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Star Rail: people on the train, working from 9 to 5 — Chapter 22


How strange.

How could there be no movement at all?

After Zhou Xiao transformed another automatic robot in the mechanical settlement, he sat on the steps of Swaro’s castle and fell into deep thought.

“Brother Zhou Xiao, you are really amazing. Clara admires you.” Clara, wearing a red coat, stood barefoot next to Zhou Xiao and looked at Zhou Xiao with admiration.

In the past few days, Zhou Xiao has joined the mechanical settlement, and a group of automatic robots with incomplete mechanical bodies have been repaired and partially transformed.

Zhou Xiao’s repair technology requires fewer metal parts, so the number of robots that can be repaired will naturally increase.

The masterful rejuvenating mechanical transformation technology made the robot soldiers shout “3Q, Doctor Zhou”.

“What do you admire?” Zhou Xiao, whose thoughts were interrupted, looked at Clara and asked.

“I admire big brother for being able to revive so many friends…” Clara said with excitement on her face.

After getting along with each other for a few days, Clara obviously became less wary of Zhou Xiao, and gradually regarded Zhou Xiao as a “family member” of the mechanical colony.

“What’s the matter…” Zhou Xiao stood up from the steps, moved his body, and then prepared to leave the mechanical settlement. He came to the mechanical settlement at a fixed time every day to “practice”.

“Thank you, Dr. Zhou Xiao…”

The automatic robot not far away slowly thanked Zhou Xiao with its mechanical voice after passing through a wave of self-test logic modules.

The problem with this automatic robot is that the left and right mechanical legs are scrapped. After Zhou Xiao’s transformation, it now has eight mechanical legs, which is very stable.

There is no problem if one or two are missing.

Being thanked by the automatons was a voice Zhou Xiao often heard recently, making him feel as if he was at a free clinic.

Cyber ​​doctor?

Zhou Xiao suddenly thought of such a title in his mind.

Just a fool.

“Let’s go.” Zhou Xiao patted his butt and was about to leave. Before he could take two steps, Swaro’s voice stopped him.

“Mr. Zhou Xiao…”


When he heard Swaro calling him, Zhou Xiao raised his eyebrows slightly.

“whats the matter?”

“I want to… talk to you about a problem.” Swaro said straight to the point.


Hearing Shivaro’s request, Zhou Xiao felt helpless.

In the past few days since he came to the Mechanical Settlement, Swaro would come to him almost every few days to discuss some issues.

The euphemistic name is to look at the impact of variables on big data analysis.

After a moment.

Swaro sat down opposite Zhou Xiao and said the issue of this discussion:

“The issue discussed today is…how to preserve the lower area.”

ps: please support~

Chapter 31 Lord Dark Hook!

As everyone knows.

The current outside temperature of Yalilo 6 is extremely cold and is not suitable for human survival. The city builders built the last city of Beloberg with the will of preservation.

However, according to Swaro’s data, the temperature in Beloberg City is gradually decreasing, and the earth marrow resources in the lower area are also decreasing.

The final result may be that the lower areas cannot survive.

“Based on the current known amount of earth marrow reserves in the lower area and the average earth marrow consumption in recent years, it can support the lower level for 175 days, with an error of no more than three months…” Swaro Using big data analysis.

“By then, both the ground and the underground will be completely sealed in the ice.”

Listening to Shivaro’s question, Zhou Xiao raised his eyebrows slightly and recalled the plot in the original work.

“You can just seal the star core, and the source of the cold wave can be eliminated in the lower area and preserved.”

“Star core?”

Hearing this special term, Shivaro collected the information about the star core in the database.

He didn’t know whether the star core was related to the cold wave. In his database, the previous batch of city builders had been studying the star core but in the end they had nothing to do with it.

“How to seal the star core is a problem that I cannot give a solution to.” Swaro’s mechanical voice sounded slowly.

“As long as you take out sixty stars, someone will naturally come to seal it…”

“What’s the meaning?”

“Ah, you don’t understand, you forgot.”

The conversation with Swaro did not last long, and Zhou Xiao walked towards the Goethe Hotel.

“Big brother.”

Before Zhou Xiao could enter the hotel, Xiao Hao trotted to the door of the hotel, still holding something in his hand. He seemed to have a limp as he trotted.

“It’s you…” Zhou Xiao was not too surprised to see Xiao Hao.

In the past few days, Xiao Hao often came to Zhou Xiao, a “good guy”, with what he thought was delicious and delicious food from the lower class area. The food was not expensive, just some snacks.

Sitting on the steps outside the Goethe Hotel, Xiao Hao handed the yellow-brown crystal in his hand to Zhou Xiao and said:

“Sugar, big brother, please try it.”

Zhou Xiao took it over and saw a bruise on Xiao Hao’s short forearm under the miner’s uniform.

“A fight?”

When he heard the word fight, Xiao Hao looked slightly unnatural and said hurriedly: “No way… we just bumped into each other in the mining area.”

“Pay more attention. If it doesn’t work, stop picking it up and find another job.”

“I’ve found a new job in…”

Zhou Xiao didn’t hear what Xiao Hao said clearly, he licked the crystal in his hand.

The taste was not sweet but rather bitter, which immediately made him frown, and he looked at Xiao Hao.

“Is this candy?”

“Yeah…” Xiao Hao was a little confused and licked another crystal in his hand, and found that the taste was completely different from the one he tasted when he first bought it.

“How could this happen…” Xiao Hao was slightly startled, and his intuition told him that he seemed to have been deceived.

“where did you buy it?”

“The mining area…under the mining area.” Xiao Hao replied: “I bought it from an old man. He said it was special sugar crystals…I even tasted it.”


Zhou Xiao sighed silently.

The little Hao in front of me is really too easy to trust others. This may be due to the innocence and kindness of children.

Based on his contact with Xiao Hao in the past few days, he found that Xiao Hao wanted to help any person or creature that Xiao Hao felt was miserable…

It is clear that his life is not satisfactory, but he cannot see the suffering in the world.

A child whose parents died and grew up in an orphanage had to make a living on his own at a young age. He picked up crystals in the mining area and couldn’t sell even one for a long time…

Even if I eat less, I will help the little wild cats that pass by and come to beg for food…

In the chaotic environment of the lower area, he was like a little lamb, and he might be separated by the wolves in the lower area at any time…

Xiao Hao lost his left eye because he trusted strangers too easily.

Seeing that Xiao Hao was a little depressed, Zhou Xiao was silent for a second, and then touched Xiao Hao’s head:

“Let’s go, I’ll take you to buy candy.”

How to put it this way, there are only a few places where Zhou Xiao can help Xiao Hao, which is buying the crystal stones that Xiao Hao picked up, taking Xiao Hao to eat, take a bath, etc.

As for further help, he can only say that it is unlikely that he will do it. Firstly, he is not a very helpful person. Secondly, he does not know how many days he can stay in Yaliluo 6. Darkness is more despairing than seeing a glimmer of light in the darkness and then falling back into darkness.

“Brother…do you have anything you like?”

While walking on the road, Xiao Hao suddenly asked such a question.

“Something?” Zhou Xiao shook his head when he heard this: “There’s nothing you like. If you like it, it’s probably just a small amount of money.”

“Money…” Xiao Hao scratched his head, then chuckled: “I like it too… With money, you can do a lot of things…”

“Eh? Lord Dark Hook!” Little Hao suddenly shouted towards the child not far away as if he saw someone.

Hearing the sound, Lord Dark Hook turned his head and waved after seeing Xiao Hao:

“Knight of Hao of Stone!”

Shi Zhihao…Knight?

Zhou Xiao said that this title was too middle-class and would easily lead to social death. Only Xiao Hao and Hu Ke could say it at their age.

“I haven’t seen you for a long time, Knight Shizhihao.” Hook came over with several “men”.

“This gentleman who doesn’t look like a good person…is the Zhou…Zhou Xiao you mentioned as a good person?”

Hook pinched his waist and raised his head to look at Zhou Xiao.


“Yes, Lord Dark Hook.” Xiao Hao was a little happy to see Hook.

He and Hook knew each other only because Hook had protected him when he was bullied, so he successfully joined the Mole Party founded by Hook.

It’s just that Xiao Hao usually has his own things to do, and usually doesn’t participate in the Mole Party’s adventures.

Hook looked Zhou Xiao up and down several times, then said:

“Very good, you have my approval…I now allow you to be friends with Knight Shi Zhihao.”

“Since you are a friend of Knight Shizhihao, you are also a friend of the Mole Party. I have to give you a nice title…”

Hook touched his chin, racked his brains for a moment, and then spit out a six-character title.

“The Ruthless Owl Knight!”


When he heard this title, Zhou Xiao’s expression was like the emoji of the old man on the subway looking at his cell phone, with a black line on his forehead.

“Don’t give people random titles!”

Chapter 32: One chop, just one chop!

No matter how Zhou Xiao objected, the name “Cold Owl Knight” was remembered by the kid Hook. In the days to come, Hook would call him “Cold Owl Knight” whenever he saw Zhou Xiao.

Time passed by a few days later, and Zhou Xiao still did not wait until March 7th and others arrived at the lower area. Instead, he used Shivaro to modify the auditory receiving and transmitting unit and the receiving unit to establish certain contact with the train.

“The radio signal from outside the planet has been received…” When Swaro’s mechanical voice sounded, Zhou Xiao, who was squatting beside him, slowly stood up.

“This is logistics officer Zhou Xiao, can the train crew receive my message?” Zhou Xiao used the receiving and transmitting unit to transmit an electronic signal that the train crew could decipher.

Not long after this message was sent out, Shivaro received an electronic signal of the same frequency.


Star Rail: people on the train, working from 9 to 5

Star Rail: people on the train, working from 9 to 5

Status: Completed Author:


[Honkai Star Rail fanfic, relaxed, invincible, self-disciplined]
Zhou Xiao traveled to the world of Star Dome Railway and became a logistics staff of Star Dome Railway. He also obtained a self-discipline system. As long as he disciplines himself every day, he can get random rewards.
Be self-disciplined for a year and be submissive.
Looking at Zhou Xiao's figure who was cooking on the train, Ji Zi thought calmly in her heart: Well, this logistician on our train is extraordinary...
After ten years of self-discipline, my waist will be straight.
Looking at Zhou Xiao who was wiping a knife at the back of the train, Ji Zi raised her eyebrows and thought: Zhou Xiao is the most powerful combat force on our train...
A hundred years of self-discipline, a flying dragon riding on your face.
Looking up at the frail figure competing against the Star God in the universe, Ji Zi looked solemn: At first, no one cared about how powerful Zhou Xiao, the logistics worker, was until he and the Star God were at odds...


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not work with dark mode