the little boy look at the box for a while.

Natasha Clinic.

Xi’er got off the hospital bed and touched her lower abdomen first. The pain made her feel a little real.

“Are you awake? How do you feel?” Natasha asked when she saw Xier waking up.

“It’s okay…it just hurts a little.” Xi’er answered.

Recalling the previous battle with the Windbreaker in her mind, she felt even more ashamed.

It was just seconds away.

“This abominable Windbreaker…he must have an ulterior motive for coming to Panyan Town! No, I have to go and keep an eye on him.” Xi’er looked like she was not afraid of death.

“He doesn’t seem to be malicious. He is the one who sent you back for treatment. Besides…you are still injured, so you should go back and rest more.” Natasha said very gently.

“He sent me for treatment?” Hearing this, Xier was a little confused. Suddenly she thought of something and looked at Natasha:

“Are you sure? It seems like you haven’t seen the Windrusher before, right?”

“Well… Oleg just came to see you, and I took a look at the photo of the Windrusher.” Natasha explained casually, and then added:

“Okay, I’m a doctor, not a detective. What the doctor can tell you is…get more rest and don’t involve the wound…”


Xi’er was filled with doubts at the moment. Under Natasha’s persuasion, she did not stay in the clinic for long and chose to return home to recuperate.

Not long after she left the clinic, Xier, who was confused, turned towards the Goethe Hotel.

“Huh? Why did Xiao Hao sit with him?”

She was walking very fast, and before she reached the entrance of the Goethe Hotel, she caught Zhou Xiao and the little boy who was blind in his left eye sitting on the steps not far from the Goethe Hotel.

Chapter 30 The cyber doctor in the lower area!

“Sir, is this soda delicious?”

The little boy sitting on the steps not far from the Goethe Hotel was sipping the turbid liquid in the tin can. To him, it seemed that the liquid in the tin can was as precious as nectar from the sky.

“Hmm…it tastes good.” Zhou Xiao agreed.

how to say.

The liquid in this iron can tastes like ordinary saccharin mixed with water, and it is filled with a very crude can made from an old can I don’t know where.

“Yeah, I think so too. Although it tastes good, it’s still a bit expensive…” the little boy said with a smile.

“…” Zhou Xiao fell into silence as he looked at the giggling boy beside him.

The little boy just went to break the money and wanted to give him the change, but he didn’t ask for it, so the little boy thought over and over again and ran to buy a homemade soda for three Winterfell guilders to treat him to. drink.

“Xiao Hao…come here quickly.”

Xi’er, who was injured, came forward and pulled the little boy to keep a safe distance from Zhou Xiao.

“Sister Xi’er…”

From his tone, Xiao Hao seemed to know Xi’er.

“Xiao Hao, don’t get too close to strangers casually!” Xi’er looked at Xiao Hao and said, her tone implying that Zhou Xiao is not a good person.

“Sister Xi’er… Mr. is really a good person.”

“Can good guys and bad guys be known from the first meeting? Have you forgotten that…” Xi’er suddenly realized something in the middle of speaking and held back her words.

“Anyway, go back quickly…”

“…Okay.” Xiao Hao nodded, and then said to Zhou Xiao: “Thank you, sir, I’ll leave first…”

Under Xi’er’s urging, Xiao Hao left here with the box containing the spar.

After Xiao Hao left, Xi’er still looked wary and looked at Zhou Xiao before saying: “I don’t know what you came to Panyan Town for, but if you hurt Xiao Hao, I will I will definitely not let you go.”

“Which eye of yours saw me hurt him?”

“…” Xi’er was silent for a moment, and then replied: “Nothing is the best.”

After saying that, she turned and left, leaving only Zhou Xiaoju where he was.

Zhou Xiao: “…”

Looking at Xi’er’s back, Zhou Xiao said…it’s better to just take advantage of the heat…


It would be better not to save her just now.

By the way, do I really have a face that doesn’t look like a good person?

Zhou Xiao couldn’t help but think about this problem in his heart. Clara before, Xi’er now…it seemed that when outsiders first saw him, he was not a good person.

Returning to the Goethe Hotel, Zhou Xiao stood in front of the mirror and took a good look at his own image in the mirror.

The facial features…are pretty three-dimensional, and there are basically no mood swings on his face, so he looks very cold and emotionless.

His lips are thin and he has the feeling of a villain. If he wears gold-rimmed glasses, it would fit perfectly with the word “gentle scum”.


This is the first impression you get.

Zhou Xiao stood in front of the mirror and deliberately made some ferocious expressions, which seemed inconsistent.

Lying on the simple bed, Zhou Xiao was thinking about his next plan.

Logistics tasks collect special products and achieve the goal.

Attempt to use the Mechanical Modification Technology and bring back a mechanical body on the train…half the goal achieved.

Zhou Xiao thought for a while. His basic mission of coming to Yaliluo Star had been completed. The next step was to consider how to get in touch with the train…

It is estimated that Xingmei and the others are almost at the lower level.

It shouldn’t be a problem if you wait two more days…

Zhou Xiao briefly recalled the few original plots in his mind, and then felt that the problem was not big.

According to the original plot, after Xingmei and her group caused a wave of trouble in the upper area, they naturally had to escape to the lower area, and they could just meet up then.

Perfect mission to go…


It’s really perfect when you think about it.

But can the mission go so smoothly?

It’s obviously impossible.

In the next few days, Zhou Xiao did not wait for news that Xingmei and her group had arrived in the lower area, which made him wonder if he had been abandoned by the train.


Star Rail: people on the train, working from 9 to 5

Star Rail: people on the train, working from 9 to 5

Status: Completed Author:


[Honkai Star Rail fanfic, relaxed, invincible, self-disciplined]
Zhou Xiao traveled to the world of Star Dome Railway and became a logistics staff of Star Dome Railway. He also obtained a self-discipline system. As long as he disciplines himself every day, he can get random rewards.
Be self-disciplined for a year and be submissive.
Looking at Zhou Xiao's figure who was cooking on the train, Ji Zi thought calmly in her heart: Well, this logistician on our train is extraordinary...
After ten years of self-discipline, my waist will be straight.
Looking at Zhou Xiao who was wiping a knife at the back of the train, Ji Zi raised her eyebrows and thought: Zhou Xiao is the most powerful combat force on our train...
A hundred years of self-discipline, a flying dragon riding on your face.
Looking up at the frail figure competing against the Star God in the universe, Ji Zi looked solemn: At first, no one cared about how powerful Zhou Xiao, the logistics worker, was until he and the Star God were at odds...


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